Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 2

by T. Saint John

  Chapter 5


  I survived my first day. Mean bitch Katherine made sure I spent my day finger-deep in assholes. I am proud of myself because I did it without complaint, but the first thing I am going to do is shower. I need to wash away today.

  In the shower, I lather up my hair with my favorite shampoo. It’s strawberry scented and I’ve loved the smell since I was a child. Maybe I should start buying the salon crap, but I just can't spend extra money on something that isn't a necessity. Growing up, money was always tight. I do spend too much occasionally on beer, but only because after a day like today, it’s a necessity.

  After I finally feel clean enough, I decide to head down to Hansons, the bar across from the hospital. I need to unwind and eat greasy bar food. I order a beef quesadilla and a Corona.

  My thoughts shift to what happened today. Dr. Hotty Asshole comes to my mind. I don’t know why he looked so dismissively at me. I am not unattractive. I have great oral hygiene, so I know it’s not bad breath, or anything. Come to think of it, no one really talked to me today unless it was to order me around. I am already starting to miss my family and friends, the people who get me.


  Every time I walk into Hansons, I feel overdressed, even in jeans and a button up. I meet my brothers here for a beer on a regular basis. It's just easier because I am usually on call.

  Looking around, I see my brother Maddox sitting in our usual corner booth. I scoot in and ask where Evan is.

  "At the bar trying to pick up some new pussy," he says, and I roll my eyes not surprised.

  "We are going to have to find a new place to eat if you all keep fucking everyone I work with," I say, annoyed because I’m the one who has to hear the rumors about the Stone brothers.

  "What's wrong with us fucking people you work with? Besides, aren't you fucking Sarah?" he shoots back.

  "Christ, Maddox! Can you keep your voice down? I work with these people, and I think Sarah is done with me."

  "Does that mean she's available?" He asks with a cocky grin.

  "Sure. If you want my sloppy seconds and a needy B- in bed," I say seriously.

  "What happened with the girl at the bar?" Maddox asks Evan as he slides into the booth.

  "She shot me down. Said if I touched her again, she would kick me in the nuts so hard my kids would come out limping." We all start laughing.

  "My kind of a girl. Looks like I'm up." Maddox challenges.

  "What? No," I growl. I love my brothers but they think with their dicks. No control. We are all so different. It shows in our professions and even more in our choice of women.


  Sitting at the bar having a Corona is just what I needed. A good-looking guy approached me the moment I walked in. It bothered me because he didn't even give me a chance to sit before invading my personal space. Overbearing is the word that comes to mind.

  I am not into alpha males. Maybe in the books that I read, but in reality, I know I want to be treasured and find passion. Which is why at twenty-four, I'm still a virgin. Those who know think it's because of my dad and that I am waiting until marriage. Truth is, though I believe in God, I don't follow the preacher’s daughter mold.

  Where I grew up, my high-school graduating class had fifty-two people. That meant my options were limited. You have to take into account fifty percent were girls. Out of the fifty percent of boys, twenty percent were ugly. The other thirty percent were sleeping with everyone else but me.

  Small town gossip is always abuzz. My father would have heard about anything that his dear daughter tried. Even though I don't follow the mold, I would never embarrass him like that.

  During the two years of my missionary trip, there wasn't much time, or opportunity. Most men were either married or just too old for me, and we went days without a shower. Eww.

  During college, there were a couple of close calls. I was interested is this guy, Jeremy. He is now known as Jeremy the Jackass. He kept hitting on me in Biology class. He was funny, smart, and handsome. He took me to dinner a few times and a couple of movie dates. We made out a few times. The one, and it ended up being the only time, I invited him back to my dorm room; I gave him a blowjob. I was ready to give it up. To my disappointment, once he found out that I was a virgin, he hightailed it out of there. He wanted quick and easy. He got off; he got out.

  It hurt that I put myself out there. Looking back, he did us both a favor. Now I know if doesn't feel right and you don't feel passion, don't waste your time. Don’t do it. I confided in my best friend, Kelly, who was not a virgin. She agreed. Her words to me were, "It hurts, you bleed, and then they leave."

  After that whole fiasco, nursing school made me her bitch. It kept me busy and away from guys. So, here I am twenty-four and a virgin, waiting for passion.

  "Hey beautiful, you shot down my brother. That earns you another Corona," my thoughts are interrupted.

  "No thanks. I'm good," I say to yet another good-looking guy. Does Chicago only breed hot guys? He looks so familiar. Maybe he just looks like his brother.

  "You can’t say no to one of Chicago's finest." I look up at him. Fine does not describe him. Panty-dropping hot would, though. I need him to leave. NOW.

  "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. I had a shit day and just want to wallow," I smile.

  "Shit day?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

  "Yeah. Literally, a shit day," I laugh.

  "Well, let me buy you a drink then I will leave you to wallow," he smiles back.

  "Thanks. My name is Molly." Shit! Why did I tell him my name? I hope he doesn't think I'm interested. As if sensing my discomfort, he hands me my beer.

  "Relax. It's a free beer. By the way, I'm Maddox." He extends his hand and I shake it. He does what he says and leaves me to wallow. Why did I send him away? I want to make friends, but I'm sure making friends is the last thing on his mind.

  "Wow, a girl who doesn't drop to her knees and blow the hottest guys this side of Chicago."

  I turn to look at the bartender who is smiling a genuine smile. For whatever reason I sit a little taller. I lift my glass.

  "You new here?" She asks.

  "Yeah. I’ve been here two weeks. I just started working at the hospital. In fact, today was actually my first day," I explain.

  "Cool. Name’s Kerrigan," she extends her hand.

  "I'm Molly. Nice meeting you, any suggestions on gyms or sights to see?" I ask.

  "Gyms, no. I don't go." I look at her with hate in my eyes. She is a perfect ten. I have to work out or I am Fatty McButterpants.

  "Sights? Again, no. If you live here long enough, you'll see it all," she says.

  "Well, you've got to give me something," I demand with a grin.

  "You busy tomorrow?"

  "I work, but I'm free after seven," I reply.

  "Want to have dinner with me and some friends? Nothing big, just a pizza and beer,” she says.

  "Will I sound desperate if I say yes and then do a little song and dance?" I ask jokingly.

  "Yes, but now you have to sing and dance on the bar," she says in all seriousness.

  "I was just kidding." I blush.

  She walks to the music control. "Country or pop?" Kerrigan asks.

  I laugh and think, well you wanted to unwind. I scan the bar and only see a handful of people. Most are in their own world.

  "You pick." I know I sound giddy. She winks and gets onto the bar extending her hand. Then I hear the music start.

  Chapter 6


  "Back so soon?" I tease.

  "Yep. No one is getting into those panties," Maddox says.

  "Maybe she is a lesbian?" Evan wonders aloud.

  "Or maybe Kerrigan is giving her a rundown on you manwhores," I smirk.

  "Us? Manwhores? You get more pussy than the both of us," Maddox chides.

  "True. But I rarely frequent the same one twice, besides Sarah," I respond.

  Suddenly, music starts playing. I don'
t pay much attention until I hear someone singing. Hmm, whoever is singing sounds hot. Most people who sing at a bar sound horrible.

  I hear a few guys whistle, and now I am interested. I turn around and lock eyes with the new nurse, Molly. Fuck me! She looks shocked to see me. She rolls her eyes and turns to start dancing super close to Kerrigan.

  What the hell? My first thought is that I want to drag her off the bar so no one else can enjoy the show. My second thought is that she is trouble.

  "Not a lesbian," Evan yells over the music as he watches her shake her very firm ass in front of the men who have gathered in front of her.

  "I don't get it. She said she just wanted to sit there and wallow over her shit day. Now she is flapping her ass in front of those jerkoffs," Maddox said.

  "Shit day?" I ask.

  "Yeah, she said she had a shit day and wanted to wallow."

  "She said shit day?" I ask again thinking she has a dirty mouth. Hmm. She's not a girl you would take home to your mom, but a mouth you could go balls deep in. I quickly adjust myself. I have to get out of here. Not happening, not my type. She enjoys the spotlight too much.


  "That was awesome! Thank you," I say to Kerrigan. I feel much better.

  "Now I know you'll fit in and you're welcome,” she replies.

  I go to jump off the bar and not so graciously slam into... please GOD. No. I look up and yep, there he is. Dr. Hotty Asshole, front and center. Dammit.

  "Sorry," I whisper.

  "I guess I know why you were late this morning. Drinking and dancing on bars is hard on a career," he says with a smirk on his face.

  Well, now I am pissed. "Look, asshole. I am a twenty-four year old woman who is living her life the way she chooses. You may be my superior there," I say pointing towards the hospital, "but in here you're just another asshole sent to ruin my day," I yell.

  Oh God. I've always spoken my mind. No filter. This outburst, I am sure, has earned me a lifetime of enemas. I risk a glance at him. I wish I hadn't. I am met with angry eyes. No, wait, pissed-as-hell eyes. If I could give myself my right hook, I would.

  He leans in closer to me. I want to back up, but don't. He will not intimidate me. His lips brush my ear. My stomach turns. He smells amazing. He smells clean. He smells delicious. His smell is all him, all sexy male Dr. Hotty Asshole.

  "If you ever fucking talk to me like that again, I've got something rather large I'd like to shove in your mouth to shut you up," he says, in a sexy, dominating voice.

  I know my panties shouldn't be wet at the sound of his threat, but they are. However, I need him to know I am not a child. He will not bully me.

  "For a doctor, it seems you know nothing about anatomy. I have incredibly strong teeth. I hear that the penis, no matter how large," I know I am blushing, but I continue, "is the most sensitive place on a male's body. I'd hate to bite down. It would really suck to see you cry like a little girl. Major turn off." This time I see anger and desire in his eyes.

  "So, I turn you on Molly?" he asks. I shiver at how sexy he sounds.

  "You did, until you opened your asshole mouth," I say with confidence and I am proud of myself.

  Chapter 7


  After my run-in with nurse Molly, I can't get her out of my mind. She has given me many things to think about. First, she is beautiful. I would say perfect if it weren't for that foul mouth of hers. No one speaks to me that way. It pisses me off that she tried to put me in my place. Truth is, I don't value her opinion.

  Second, she may be intriguing but she is late for work, a drinker, a bar dancer, and needs to be the center of attention. I couldn't fuck her without her running her mouth to everyone.

  Third, there is that protective instinct I felt when the guys were watching her dance her firm ass around the bar. I'd love to smack her ass, and here my thoughts once again leave me with a hard on.

  Besides my brothers, I've never been protective. My dad was a drunk. I remember my brothers getting caught smoking his cigarettes. My dad used his fist to teach them a lesson. I stepped in between and took the hits. It wasn't the first, or last, time either.

  I've spent my entire life keeping people at arms length. It's why I don't want to be married. It's why I don't want children. I like controlling my own life. I don't want to take care of anyone, besides my patients and myself. Maddox says I got into medicine because I like to fix things. I think I did it because I know what can be fixed and what is beyond fixing.


  The good news is I will be on time today. The bad news is that I know at some point I will have to deal with my outburst with delicious-smelling Dr. Hotty Asshole. Why did I have to say anything? Not only do I have to worry about Mean Bitch Katherine, but now also Dr. Stone.

  During my walk to work, I start thinking about home. People there are friendly. They are supportive. Bitches are everywhere; of course, we have our share of them. Kentucky bitches are totally different than Chicago bitches. We just slap the shit out of people and move on. Here, they make you feel inferior and that's what I hate. I wanted to say yesterday I actually wasn't late. In fact, I was two minutes early. Being petty would earn me no points, though.

  I should have gotten an apartment farther away because I look up and I am already in front of the hospital. I want to whine, but I plaster a confident look on my face and walk through the sliding doors.

  It's insane.

  "Hope you have your running shoes on. Pile up on the freeway, at least seven patients incoming," Katherine shouts. At least she doesn't have time to be bitchy.

  I run to grab supplies and wait on the first ambulance. I am beginning to notice I work with lazy people. No one else gets up to help. It will make my day go faster. I am ready to move.

  The ambulance arrives.

  "Forty year old unrestrained passenger. Hit his head on the windshield but didn't go through. Vitals good. Head laceration is deep,” the first paramedic says. Well it's not something that'll keep me busy very long, but it does keep eyes off me.

  After I finish with my patient, I notice everyone else has gotten off their asses and are busy. I look around to see who needs help.

  "I need extra hands here."

  Yep, of course he does. Dr. Hotty Asshole doesn't know whom he is about to see, but I am sure it's going to piss him off.


  Christ. Why her?

  "How can I help?" she asks.

  I know she is in work mode. This is good. I can work with this.

  "I need you to order a head CT, and have an OR on standby. Why people allow their toddlers to ride in the front seat is beyond me," I say, adrenaline spiking.

  "Yes. Dr. Stone," she states in a firm voice. Looking at this little guy, I am worried he is out of time. Pupils are unresponsive, no reflex movement. I want to hunt these parents down and throat punch them.

  "Dr. Stone, they're ready." She walks forward gathering tubes and cords to get ready to transport him.

  "Thanks." I say as I pass by her. She rushes with me to the elevator. Hmm. She is obviously focused.

  Four hours later, I get the phone call that the little boy will pull through. I finally exhale. I walk out to the nurse’s station before heading home. I see Molly charting. She looks up and smiles.

  "He made it, Dr. Stone. Good work." She throws her hand up to high-five. I can't leave her hanging so I slap her hand. I let my fingers hold on a little too long. She looks away quickly. Interesting, Molly is feeling me. Surprisingly, I am feeling her too. Doctor and nurse relationships aren't against the rules. It is frowned upon though. It doesn't matter anyway. I won't sleep with her.


  I head to Hansons to meet Kerrigan. Pizza and beer, nothing could be more perfect right now. Thankfully, today wasn't too bad. I didn't get yelled at. Dr. Stone didn't leave my high five in the air. After I did it, I felt childish. When he slapped my hand and let his fingers linger, I felt a jolt of electricity run through me. I know he felt my shiver.
  What is going on with this man? He acts like he hates me one minute and the next he acts like he wants me. Indecisive men have never appealed to me. I want someone who knows what they want. Obviously, this man doesn't.

  Kerrigan spots me when I walk in the door.

  "Hey just cashing out. Give me five."

  I nod understanding. I’m excited to meet people because I am in need of a social circle. Nothing is more lonely than going home to an empty apartment with sparse furniture. Decorating isn't my thing good cheap sales are though. My apartment looks like a thrift store threw up in it.

  "Molly. Did you come to do another dance?" Noah says coming out of the bathroom. WHY?

  "Did you come to hassle me? Like I said yesterday it’s none of your business."

  "I'm on call. I came to have dinner with my brothers. Why are you here?"

  "I can talk slower for you if I need to. It’s. None. Of. Your. Business. Now move, I need to use the restroom." He throws his hand to the wall to prevent me from passing. Asshole.

  "You always this quick tempered?"

  "Only when assholes won't let me go to the bathroom." Hell. I did it again.

  "Two strikes, Molly." Dr. Hotty Asshole says in low, sexy voice. His eyes. God. Why can't he be Dr. Fatty Asshole?

  "I swear I will junk punch you if you don't move." He leans his head back and starts laughing. It pisses me off more. I grab his arm to move it.

  Holy hell. I want to rub my hand up and down. They feel defined. Not bulky, just hard, smooth muscle and no fat. Again, he gets in my ear.

  "Like what you feel Molly? Judging by the doe-eyed look you do."

  "No. Actually I was trying to decide where to pinch to cause enough pain that you'd move." I squeeze his arm. Again, I didn't get the pain I was after, just another laugh. He moves his arm though. Once in the bathroom, I splash water on my face. What is his problem? At work, he is completely professional. I need to find another bar. Running into Dr. Stone all the time can only spell disaster. I finish quickly and walk out to the bar. I see him staring at me. I want to flip him the bird, instead, I roll my eyes.


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