Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1)

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Finding Stone (The Stone Brothers Series) (Volume 1) Page 13

by T. Saint John

  I get to my apartment before Kerrigan or Maddox. I left early because I wanted to learn the train schedule. It's actually pretty easy, only four stops away. I glance toward Hansons and I see Kerrigan walking towards me. I can't help but wave at her. She is such a pretty girl. Her light brown hair falls midway down her back. She's just a little taller than me, maybe 5'6”. She's naturally skinny, the kind of skinny that all of us girls would like to be, the effortless kind. Must be nice. I don't think I have ever seen her wear much make up, just a natural beauty.

  "Hey, Kerrigan, I am so glad to see you, it feels like it's been forever."

  It’s a little awkward. I've not really talked to her since the whole Aaron thing. It's not her fault that he's a complete dick.

  "It does, doesn't it? It’s been close to a month. How are you holding up?"

  "It's been kind of crazy, a little stressful and a whole lot of pregnant."

  "Huh? WHAT did you just say? Who? What? All I heard was the word 'pregnant'.”

  She's just standing there with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open. I can't help but laugh. "I know, it was a shock! It's all good right now. Everything is slowly working out. Noah is the father."

  "Dr. Noah Stone? God, your baby is going to be gorgeous," she smiles.

  "Enough about me, how have you been?"

  "Okay, I guess. I’ve been busy with work and stuff, haven't had a lot of time for much else."

  "Listen, I never got the chance to apologize about the Aaron thing the last time we were all together."

  "No, don't be sorry. Aaron can be a jerk. He just worries about me. He really loves me, though. He just has a weird way of showing it sometimes. If he has one too many beers, he seems to just get a little out of control. He kept apologizing. He knows he was wrong."

  I have all these alarm bells and red flags in my head. Can she not see there is something wrong with this kind of relationship? Hearing all of that just makes me worry even more.

  "Kerrigan, you know if you ever need anything that I am just a call or text away?"

  "Yes, I know. I'll be okay though. Let's head inside and do this."

  As soon as we walked into the building, we ran into the landlord. Because of the incident with the break in, he graciously let me out of the lease. He said it wouldn't be difficult to rent. I will lose the security deposit because of the damages, but will get my last months rent back. This is a win-win for me. That will offset the cost of a plane ticket and seven days off of work. When we get to the door, there is caution tape. I give Kerrigan a cliff notes version of what happened. She just hugged me and said she was sorry. I hear a noise behind us and see Maddox coming up the stairs. He stops and takes a deep breath. I notice Kerrigan looking down. Wonder what that's about.

  "Hi, ladies, let's get this over with. They’re done processing the scene."

  "I just need to grab some clothes and bathroom stuff. I can donate most of the rest." I quickly explain.

  "Do you have any boxes?" Kerrigan asks.

  "I just have a couple suitcases and an overnight bag. I don't care to use some trash bags if I need too. Honestly though, I think it will be enough. I live simply. I don't need any of this furniture that is here. Maybe I can have Goodwill come by and get it."

  It only takes us about an hour to pack what I want to take back to Noah's.

  "Maddox, can you help me get this back to Noah's?"

  "I have to be at work shortly. I can put it in the trunk and bring it by later."

  "Okay, that's perfect. Thanks."

  We all walk outside. Standing across the street is Aaron, Mr. Clean on Steroids, looking even scarier than he normally does. I don't understand what Kerrigan sees in him. He stalks over to where we are standing and immediately grabs Kerrigan.

  He kisses her roughly and says to her, "Sweetheart, I went by the bar to make sure you were at work. Erica told me you came to help a friend. I was worried when you weren't there. What did I tell you about always letting me know where you are?" He's saying this through his clenched teeth.

  "I just came to help Molly get packed up. She is moving in with Noah, you know the doctor. Maddox's brother." She explains hastily. She looks scared. As soon as she says Maddox's name, I see Aaron's face look angry. His hand is tightening around Kerrigan's arm. I turn to Maddox who must notice the same thing.

  "Aaron, buddy, is there a problem here?" Maddox steps forward as if to get in Aaron’s personal space. It’s a clear warning.

  "No problem here. Kerrigan just has a habit of lying. Don't you honey?" He grabs her arm even tighter, and she flinches.

  "Yes, I'm sorry Aaron. I should have told you where I was going to be. I just didn't think. I'm sorry."

  "See, no problem. Let’s go, Kerrigan. Say goodbye to your friends." I see the apology in Kerrigan’s eyes as they walk away.

  "You're just going to let them go?" I ask pissed. I see the pain in Maddox eyes.

  "Yeah. I can't help her if she doesn't want it. I can't accuse him of being violent if she doesn't tell me. It's up to her. I have a feeling that something's not right there. We haven't received any complaints at the station and she won't talk to me. What else can I do, Molly?" I want to cry.

  "Do you like Kerrigan? I mean I saw the way you looked at her when you came up the stairs."

  As he packed my bags in his car, all he said was, "Kerrigan is beautiful."

  Chapter 22


  I feel for the first time that I am walking into a home. My home. Knowing Molly is here makes me feel so incredibly happy.

  "Molly, where are you?"

  "I'm in the kitchen making dinner."

  I smile and head toward the kitchen. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I plant a kiss on her neck. She lets out a little sigh, turns and kisses me right on the mouth. This no sexual activity ban we have is killing us both, especially since we have more access to each other.

  "Any more bleeding?"

  "Just some spotting, not bad though. I'm pretty sure it will stop in a day or two."

  "That's good. It smells delicious in here. What's for dinner?"

  "Salad, lasagna, and garlic bread. Simple and easy, but good.

  I can't help but smile at her. No one has made me dinner in a very long time. My father believed in TV dinners and take-out, when he remembered to feed us.

  "It smells delicious. How was your day?"

  "It went okay. I'm worried about Kerrigan. I don't know for sure, but I think Aaron is hurting her. We ran into him after we moved my stuff out of my apartment. He seems very angry and controlling. He called her a liar and she agreed. Can you believe that? Neither Maddox nor I knew what to do. Before he showed up though, I told her about the baby. We got to talk a little bit. I apologized for that fiasco with Aaron. It just all seems a mess.

  I talked to Kelly earlier today. I told her about the baby. She and I both agreed that I should tell my parents in person. I need to get this over with. Since I have the time off, I went ahead and booked a ticket for tomorrow."

  "Molly, you can only make yourself available to her. You're supposed to be resting. I'm on duty for the next couple of days then I have some leave scheduled. I could come with you."

  "It's just a plane ride. I called his office and asked if it was okay and they said yes. I think I should go alone right now. I need to tell them by myself first. They are going to be in for a shock. I want them to have some time to get used to the idea before they meet you.

  If you want, you can come down in a couple of days when you get off work. That will give them a couple of days to adjust."

  "I don't like you having to face this alone. Look at me, Molly. You do know that you are not in this alone? I am with you all the way. What time do you leave?"

  "I know, Noah. I just think I need to do this alone. You have to remember, I am a preacher's daughter. I'm not sure how my dad or my mom is going to react. My plane flies out at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

  “Oh God! I forgot I got a preacher’
s daughter pregnant.” I smirk at her.

  She pulls the lasagna out of the oven. She starts making our plates. Then sits my plate down in front of me. I take a bite and she waits watching to see my reaction. Lucky for me, it’s really good.

  "This is really good! Thank you."

  "Glad you like it. My mom isn't a very good cook. Sometimes I tried new things in the kitchen. It was always a hit or miss. Lasagna is one of a few things I learned to make."

  We finish the rest of the meal talking about her parents and home life. Listening to her tell childhood stories makes me wish I had some good ones to tell her. She's going to make such a good mother. I am going to do everything in my power to be the kind of man that she deserves.

  Molly goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed. I decide to go sit on the balcony. Several thoughts are running through my mind. I'm worried about Molly flying, worried about her facing her parents alone. I can tell she is getting really nervous. She doesn't need any more stress. She's seems to be fine about the whole shooting incident. She told me she couldn’t let things bother her that she can't change. Me, I let the past suck me in. I can't seem to let it go. My baby isn't even here yet, but I know there isn't a thing I wouldn't do to protect it. My child will know love, a love that I never really got to experience.

  My mind is racing tonight. I wonder if Molly wants a boy or girl? I want a little girl who's like her mommy. No, wait. A beautiful daughter is what most men dread. Still that image of a daughter leaves me smiling. Maybe a son, someone I can play ball with and teach him manly things. I chuckle. Honestly, I don't really care. I am going to love a daughter or a son just the same. I look at my watch and realize I have been out here for thirty minutes. How long does Molly need in the bathroom? I decide to go check on her. She hasn't even been in the shower. What the hell?

  "Is something wrong? What's taking you so long?"

  "No, nothing’s wrong, I just decided to pack first. Then, I needed to brush my teeth and hair."

  "Okay, I'm getting into the shower while you finish up whatever you're doing to your face."

  "Alright." She says and stays put.

  Living with a girl is going to take some getting used to. Why does she need to do all of this to get ready for bed? Whatever. I strip down and turn the water on. I step into the shower. I notice her strawberry shampoo and conditioner, her body wash, her body soap, her facial cleanser. Isn't that what she is doing now? Two razors? I laugh, happy I've never experienced this feeling of being a couple with anyone else. As I start to rinse my face, I hear the door open. I wipe the water out of my eyes and see Molly on her knees in front of me. FUCK ME!

  "I know we can't have sex, but I have wanted to do this since you kissed me in the kitchen.” I look at her and smile. She puts her hand around me and starts to put me in her mouth.

  "You’re fulfilling a fantasy I had of you once while I jerked off." I lean my head back against the shower wall.

  “Let me know which is better, the real or the fantasy.”

  “The real. You were great in my fantasies. You are perfection in real life.” She starts sucking away. Real. Way fucking better.

  I have a list of beautiful Molly’s in my mind. Wet Molly on her knees might be my favorite.

  Chapter 23


  I step into the terminal and see Kelly waiting. A wave of emotion rolls through me. She comes running and we embrace for several minutes. She was way more than a best friend. She’s like a sister to me. Seeing her makes me realize some of what I have left behind here in Kentucky. Things are the way they are supposed to be. Even though my plans in life have changed, I love where my life is heading. I love Noah. I love our baby and I look forward to the life we will create together.

  "It's so good to see you, Kells. I have missed you so much."

  "You too, girl. I can't believe you're here."

  "I can't believe I'm here either. I don't know if I'm ready to face my parents, but, it is what it is."

  "Do you want to go grab something to eat first?"

  "No. I'll probably call you after I tell them. We may need some time apart."

  "Okay, sounds like a plan. Let's do this. They'll be okay. You'll be okay. Just maybe not today," she says as she hugs me one last time.

  On the drive home, I take in the scenery. It's not much, but it's home. As we enter our hometown, so many memories come rushing in. We pass the only small dairy bar in my town. I always loved going there. Best ice ever can be found there. Yes, ice, the good crushed kind. I see my old elementary school. A place called the Gravel Pit. I never really understood why it was called that. It's just dirt, no rocks, no gravel, just a bunch of dirt and water. I used to see people fishing there all of the time.

  I know we are almost home when we drive down the tree-lined road. It looks like a tunnel of trees because the tops of the branches meet. I feel nervous energy creep in. I realize I have been holding my breath. I’m about to hurt two very important people in my life. That doesn't sit well with me. As we pull into the driveway of my parents’ small white-sided house. I send Noah a quick text letting him know that I made it home. Once I take a deep breath, I open the car door. I called them last night and let them know that I had a few days off and wanted to come in.

  "You sure you don't want me to stay? I will, just say the word. I'm here for you."

  "No, thanks though. I just need to get this over with." I say as I grab my carry on bag.

  I walk through the front door and my mom meets me at the door and pulls me into her arms.

  "Oh Molly, I have missed you so much. It doesn't seem like it's only been a few months ago that you left."

  My dad then takes me from my mom's arms and hugs me as well. "I'm so happy you made the trip. I can't wait to show you how much progress I made on the truck."

  My dad has been working on his "antique" truck as long as I can remember.

  "It's still junk, Molly. Don't let your dad fool you."

  I smile. My mom has hated that thing for years.

  "Hey. It's not junk, Annie. It's a diamond in the rough, a work in progress," my dad grumbles.

  "I'm sure it's great, daddy."

  We spend the next couple of hours talking a little bit about everything. They talk about the going ons at the church, who's been sick, who's passed away. I get caught up on all of the small town news. I just let them talk. I haven't told them about the shooting at the hospital or the break-in at the apartment. They already worry enough about me as it is.

  "Hey mom, I was thinking we could order some dinner. My treat. Maybe Giovanni's?" Hands down, Giovanni’s pizza is the best in this town, even better than Chicago-Style pizza.

  "That sounds good. We haven't had pizza in a while. I'll go call it in."

  When mom comes back to the living room, I realize that I have been putting this off long enough.

  "You've sat here for the last couple of hours and listened to your dad and I talk your ears off. Tell us Molly, is Chicago what you thought it'd be?"

  "It's actually been very different from what I thought it'd be. I love it, though. I've learned a lot at the hospital. I have a boyfriend. I've made several friends."

  "A boyfriend?" My dad raises his eyebrow. I smile. I knew he would catch that.

  "Yes dad, a boyfriend. His name is Noah Stone. He's a doctor at the E.R. where I work. He's really good to me and I love him."

  "Well, don't let him foil your plans."

  My face drops. I've never been good at hiding my emotions. I should have waited until after dinner.

  "I have come to realize that some of my plans have changed and I'm really okay with it."

  They both stand up and come over to me.

  "What's going on? Are you OK?" My dad asks truly concerned.

  "Please sit, ok?"

  I watch as my parents take their seats on the couch.

  "Molly?" My mom says and my dad is just looking at me.

  "I'm pregnant."

  "What?" my mom says in
a shocked gasp.

  I look at my dad. I don't see the anger I thought I'd see. I see something far worse, disappointment. I start to cry.

  "I'm pregnant, about five weeks. I wanted to come tell you in person. Noah wanted to come as well but I thought it'd be best if I did this myself. He'll be flying in on Thursday though. He wants to meet you all."

  "You've only been gone for a couple months. I don't understand." My mom is still reeling.

  "I know."

  I look over at my dad. He doesn't say a thing. I see him stand up and walk out the back door. It slams behind him. I stand to go after him. I hate that I've hurt him this way. My mom grabs my hand.

  "Don't, Molly. Leave him be. You've dropped a bomb on us. Give him time to sort through this."

  "Maybe I should call Kelly and have her pick me up and visit with her for a bit?"

  "Yes, I think that would be best Molly."

  I feel hurt, almost rejected. It’s not what’s happening, still it stings.


  As I start to walk away, I leave some money on the table for the pizza. I go to grab my bag when I hear my mom say my name.


  "Yeah mom."

  "Just know your father and I love you."

  I start crying again and lean down to kiss my mom on the top of her head. She touches the hand I placed on her shoulder.

  "I love you both too. I'm sorry it happened this way, but I’m not sorry about this baby."

  I ended up having dinner with Kelly and decide it's best to just stay the night with her. I'll go back to my parents in the morning. Kelly tries to cheer me up, but I just want to go to bed.

  Before I do, I decide to call Noah.

  "Hey baby. I've been wanting to call. I wanted to see how it went. I miss you like crazy."


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