It All Falls Down

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It All Falls Down Page 17

by M Dauphin

  I groan and straighten my outfit before closing the door and heading out to help these ladies.

  An entire hour later, I’m certain I smell like old-lady perfume with the amount of hugs they gave me when they left. I never really considered marketing to older ladies, but damn they have some money to spend. Three hundred bucks later and I no longer feel bad about not having any shoppers today.

  “Where have you been?” I ask Ava who just now is traipsing back into the boutique.

  “Ended up having lunch with Marcus,” she croons. Good lord those two are hot and cold and I don’t have the energy to keep up.

  “We just had an awesome sale.” I wiggle my eyebrows and take my coffee from her hand. “Thank you.”

  “Well good. We needed it. When’s the first order of scarves come in? Fall’s almost here!” she squeals.

  “Uh, next week maybe? Honestly I’m not too sure what you’re happy about. I hate the cold.” We walk back to the office.

  “Oh,, Nor, it doesn’t get too cold here in Oklahoma. Right, Max?”

  “Balls frozen cold,” he mumbles, staring at his screen.

  “Not any worse than Chicago!” I butt in.

  “Worse,” he deadpans, then looks up at both of us. Ava’s mouth is wide open and she looks scared to death. He smiles that beautiful smile then barks out a laugh. “Damn you girls are gullible.” Ava narrows her eyes at him and huffs, turning on her heel and leaving us alone in the office. “You should shut that door,” he whispers.

  “No.” I walk over to my desk and sit down, grinning to myself. I can feel his glare on me as I start to work.

  “No?” His growl sends need straight through me.

  “Nope.” I pop my ‘p’ and take a drink of water, trying to ignore the look he’s probably giving me. “We have work to get done before we can leave here.” I wave my hand at the screen. “Can’t be getting distracted.”

  He growls and I hear him push back his chair. Before I can turn to see what he’s doing he has his arms wrapped around me from behind, his lips connect with my neck and I’m a goner. My eyes flutter closed and I lean back into him.

  “I don’t need a closed door for the things I want to do to you, Nora,” he whispers, sending chills down my body.

  “I realize this,” I whisper, spinning in my chair. “I do, though.” I wink at him and press my lips to his.

  He deepens the kiss and I have to really push my self control when I pull away from him. Jesus his lips are soft. I smile, my hands going to his inked forearms that are currently trapping me in my seat.

  “Later, Max.”

  “I need you now, Nora.”

  It’s a stand-off that I know I’m going to lose. The way he smiles at me makes the sun dull in comparison. It’s like he reserves that one smile for me, and it melts me like putty in his hands.

  “Nora, a customer needs your help.” Ava walks in and clears her throat when she sees the current stand-off. “Knock that shit off, Max. She’s not off yet.”

  “I know. I’ve been trying,” he grumbles, winking at Ava.

  “Gross,” she scoffs. “Come on, Nora. You apparently helped her last time and she loved you.”

  I roll my eyes and shove past Max, winking at him as I leave him solo in the office.

  By the time I’m off work I’m ready for a nice drink. That last lady that came in was one that gave me such a hard time the first time she came in to the shop that I considered closing up and never re-opening. Of course Ava would tell me she wanted me. Ava doesn’t deal with difficult shoppers.

  “You ready, princess?” Max grins from the back door where he’s finishing his cigarette.

  “I think I’m dying,” I groan.


  “I haven’t eaten in twelve hours. Dying is definitely it.”

  He smacks my ass as I lock up the door and I spin just in time to be pressed against it with his entire body. It’s hot out here, but I’ll take this added heat any day.

  “Hey,” I murmur, his lips grazing mine.

  “I’ve missed you, Nora,” he whispers, trailing kisses down my neck.

  “You’re impossible.” I giggle, allowing him to take his time.

  “I love this too much,” he mumbles.

  His use of the L word sends chills throughout my body and I hum in response.

  “Let’s get going, I need food for all the activities I have planned for us tonight.” I grind against him and bite my lip as his eyes lock onto mine and he growls.

  “Fuck,” he huffs, backing away from me. “Listen, we have to make a pit stop on the way back to my place after dinner.”

  “A pit stop?” I pout my lip and cross my arms under my boobs, giving the ladies enough lift to make his gaze flicker and a grin sweep over his face.

  “Short. College party. We’ll be back at my place in no time, princess. Then you can have your way with me.”

  “Promise?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at his open-ended promise.

  “Anything for you, Nora.” He presses his lips to mine and I smile.

  Oh this will be fun.

  “You’re fucking serious, man?” Marcus whines into the phone.

  “Yep. We have to go, Deig. We need that coke back before he does something stupid,” I growl, watching Nora run into the gas station for a drink before heading home. Girl has an addiction to fountain sodas, but I’m not complaining. Watching her hop down from this truck gets me every damn time. The tiny shorts she’s wearing today aren’t helping my dick from playing nice, but I’m ok with it. After we get this gig finished at the party tonight I’ll be ripping the tiny piece of fabric off of her.

  “I had plans with Ava later, man. Can you just do it?”

  “No. Bring her, I’m bringing Nora. In and out, Deig. That’s it,” I grunt and hang up before he can start to whine.

  I sigh, trying to relax over this whole thing. This kid hasn’t been in class all week and he hasn’t been back to the dorms. I know my chance of him still having the coke on him is so fucking miniscule but I’ll never be able to accept it if I don’t try. When we got news today that he’ll be at the party tonight I knew it was my chance to at least tie up a few loose ends. I hate that I have to mix Nora into this, but I can’t exactly take her to dinner then drop her off at home, leaving her high and dry and expect her to be okay with me coming back later tonight. No, can’t do that, so I’m bringing her with me and praying it all goes smoothly.

  By the time we get back to her place it’s already five thirty and I’m starving.

  “I’ll just be a minute,” she says, smiling at me as she sets her purse on the couch. “Make yourself at home.” She disappears down the hall and leaves me alone in the living room.

  Their apartment is spacious and open, bright and cheery. I do feel at home here, and that alone should scare me, but it doesn’t. In the past, being comfortable with a girl was a big no-no, but it didn’t ever happen that often. Typically, I was the type to like his free time. Now all the free time I have is spent with Nora, or thinking about her and wishing I was with her.

  She’s utterly amazing.

  “Ready,” she says, stopping by the couch. She’s changed out of the tiny shorts and into a dress almost short enough to showcase her ass. The ass I love and don’t want anyone else falling in love with. “Let’s get moving. The restaurant isn’t close and I’m hungry.” She grins at me and I stand, taking my time appreciating the well put together package in front of me.

  “Wow,” I manage, taking in how well the dress pushes up her tits for me. “I’m suddenly ravished for something a little closer,” I growl, moving to her and taking her ass in my hands while I pull her to me.

  “Oh really?” She raises an eyebrow at me and starts to giggle, but stops immediately when I reach my fingers around and slide one into her. “Shit,” she gasps, her head falling to my shoulder.

  “Still need dinner, Nora?”

  “Mmm,” she hums while my fingers play inside of her. My dick is stra
ining to get out of these jeans. Feeling how wet and warm she is for me right now… holy shit.

  “I need to fuck you, Nora,” I growl, pulling my fingers from her and locking my eyes with hers while I taste her juices and hum in approval. She grins and slowly… so fucking slowly… slips her thong off and tosses it at me.

  “What are you waiting for, Mr. Holzer?” She winks, then turns and races back to her bedroom. I’m on her the minute she makes it through the doorway, lifting her and spinning, slamming her against the closing door. My mouth is on hers, her hands ripping layers off me while mine try to figure out this fucking dress. She pushes down my jeans and stands, grinning as her hand goes to my dick and starts stroking. I need this dress off her! Fucking contraption! She starts to giggle at me and I growl.

  “Fuck it,” I growl and spin her and she bends over, hands resting on the door. “Good girl,” I purr then slam into her and finally feel at home. “Jesus,” I huff, a heady feeling of being inside her comes over me and everything else melts away.

  I start to pump, each time her moans get louder and louder. I don’t want this to end. When this ends it’s back to the reality of lies and deceit. Here? Here is perfect. No lies right here.

  “Shit,” she huffs, moaning louder. I watch her reach her hand between her legs and know she’s getting close as her pussy clenches around mine. “Oh God, Max, don’t stop,” she wails.

  When she comes around me I’m a goner, pounding my release into her and wrapping my arms around her torso, standing her up and nuzzling my lips into her neck.

  “Wow,” she pants.

  “Mmm,” I growl, not wanting to open my eyes. I don’t want this time between us to be over.

  By the time we are cleaned up and out the door to the restaurant it’s an hour after we originally planned, but neither of us regret it. I’ll still make it to the party in time, and there will still be time when we get home for me to take a more controlled approach to worshipping her body. That was just a quick fuck that we both needed. Hell, I needed her. Going more than a day without her was torture. I never want that to happen again.

  Once at the restaurant we order and make small talk like most couples do. This whole ‘exclusive’ thing is still new to me, but Nora makes it easy. She’s easy to be around. There are no secrets or lies with her. She lays it all out there and isn’t afraid of the outcome.

  “Ava says they’ll see us at the party tonight?” She furrows her brows at me from across the table after checking her phone.

  “Yea, Deig and I have to meet with a guy about the business. We won’t be long.” I can feel my heartbeat rising just talking about this. I need to change the subject.

  “Oh… well that’s cool. I can hang with Ava then. God, it’s been forever since I’ve been to a college party!” She smiles and I nod, consciously trying not to turn silent. Then she’ll know something’s up.

  “Hey, tell me about your parents. You talk about your dad all the time, we’re going to his wedding in a week… what about your mom?” I take a sip of water and watch her face fall.

  Interesting, Ms. Avondale. Obviously you don’t put everything out there for others.

  “She’s not in the picture anymore.” She shrugs and tries shaking it off, but I can tell it’s still bothering her when our food comes out and she sits and picks at it.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you when I asked, Nora. I just… I have this craving to know everything about you that I can. And if someone comes up and knows more about you than I do, I get insanely jealous. It’s ridiculous, but I just… I’m sorry.” I shake my head and try to wrap my head around what could have been so bad about her mom that she doesn’t think she needs to tell me. I told her all about my unworthy life and she didn’t judge.

  “It’s not your fault, Max. I shouldn’t be so quiet about it. It’s just that it’s pretty embarrassing. And sad. What happened to my mom.”

  I nod and reach over, taking her hand in mine and smiling at her. “It’s all good. I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

  She smiles back at me and takes a deep breath.

  “My mom was a drug addict, Max,” she starts and I feel a stab to my gut.

  Well… that changes things.

  “I don’t know what my mom was like when she wasn’t on drugs. That’s how bad it was.” She shrugs and takes a bite of her food.

  Drugs. Of fucking course the one thing I’m keeping from Nora is the one thing that killed her mom. Of. Fucking. Course.

  “What type of drugs?” I ask.

  “Anything she could get her hands on. Pot, meth, coke… fucking pills probably stolen or something. She was always high in one way or another. The kicker was the heroin. Always is.” She shakes her head. “I found her with that damn needle still in her arm. Nine years old and completely fucked.”


  All those moms I’ve been selling to and not once have I ever considered the kids. Not once has it crossed my mind how terrible of a thing I’m doing. It’s taken Nora to make me realize… this isn’t who I want to be in life.

  I don’t want to be the reason someone loses their life, or their wife, or their mom.


  I clear my throat and she looks up at me.

  “Listen, I can’t make it better. Drugs… they take a hold of people and most aren’t strong enough to let go of them. I can tell you, however, that you turned out a better person because of everything. Your dad raised you right and for that I’m thankful. It’s selfish, but I’m glad you went through life with an aversion to drugs and that lifestyle. I’d have hated to have missed you because you were too strung out somewhere.” I wink and smile at her, the move that always works, and all I get is a small smile.

  “Yea, it definitely put life into perspective at a young age for me.”

  Shit she’s so beautiful right now. Emotions swirling her features, her hair cascading over her shoulder, the dress forming her body just right.

  “Damnit, I love you,” I blurt and watch her eyes go wide.

  Jesus Christ did I just say that out loud? I’m fairly fucking certain I did… and I can’t take it back. I don’t want to. I do love her. I’ve never loved anyone like this, but it’s the best fucking feeling ever and I’ll do anything to keep it.

  This is it. I’m not selling the drugs anymore. The coke tonight… hell, I’ll fucking flush it. No more anything. I have to clean my shit up for her. I have to be a better man. For the first time in my life what I want is right in front of me. Now it’s my job to make sure I keep it.

  “Max, I—” she starts but I cut her off.

  “I know it’s still early, Nora, but I know what I want. I don’t want you to say it back to me until you’re completely certain.” My heart’s beating out of my chest and I think I could pass out right now. What did I do?! The way she’s looking at me is the ‘I’m going to bolt the minute you’re not looking’ look. Shit!

  She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear and looks down to her food.

  “So you ready to get to this party? I still plan on making you keep your promise to me tonight.” She smiles.

  “Yea, let’s head out.” I breathe a sigh of relief. At least I haven’t scared her off just yet.

  I pay the bill and send a text to Deig that we’ll be at the party shortly.

  When we get there it’s already well underway. Plenty of drunk undergrads, alcohol flowing, and a few familiar faces I wished I didn’t see. Each of them I’ve made eye contact with knows better than to come up to me in a place like this. And if they didn’t before, the look I threw their way told them to back the hell off tonight. I’m just here for the kid, then I’m out.

  “Hey, man,” Deig says as he walks up to us hand in hand with Ava. She’s holding a cup of beer already and I roll my eyes.

  “Guys we aren’t staying long,” I start to protest, but suddenly there’s an eruption of noise behind us then a loud shot, blaring everyone’s eardrums. Everyone around us starts screaming but I’m
left in shock and making sure Nora wasn’t hit by whatever that was.

  “Shit, was that a gunshot?!” Deig yells.

  Nora clutches on to me as we all search the crowd for the source of the noise.

  Then we see it.

  “Holy fuck,” Deig mutters, looking back at me and giving me the ‘what the fuck’ look.

  “Yea,” I growl, watching the kid I came here for stand on the top of the frat house waving a gun at everyone.

  “You fuckers are going down tonight!” he wails to the crowd, waving the gun around, then pointing it to his head.

  “Fuck!” Ava screams, pushing herself into Deig.

  “What the hell is going on, Max?” Nora’s voice is shaky and her hand on my arm matches it. She’s nervous as hell and to tell the truth I am too. Tonight was supposed to be an in and out job, and now here we are, watching this whole episode unfold in front of us that’s entirely my fucking fault.

  The kid up there on that roof bought shit from me last week. He’s fucking tripping on my shit, about to do something terribly stupid.

  I can’t fucking let that happen.

  “I gotta help him,” I tell her. “You stay with Deig and Ava. I’ll be back, Nora.” I press my lips to hers, praying this isn’t the last time I’ll be able to enjoy the taste of her soft skin, then spin and rush inside the building. I hear her protest behind me, but I can’t stop for her right now.

  I’m trying to save the kid, but selfishly I’m trying to save our relationship too.

  If she finds out the truth it’ll ruin us. I’m not ready for that to happen. I’ll never be ready for that.

  “Hey man, you shouldn’t go up there!” Some kid calls after me, but I give him the finger as I blow past him and up the stairway that hopefully leads to the roof.

  When I burst through the door at the top I’m almost winded from the climb, but the adrenaline is pumping through me and I have one goal right now.

  I need to make sure this kid doesn’t kill himself.


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