Wicked Mate_A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance

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Wicked Mate_A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance Page 2

by Zoey Draven

Cara shivered against him, need swarming her belly. Being in the capitol was nice because she was close to the restaurant and Devix was close to his stall. But their true happy place was their home.

  “I can’t wait either,” she whispered, feeling his hand slip underneath her fur coverings. She gasped when his fingers found her center, when they found her already wet and aching. “Devix.”

  Her only answer was a growl that she felt reverberate down her spine. Her body clenched, pleasure crashing down on her, when he inserted his finger inside, his thumb thrumming against her clit, the wicked, wicked male.

  If she was in their own kitchen, back in their home in the southern region, she’d turn in his arms, hop up on the countertop, and open her legs wide. She’d let him drape her legs over his shoulders as he tongued her pussy, she’d let him make her cum before he slowly inched his delicious cock inside her, where it always belonged, where she never wanted him to leave. She’d let him flip her over and take her from behind as he spanked her backside, because it turned both of them on.

  But they weren’t in their own kitchen. And they both knew it.

  With a groan, Devix stopped and let his fingers drift away. She turned in his arms and gave him a desperate kiss. It was a promise, a need, an apology, all at once.

  “Later tonight,” she whispered to him, “you will have me wherever and however you please. And I will have you too.”

  Devix squeezed her backside, eliciting a throbbing thrill inside her. “I know, luxiva. And we will have each other wherever and however all night long.”

  “Looking forward to it,” she teased, her whisper falling across his velvety lips. With one last kiss, she pulled back and said, “Now, no more distractions. I want to make my male some breakfast.”


  COLD WIND STUNG Cara’s face as their transport craft raced across the land. Devix had offered to engage the shield so it wouldn’t be as harsh, but Cara said no. After being in a hot kitchen all day, in a warm restaurant fueled by the fire pit, the cold wind felt nice.

  When she’d been working in restaurants back on Earth, after every shift, no matter how late, she’d always walk back home, not only to help air out the smells of cooked meat and frying oils from her hair, but to cool her down. Working in restaurants could feel like a sauna at times and Cara had come to crave the cold. She just wondered how cold this Rozian cold season was.

  She snuggled more deeply into Devix’s embrace, his arms bracketed on both sides of her as he maneuvered the transport craft with expert skill. Any moment now their pillerva forest would come into view and Cara anticipated the sight of it. She loved being in the capitol, but nothing was better than coming home.

  And when she saw their dwelling after a few more minutes, she smiled and felt Devix’s arms squeeze around her.

  When they parked, Devix unloaded their supplies and brought them down to the store-room. Cara went inside to light the fire in the living room—or the central hub as Devix referred to it as. She knew that was the English translation for the Luxirian word and Cara wondered if the domed home he’d built over the years resembled the homes on Luxiria…if by building it, he was trying to capture his past life there, trying to remember.

  She knew how heavily his exile weighed on him. How heavily he missed his blood brother, Rixavox. Sometimes, he had a hard time falling asleep at night, even after a marathon of sex. She stayed awake with him when he couldn’t sleep and she just held him, wondering what would help, what could help. She’d brought up trying to contact his brother a few more times since he told her about his exile almost two months ago. But he’d just told her that it would be best to not disrupt his brother’s life, as if he thought he was a disruption. It broke her heart, but sometimes he still saw himself as an exiled warrior, one deserving of it.

  Cara blew out a breath, watching the flames in the fire pit illuminate the room. Their multi-colored rugs and furs covered the floor and Cara sank her bare toes into them, feeling the softness beneath her feet. Her beloved kitchen was towards the back of the house and she went there as she waited for Devix, looking over the herbs she’d hung to dry before they’d left for the capitol.

  She traced her fingertips over the slab of obsidian-colored rock that acted as their countertop, similar to the ones in vendor stalls. Before they’d left a few days ago, Devix had mated her right there. He’d just come in from hauling pillerva pods. He’d been deliciously sweaty, his muscles bulging, and she’d sensed his need for her before he’d ever even stepped through the door.

  Just like now.

  Through their strange connection, she felt the energy swirling in the room. If Cara closed her eyes, she could almost sense where he was, a red hot heat wave of untamed Luxirian power.

  Her arousal wasn’t a surprise. Even when they were on board his spaceship, even when she knew he was planning to deliver her to Sarkon to gain his hard-earned peace and freedom, she’d wanted him with a ferocity that surprised her. She’d fantasized about him even when he’d tried to put distance between them.

  But that same need won out in the end, an unstoppable force. And when they were together?

  Cara squeezed her thighs, biting her lip, just thinking about it. They had sex at least three times a day, an amount that Devix told her was normal for a mated Luxirian. The pleasure he wrung from her was so intense that sometimes, during her high, Cara wondered if it would kill her.

  Licking her lips, she smiled as she brought her fingers to her fur coverings, unhooking the cord that kept it in place. Their home was warming up by the second, but her thoughts were making her feel as hot as she’d been in her restaurant.

  The furs fell to her feet and her dress and leggings followed. She no longer wore undergarments. Not only did Rozians not seem to wear them since none of the vendors sold anything like them, but Devix liked easy access, especially when he was ravenous for her. Underwear would only get in their way.

  When she was nude, she heard the door to the storage room beneath the house bang closed and her skin prickled with excitement as she neared the front door.

  Cara heard his growl on the other side and she smiled, knowing that he scented her arousal. When he burst through the threshold and saw her standing there, naked, wanting, his black horns lifted from his skull, hardening and straightening. His muscles grew before her very eyes, his shoulders expanding, the cords in his arms bulging. Luxirians grew stronger from arousal, from sexual release, and it never ceased to amaze her.

  “Luxiva,” he rasped, slamming the front door closed and latching it. The bags he’d carried in with him thudded to the ground, a piece of hizram fruit rolling across the floor.

  Cara went to him, kneeling before him, and worked on the lacings for his pants. A rough sound tore from her mate’s throat and her nipples pebbled into even harder peaks as it met her ears.

  Her eyes went half-lidded when his cock sprang free and she grabbed it at the base, a desperate, crazy need coursing through her blood at the sight of it. He was so thick that her hand wouldn’t wrap fully around, but she knew that he fit perfectly inside her.

  Hard knobs and ridges lined the top and bottom and when she stroked up his length, she felt them vibrate under her palm when he purred.

  Cara looked up at him, the crown of his cock just inches from her lips. His eyes were black with his arousal, so different from the burning blue that seared her insides. His bellow made her moan when she wrapped her lips around the tip, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked.

  Tonguing the underside, Cara bobbed her head down his length, taking him into her mouth as far as he could go. He was too big that she’d never be able to fit him all the way down but she sure as hell tried every time she gave him a blowjob.

  Already, her male was edging the cliff of his control. Not that he was going to cum, but he never let her give him head for very long before he needed to be inside her.

  She moaned around his sex and he growled in response, the muscles in his thighs clenching tight. Gently, she rea
ched beneath to cup his heavy sack and she tasted the heady potency of his pre-cum as more spilled from his tip. She lapped it up eagerly, tonguing the slit for more, something that always drove her male and the animalistic Instinct inside him crazy.

  True to form, he pulled her away from his cock, gripping her arms in a vice as he flipped her over to her hands and knees, right in the entryway of their home.

  Cara’s fingers clenched into the plush rug he had her on, her breasts hanging heavy, her hair falling in front of her face. Rustling behind her told her that Devix was tearing off his pants and shirt, until he was as naked as she was.

  Cara’s hips bucked, a jolt racking her body, when he gave her a solid slap across her left ass cheek.

  “Dev,” she panted.

  His form molded over her, his arms on either side of her body, as he rasped in her ear, “You tease me on purpose when you tongue my cock that way.”

  Cara smiled, turning her head to the side, her cheeks hot with a flush.


  “I will punish you properly later,” he murmured in her ear, dragging his tongue up the shell of her ear, as he gave her stinging ass a gentle squeeze, a sampling of what was to come. “For now, I need to fuck my needing female. Her cunt is begging for my cock. I can smell it.”

  God, this male drove her completely crazy.

  An impatient whimper escaped her throat and it ended on a cry when his cock slammed home, her whole body shaking with the force of it, her breasts swinging forward.

  “Yes, baby,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut as her pussy clamped down around him. “Yes!”

  He hardly let her catch her breath when he withdrew…and then thrust into her again, as punishing as it was exquisite. Her male liked it a little rough…and thank goodness because she craved it too.

  Turning her head to the side, she found his lips and she gave him a desperate kiss that made him groan. She felt his power, his unfathomable strength as he fucked her steadily with his hips, driving so deeply before retreating. Again and again and again.

  She loved it. She loved this. She loved him.

  “Your cunt takes me so sweetly,” he growled in her ear.

  “I was made for you, Dev,” she whispered, her arms already trembling from the building pleasure.

  “Tev, you were,” he rasped. “Cum for me, luxiva. I can feel you are ready.”

  His words, his roughened voice, could have made her cum alone. But when he reached down between her legs and thrummed her clit, her back bowed underneath him and a scream filled their home.

  But no one was around so she didn’t care how loud she was. They weren’t in the capitol anymore.

  When she resurfaced, even her toes were tingling from the intensity of her orgasm. But she knew Devix well and she knew that her alien male had stamina, that she would cum at least twice more before he allowed himself release.

  But she could get him there faster.

  So, she moaned dirty things in his ear. She told him how much she loved fucking him, how good his cock felt inside her, how he was so thick that his ridges hit every single place inside her just right.

  And when his pace quickened, when he rammed into her so deeply that the room was filled with the sounds of their slapping flesh, her words became jumbled as her pleasure culminated for a second time.

  “Tell me,” he growled in her ear, his voice so deep and dark that it was unrecognizable. She knew his Instinct was at the forefront of his mind, driving him to mate her thoroughly and completely.

  And she knew what he wanted to hear, what he needed to hear.

  “I-I love you, Dev,” she rasped, her abdomen clenching with her second orgasm, right on the edge. “Love you so much.”

  His thrusts became jagged and his roar rocked their entire house as streams of cum burst from his cock inside her. Cara’s orgasm made stars burst in her vision, her cry joining his own. The heat of his semen warmed her insides and she panted, feeling every lash tingle down her spine. The rightness of it always awed her.

  With a rumbling groan, Devix collapsed to the side, bringing her with him so that their bodies were still connected, her back to his front. They were still in the doorway, but they faced the fire in the pit. Devix’s claws, which he kept dulled for her, traced down her front, starting from the tips of her breasts to just below her belly.

  Where their bodies were joined, Cara could feel his cum leak from her body and she caught his hand, bringing his palm up so she could kiss it.

  “I love you, Dev,” she whispered again, watching the flames lick higher.

  He’d never said it back to her, but she knew what he felt. What they felt for each other went beyond love, went beyond what she’d imagined love could be. It didn’t even need to be said.

  But it would still be nice to hear it. Perhaps that was the human in her.

  Instead, he said nothing and went back to tracing the softness of her belly, rubbing his horns into her hair. An Luxirian intimacy she loved.

  And she let out a small breath and snuggled into him deeper, knowing that their night was only beginning.


  DEVIX WATCHED HIS female sleep as the colorful, swirling morning light began to stream into their quarters. It shimmered through the glass window, filtering through the tops of the pillerva trees just outside their dwelling, and danced on top of the furs lining their sleeping platform.

  For all its beauty, Devix could only spare it a single glance before his eyes returned to his slumbering mate. Her golden hair was tossed across the cushions and the little hairs fanning from around her eyes were resting against her upper cheekbones. He’d never seen anyone as beautiful as her.

  He’d tired her out the previous night, but they had been ravenous for one another. Living in the capitol, living among a large population of beings, they had to be more discreet about their matings. Unlike Luxirians, most beings tended to be more private about sexual intimacies, which had never made sense to Devix. On Luxiria, it was not uncommon to hear loud matings. Sex was celebrated in his culture. They had festivals and lunar celebrations centering around it.

  But there, in Rozun’s center, they could not be as free as they’d become accustomed to. The first night of returning to their true home in the southern region was always the most intense because they were freed from the restrictions placed upon them in the capitol.

  Devix huffed out a breath and placed his forehead against his sleeping mate’s. Closing his eyes, he breathed her in, listening to her heartbeat thrum under her breast, the most comforting sound in the entire universe.

  She humbled him. She honored him. She overwhelmed him at times with what he felt for her.

  “Tervax rixa,” he rumbled when he saw her wake, her eyelids fluttering, blinking the sleepiness from her eyes.

  Immediately, she smiled, her back arching in a stretch that only served to aroused him.

  “I’m still amazed,” she whispered, her voice still groggy with sleep, “that you can get me this sore.”

  He came up on his elbow so he could peer down at her. “I did not hurt you, did I?”

  “No, never,” she whispered. “It’s the good kind of sore. I promise.”

  He nodded. “Should I get the healing salve?”

  She chuckled, blinking the last remnants of sleep from her gaze and she pressed a small kiss to his lips. “No, I’ll be fine. Now hold me. I want to have a lazy day in bed with you. I think we’ve earned it after this week.”

  His lips twitched. “My demanding female.”

  But he did as she asked, wrapping his arms around her, feeling her head slide into the space between his shoulder and neck.

  It was his favorite thing to do…simply hold his mate. Even more than mating sometimes, although that came in a very, very close second. Nothing surpassed just being with his Cara, feeling her warmth against him, scenting her tantalizing scent in his nostrils, listening to her soft breaths and contented sighs.

  And he smiled when he realiz
ed she’d drifted back to sleep. ‘Lazy day’ indeed.

  So he was surprised when a little while later, she jolted from her position, sitting up in their sleeping platform, her hand covering her mouth.

  “Cara?” he questioned, his brows drawing tightly together, concern making his stomach roil. “What is wrong?”

  “Nothing, I…just…” she trailed off, swallowing. She blew out a breath, her golden hair trailing down her bared back, and she looked over at him with a small smile. “I’m fine, it passed.”

  He frowned. “What passed?”


  But then she was off the sleeping platform, her hand covering her mouth, racing out of their quarters.

  Devix jumped from their sleeping platform just as he heard the door to the washing hub slam shut.

  Worry sickened him.

  “Luxiva?” he rasped, naked as the day he was born onto Luxiria, outside the washing hub door.

  He heard sounds of her retching into the chamber pot and he frowned, bursting inside the quarters.

  He saw her nude form crouched, emptying the contents of her stomach.

  “Cara, tell me what you need,” Devix rasped, coming to kneel at her side.

  She gave another heave. “Wet cloth,” she murmured before she threw up once more.

  Immediately, Devix fetched her a clean cloth and wet it from the shower tube. Once he handed it to her, he placed his hand on her back, desperate to comfort her, wondering if he should summon a healer or take her to the capitol that very morning.

  Cara gave a groan before wiping her lips with the cloth, her face twisting in disgust. She fumbled with the silver pad next to the pot and the bile swept away, shooting through the tube system he’d built under the dwelling.

  “Ugh,” she murmured, leaning into his embrace and dropping the cloth to the ground. Then her eyes snapped to his and she said, “That son of a bitch sold me bad begawwi meat! That’s probably why he was so nice to me yesterday. Ugh, I will give him a piece of my mind when I see him next.”

  Devix’s brows pulled together. “Okerwi?”


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