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Psychlone Page 1

by Greg Bear

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  Psychlone by Greg Bear

  Copyright (C)1979 by Greg Bear


  This book is for Barbara, Cathey and David. On the literary side, of course, it's for James Blish

  8:16 a.m., August 6th, 1945


  Final message from the U.S.S. Matheson, received 1630 hours May 24, 1964: Mayday, repeat, Mayday. Situation is getting worse. They are all over the decks now. Blue fire crawling over my radio and the ports. Jesus, Mary Mother of God, I can hear the captain and the mate. They are killing each other. The sickness is in me but I'm alone. All I see are the faces. Our position is West 183 degrees 14 minutes 23 seconds, North 35 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds. The faces aren't all there. Not all there. The ones who tried to warn us (Interruption due to static.) The wind must be heeling the ship over. Mayday, Mayday. [Position repeated.] Everyone has gone mad. I can't stay at the key. God, God, God..." From The Los Angeles Times, March 17, 1977: PAPEETE, Tahiti (AP)Police are investigating the death at sea of five members of an English family whose boat was found drifting erratically near Anaa island in the Tuamotu group, 240 miles east of Tahiti. The yacht Enchanted, rented from owners in Tahiti, was spotted by a patrol boat, which towed it into port on March 15. Police report that Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hamish and three of their children, names unknown, were found dead in the cabin, bound hand and foot with their throats cut. They had been severely beaten. One officer reported that the yacht was covered with bloody handwriting." The surviving childrenthe oldest is eighteenwere suffering from exposure and shock. Police indicate they are not suspects at this time, but no other suspects are being sought.



  Evening was coming with autumn leisure to the White Mountains. Clouds hooked onto the distant peaks and fanned to the East in layered saucers. Their tops were gray-violet, but a single billow of white still rose above Earth's shadow. The air was cool, and gray shadows fell across the sinuous road. A light mist slipped between the trees and collided silently with the truck's windshield. You'll enjoy my dad, Henry Taggart said. He's cut loose quite a few ties since Mom died." How do you mean? Larry Fowler asked. His foot pressed hard against the bare floorboard as they banked into a curve. He's not crazy, Taggart said. He shot Fowler a worried glance. I don't want you to get that impression." You mean he acts crazy?" No, his ... philosophy is a bit strong for most people. He's been looking hard at death and making over his thoughts. Some of his talk gets pretty mystical." Fowler nodded. He had known Henry Taggart for thirteen years, since high school. Taggart's father had always seemed a pragmatist. He sold real estate, didn't he?" Best in his city for six years running, Taggart said. I used to think that was a meaningless accomplishment. I respect him for it now." You've mellowed a lot." Me? How about yourself?" Both of us. They had been heavily involved in the counterculture of the late sixties, up and down the scales of drug experimentation, subdued political radicalism, acid-rock music. Fowler had been drafted in 1970 and had served in Vietnam. Taggart had escaped the draft by giving up his student exemption for a three-month period when no one was inducted. They had gone their own ways since, communicating three or four times a year, finding pleasure in each other's company, but never the strong ties that had united them in youth. Even now, however, they would react in the same way to a given stimulus, or think up the same joke or pun and say it simultaneously, as though there were an invisible link between them. Taggart had gone on to business school after college and now managed a chain of bookstores in Los Angeles and San Diego. Fowler had followed up on electronics training in the Army and gone into computer design. That they had succeeded was evident by their dress. Taggart looked affluently woodsyupper-class Sierra Clubin a fake-fur-collar mackinaw and twin-zipper European blue jeans. Fowler was wearing a rust leisure suit and a pair of Taggart's hiking boots, a spare set unused until now. The world has us by the nose, I think, Fowler said. Oh, for the good old adolescent funk." Taggart smiled and offered him a cigarette, which he declined. The truck's headlights suddenly shot out above a broad green valley and Taggart pulled over to a clearing by the highway. They got out and looked at the last of the daylight. Dad's cabin is on that low hill, Taggart said, pointing. Fowler saw a faint black speck in the general gray-green. No lights, he said. He should have them on soon, Taggart said. He sounded apprehensive. Where will the river be?" When the floodgates are opened next month, two little creeks will dribble around either side of the hill.

  The cabin's already been cleared by inspectorsno drainage or erosion problems. So he's planning to build a little log bridge to the road and stick it out." Tiny lights came on far below. There. He burns every light in the cabin after dark." Lonely?"

  No, Taggart said. You'll see." Fifteen minutes later, the truck's oversized tires grumbled in the cabin's gravel driveway. Taggart shut off the engine and the headlights.

  Need help with the luggage? he asked as Fowler hauled two suitcases and a cardboard box over the liftgate. Sure, he said. The equipment is in the big metal one. I'll get these."

  What's in the box?" Fowler grinned sheepishly. I figured what with living in the woods and everything, your father wouldn't have this kind of stuff around."

  What kind of stuff? Taggart asked. He pried open one corner of the box. My God, it's full of Twinkies!" Not just Twinkies, Fowler said. Marshmallows, candy bars, Cracker Jacks, you name it it's in there."

  I didn't know you were a junk-food freak." It hit me in Vietnam, Fowler said. That was what I really missed about stateside. They carried the luggage to the front porch. The door opened before Henry knocked.

  Jordan Taggart had aged a lot since Fowler last saw him. His nose was visibly hooked and his wrink
les had deepened into roadmap seams, showing all the directions his life had taken in sixty-eight years. Jordan looked them over carefully, squinting. Larry Fowler, he said, holding out his hand. His grip was still firm and dry. Come in, come in. It's chilly this evening." So we noticed, Henry said. It didn't take much talk to get Larry up here, Dad. Seems like he needed a vacation."

  Fowler looked from father to son. They resembled each other more now than they had two years before. Henry would look more like Jordan the older he became, even to losing the same amount of hair in the same places. I've kept it neat, Jordan said, shutting the door behind them and waving an arm at the comfortable furnishings. It's warm, has room for my books, and the weather is generally peaceful around here. Winters are mild." Larry seems willing to help us. Dad." Jordan shook his head. I hope you haven't told him what I said." No, sir." Better he hear it from my own mouth. Better to judge me crazy directly." Here's the equipment, as much as I could muster, Larry said. And some things you didn't mention specifically." Microwave detectors? I read about those." Yes, Fowler said, and electronic thermometers with a chart recorder. Cameras with infrared film." What do you think we're up to? Jordan asked. Fowler shrugged. Henry says you've been thinking a lot about death recently. Philosophizing. He sat on the oak-frame couch and looked at the book shelves above the fireplace. You're looking for ghosts, I'd say." Still whip-smart, Jordan said. I remembered you as smart. But you're not exactly correct this time."

  Psychlone No ghosts?" I'm not looking for anything in particular, Larry. You're in electronics now, aren't you?" Fowler nodded. Borrow all this equipment from your company?" Yes." I'm not looking for something. I've already seen. Now I want to know what it is I've seen. You're well- versed in science, aren't you?" Not where ghosts are concerned." Not ghosts, I think, Jordan reiterated. I'm up on electronics and I read a lot of journals otherwise. I can hold my own." Got a bunch of Scientific Americans myself. Henry gave me a subscription three years ago." Henry sat in a recliner near the fireplace and pushed the chair back until he sighed with comfort. You've held dinner, I hope, Dad?" Jordan nodded, his face brightening. If you can put up with corned beef and steamed vegetables." Fowler wasn't enthusiastic, but hungry enough to accept the prospect. Jordan left the living room and began rattling pots in the kitchen. Well? Henry asked. Fowler shrugged. I'm open-minded. I don't think the equipment will do him any good. Other investigators have used similar stuff. What is he after?" I don't know, Henry said. I've only stayed the night here twice. How open-minded are you?" Not a believer, if that's what you mean." Jordan laid the food out on the dining-room table and brought out cans of beer. He preferred to eat in silence, apparently, and they did. The woods were preternaturally quiet, relieved only by the occasional sough of a dove. Henry finished his helping and slipped his fork onto the plate with a clink, leaning back. Psychlone Larry's our man, Dad, he said. Jordan looked briefly at Fowler as he chewed. So he may be. I'm not the one, that's for sure. My brain doesn't have the cutting edge necessary for this." Fowler examined the titles on the shelves behind him: Cosmic Consciousness, The Vampire in Europe, a three-volume set called Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft, scattered paperbacks with a sensational appearance and a long row of occult novels. He smiled. Ghost stories bore me." Then we'll spare you campfire terrors tonight, Jordan said. Gentlemen, I sleep and wake by the sun. I've held dinner only for you, and bad as it is for an old man to snooze on a full belly, I feel so inclined. You may sit up and talk if you wish. Good night."

  When Jordan was in his bedroom with the door closed, Fowler leaned over the table and asked, What in hell is going on?" Stay the night at least. You'll know as much as I do, which right now is nothing. He's not senile, Larry. I know him pretty wellwe've gotten reacquainted in the last few years. He's just as skeptical as you and I."

  But these books" I know, some are ridiculous. Not all, however. There's genuine scholarship on that shelf." Mixed with a healthy dose of bullshit. All this Frank Edwards crap, Jeane Dixon, strictly National

  Perspirer stuff. Are you two trying to set me up for a night in a haunted cabin?"

  The cabin is two years old. I doubt if anything larger than a skunk has died in its vicinity since it was built. It's not haunted." Ah, but it rests on an old Indian mound, and" Pocahontas won't disturb your sleep, either." Then the ancient wolf-spirit?" I don't know about that one. Dad's only described a few incidents, and I haven't seen anything." Jesus, I'm an engineer. Henry! You should have called in Hans Holzer." You'll spend a night in the peaceful woods and breathe clean air for a while. If nothing happens, it's a vacation, right? Or is your mind completely closed after all?"

  Fowler gave him a pained look and backed his chair away from the table. I deal with reliable things, things I understand. Death isn't my cup of tea." What about Vietnam?" I never got into direct combat. I saw a couple of idiots blown up playing chicken with a fragmentation grenade. They didn't leave enough to suggest a ghost. That taught me what death wasfinal and unpleasant. A big cosmic accident, and no bookkeeper to keep track of us. Where's the box?" In the kitchen, Henry said. Fowler found it next to the refrigerator and dug out a cupcake. While he chewed on it, he opened the equipment case and began pulling out components. But I came up here, and I'll follow through. Sit down and I'll explain what all this is. If I remember rightly, following old horror movies, one or more of us will be incapacitated by dawn." Henry shook his head. Okay. Explain." This is the microwave detector. Just a little radio receiver, actually, hooked to a meter and alsothrough this cordto the chart recorder. I'll set it beside the couch, next to the door. Two digital thermometers, one for inside and one for out, also hooked up. I didn't bother with a tape recorder. Now the camera is a regular camera, but it has an automatic film advance and I can adjust the focus and exposure by this little remote panel here. I built it myselfused to be a model-boat control box. There's infrared film in it now, and some regular stuff in the case if we need it. Okay?" Henry nodded. Let's get everything in its place and the drama can begin." After rigging the equipment and starting the roll of chart paper moving on the machine, they sat up talking about their work until eleven. The fresh air began to affect Fowler. They unrolled sleeping bags, and Henry insisted Fowler take the couch. As his head hit the pillow, he took a last look around the roomnoticed the kitchen and porch lights were still onand slept. The old man was up and about with the first rays of light. Fowler rolled over and tried to cover his ears, but after a half-hour gave it up and sat in the bag, listening to morning birds. Nothing happened, he said as Henry opened his eyes. Quiet night, gentlemen? Jordan asked, bringing in three cups of hot coffee on a tray. I feel like a fool, Fowler said sleepily. I was expecting a giant to step in and ask for Hungry Jack biscuits. Now all I get is to-wheet, to-whoo and a fine cuppa." Henry dressed and opened the front door to examine the clearing around the cabin. His gaze had swept through about forty degrees before he stopped and tensed. Quick! he whispered. Come look at this! Fowler put down his cup and joined him in the doorway. Henry's finger pointed to an animal standing on the drive. It was a lynx, still as a statue, staring at the cabin with ears cocked, their tufts plainly visible in the morning light through the trees. Henry turned his head slowly and smiled at Fowler. Worth it just to come here and see that, isn't it? he asked in an undertone. Fowler nodded. It looks like it's jacklighted." Oh, it'll take off if we move." Jordan stepped up behind them and peered over their shoulders. Been here before, always in the morning, he said. Go ahead. Move and see if it runs." What? Henry asked, fascinated by the animal. Move. Try and scare it." Fowler waved his hand. The lynx didn't react. He took a step forward; still no motion. Henry chuckled and said, Bold little bastard." Walk right up to it, Jordan encouraged. Not me, Fowler said. It may claw our shins off. Maybe it's rabid." Summer's the season for rabies, not winter, Jordan said. It isn't rabid." They both jumped up and down and waved their arms. The animal could have been stuffed for all the reaction it showed, but there was a sense of vitality in the tensi
on of the legs and the glitter of its eyes that assured them it was alive. Either of you have the guts to go right on over? Jordan asked. Henry glanced at Fowler. They grinned nervously, shaking their heads. Dad, it is acting a little weird."

  Fine, Jordan said. He pushed between them and walked up the drive to the cat. Fowler expected the animal to puff up, scowl and run. But the elder Taggart stood beside it, and still its gaze was fixed on the cabin. Come on out, he said. First lesson." Psychlone They walked cautiously across the gravel. Henry bent down beside the animal. Must be dead, he said. Or paralyzed. Too sick to move." Touch him, Jordan said. Not just Henry. You, too, Larry." Fowler put his hand beside Henry's on the cat's fur. He withdrew it suddenly.

  Goddamn thing's frozen, Henry said. Stiff as a board." Minimum temperature last night, twenty-nine degrees Fahrenheit, Jordan said. At least, that's what your graph shows. Couldn't freeze a wild animal like this cat, not when it's moving or holed away in its den. Animals have ways to stay warm."

  As they watched, frost started to form on the cat's fur. The eyes clouded over with rime. Henry looked at his fingers and held his hand out to Fowler. The tips were covered with white. What is it? Fowler asked. Henry rubbed his palm against the fingers. White flecks drifted down. Skin, I think, he said. Cat just froze a layer to powder."


  Kevin Land was forty-seven years old and had lived in Lorobu, New Mexico, most of his life. Half of that time, he guessed, he had been drunk. He was aware how disgusting he was. His clothes were dirty, his face unshaven, his eyes waxy yellow. He spent most of his time indoors, in the cheap shack that Jim Townsend rented to him for twenty dollars a month. The rest of his money went for booze and the tiny amount of food he judged was necessary to keep him alive. He was sick most of the time with something or other. He was never sure what, but probably it had to do with his liver. He had nightmares of taking out his own liver and whipping it as it lay on the ripped easy chair. Take that, you son of a bitch, he would shout melodramatically in the dreams. As a teenager he had read a book about Greek godshe had read quite a few books as a kidand now he looked upon himself as Prometheus, and booze was his eagle, eating his liver each day. All because he had brought fire down to earth. He couldn't remember doing it, but he must have. It fit the story. Kevin Land was in his shack when the wind started to rise. It came from a clear, cold late-morning sky. He heard it dimly and worried when it began to shake the shack. Life and death, he muttered, pulling the blanket up over his head. Matter of." Jim Townsend was eating a lunch of turkey and dressing left over from Thanksgiving, two days before. He was carving the last of the bird and handing it around to his wife and younger son. The meat was like gold. He was out of work. Barrett's service station, where he had been a mechanic for thirteen years, had closed down after John Barrett died of a stroke. Barrett's son had sold the property to another oil company and, preparatory to rebuilding the office and garage and installing a whole new crew from out of town, the oil company had fired Townsend. His family's only income now was from the six pieces of property they owned around town. It had always been Townsend's wish to rent the properties to needy people at bare minimum rates, as long as he was making a good living and his family got along comfortably. Soon that would have to change. Lorobu serviced several mines operating in the area, and every winter did a spotty business with tourists. But mining operations had been halted recently because of conservationist lobbies in Washington and Sacramento, and the local businesses reported sharply reduced tourist spending for the past year. Lorobu was not in an up period, Townsend knew, and the properties weren't going to rent for much more than he was charging now. It was a bleak prospect. He worried most when he looked at his wife. Georgette, who was still bright and perky and loyal after twenty-five years of marriage. His younger son, Tim, was eleven and doing well in school. The boy seemed interested in working with his handshe was a whiz at plastic model kitsbut Townsend didn't want him to follow in his father's footsteps. Tim was too bright and capable to spend the rest of his life repairing cars. Their older son, Rick, had married a Mormon girl and moved to Salt Lake City. They seldom heard from him. That hurt Georgette, but she didn't blame the Mormons as much as Jim did. Their middle child, a girl, had been killed in a motorcycle accident two years before. Townsend knew she had been reckless. He had loved her most of all, but his memories of her seemed to stop at her twelfth birthday. He cut the turkey leg and apportioned it between his plate and Tim's. It's blowing harder, Dad, Tim said. Townsend broke his reverie and looked out the window at the scrub lot next to their house. The dry weeds were rustling and the tree beside Norman Blake's workshed was twisting this way and that, like a dancer warming up. Michael Barrett had just finished making love to his girl friend, twenty-year-old Cynthia Furness, who was a hellion in bed but sometimes a pain outside of it. She was a Jesus freak. Michael never could put the two sides of her together and had finally given up, telling her one night, philosophically, I guess it's just like being hungry. When you're hungry, you eat, Jesus or no, and when you're horny you screw. Cynthia wouldn't be very pretty in ten or fifteen yearsshe was already a touch too plumpso he had no plans for marrying her. She probably thought he did. He probably should, they'd been getting it on together long enough. But Michael had been feeling very well off since his father had died, leaving thirty-five years of savingsover fifty thousand dollars. He was sure marriage didn't fit into his plans. He wanted to move to Los Angeles and get into real estate. Cynthia lay on the other side of the bed, breathing hard, hair disarrayed, eyes closed and mouth open. Very sensual, Michael thought; he might screw her again if he had the strength. But for the moment he was dog-weary and contented. He put his arm around her and pulled her close. She made an animal sound deep in her throat and snuggled closer to him. She was a funny girl. She thought his Right Guard smelled sexy. She liked the way he kept his hair fluffy-clean. And last Christmas, she had given him a white leather-bound Red Letter Edition King James Bible. She had plans for him. The rising wind made her feel very cozy, lying next to him. The house heater clicked on. Norman Blake was Lorobu's sheriff. He was on the highway between Montoya and Lorobu when the wind came up. His car swerved and he brought it back in line, swearing, looking up through the windshield at the pristine sky. His radio crackled and went dead. His neck hairs stood up and he pulled the car to the side of the empty highway. What the fuck is going on? he asked himself. He tried the radio several times, but it was gone. The wind and the radio at the same time. Blake wasn't much on meteorology, but he thought maybe it had something to do with the sun. Was that eleven-year cycle kicking up again? He cautiously swung back onto the road, balancing his wheel against the wind, and continued on to Lorobu. In the evening, the wind died and the temperature plummeted to forty-five degrees. Blake ate his dinner at the Lorobu Inn, maintaining his loyalty to the owner, even though the food was better at the new Holiday Inn on the east side of town. When he left the restaurant and walked to his car, his neck hairs tingled again and he scrunched his head closer to his shoulders, as if to avoid a blow. The town was dead quiet. He looked up at the still, starbright night sky and lowered his eyebrows, squinting to see something indefinite. Then he shook his head, opened the car door, and got in. He sat at the wheel for several minutes, ostensibly to let his food digest before he put in his last few hours cruising the small business district. But something was on his mind. He couldn't shake the picture from his head. Thirty-five years ago, when he was twenty-one years old, he had served in the Navy on the small island of Tinian in the Marianas. He was seeing Tinian now as he closed his eyes, and almost feeling the warm heat. What was so important about Tinian that it should come back to haunt him? He saw a pilot waving at him from the window of a bomber. That must have been before they sealed off the runway, because after that he couldn't have gotten within a thousand yards of any planes. He couldn't remember the pilot, but the face was very clear. He backed the car out of the parking lot and drove slowly through what he affectionately ca
lled downtown Lorobu. It was six-thirty and everything was closed and locked, security lights on, streetlights okay, none shot out by the young hooligans who occasionally drove through. When Blake had been a kid, he had taken out his aggressions shooting at jackrabbits, not streetlights. But then, he hadn't had his first car until he was seventeen, just a year before he enlisted. That was the year he had met Molly. Back then, she had been young and gangly, not very striking, but after coming home in 45 and getting married, she had filled out and become positively beautiful"my own Miss America, he had called her. Such foresight, he thought, would have made him rich if he had applied it to stocks and bonds. They'd moved to Lorobu in 1950 and he had worked in the sheriff's office ever since. It had been a good job, a good life. It still was, although Molly had become more than pleasingly plump after hitting forty. She was no beauty now, but she had kept her sense of humor. That was more important anyway, he told himself. He was going on seventeen stone himself. Seventeen stone, he murmured, turning the corner onto Kelso street. Damned Crabber is going to make a limey of me yet. Fenton Crabber owned the Alamogordo Bar and Grill, where Blake went on weekends for a couple of beers and a game of darts. Crabber had been in the RAF, and they liked to lie about their war records. Barrett's service station, dark now, stood on the corner of Kelso and Gila Lane. He got out of his car at the curb and walked up to the office to peer inside, making sure no vandals had broken in. The window glass was okay everywhere. Even the pumps were intact. He wondered when the Standard Oil people were going to come in and claim their land. Damned shame, Barrett dying and leaving everything to Michael. Michael wasn't a bad boy, but he had big dreams, and Blake knew instinctively he wasn't smart enough to follow through. He would spend it all on women and dumb business schemes and come back to Lorobu someday, poor, maybe a rummy like Kevin Land. As if in answer to the thought, he saw Land coming down Gila Lane, walking steadily and in a straight line. Blake took a last look at the station and strolled across the service lanes to see how Land was doing. Hey, Kevin! he called. Land turned and goggled at Blake. How's things? Blake asked, approaching quickly, then slowing as he saw the expression on the man's face. Carrying the fire, Land said. What?" Land pointed to his right hand, hidden in the pocket of his dirt-mottled jacket. Sure, Blake said. Land was drunk as usual. Getting late, Kevin. You'd better get home soon. Blake was still trying to find out who sold Land liquor. There were only three liquor stores in town, and he knew all the owners personally. One of them was probably feeling obliged to do Land a favor and keep him stewed. When Blake found out who, he would read the riot act to himor her, if it was Miss Louiseand maybe Land would have a chance to dry out. Land turned stiffly and continued walking. Blake's car radio crackled back to life as he was crossing Main on the last part of his route. Jason Franz, the senior deputy, told Blake there had been a complaint from Park's Hardware and Sundries. Had a hard time getting you, Franz said. Radio was on the blink. Must have been jolted back. What happened? Park's store was at the end of his route. Clerk thereI think it was Beverlysays Kevin Land just walked in and tore up her paperback stand. She's leaving it alone for you to look at." Bloody hell, Blake said. I just passed Land. I'll pick him up and go have a look." First time, Franz said, and signed off. Indeed, Blake thought. Land had never pulled a stunt like that before. He was a damned decent fellow for a drunk. Probably would have been a bright guy if the booze hadn't grabbed him. The car spun around on the empty street and Blake backtracked, stopping near Barrett's station to remember which direction Land had gone off in. Down Gila Lane, not swerving, if he was truly drunk. To deviate would be disastrous. That was how some drunks thought. When they drovethose who did drive, the idiotsthey would swerve a bit, and then, to compensate and show they weren't filled to the gills, they'd change lanes, sometimes right into another car. There had been a messy accident on 60 near Vaughn like that just yesterday. The breeze was starting again, mild this time, when he spotted Land standing where Gila Lane ended at a road block and scrub country. He aimed the car headlights on the man's back and stopped twenty paces from him. Being cautious, even with old customers, was why he had never been wounded on duty. Kevin, he said, stepping from the car. Land turned and faced him, quick on his feet, not even lurching. What's up, fellow? Blake asked. Feeling rough tonight? Beverly at the Park store says you damaged some merchandise." Justice, Land said thickly. Life and death. Matter of. Lieutenant William Skorvin. You saw him." What? Blake asked, stopping. Land took his right hand from his jacket pocket and aimed it up at the sky. Jesus, Kevin, what did you do? Dip your hand in phosphorus?" Land shook his head. Blake stepped closer. His neck hairs were at full rise this time, but he had to take Land in. It was his job.


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