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Trust Page 43

by Sherri Hayes

  I met the prosecutor’s inquisitive gaze. Before I could respond, however, there was a commotion toward the back of the courtroom. I glanced back to see Logan poking his head through the door. He saw me and motioned for me to come.

  Excusing myself from the prosecutor and his questions, I strolled down the aisle to meet Logan. He nodded out into the hall, and I followed him. I saw Brianna searching through the throng of people. When her gaze landed on me, I saw some of the panic ebb from her eyes.

  Reaching out for her, not caring who was around us, I pulled her into my arms. A large puff of air left her lungs blowing hot against my neck.

  I stood there holding her for as long as I could, but all too soon, everyone began reentering the courtroom, including the judge.

  Brianna stood a few feet outside the door, flanked by our friends. Jade and Lily were directly by Brianna’s side. They’d each been holding one of her hands when I’d walked through the door. Logan and Cal stood guard next to them. It was a rather impressive sight. I noticed Emma hovering directly behind Brianna. The five had her surrounded on three sides.

  Through the closed door, I could hear the judge bang his gavel, bringing the court back to order. “Who is the prosecution’s next witness?”

  The prosecutor’s voice sounded bold and confident. “The prosecution calls Ms. Brianna Reeves.”

  Ready or not, it was time.

  Chapter 47


  The judge’s voice echoed through the closed doors. If it was that loud standing out in the hall, I could only imagine how loud it would be inside the courtroom.

  Stephan held tight to my hand as we waited. I could hear movement and some murmuring on the other side of the doors but nothing specific. There were too many things going on in the hallway where we were waiting. Heels clicked on the tile floor, and a there were a couple of men talking quietly along the wall.

  No one bothered us as we waited. I wasn’t sure if that was because they were too wrapped up in their own comings and goings, or if it had to do with the overwhelming presence of my bodyguards. And that was what they were—bodyguards. When Stephan had left to testify, Emma stayed in the room with me, along with Cal, Jade, Lily, and Logan. While Lily and Jade had stayed by me, holding my hand and trying to distract me as best they could, Logan and Cal had taken up positions about halfway between the door and where Lily, Jade, and I sat at the back of the room. They’d stood with their arms folded over their chests, almost daring anyone to attempt entrance.

  A minute or so went by before I heard the prosecutor announce my name. The door opened, and Agent Marco motioned for me to enter. My limbs, however, wouldn’t move.

  “It’s your turn, sweetheart,” Stephan’s voice whispered softly in my ear.

  I felt Ian’s stare on me from across the room and instantly wanted to crawl into Stephan’s lap and bury my face against his shoulder. I knew that wasn’t an option, though, given where we were, so I held his hand in a death grip instead.

  All eyes were on me, and I felt the panic begin to swell. I closed my eyes, blocking out everything, but it was too much. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t—

  A hand cupped the side of my face—a familiar hand. One that was soft yet firm. It turned my face to the side, and when I opened my eyes, Stephan was there, inches away from me. “Take a deep breath.”

  I did.


  The second breath came a little easier as I continued to focus solely on him.

  “That’s it. You can do this. Just keep breathing and look at me.”


  I have no idea how long we stood there, but no one around us moved or said anything. The weight of their stares pressed on me, but I stayed focused on Stephan. He never took his eyes off me. “Are you ready?”

  “I think so.”

  He smiled and dropped his hands from my face. I took two steps forward before I realized Stephan hadn’t moved.

  When I looked back over my shoulder, Stephan reached out his hand, squeezing my fingers. “I have to stay out here. I’m not allowed to come in with you.”

  “Why?” I felt my throat constricting.

  “The defense has asked permission to recall me to testify. Because of that, I can’t be in the courtroom.” He walked the two steps it took to reach me, and a guard took a step forward, silently telling him that he couldn’t proceed any farther. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be right here. And you won’t be alone.”

  Stephan nodded toward Logan, Lily, Cal, and Jade.

  As if they’d both been prompted by some silent signal, Lily and Jade stepped up on either side of me and offered me their hands. Reluctantly, I turned away from Stephan and took the offering.

  They walked beside me until we reached the last row of seats right behind the lawyers. “We’ll be right here,” Lily said as she and Jade each released my hand and slid into the empty seats.

  I felt as if I were about to lose it, but I nodded. They sat down, and Lily motioned that I should continue to go on without them. I didn’t want to. I wanted Stephan there with me. It would be so much easier if he was.

  He couldn’t, though. I knew that. Even if he’d been able to be inside the courtroom, I had to do this on my own. Taking a deep breath, I walked forward.

  It was a long way to the witness stand. At least, it felt that way. The bailiff approached me halfway there, and I flinched. I had to force myself not to run in the opposite direction.

  After the bailiff swore me in and I was seated behind the wooden partition, I felt a little better. The closest person to me was the judge, and although he was imposing sitting above me, I was fairly confident he wouldn’t harm me. I wasn’t sure why I felt that way, but considering how I was shaking inside due to all the other people in the room, including Ian, I was going to take it.

  “Hello, Ms. Reeves.”


  The judge’s voice startled me, causing me to jump. “You’re going to have to speak a little louder so we can hear you.”

  My heart thudded in my chest, feeling as if it would burst through at any minute. I found Lily in the crowd, and she lifted her hand to her neck, dragging her fingers lightly along her collar. It took me a moment to realize what she was doing, but then I got it. Closing my eyes, I let myself feel the weight of my collar hanging around my neck. Stephan’s collar.

  “Ms. Reeves?”

  I opened my eyes, and this time looked at the prosecutor.

  “Can you state your name for the court, please?”

  “Brianna. Brianna Reeves.”

  “Thank you.” He smiled, and I knew he was trying to put me at ease. “Could you tell the court how you know the defendant?”

  The prosecutor motioned toward Ian, and without thinking, I followed his movement. My gaze landed on Ian, and I nearly lost it. I closed my eyes against the memories that flooded through my head. Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I couldn’t stop them.

  “Ms. Reeves?”

  I pinched my eyes closed, trying to block everything out. Go away. Please, go away!

  A loud bang sounded, and my eyes flew open looking for the danger, ready to bolt.

  For some reason, my gaze once again fell on Ian. He was laughing . . . amused.

  He thought he was going to win.

  “He was my Master.” My voice rang out loud and clear through the courtroom, even though my insides felt as if they were vibrating out of control. “I was his property. He owned me.”

  The courtroom fell silent.

  I knew I had to get it out now, or I never would. My hands were trembling, and I pressed them flat against my legs trying to keep them still. “The first time I met him, he had two men hold me down while he . . . while he beat me.” I took a deep breath. “And then he placed a leather collar around my neck. He said . . . he told me I was his now and that I would do as he said or face the consequences.”

  “How long were you held against your will by Mr. Pierce?”


  The judge’s angry voice ripped through the courtroom in response to the defense’s outburst. “Overruled.” He paused. “Continue, please, Ms. Reeves.”

  My insides felt as if they were going to burst and I would lose the little bit of lunch I’d eaten. “Ten months.”

  “And that was when Mr. Coleman purchased you from Mr. Pierce, correct?”

  “Yes. Stephan saved me. If he hadn’t . . .” The tears started flowing again. I couldn’t stop them. “If he hadn’t, I would probably be dead by now.”

  “Objection. Speculation, Your Honor.”

  The judge turned his attention to me. “Please stick to the facts, Ms. Reeves.”

  I wrapped my arms around myself protectively and nodded.

  There was a long pause while the prosecutor waited for me to collect myself. I was trying not to fall apart—really, I was. “Could you explain to the court what your life was like with Mr. Pierce?”

  “I-I-I don’t know if I can.”

  “Try? Please?”

  Someone handed me a tissue. I didn’t know who. “The first night I was there . . .” The words got caught in my throat. “I was . . . I was locked in the basement. It was cold. And dark. I remember . . . I remember being so scared. I didn’t understand what was happening or why. What had I done to deserve this?” The last part came out on a strangled cry. I’d asked myself that question time and time again. Not only that night, but many nights after that.

  “I thought . . . I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but . . .”

  “But it did get worse, didn’t it, Brianna?”

  I closed my eyes and nodded as more tears fell. “Yes.”

  “Take your time, but can you tell us what happened?”

  “The next morning . . .” I had to clear my throat. “He . . . he came downstairs to get me. I tried to . . . I tried to fight him off . . . I tried! But I was too weak from the beating the day before. He attached a leash to the collar he’d put around my neck.” I reached up, cupping my neck. The cool metal of Stephan’s collar pressed into the palm of my hand, and I took another deep breath trying to calm myself, to get through this. I was wearing Stephan’s collar now, not Ian’s. Stephan’s. And it was by my choice. No one could take that away from me. Not even Ian.

  “I was taken . . . to another room on the main floor.” I swallowed. “Later I learned he called it his—his playroom. He . . . he . . .” I shook my head begging the memories to go away. I didn’t want to remember.

  “He placed thick cuffs . . . around my wrists.” It was almost as if I could feel the metal bands digging into my wrists. I glanced down through my tear-filled eyes just to make sure they weren’t there. “And with the help of the same . . . the same two men from . . . from the day before . . . they placed my wrists high at the top of a wooden pole.”

  Just as Dr. Perkins had taught me, I sought out something that could ground me to the here and now. Sights. Sounds. Textures. “I couldn’t move.” My voice came out in not much more than a whisper. “My feet could barely touch the floor.”

  “What happened then?” The prosecutor’s voice was equally as quiet.

  “He . . . he whipped me.”

  I stopped, trying to breathe through the panic that threatened. “I don’t know . . . I don’t know with what. I couldn’t see. But by the end, I was covered in blood.”

  “And then?”

  “They took me down.” I closed my eyes, remembering as if it were yesterday. Every part of my body hurt from my hands, all the way down to my feet. “They placed me face down on a bench.” I paused and found Cal’s gaze. He was staring back at me with wide eyes. I’d never gone into detail with him about what had happened. Now he knew. “One by one . . .” I swallowed, feeling bile rise in my throat. “They raped me.”

  I fell apart then, hunching over in my chair and sobbing.

  Instead of asking me another question, the prosecutor addressed the judge. “Your Honor, I would request a recess so that the witness can compose herself after such emotional testimony.”

  There was a short pause. At least, it felt short. “Given it’s almost four o’clock, we’ll adjourn for the day and resume testimony tomorrow morning at nine. Court dismissed. Bailiff?”

  Everyone stood except me. I felt as if a weight was pressing me down into my chair. I did it. It wasn’t over yet, but I’d gotten through the first day. Ian didn’t win. I didn’t let him.

  Arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me from the chair. I sighed. Stephan. I held on tight, never wanting to let go.

  “You did great, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.”

  I cried. I couldn’t help it.

  “Come on. Let’s get you home, and then we can curl up in my chair. How does that sound?”

  I smiled against his neck. My nausea was slowly receding. “Like heaven.”

  Stephan kissed the side of my face and smiled. “I couldn’t agree more. Let’s find our way out of here.”


  If I’d thought Brianna’s nightmares during the last month had been bad, they had nothing on what occurred the night after she testified. Every time her breathing evened out and I thought she’d finally fallen asleep, she would crinkle her nose and ball her hands up into fists. Less than five minutes after that, the thrashing and screaming began. The cycle repeated itself over and over again. It was a very long night.

  At four, I gave up on either one of us getting any sleep and dragged Brianna into the bathroom with me for what I hoped would be a relaxing bath. I massaged her shoulders and back, keeping everything as innocent as possible. That was until she looked up at me and begged me to take her. I was unsure at first, but then she explained that she needed me to reassure her nothing that happened yesterday had made a difference. That she was still mine. That I still wanted her.

  Her words tore at the very fiber of my being. Gripping the back of her neck, I brought her lips to mine. I took my time, touching and tasting her . . . slowly making love to her with my hands and mouth before positioning her over my cock and entering the warm depths of her pussy as the water moved around us.

  We’d made love before, even though Brianna never referred to it as such. She always called it sex no matter if it was rough, or if it was sweet and gentle. I knew that had to do with her past. But even if she couldn’t consciously acknowledge the difference, I knew subconsciously she did in the way her body reacted. Her pussy pulsed around me as I rocked her hips against me, grinding her clit against my pelvic bone.

  Our lovemaking wasn’t hurried. And when we both finally reached our climaxes, it was with our mouths hovering over the other’s, and our gazes locked on one another’s. It was a truly spiritual experience—and exactly what we’d both needed.

  All too soon, it was time to get ready to go back to the courthouse. I wasn’t looking forward to another day spent in the hallway waiting while Brianna gave her testimony. Although I knew a lot of what she’d gone through, there were details she and I hadn’t talked about. Details she’d felt the need to share with me last night. I’d known she was beaten, collared, and then thrown in a dungeon. I’d also known that the next day Ian had raped her. Finding out she’d been beaten further and then gang raped by Ian and his friends was new information. It was difficult to sit and listen to, especially knowing that she’d had to sit up in front of a roomful of strangers—and Ian himself—and pour her heart out. He really was a bastard.

  The drive to the courthouse seemed to take no time at all, and before I knew it, I was looking for a place to park.

  Seconds after I turned off the engine, there was a loud bang, followed by several other similar sounds—four in total. I had no idea where the sounds had come from, but instinctively, I grabbed Brianna and ducked.

  Several minutes passed, and eventually there was screaming and people running in every direction. People were panicked. I lifted my head up, taking in the scene. Something had happened, and it didn’t look good. When we’d arrived, there had been only a
handful of uniformed police scattered throughout the area. Looking now, I counted at least twenty.

  I was weighing my options—stay in the car and wait to see what happened, or get out of the car with Brianna and try to get some answers—when my cell phone rang. It was Logan.

  “Where are you?”

  “We’re still in the car, on the north side of the courthouse. What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know exactly. From the looks of it, though, at least one person has been shot. Stay where you are, if you can. The police are locking down everything. No one who could have seen or heard anything is going anywhere anytime soon.”

  I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. “Call me when you have more information.”

  Slipping the phone back into my jacket pocket, I reached for Brianna and hugged her against my chest.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Someone’s been shot.”

  She looked up. “Who?”

  I shook my head and began threading my fingers through her hair. Whatever was going on, I had a feeling we were going to be here a while. The police didn’t take public shootings lightly. “Logan didn’t know. He’s going to call us once he finds out more.”

  Five minutes later, Ross called. He and Jade had arrived a minute or so before and were also stuck in their vehicles. When they’d tried to exit, they’d been order by an officer to stay put. No one seemed to have any answers at that point.

  All that changed when my phone rang again. Almost twenty minutes had passed since we’d heard the first bang.

  I checked the caller ID before I answered. It was Agent Marco.

  His voice was clipped. “Where are you?”

  “In my car, on the north side of the courthouse.”

  “Is Ms. Reeves with you?”


  “Stay where you are. I’m on my way to you.”

  He didn’t give me time to respond before disconnecting, and that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach increased. What had happened?


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