Saving Axe (Motorcycle Club Romance, Cowboy, Military) (Inferno Motorcycle Club)

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Saving Axe (Motorcycle Club Romance, Cowboy, Military) (Inferno Motorcycle Club) Page 13

by Paige, Sabrina

  Then he pushed apart my legs with his hand, and slipped his finger inside me.

  “Say what?” I practically panted it, an animal in heat. My body burned for him.

  “Say what you want,” Cade said. “Say what we both know you want.”

  My lips parted, and his eyes focused on them, waiting. His hand was still and I felt myself tighten around him.

  Move, damn it.

  I willed him to move his hand, just a little bit. I was already on the threshold. “Fuck me.”

  There. I said it.

  He didn’t move. And then a little smile, just the beginning of one, formed on his lips. “I didn’t hear you,” he said.

  The asshole.

  “Fuck. Me.” I said it again. I could feel my pussy throbbing around his fingers, waiting. Why wasn’t he already inside me? Why hadn’t he already ripped my jeans off me, thrust himself inside me?

  “You didn’t say ‘please,’” he said, leaning close to me, his breath hot on my ear. He pushed his fingers deeper inside me, and I nearly cried from frustration. “You didn’t beg.”

  I opened my mouth, fully intending to say “fuck you.” But, to my horror, I heard myself say, “Please.”

  I heard this sound come from his throat, this deep growl, and he covered my mouth with his, an animal devouring his prey. I pressed my body against him, desperate, wanting to be rid of my clothes. He yanked my shirt up over my head, threw it somewhere, and I fumbled, grasping at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up.

  And saw the scars, the rippled flesh where he had been burned. I paused, running my hands over his skin, my fingers registering the each little ridge and valley.

  "Cade," I said, the realization of what must have happened to him washing over me.

  He'd gotten a Silver Star after one of the deployments.

  He covered my hand with his, drew it away from his chest, shook his head. "Don't, June," he said.

  "But, I -" He thought I was going to say something trite, something stupid. He thought I would pity him.

  Cade shook his head. "Don't say a word."

  I ached to explore his body, to remember it with my fingers, but I wanted him hard, fast. Immediately.

  He pulled my jeans down farther, and I tried to kick off my shoes, step out of the fabric, muttering an expletive under my breath as they caught on my legs.

  “Let me,” Cade whispered, and he knelt to the ground, sliding the pants off with one hand as he leaned in and put his mouth between my legs.

  “Oh my God.” I tilted my head against the rock wall behind me, luxuriating in the warmth of Cade’s mouth on me. He brought me to the edge, and then, just as I was about to crash over it, stood up.

  He reached into his back pocket, and I barely registered what he had in his hand until he slid his pants down his thighs. I watched his cock spring free and he began to roll a condom on his length. I was delirious with lust, but the realization of what he had in his hand hit me. “What the hell?” I asked. “You brought a condom with you out here?"

  So he planned for this to happen.

  “Junebug, I’ve been carrying one with me every day since that first night I came to your house,” he said. “I've been waiting for you to decide what you wanted.” He paused, giving me that half-grin that had driven me crazy since we were kids, that cocky, shit-eating grin.

  “Now," he asked. "Is this what you want?”

  Was it what I wanted?

  My eyes drifted down his rippling torso to take in his nakedness, at his hardness begging for attention. If any other man had talked to me the way Cade did, with his stupid arrogant attitude, or stood in front of me, pants around his knees, unashamed in his nakedness, expecting me to just open my legs for him, I’d have told him to go to hell.

  But Cade? I hated myself for it, but I wanted him.

  “Yes.” I croaked out the words. “I want you.”

  He gripped my ass with both hands, pushed me hard against the rock wall, and entered me, in one swift motion, made easier by my slickness. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I melted into him, against him, as he kissed me again.

  His mouth on me, his cock inside was at once familiar and new. I gripped his back, pulling him tighter against me as he moved inside me with short hard thrusts, bringing me higher and higher.

  He kissed my neck, then underneath my ear, this sensitive place that had never failed to turn me on when we were teenagers. It worked just the same as it had back then. He worked just the same as he had back then, the rhythm of his movements in sync with mine.

  “You feel so good, Junebug,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  Good. He didn’t just feel good. He felt fucking amazing.

  Like holy shit, can’t remember why I wanted to have sex with anyone else good. Like, I didn’t want to ever stop having sex good.

  “Fuck, June,” he said. “Come with me.”

  I felt the wave of pleasure get bigger and bigger, until it overtook me, an orgasm so intense I swear I could feel it all the way down to my toes. I heard him cry out as he came inside me, but I was lost in my own pleasure, and it was only after I began to come down from my orgasm and peeled my face away from his shoulder that I realized how tightly I’d been clinging to him.

  “Sorry,” I said, looking down at his shoulder where I’d bit him, my teeth marks still imprinted on his skin like some kind of tattoo.

  I’d left my mark on him, that’s for sure, I thought. I can’t say it didn’t give me a smug kind of satisfaction, the idea of branding him like that.

  “I think I probably scratched the shit out of your back, too.” I said. But I wasn't sorry.

  Cade grinned, his face framed by chunks of hair falling forward. “Do you hear me complaining? Because if you hear me complaining, then you can apologize.”

  I smiled. “No, what I heard coming out of your mouth was definitely not complaining. In fact, if I had to, I’d say the ‘Fuck, June’ sounded a lot like begging.”

  “Me? Beg?” He winked. “Never.”


  I laid on my back in June’s bed, her head in the crook of my arm, her hair splayed out onto my chest, listening to her breathe. She snorted a little as she inhaled, the same way she’d done when we were teenagers, almost a snore but not really. It was one of those things I remembered about her.

  Oh, who the fuck am I kidding?

  I remembered everything about being with she felt, the taste of her sweetness on my lips, how she sounded when she came. And all the other things that didn't involve sex... She used to run her tongue across her lower lip when she was nervous, this silly thing she still did. She had hated it when we were kids and I first noticed it, but I couldn't help but point it out, since it made me holy shit hot for her every time she would do it. Without fail. She had no idea how seductive it was. And she hadn't abandoned the habit.

  It was strange being here, holding her, like going back in time or something. Or being in some kind of parallel universe where we were still together.

  Except that back then we wanted the same things. And now...

  We were on two different paths. She had moved here to stay, and I wasn't coming back.

  As much shit as I'd given her about not wanting a quiet life, about her wanting someone like me, someone living the kind of life I was living, I knew it wasn't good for her. It wasn't the right thing, saddling her with all of my shit.

  She was right to want peace and quiet.

  She was right to want a normal life.

  And there was no way in hell I was the kind of quiet life she was looking for. Shit, I was as far from that as you could get.

  I knew I was bad for her, and the fact that I still couldn't keep my hands off her made me the kind of guy who in no way could ever deserve her.

  What the fuck was wrong with me, going after her?

  There was still something about her that made my brain mush, that overrode my thoughts and took control of me. I could tell myself that I needed to stay away from h
er, that I was no good for her, and the minute I looked at her, all those thoughts would disappear. They'd be erased by some little thing she would do, that nervous thing she did with her lip, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, how she scrunched up her nose when she laughed.

  I knew I couldn't have her, but I couldn't help myself. She was like some kind of an addiction. But the best kind.

  June shifted in her sleep, mumbling words under her breath, a constant murmur, not quite talking in her sleep, but almost. I wondered if she was dreaming about us.

  When I finally fell asleep, it was just barely, the dozing kind of twilight sleep I usually had, halfway between being asleep and awake. But at least it wasn't filled with nightmares, and I could feel her, warm beside me.

  "Hey," she said, rolling over in the crook of my arm and looking up at me with those big eyes of hers. The sunlight was streaming through the window in her bedroom and I wasn't sure how long I had slept.

  "Hey yourself," I said.

  "How did you sleep?" She asked, her hand on my chest. I could feel her breasts pressed up against me.

  "Not bad," I said. "Considering I had your naked body against me all night."

  "And that had an effect on you?" June asked, batting her eyes and giving me an exaggerated surprised look. She pulled back the covers, revealing my hard-on. "Oh my. I guess it does."

  "Well, I'd like to give you credit for that, but that's just morning wood."

  "You're such a romantic." June laughed, the sound warming the space. She sat up, then jumped out of bed, walking to her bureau to grab a tee shirt. I watched her pulled the baggy shirt over her head, the fabric falling just to her thigh.

  "Hey!" I protested. "What, am I getting no love here?"

  She grabbed a pillow from the floor and tossed it at me. "I need to let Bailey out," she said, heading to the door as the dog trailed behind her, her tail wagging. "But after that, I've got plans for you. Don't you worry."

  "Good," I said. "Because I've got some things I want to do to you."

  I was walking out of the bathroom when she came back through the door, her cheeks pink from the cool morning air.

  "I've got an extra toothbrush in there somewhere, if you want to borrow it." She said it casually, with a familiarity that made me feel completely at ease, like I'd been with her for years. It was that kind of comfortable thing you had when you knew someone really well.

  And I did know her well, didn't I? I'd known her for half my life. It was just the adult years, the ones with all the craziness, where there was a huge gap between us.

  "Is that a hint?" I asked. I couldn't help the grin that was plastered all over my face. I felt like a stupid kid again, with a stupid schoolboy crush.

  She laughed. "Well, unless you want to kiss me with the sexy morning breath I've got going on, then I'm going to need to brush mine, at least."

  I crossed to the other side of the room and slid my hand around to the small of her back, pulling her T-shirt up high on her legs. I cupped her bare ass and kissed her full on the mouth, my tongue finding hers without any hesitation.

  I pulled away from her and she smiled.

  "Wow," she said.

  "Well, you know, I'm a biker. I don't exactly have the highest of standards. So a little morning breath is no problem."

  June slugged me on the arm. "Apparently I don't have the highest of standards either," she said, looking me up and down. "And I'm a doctor."

  I gave her a mock confused look. "Is that one of those insults only smart people understand?"

  She ignored me, sliding her hand between my legs and wrapping her hand around my shaft. "I'm glad that my morning breath didn't have any negative effect on you."

  "Oh no," I said. "It definitely did not."

  "Good," June said, smacking my ass cheek as she walked past me toward the bathroom. She stripped her tee shirt off and threw it in a ball on the floor. I heard her turn on the shower, and she called from inside the bathroom. "Are you going to join me, or what?"

  Hell yeah, I was going to join her.

  She was already in the shower, the water cascading over her head, and running in little streams down her shoulders to her breasts, where it dripped off her hard nipples.

  God, she looked so sexy.

  It was insane, you know, how women always think that guys want some perfect, taut little body, the kind of body you have when you're eighteen. I stood there, looking June up-and-down, and I couldn't help but think she was more beautiful now, almost twenty years since I'd last seen her, than she was back then. I liked the way she'd changed since high school, the little wrinkles around her eyes, the deep wrinkle in the middle of her forehead I was sure came from too much worrying.

  June's voice interrupted my thoughts. She pushed her hair back from her forehead, slid her hands over the length of her hair and wrung out the water. "What are you looking at? You're creeping me out here."

  "I'm looking at you," I said.

  "Well stop," she said. But she grinned. Her cheeks were bright pink, and I couldn't tell if it was from the hot water or because she was embarrassed. Either way, it was cute.

  Holy shit. I just thought of something as cute.

  What the hell was going on with me? I was not a ten year old girl. I had no business thinking of anything as being cute. This woman was killing me.

  "Hey, perv," June said. "Quit staring at me. Are you going to get under the water or what? I don't need you standing there, checking out my flabby thighs."

  "Flabby thighs?" I asked, as I joined her under the warm water. I sidled up behind her, pressing my already hard cock against her ass cheek. "You've got to be kidding with that shit. Feel that? That's how much I like your flabby thighs."

  June pressed her ass against my hardness. "I've gotten a lot older since we last saw each other, Cade. Gained some weight. Are you sure you still like what you see?"

  "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked. "You're feeling this, and you're asking me that question?" I pressed against her again. "That should leave no doubt in your mind that I like what I see."

  "Mmm-hmm," she said. "I'm not the same as I used to be..." Her voice trailed off, and I couldn't see the expression on her face.

  "Neither of us are, Junebug." We'd both changed, more than just physically. And there she was, concerned about what I thought about her thighs when I was the one with the scars all over my chest.

  I reached up, pushing her hands above her head, guiding her palms to the side of the shower, flat against the surface, her back toward me. I trailed my hand down the middle of her back, lingering at the top of the curve of her ass. "On the other hand, I don't know. Maybe I need to examine those thighs before I make a determination about what I think."

  "Don't be too harsh," June said. But her voice was light, joking.

  "Don't tempt me," I said. "I seem to remember you liking it harsh."

  “That was years ago, Cade.” But I knew she remembered the same things I remembered.

  “Does that matter?” I asked. Still behind her, I knelt down in the shower at her feet, my hands at her ankles. The water ran down her back, dripping onto my face, and I blinked it out of my eyes, not caring. After all, I was between the legs of a beautiful girl. Or, I was about to be, anyway.

  I ran my hand up over her calf, tight and muscled from running. Then I traced it up the outside of her thigh, the part she had been so self-critical of. I gripped her thigh with both hands, feeling the muscle twitch beneath my palms. Finally, I kissed the back of her leg.

  She jumped, squirmed at my touch, and I heard her sharp intake of breath. "And?" She asked. "What's your verdict?"

  "I'm not sure," I said. "I think that I might need to get a closer view." I kissed the inside of her thigh, right beside her knee, then further up. Pushing her leg to the side, I angled my head underneath her, leaving a trail of kisses up the inside part of her flesh, right to the fold at the top of her leg.

  “So?” June’s voice was breathy. “What’s your assessme

  “Mmm,” I said. I breathed in deeply, taking in her scent. “I’m going to say there’s nothing wrong with your legs at all.”

  “No?” she asked, her voice raspy. I recognized the tone of her voice, remembered it from years ago, and it awakened something within me. From underneath her, the water from the shower beating down on my head and my back, I tried to reach her pussy with my mouth, but couldn’t from where I knelt. I heard her moan in frustration, waiting for me to make a move.

  “Don’t worry,” I reassured her. “I’ll get there.” I teased her with my finger, slipping it inside her folds, and she let out a barely audible moan. I stroked her a few times, moving my fingers deeper and deeper.

  “Cade,” she whispered.

  Withdrawing my fingers from her, I brought them to my mouth, tasting her sweetness. And thought my cock was going to explode at the taste of her. “Shit, June, you taste good."

  “Hurry,” she said. But I wouldn’t have been able to wait if I tried. I was rock hard, ready for her. Rising up, I kissed down the length of her neck, to her shoulder, slid my hands around her, and cupped her breasts. My fingers brushed over her nipple, and I felt her melt against me, pushing her ass further back into me. "Please, Cade."

  I slid my cock between her legs, pressed my hardness against her willing pussy. “Oh, shit.”

  “What?” She pushed farther against me, against my cock, and I felt the tip begin to slide inside, bare against her skin.

  “Wait," I said. "Condom."

  “Shit,” June said, tensing up.

  “Don’t move.” I said, my voice harsher than I intended it to be. “I’ll be right back.” I jumped out of the shower, cupping my balls as I ran across the hardwood floors, the water dripping in pools, a path of wet footprints behind me. I grabbed a condom from the top of the nightstand and threw a glance at Bailey, lying in the corner. “Don’t look at me like that, girl.”


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