Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 7

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���Is it anything I can help with?���

  Julie thought for a moment. ���Probably not, but if you don’t mind listening… If you have time on my break later…���

  ���Of course. I’ll be in Pediatrics most of the day. Come find me.���

  ���Thanks. I’ll see you later.��� Julie left the office.

  Julie was glad when Nurse Hacher told her to take her break. She had done some healing on some of the patients she visited with and was beginning to feel the tiredness of not replenishing her energy with food. She had no money even for vending machine fare and was not comfortable asking anyone for a loan.

  She found Doctor Elsworth in Pediatrics as he had said. He told her to go ahead and he would met her momentarily in his office.

  Her body was telling her to take a nap but she changed her mind when she opened the door. A bowl of colorful fruit sat prominently on the desk. She ran over without a second thought and began eating. She knew Eli had done this just for her. He did not need to eat.

  ���Ah, good. I was hoping you would dig right in.��� Eli said as he entered.

  ���As if you doubted.��� Julie quipped back.

  ���I just know how stubborn you can be.���

  ���Touch��. I’m working on it.���

  Eli sat behind his desk as Julie sat perched on his desk still munching on the fruit. ���So, you have my ears.���

  Julie took a deep breath before beginning. ���Okay, I know you are not a Blend but I need to talk to a sane person.���

  ���Should I be offended that you talked to Marcus first?���

  ���Just look at it as confirmation of my many moments of idiocy.���

  Eli smiled but kept quiet, letting Julie lead the conversation.

  ���Marcus thinks I’m overreacting, but I am worried about Austin.��� She continued. ���I mean aside from what I know he is dealing with… there’s more. He’s acting strange… moody. He actually ran in an all-out panic.��� Julie paused for a moment. ���Well, I guess that it isn’t that out of the ordinary. I’ve done that.��� She pinched the bridge of her nose. ���Crap, maybe Marcus is right. Tell me I did not just say that.���

  Eli let out a slight chuckle. ���Maybe your concerns should be shared with your Uncle. He, more than anyone, would be a better judge of what is normal for Austin and yourself.���

  ���I thought of that, but then isn’t it more like dealing with revelation kinda stuff?���

  ���Your bodies may react differently in certain situations.���

  Julie nodded, ���That makes sense. Okay I will call Uncle G after work.���

  ���I’m going to be done early. Seems someone is making my patients get well faster.��� Eli smiled. ���Why don’t we grab a bite to eat together. Your Uncle’s cooking has stimulated my appetite.���

  Julie thought back to the time at her Uncle’s cabin. Austin and herself had jumped from a helicopter to escape Luke who was attempting to kidnap them. The injuries sustained were too massive for their own bodies to heal. Uncle G took them back to his cabin. With Marcus’ help, she and Austin recovered nicely. After much cajoling, Eli did eat with them.

  ���I’d take you up on that offer, but I start a new job tonight. I got hired at the cafe in town.���

  ���Oh, I didn’t know you had experience in that line of work.���

  ���I don’t. Dave said I could learn along the way. Apparently we are both desperate.���

  ���You know, Julie, I could have easily hired you here at the hospital. I could use a secretary.���

  Julie looked around his office. ���Sure you could. That’s why your office is such a mess.��� She gestured around to the impeccably clean office.

  Eli was about to add something else, but Julie cut him off. ���I appreciate the offer, Eli, I really do. But we’ve been over this. I’m going to do this on my own.���

  ���Did you ever think of going to school for medicine or nursing?��� He asked.

  ���Yes, actually. That is a long term goal of mine. I’m going to work and save up the money for school.���

  ���I’d be more than happy������ He began but Julie held up her hand.

  Eli tried another angle. ���What about your Uncle I’m sure������

  ���Stop,��� She laughed. ���I’m going to do it my way or no way. End of discussion.���

  Eli smiled, he would let it go, for now. ���Stubborn.���

  Julie smiled and popped one last grape in her mouth before hopping off the desk. ���See you later, Doc.��� She said as she left the office and went back to work. She was in a good mood despite her concerns over Austin. She at least had a plan now. She would call her Uncle after her work at the Cafe. Talking with Eli had made her feel better. She continued on the rest of the day performing her duties with a smile.

  After dropping Julie off, Austin drove around for a while before deciding to go back to the Laundromat to try talking to his mother. Entering the business, he greeted a few patrons before heading for the back office. The door was shut but he could hear voices shouting loudly. He opened the door and was shocked at who he saw. ���Dad?���

  8. Protecting Secrets

  Jacob, Austin’s father, turned to see his son standing in the office doorway. It had been three years since he last saw his son. He smiled at how much the once fifteen year old boy had grown into an eighteen year old young man. This was what he wanted for him; a normal life with normal growth. The news that Austin started showing signs of Blend abilities worried him. His wife knew nothing of Austin’s unusual birth. He married her after Austin was born. He was concerned about how Austin would react. His wife, Helene, was a wonderful, loving mother to the boy. He could not have asked for a better maternal figure. Before his son walked in, his wife had been shouting at him. She wanted to tell Austin the truth that she was not his birth mother long before this.

  ���Austin.��� Jacob greeted. ���It’s good to see you.���

  ���Good to see me? You’ve been gone for three years and kept secrets from me and that’s all you have to say?���

  ���Austin, calm down. You’re not giving me an opportunity to explain.���

  ���Explain what? That my whole life has been a lie!���

  Jacob was trying to calm his son down but his wife began crying. He felt guilty on both fronts. ���Austin, how about we go take a walk. All this arguing is upsetting your mother.��� He watched as a pained expression came over Austin’s face.

  ���No… no… not again.��� Austin cried out, grabbing his head.

  Jacob went over to his son and placed a hand on his back. ���Son, what’s wrong?���

  Austin backed away from him. He pressed himself into the corner and sunk down to the floor.

  Jacob quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Gregg. He rapidly explained Austin’s condition. While still on the phone, he knelt down in front of his son. ���Uncle Gordi wants you to come see him. He can help.���

  Austin seemed to not hear anything his father was saying. He looked up, his eyes crazed. ���I gotta get out of here!��� He stood and took off running.

  ���Gregg… what should I do?��� Jacob was beside himself; he felt helpless He was glad when Gregg said he would come down. After hanging up, he looked at his wife. ���Helene, I’m sorry. There is more going on than you realize. I have a lot of apologizing to do. I’m going to try and make things right. I need to go find Austin, will you be okay?���

  Helene dried her face with a tissue and nodded.

  Jacob left the Laundromat and was dismayed to see it raining heavily again. It had started to clear up when he arrived earl
ier. He grabbed an umbrella from his car and went in search of Austin.

  Julie finished up her duties and exited the hospital. She intended to walk into town to her new job. ���Oh man!��� She exclaimed, looking at the pouring rain.

  ���Tell me you are waiting for Austin to pick you up and I promise not to kill him when he pulls up.��� Marcus said, coming up behind her.

  ���No, actually. I was planning on walking into town.���

  ���So, he’s not on his way?��� Marcus huffed. He took out his cell phone and dialed Austin’s number. After a moment, he snapped his phone shut. ���That is the last time I let him use my car!��� He was agitated.

  Julie began to worry. ���I hope he is okay.���

  ���My car better be.���

  ���Is that all you care about, that damn car?���

  ���That ‘damn’ car cost me three months’ pay.��� He opened up his phone again and dialed. ���Yes, his is Doctor Samson at Smyth County Hospital. I need a car here ASAP. Great. I’m right out front. Thank you.��� He snapped his phone shut. ���He is so dead.���

  ���Aren’t you even the least bit worried? I don’t understand you!��� Julie was getting upset.

  ���Oh chill the drama. He’s probably with his dad.���

  Julie looked perplexed. ���I thought his dad was in France?���

  ���He was. He flew back yesterday.���

  ���How do you know all this?���

  ���Uncle Gregg told me when I called him after we talked.���

  Julie put a hand on her hip. ���So I actually got through to you?���

  Marcus glanced at her out of the corner of his eye but said nothing. A moment later a taxi pulled up.

  ���Doctor Samson?��� The driver asked as he stepped from behind the wheel.

  ���That’d be me.��� Marcus answered as he opened the cab door. He held the door open and gestured for Julie to enter. ���Come on. I’ll let you ride with me. I’m going to get something to eat in town anyway.���

  ���Thanks.��� She entered the cab.

  Marcus instructed the cab driver to head into town. ���Do you want to grab a bite to eat with me?���

  ���No, but thank you. I’m actually starting a new job at the cafe.���

  ���The one with the outdoor dining and the hot waitresses? I eat there all the time.���

  Julie groaned and hoped it was not the same place.

  The driver pulled over in front of Blue Moon Cafe. Julie closed her eyes. It was the same place. ���Crap.���

  Marcus broke into laughter. He quickly paid the cab and hopped out. He ran to Julie’s side and opened the door for her. ���Come on. I promise I’ll be on my best behavior.���

  They walked into the cafe together. A pretty young girl greeted them. ���Hello, and welcome to Blue Moon Cafe. Table for two?���

  ���No, just for me.��� Marcus chimed in giving the girl a wink.

  ���I’m supposed to start today. My name’s Julie.���

  ���Oh, that’s right. Dave said there was a new hire. I’m Calli. Let me just seat this gentleman and I’ll get you started.��� Looking at Marcus, she said. ���If you follow me, Doctor Samson, I’ll take you to your table.���

  ���I’ll follow you anywhere.��� Marcus replied with a smile.

  Julie could only shake her head as she watched Marcus follow the hostess. She could have warned the brunette to be wary of him. She noted that Calli addressed him by name so she must have met him during one of the previous times that he dined there.

  Calli returned, ���Julie follow me and I’ll get you set up.��� The girl gestured for her to follow.

  Julie fought back her nervousness as she followed Calli.

  ���We actually have a small room back here where you can change into your uniform. Each night when your shift is over, just toss it in this bin here. They clean them for us.��� The girl pulled a top and skirt off of a shelf. ���I’m a good judge of size. I bet you are a two, right?���

  ���Good guess.��� Julie smiled.

  ���I’m going to school during the day for fashion design.���

  ���That sounds exciting. You look like you could be a model.���

  ���I do model some of my own designs.��� Calli replied, striking a pose. ���I prefer designing them though. You could model.���

  Julie looked down at her own petite form and compared it to Calli’s long, lean figure. ���I’m too short.��� She laughed.

  ���That’s what high heels are for, silly.��� Calli laughed. ���Go ahead and change. Put your clothes in an empty locker. Karen should be here any minute. You will work alongside her today until you get the hang of things. Quick hint, look over the menu and specials each day to familiarize yourself with them. My older brother, Aidan, works behind the bar. Any problems, just give him a shout.���

  ���Thank you.��� Julie was very grateful for all the help.

  Calli left Julie alone so she could change. She tried to brush away the butterflies in her stomach. Quickly changing, she looked at her appearance in the mirror. The uniform was quite form fitting. The top was a white blouse with a ruffled collar that was a little too low cut for Julie���s liking. She kept trying to pull it up, but with its gathered waist, it kept sliding back down. The black skirt was pleated and came to just above her knees. ���At least it’s not too short.��� She said aloud.

  ���Short skirts are a good thing, trust me.��� A blonde-haired woman said, entering the changing area. ���Hi, I’m Karen. You must be Julie.��� The woman stuck her hand out to Julie.

  Julie smiled and shook hands with her. Her quick scan of the woman showed her to be in good health. In fact, she was with child. ���Yes, I’m Julie, and congratulations. When are you due?���

  Karen looked at her with a perplexed expression. ���How did you… I mean… I’m not showing. How did you know?���

  Julie realized she had made a big mistake. She quickly tried to cover herself. ���You just have this glow about you. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.���

  ���Oh, um, It’s okay. I just haven’t really told anyone, not even my family. I mean… I’m not married… I don’t plan on it either…��� Karen was rambling.

  ���Karen, wait, slow down. I’m not judging you. I’m really happy for you.��� Julie tried to calm her down.

  Karen took a deep breath and calmed herself down. ���Okay, now I’m sorry. I guess I’m just nervous about my decision. Being a single parent is kind of scary, but I’m excited. I just want him or her to be healthy.

  ���That’s all you can ask for.��� Julie smiled.

  ���I just met you and I’m spilling my guts to you.��� Karen laughed. ���I’m going to change the subject. So, this is your first time waitressing?���

  ���Yes. I hope you won’t hold it against me.���

  ���No worries. It’s not rocket science. You’ll do fine. Let me change and we will get started.���

  Julie was very thankful to be working with Karen. The woman took her time and explained everything to her. She pointed out how the tables were numbered. After taking a few orders with Karen’s guidance, Julie began to feel more at ease.

  The head Chef in the kitchen was named Debbie. After dropping off another order, she called to Julie. ���Julie, I’m not sure where Patty disappeared to. Could you take this chocolate cake to table sixteen?���

  ���Sure, no problem.��� Julie took the cake into the dining room. ���This smells so good.��� She whispered to herself as she counted tables and found sixteen. She g
roaned inwardly as she saw it was Marcus’ table. She walked over and placed it in front of him. ���Here.���

  ���Wow, you sure are going to garner a lot of tips with that attitude.��� He said sarcastically. He looked at her outfit, then added. ���I take that back. Nice outfit.���

  ���Marcus, you’re a pig.��� She said before walking away. She heard him chuckle.

  Shortly after Marcus left, Patty came over to her and handed her a twenty dollar bill. ���What’s this for?���

  That hunky doctor who was at table sixteen asked me to give this to you. He must be sweet on you. Lucky!���

  ���Why don’t you keep it? I’m sure he was just being a smart-aleck.���

  ���No. He tipped me generously. Never refuse money.��� She said, and walked away from Julie.

  Julie wanted to be upset with Marcus but was happy to hear he tipped Patty generously. She decided if he made a big deal about it later, she would make him take it back.

  The rest of the evening went fairly quickly. Before she knew it, it was ten o’clock and the cafe was closed. It was at that time she finally saw Dave again.

  ���You did good kid.��� He said. ���I was watching you.���

  Julie smiled. ���I felt good doing it. It’s not rocket science.��� She said repeating Karen’s words.

  ���You think she’s ready?��� He asked Karen, who had joined them.

  ���Absolutely. She’s a natural.���

  ���Alright, have a seat. We’ll work out a schedule.��� Dave instructed Julie.

  ���Here’s your take.��� Karen said, placing money on the table in front of Julie.���

  ���My take?��� Julie didn’t understand.

  ���Your half of the tips.���

  ���Oh, I don’t deserve half. I just tagged along.��� She tried to give the money back to her.

  ���Nope, it’s yours.��� Karen said and walked away.

  Dave sat back with a grin on his face.


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