Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 9

by Pescatore, Lori

  ���Yes. She is invaluable to me and the patients.���

  Gregg was about to leave but then remembered something. ���Eli, you are the owner of this building, am I correct?���

  ���Yes, I am. Do you need a place to stay?��� Eli teased.

  ���Actually, I may. I think it would be wise of me to stay close to Austin and Julie and help them during this transitional time.���

  Eli was surprised at Gregg���s response. ���Well, I need to check and see what we have available. I’m in the process of hiring a new in house manager.��� He left out the fact that his other manager had been killed when Luke and his gang tracked Julie here. ���But I don’t see any problem with finding you an empty apartment. I’m sure we can find you something. Can I let you know tomorrow?���

  ���Absolutely, and thank you.��� He looked at Jacob before turning back to Eli. ���We’ll be on our way then. See you tomorrow.���

  ���Have a good evening.��� Eli said and walked to his apartment door as the two men left. He glanced over to Julie’s door and wondered if he should say goodnight. He decided against it since Austin was apparently there. He sighed and went into his apartment.

  In the car on the way to Jacob’s house, Gregg said, ���You are too quiet. Speak your mind, Jacob.���

  ���Can we trust Julie not to say anything to Eli?���

  ���We can trust Julie to do what is right for Austin.��� Gregg secretly hoped Julie would see the right thing was keeping Austin’s secret.

  ���Did you mean what you said about telling them everything?���

  ���It is better that they find out from us rather than from someone else.���

  ���Does that include the other secret you are keeping from Julie?���

  ���Everything. It is important that we have both of them in our care and trust. They are the only other two Numeras besides myself and must be protected.���

  ���How do you think she will react when you tell her?���

  ���I’m not going to be to tell her. He will.���

  Julie planned on showering after Austin. Their time in the forest had left her clothes soiled. She heard the water shut off and knew Austin had finished. She had her towel and pajamas ready to go in once he exited the bathroom. The bathroom door opened and there stood Austin. He wore a towel wrapped around his hips, and a sheepish smile. The fog behind him caused by the heat of the shower accentuated his towel-dried hair and toned body. ���Hi.��� She said, and wondered if the flush she felt was caused by the heat rushing from the bathroom or seeing Austin barely dressed.

  ���Hey, I don’t have a change of clothes, hope that’s alright.���

  ���Fine, that’s fine.��� She stammered. ���I’m just going to go ahead in and… you know.��� Julie managed to carefully squeeze past him and close the door. She quickly undressed, determined to take a much colder shower than she originally planned when she noticed something on the mirror. It was beginning to fade but she was able to make it out. It was the outline of a heart with the names ���Austin + Julie��� inside of it. The image made her smile. Julie resolved right then and there to be a little more unreserved with her feelings toward him. She stepped into the shower and cleaned all the grime and dirt from her hair and body. Feeling refreshed, she dressed in her cozy pajamas. Julie towel dried her hair and exited the bathroom. She did not immediately see Austin until she entered the bedroom. He was looking out her bedroom window, still wearing the towel. Julie walked over to him and lightly touched his shoulder; he appeared deep in thought.

  ���You okay?��� she asked.

  ���I’m fine,��� he smiled. ���Cute pajamas.��� He looked at her pink tank top and shorts. He turned back to the window. ���What do you know about Earthlings?���

  ���I only know what Eli has told me.���

  ���Where do they come from?���

  ���They come from right there.��� Julie gestured out the window. ���The Earth made them. Eli said the very essence and minerals of the Earth created them to help protect itself. They can call on the planet’s resources to aid in their quest.���

  ���You mean like controlling the wind and all? So, that day in the park… that was me?���

  ���I think so.���

  ���My head though, it hurt. Like, something going on inside my head.���

  ���Maybe there was some kind of conflict. Maybe since, according to Uncle G, there has never been an Earthling Blend before, your body is trying to coexist with both parts.���

  ���Can you look, I mean, can you go inside me and tell me what you see, like before?���

  Julie knew what he meant. When Luke and his men took she and Austin captive, they ordered Austin to heal one of the men who had been shot. Julie shot him to get him off of Austin as the two struggled. Austin never healed anyone before and did not know how. Julie planned on showing Austin how by entering him first, but Luke interrupted. They later found out from Gregg that Austin could only heal himself, not others. ���Okay, come lie down.���

  Austin did as he was told, and readjusted the towel that had begun to slip. Julie sat down next to him and smiled gently before placing her hands on his stomach. She entered him and again saw the bright light, but it was not as bright as before. It had dimmed during his time in the forest and still remained dull. Scanning his body, everything seemed to be functioning normally until she scanned his brain. There were two different pulses of energy she was picking up inside of it.

  ���What do you see?��� He asked.

  ���Everything looks good but I do see unusual patterns in your brain. Can you come find me and look?���

  ���How do I do that?���

  ���Feel for me.���

  Austin tried to do what she said and was amazed when he felt himself drawn to her energy inside of him.

  Julie felt him as his energy came close to her. Everything changed. The combination of both their lights created a euphoric and erotic feeling inside both of them.

  ���Julie.��� Austin groaned

  ���I know. I feel it.��� She whispered.

  Julie felt herself being pulled into the sensations. She was suddenly lying on the bed and Austin was leaning over her. She gazed up at him and watched as his lips closed over hers and the feelings inside soared. She was lost in the moment.

  Austin, too, was pulled into the moment. His need for her was unstoppable. His kisses grew more insistent as he felt Julie respond.

  They were lost in each other. The heat and the passion the two shared rose to a feverish pitch that seemed to last forever, ending only when exhaustion claimed them. They were unaware of the woman spying on them from the window.

  Eli felt tired as he entered his apartment. Usually, he only got this tired from being removed from the Earth for too long. He went into his bedroom and changed into a pair of running shorts. Pushing aside his large armoire, he opened the wall panel. He went down the steps into the dirt room he made. It was here that part of the root that belonged to the Mother Tree could be seen. Eli created this room after buying the building so he could communicate with his Earthling family. The dirt under his bare feet felt refreshing. He used

  his hands to brush away the dirt to expose the root. Placing his hand upon the root, he felt a calming sensation through his whole body. He sent a thought out via the root to his friend Draggan. He wondered if his friend had heard anything on Suron���s decision regarding his punishment for using the Earth���s forces to help save Julie and Austin.

  Eli: Draggan, how are you old friend?

  Draggan: Eli, I am well. How are things with you?

  Eli: Calm. Any grumblings from Suron on how severe my punishmen
t shall be?

  Draggan: Not yet. Are you worried?

  Eli: No, he has always treated me fairly.

  Draggan: Just be advised that Percone has made his own suggestions to him on how you should be dealt with.

  Eli: Somehow that does not surprise me.

  Draggan: Oh, by the way, there was an unnatural disturbance up your way earlier. Seems we have a rogue Earthling being a bit mischievous with the weather. For once Percone had an alibi.

  Eli: I did treat a few patients that had some accidents due to the unusual weather. I’ll have a look around and see if I find anyone.

  Draggan: Maybe if you find them it will help your case with Suron.

  Eli: I will not go running to Suron. Maybe there is an Earthling in distress.

  Draggan: Good luck, my friend.

  Eli broke the connection. He decided to go outside and breathe the fresh night air and have a look around to try and find the source of the weather anomaly. The night was warm, and the skies that had been cloudy earlier now looked clear. The moonlight lit up the evening. Eli began to walk toward the woods that lined the back of the apartment building when something made him turn back. He saw a figure looking through a window. He realized the window looked into Julie’s apartment. As if sensing him, the figure turned to face him. Eli began his approach and the figure took off running towards the trees. Eli knew it was another Earthling by how fast it moved. He began following after it but it was able to move faster than him. He soon abandoned the chase. After wondering if this was the same Earthling causing a disturbance in the area, he was more concerned about what interest the Earthling had in Julie. Walking back to the building, he stopped and looked in Julie’s window to see if he could figure out what had drawn the figure’s interest. The curtains had not been drawn, and he was able to see two people clearly on the bed. Julie and Austin were wrapped intimately in each other’s arms, and both appeared to be asleep. Seeing the two of them, Eli resolved to step back from his original plan to try and begin a romantic relationship with Julie. It was obvious her feelings for Austin ran deep. He would always care for her but vowed to keep his feelings to himself. He would always be there for her, regardless. He walked back to his apartment to shower and get ready for bed. He would contact Suron in the morning to update him on the Earthling he had seen.

  She figured she had lost him and began to slow her pace. She detoured to an all-night restaurant and purchased a takeout meal. She needed to keep him fed and strong; she had plans for him.

  Walking into the cave, she heard him splashing around in the underground stream. He was cursing under his breath; she knew he was getting impatient. She had plans for him and was almost ready to release him and initiate those plans.

  After a few minutes he emerged from the stream and dressed in the clothes she provided for him.

  ���I thought I smelled food.��� He said, eying the bag she held. ���‘Bout time.���

  ���It’s almost time.��� she said, handing him the bag.

  ���I’m ready. I need to get back to my life.���

  ���Just remember our agreement.���

  ���Yeah, yeah.��� He said, taking a bite of the hamburger she got for him. ���I leave the kid and Doc alone and just take what is mine.���

  ���I want her gone.���

  ���Did you get her schedule?���

  ���I want to watch her for another day. Then we will plan when and where you can easily take her without anyone seeing.���

  The man smirked. ���You really don’t want her anywhere near them.���

  ���She’s poison.���

  ���You got the hots for both of them like she does?���

  ���You’re a pig.���

  ���Calling it like I see it.���

  ���Thank the Earth that not all the human males are like you. Part of me feels sorry for her.���

  ���Not sorry enough to let my ass die in that helicopter.���

  ���Don���t think I haven���t asked myself every day if I did the right thing.���

  ���I get your interest in the Doc, he is a dirt lover like you, but why the boy? ���

  ���Do not concern yourself with my reasons.���

  The man walked over to her and placed his face close to hers. ���I don’t give a crap about your reasons, sweetheart. The minute you let me loose, I’m taking my money, my girl, and I’m gone.���

  ���Don’t call me sweetheart.��� She said, not backing up from his intrusion into her space.

  ���Crysa,��� he whispered, and caressed her cheek.

  She grabbed his hand and pushed him back. ���Don’t touch me, Luke.���

  ���Not interested in passing the time?��� He chuckled.

  She turned her back on him and walked out of the cave, making sure to order the vines back across the entrance, keeping him in and keeping others out. She intended to watch Julie one more day and then she would release Luke to get her away from Austin and Eli. Maybe then she could begin to get close to Eli and watch over her son. A sound off to her right caught her attention.

  ���My dear Crysa, what have you been up to?��� Percone asked, appearing from behind a tree. He spoke to her aloud rather than in thought.

  ���Percone. How long have you been here?���

  ���Long enough to see you have a human squirreled away. I must say I’m quite impressed. I knew you were up to something, but this makes me proud.���

  ���Stay out of it, Percone.���

  ���Ah, if only I could. I would give anything to stop hearing your incessant pining over Eli. It gets trying sometimes. But I have obviously not been listening enough. I somehow missed your little human captive plan.���

  ���If it pains you so much then release me from the connection.���

  ���And release you from your misery? Not a chance.��� Percone walked over and peeked in between the vines. ���So what kind of joyous torture do you have planned for this human?���

  Crysa remained silent.

  Percone walked over to her and placed an arm around her shoulder. ���Do I need to make you tell me?��� He whispered in her ear.

  Crysa closed her eyes and tried to resist the pull that Percone was using on her.

  He turned her toward him and touched her face. ���What are your plans?���

  Crysa felt tears fall down her face, she was unable to stop herself from telling him what he wanted to know. ���He is going to take the girl away.���

  ���What girl? Away from whom?���

  ���She use to go by the name Laney, now she goes by Julie. Away from Eli and Austin.���

  Percone thought for a moment and smiled as he remembered the girl he had teased in the forest. ���The Blend, I remember her. Eli will be punished for helping her. Of course it would involve Eli.��� Percone frowned. ���Who is this Austin?���

  Crysa fought to regain control of her mind but Percone’s connection was too strong. ���My… son.���

  Percone jumped back from her as if he had been stung. ���A son? What are you saying? It’s impossible for us to create life.���

  Crysa collapsed on the ground and began sobbing.

  Percone pulled her back up. ���Tell me how this happened! How were you able to create life?���

  ���I…I let the human parts become active. I couldn’t let him die.��� Crysa was near hysteria.

  ���It should not have been possible. Who is the boy’s father?��� Percone released Crysa. ���It couldn’t have been a human. Could it…. no, it’s not possible.��� He began to pace trying to put it together.

  Crysa tried to slip away but Percone stopped her. Placing his hands on her fac
e, he demanded, ���Who is the father?���


  ���What is he?���

  ���A Blend.���

  ���The child… what is he? How did he survive?���

  ���He is part Blend and part Earthling.���

  ���Does he have abilities?���

  ���Yes.��� Crysa’s voice was getting weaker.

  ���Does he have Earthling abilities?���


  ���And Blend?���

  ���Yes.��� Crysa could not stay conscious and fell to the ground when Percone released her.


  When Crysa regained consciousness, she looked for Percone, but he was nowhere around. She crawled over to a nearby tree and sent a thought out to him.

  Crysa: Percone! Where are you?

  Percone: Where do you think?

  Crysa: Leave him alone!

  Percone: What do you think Suron would do if he found out about him?

  Crysa: Percone, please. Have you no compassion in you whatsoever?

  Percone: None.

  Crysa: Don’t do this to me.

  Percone: Don’t do what? How do you know what I’m going to do?

  Crysa: What are you going to do?

  Percone: I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know.

  Crysa realized that Percone had disconnect their thoughts and her frustration level rose. She didn’t know what Percone planned to do with the knowledge about Austin. The only thing she could do was to follow through with her plans for Julie and hope Percone did not do anything foolish.

  10. Luke’s Story

  Luke smirked as the vines closed, sealing him inside the cave. He didn’t know how long he had been locked inside the cave; the first few days were a bit of a blur as he recovered from the hard rescue. The vague reason the female Earthling gave for saving him from a fiery death did not sound plausible, but he did not let it bother him. All that mattered to him was he was alive and he had been able to grab the bag of money as Crysa rescued him seconds before the helicopter hit the ground and exploded. All that was left for him to do now was to wait until Crysa had Laney’s schedule down so he could reclaim her and life could resume as normal. He was anxious to get back to his life. He went over in his mind what he learned about Laney. The Earthling mentioned something about Laney not being from Earth. He thought back to when he first met Laney.


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