Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 14

by Pescatore, Lori

  Percone laughed once again. ���Lesson number one. You cannot undo what another Earthling has done. You are stuck there until I decide to let you go.���

  Austin clenched his fists and glared at Percone. He began to sway back and forth, trying to build some momentum.

  ���What to do with you now?��� Percone pondered, paying Austin no mind.

  Austin gained enough swing to reach a nearby branch and hoisted himself up into the tree. He sat on the branch and tried to loosen the vine on his foot. He began rubbing the vine against the branch, but stopped when he heard what sounded like a faint cry.

  ���They don’t like it when you do that.��� Percone singsonged up to him.

  Austin heard a rustling sound below him. He listened but did not hear anything more. He peered down through the leaves and saw Eli standing in front of Percone. The two men were glaring at each other. Austin did not say anything out loud, but in his head he said, Eli.

  Eli: Who said that? Who else is here?

  Percone: No one else is here.

  Austin: I didn’t say anything.

  Eli: Show yourself.

  Percone: You always ruin my fun.

  With a wave of his hands, the vine once again picked up Austin and dropped him upside down, hanging from the tree.

  ���Austin?��� Eli was stunned at who was now hanging from the tree. He walked over to the boy and lifted his body to take some of the strain off of his ankle. ���Release him.��� Eli ordered Percone.

  ���Whatever.��� Percone said and released Austin from the vine’s grip.

  Eli helped right Austin, who bent down to rub his ankle warranting another glare from Eli.

  ���He’ll live, he’s a blend isn’t he? He can heal himself.��� Percone huffed.

  ���What are you doing here? How were you able to hear me telepathically? Is this a Blend ability in you?��� Eli asked.

  ���Nope. It’s an Earthling ability. Meet the newest illegal alien, Earth Blend boy. One of our promiscuous sisters played human and made it with a Blend and oops, baby makes three. ��� Percone said dryly.

  Eli looked at Austin with a dumbfounded expression. ���Is this true?���

  ���Please, my Uncle said no one should know. It could put my mother and myself in danger.���

  ���That’s an understatement.��� Percone chuckled.

  ���Who is your mother?���

  ���I… don’t know, but he does.��� Austin said, gesturing to Percone.

  Percone’s grin was wide as the two looked at him. ���Part of me wants to keep this a secret but another part of me wants to see your face when I tell you who it is.��� Percone watched Eli’s face closely.

  Eli had a sinking feeling in his gut. He could tell by the look on Percone’s face who it had to be. ���Crysa.���

  ���Oh man, you are good. Correct on the first try. Yes, our darling little Crysa took a walk on the human side. Guess she went looking for the love you never gave her.���

  Eli looked at Austin. ���This shouldn’t even be possible.��� He quickly regretted his choice of words after seeing Austin’s expression. ���I didn’t mean….���

  ���It’s okay. This is kind of new territory for me, too.���

  ���How long have you known?��� Eli asked him.

  ���A day or two.���

  ���I caught him testing out his abilities.��� Percone chimed in.

  ���Where is Crysa?���

  ���She is busy playing with another human. Oh, maybe you’ll get a sibling.��� Percone teased Austin.

  ���Call her.��� Eli ordered.

  ���I have no desire to see her right now. Find her yourself, if you must. I’ve bored myself with this.��� He waved his hand toward Austin. He leapt up into a tree.

  ���Percone, wait. What about…?��� Eli finished his words in thought to Percone.

  Eli: …Where is Luke?

  Percone: Ask Crysa.

  Eli: Percone!

  Eli could tell that Percone disconnected their thoughts. He looked at Austin. ���Does Julie know?���

  Austin nodded. He was feeling very tired. He was coming to realize that using his Earthling abilities caused a drain on his energy as well. ���Do you usually get tired after you do stuff?��� He swayed a bit but caught himself before he fell.

  Eli reached for his arm. ���Not usually. Maybe it’s related to your Blend abilities.���

  ���Maybe.��� He said and tilted to one side.

  Eli righted him, ���How about we find your clothes and get you home?���

  ���Yeah.��� Austin reached to pick up his pants and went down on one knee.

  Eli gathered up the rest of Austin’s belongs and helped him stand back up. ���Come on, I’ll take you to your Uncle’s.���

  Eli assisted Austin and together they made their way back to the apartment complex. Once inside he stopped and knocked on Gregg’s door.

  ���I didn’t expect you back. Luckily, I fell asleep on the…��� Gregg began to say when he opened the door. He was surprised to see Eli supporting a half -dressed Austin. ���Oh my God, what happened? Here, bring him to the sofa.���

  Eli helped Austin to the sofa.

  ���Is he hurt?��� Gregg asked, placing his hands on him.

  ���I’m fine.��� Austin said and pushed Gregg’s hands away. ���I’m just tired. I didn’t eat much today.���

  ���Thank you, Eli, for helping him. I can take it from here.��� Gregg did not look Eli in the eye.

  ���He knows, Uncle Gordi. He found me in the park. Percone knows, too. They said my mother’s name is Crysa.��� Austin said, before closing his eyes.

  Gregg finally looked at Eli, who was staring pensively at him. ���I’m sorry, Eli. We told no one. We were trying to protect Crysa and Austin. Up until a few days ago, he showed no signs of Earthling abilities.���

  ���I’m not sure how Suron will react to this news. It is forbidden for our kind to procreate.���

  ���Please, keep our secret.���

  ���Suron is already aware of unusual activity in this area. I am not sure how long this secret will keep. Speaking of secrets, I must confess one of my own.��� Eli took a deep breath before continuing. ���I’m sure you recall the helicopter that Austin and Julie jumped from and the man that was on board with them. One thing I never told you was that his body was not found at the crash site. It was suggested to me recently that this man may still be alive.���

  ���Luke? No, how is this possible? Where is he?���

  ���That is what I am trying to figure out. Until then, please keep a watchful eye on both Austin and Julie. I’ve met Julie’s father, at least she has someone else to look after her. I am going in search of answers. Please be on your guard. I have not told Julie of this fact, I did not want her worrying, but now I feel it would be better if she were told.���

  ���I agree as well. I will tell her tomorrow morning. Please, find this man and make sure he is no longer a threat to any of my people.���

  Looking down at Austin, Eli said, ���Do not allow him to use his Earthling abilities. It will draw more unwanted attention to this area.��� Looking back up at Gregg, he added, ���I will do what I can.��� He then nodded and left to find Crysa.

  Eli called in to the hospital and asked them to cancel his appointments for the day. The sun was beginning to rise and he had his work cut out for him. He needed to find Crysa.

  Gregg rubbed his hands down his face. He hoped Eli was successful in finding Luke. He had enough to deal with without adding that awful man to the mix. After covering Austin with a blanket, he rested in a nearby
chair. Tilting his head back, he let the exhaustion of the day drag him down to sleep.

  Luke had his belongings packed and ready to go. He was going to leave today whether Crysa wanted him to or not. He had found his ticket out. He held up the little bottle of clear liquid once more and smiled. ���I forgot I had you.��� He said, shaking it. He heard movement outside the cave and quickly pocketed the vial. He turned to watch the vines separate and open, allowing Crysa inside.

  Crysa looked at Luke���s bag, already packed and sitting on his make-shift bed. ���Good, I’m glad you’re ready. I have her schedule down.��� She recited the places and times she had seen Julie.

  Luke listened and committed it all to memory, he didn’t have to write it down. ���So, how far am I from where I need to be?���

  ���Follow me, I’ll lead you to edge of the apartments she stays in.��� Crysa exited the cave.

  Luke picked up his bag and his revolver, which he tucked into the back of his waistband underneath his shirt. He followed her to their destination.

  Once at the edge of the woods, she said, ���You remember our deal. You take the girl, leave the boy alone.���

  Luke dropped his bag on the ground. ���I can’t thank you enough, Crysa. This has been a wonderful experience for me.���

  Crysa rolled her eyes, ���Just get on with it.���

  ���I don’t want to leave without showing you just how grateful I am.��� Luke pulled the gun from his waistband and pointed it at Crysa.

  ���Really?��� Crysa asked. ���You know those can’t hurt me.���

  Luke shrugged and fired a bullet, hitting her square in the stomach. ���It’s the symbolism that counts.���

  Crysa was pushed back as the bullet entered her. She felt fine for a few seconds until a burning sensation began to build inside of her. The pain then became unbearable. She clutched her stomach and fell to her knees. ���What…?���

  Luke tucked the gun back into his waistband and knelt down next to Crysa. ���Funny thing about PCB’s. Very harmful to the Earth. A bullet laced with the stuff could do some real damage to an Earthling.���

  Crysa fell over on her side and stared up at Luke. ���Why…? I saved you.���

  ���You’re going to have to choose your friends more wisely, but then again, I solved that problem for you, too. Here is what is going to happen. The PCB’s will travel through your body, poisoning everything it touches. You will die a very slow, painful death. But, never fear, I intend to honor our deal and just take what is mine. Now if your boy toy tries to interfere, all bets are off.���

  Luke stood and dusted off his knees and picked up his bag. ���Have a nice… death.��� Luke said as he walked toward the apartment building.

  Crysa reached out to him but could only choke out a call as her throat began to close up. ���C…m… ba….���

  Luke smiled to himself, ���Man it’s good to be back.���

  15. The Past Repeats Itself

  Julie opened her eyes. Her body was sore, but when she looked at the man that she snuggled with all night, she smiled. She was still in shock that her father was alive. This was the one bright spot in her whole life right now. She studied his face; he only looked to be about twenty seven years old, maybe. In reality he was three times that age. To Julie he looked the same as she remembered. When he arrived to pick her up at the day care center he always had stubble on his face, and his hair would be slightly tousled from when he ran his hands through it, deep in thought. She was surprised when he opened his eyes and caught her examining him. His blue eyes had the same twinkle. She buried her face in his chest. ���Sorry.��� She muffled.

  ���Don’t apologize,��� he laughed. ���I did the same thing when you were sleeping last night.���

  ���I still can’t believe it’s you, that you are here.��� She said, lifting her head up once more.

  ���I’m here and I’m not going anywhere ever again… unless you want me to.��� He said and kissed her forehead.

  ���Are you hungry?���

  ���Um, maybe just a tad. I’m actually still stuffed from all the food we had at your Uncle’s.���

  ���Well, that���s good then, because I haven’t had a chance to go food shopping yet.���

  ���Then let’s put that on our list of things to do today. We’ll stock your refrigerator.���

  ���I like that plan. But I have to work first, at the hospital. This is my night off at the cafe.���

  ���You work at a hospital. I would have guessed that. I hope you are careful and remember to keep eating as you go around healing.���

  Julie rolled her eyes. ���Yes, dad.��� She loved how that sounded.

  The two stood and stretched, laughing at their duplicate movements.

  ���So fill me in. What is your relationship with this Doctor Elsworth?���

  ���We’re really good friends.��� Julie answered, but did not look her father in the eye.

  ���He seems to care about you very much.���

  ���How can you tell? You met him for like two seconds.���

  ���A father knows. What about this Austin fellow? I haven’t met him yet.���

  Julie turned to him and smiled. ���You’ll like him.���

  Trevor noticed the difference in the way she sounded when she was talking about Austin.

  ���So how does he fit into your life?���

  ���I like him… a lot.��� She said and blushed. ���And can we stop talking about the guys in my life?���

  ���Alright, fine, but I do want to meet him.���

  ���So you shall, tonight. I promise. For now, I’m going to shower and get ready for work.���

  ���I’ll head on down to your Uncle’s and take a shower there. All my stuff is there.��� He walked over to his daughter. ���I guess I’ll see you tonight.��� He said, embracing her.

  ���I’m so glad you are here.��� She said, squeezing him tightly.

  ���Me too, pumpkin. Me too.��� He did not bring up their topic of the night before. He knew they would revisit the conversation soon, but it would be on her terms. He kissed her on the forehead and left her alone to get ready.

  He had a key, so he unlocked Gregg’s apartment and was startled to see him asleep in the chair. He was even more surprised to see a young man asleep on the couch. ���You must be Austin.��� He whispered. He decided to let both men sleep and headed for the bathroom to get ready for the day. He knew Gregg had been up for a few days in a row; he was happy to see the man finally getting some rest.

  Julie finished showering and got dressed for work. She knocked on Eli’s door to see if he had left for work. She wanted to apologize for crying on his shoulder last night. When he didn’t answer, she assumed he must have been already at work.

  She avoided knocking on her Uncle’s apartment because she did not want to be thrown into another conversation about her new ability. She would deal with it eventually, but for now she wanted to have a normal day and be able to come home and talk to her dad.

  She hoped Austin had the same kind of evening with his friends. She looked forward to hearing about all the fun he had last night.

  She was walking through the parking lot towards the hospital when she thought she heard someone cry out. She stopped and listened.

  ���Somebody, please help me.��� She heard a woman’s voice call. ���I think my leg is broken. Please help.���

  She followed the voice around the side of the building. At the back corner she saw a woman sitting on the ground, her leg bent at an odd angle. She moved over to her quickly and knelt down next to her. ���Oh my God, what happened?���
She asked. She noticed the woman had bruises on her face. ���Did someone hurt you?���

  The woman nodded, tears streaming down her face.

  ���I’m going to help you, okay?��� Julie said. ���First we have to straighten your leg so it can heal properly. This is going to hurt, but I’ll try and keep you calm.��� Julie said, placing her hands on the woman. She tried to ease the woman’s pain as she straightened her leg. ���See that wasn’t so bad. I don’t think it’s broken, I think it is just a bad sprain.��� Julie said as she healed the woman’s broken bone. She figured it would be easier to accept being pain free in a few moments if the woman thought it was just a sprain.

  Julie fell back against the wall next to the woman as she dealt with the pain she had taken in. ���You’re gonna be just fine, see?��� She said through clenched teeth. Julie then heard the sound of someone clapping. She saw a pair of denim clad legs walk near them. Scanning upward, she saw the two gloved hands. She, finally, looked at the face and stared dumbly at the man she recognized. The man who was supposed to be dead.

  Luke knelt down in front of her. ���Hello, sweetheart. Did ya miss me?���

  ���This isn’t possible… you died.���

  ���Someone started that nasty rumor, but it’s not true. Here I am, in the flesh. Time to go home, sweetheart.���

  ���No.��� Julie said through clenched teeth.

  ���I figured you ‘d say that.��� Luke said, and then grabbed the arm of the woman Julie had just healed and bent it until everyone heard an audible snap.

  The woman screamed in pain.

  ���Stop it. Leave her alone.��� Julie reached over to her and repaired her broken arm. She felt herself growing weaker. ���Let her go.���

  ���I will, eventually.��� Luke said. He picked up a nearby rock and smashed it on the woman’s hand.

  ���Ahhh, why…?��� The woman whined in pain.

  ���Stop hurting her.��� Julie said. She knew if she kept healing the woman she was going to be too weak to fight him off. She made a decision; she grabbed Luke’s gloved hand and sent her anger into him, but nothing happened. She let her hand drop, figuring she was too weak.


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