Earth Blend

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Earth Blend Page 16

by Pescatore, Lori

  Luke walked back to the car and looked around. No one had seen anything. The old man behind the counter was still watching his old television. ���Gotta love hick towns.��� He said and drove his car down the road to where he left Julie. He dumped her body back into the trunk. ���Onward.��� He said, and got behind the wheel.

  He took out his prepaid cell phone he brought inside the store. ���At least they had some interesting stuff in there.���

  As he began driving, he caught sight of something in the distance. It looked dark and foreboding. He stepped on the gas and drove faster. The faster he went, the faster it came. As it got closer, he knew what it was. ���Damn Earthlings.��� A tornado was building up steam and heading down the same road Luke was driving on. He knew this trick; they had used it before. ���Not this time.��� He said and made a left turn that put him a half a mile from the center of Tennessee. The closer he got, the more populated the area became. The tornado backed off. His gamble had paid off. All he had to do was stay in a public area, they would not risk a lot of casualties. He was just inside the city limits of Knoxville when he remembered a warehouse that the organization owned. Using the phone, he called over there. After five rings, someone picked up.


  Luke remembered Eric, a tall, blond haired man who ran the organization’s illegal music and movies division. The warehouse was also used as a drug distribution and chemical storage facility.

  ���Hey Eric, it’s Luke. How’s business?��� Luke kept his eyes peeled to his surroundings. He knew they would not give up so easily.

  ���Luke? Is that really you? Everyone said you were dead. No one’s heard from you in over a month. Did you find that numbers chick?���

  ���Laneys’ safe and sound. In fact, I’m about ten minutes from you. Put a ramp down on one of those loading docks so I can drive my car in. I got some unwelcome tails.���

  ���Want us waiting locked and loaded?���

  ���We need special bullets for these guys. I’ll fill you in when I get there, just be waiting.���

  ���Roger that.���

  Luke hung up and sped to the destination. Hail began to pelt the car, making it hard for him to see. The wind was blowing wildly, causing the car to shift. He finally made it to the warehouse and barreled the car up the ramp just a big gust rattled the warehouse. Luke jumped out of the car. ���Lock it down! Now!��� He shouted.

  The men scrambled to securely shut the loading bay. One man went out to try and shove the ramp back under when a mini tornado came along and scooped him up and away.

  ���What the hell?��� Eric shouted.

  ���Just shut it!��� Luke yelled again.

  Finally the door was secured but the wind still raged wildly outside.

  ���Who the hell is after you? Mother nature?���

  Luke laughed, ���Pretty much.���

  ���Where’s Laney?���

  Luke reached in and grabbed his keys, clicking the button for the trunk.

  Eric looked in and smiled.

  Laney felt someone jostling her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a familiar face leering down at her.

  ���Hey beautiful, remember me?��� Eric reached in and touched her hair. ���Blonde…nice. Hot brunette to a hot blonde. I like.���

  ���Don’t touch me.��� She scooted back further in the trunk. She remembered him. He had been part of a group of men Luke threw a party for. She was forced to attend. Eric got extremely drunk and ���. She pushed the thought into the back of her brain. She did not want to remember that night.

  ���Drag her out of there. You got someplace I can lock her up?���

  ���The drug room.��� Eric suggested.

  ���Do it. I gotta take a leak.��� Luke said, and left Julie in the hands of Eric.

  ���What about the tails?���

  ���I have plans for them, meet me in the office.���

  ���Come out and play.��� Eric said, reaching in for Julie.

  She was using her feet to kick him so he grabbed a hold of them and dragged her out. He blocked her fists as she began to fight him. ���When did you get so feisty?��� He said and pinned her arms by her side. ���That’s better.��� He said when she stopped struggling. He lowered his face to kiss her and she butted her head into his mouth. He released her and grabbed his now-bloodied mouth. ���You little bitch.��� He said. He dropped to his knees after she kicked him in the groin. ���What did you do, take self-defense classes or something?��� That was the last thing he said as she punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.

  Julie looked down at the body that was not moving. She stared down at it, expecting it to get up and challenge her again. She blinked a few times and swayed before refocusing again on the body. She dropped to her knees as the images replayed in her mind. She had done this to him.

  Luke was wondering what was taking Eric so long and went to check on him. He found Julie on her knees staring down at the bloodied body of Eric. ���What the hell happened?��� He asked rushing over.

  Julie didn’t answer, she just kept staring

  Luke jostled Eric but did not take his eyes off of Julie.

  Eric groaned and opened his eyes.

  ���What happened?��� Luke asked.

  ���Where is she?��� He sat up and stared angrily at Julie. ���Little bitch beat the crap out of me.���

  ���She’s a kid. How could she beat the crap out of you?��� Luke asked. He looked suspiciously at her. She had been very combative. Although right now, she looked her usual passive self. Luke grabbed her leg and pulled her over to them. ���Heal him.���

  ���No,��� Eric said, stumbling to his feet. ���I don’t want her touching me.���

  ���Fine, then suffer. Let’s get her in the drug room.��� He stood. ���Get up.��� He ordered her.

  The drug room was a room where any drug deals that were made took place in. It was a stark white hospital-looking room with a Formica, picnic-like table in the middle and a sink against the back wall. There was small cot off to the right. This was the room they locked Julie in. She crawled up onto the cot and pulled her knees up. She was still trying to figure out what happened. It was like she blocked out the events. She looked down at her hands and clenched them into fists, then relaxed them again. She didn’t see how she could have hurt anyone with her small hands, yet the images in her mind showed her doing so. ���What’s happening to me?���

  All the Earthlings gathered around the warehouse that they tracked Luke’s car to. They continued to batter the building with wind and rain while they awaited the arrival of Eli. An hour later, he arrived with Austin. Trevor and Gregg were close behind. Night had fallen.

  The Earthlings stopped the rain as everyone gathered came together to decide what to do next. Eli asked that everyone speak their thoughts for the benefit of Gregg and Trevor.

  ���The car entered the building about an hour ago. Let it be known that no one saw the girl in question. Only the driver was seen. We have a detainee who was working outside of the building.��� The Earthling that had been talking was named Anthur. He took Eli to the man who was being held. Behind a neighboring building was a cage made from sticks, and a man stood in the center. ���There were no trees nearby, this is the best we could do.��� Anthur said, explaining the structure.

  ���Has he been questioned?���

  ���Not thoroughly.���

  ���What is your name?��� Eli asked him

  ���I ain’t telling you freaks anything.���

  ���Take apart the cage for a moment, please.��� Eli asked.

  The sticks dropped to the g

  Eli approached the man who backed up into two Earthlings who immediately restrained him. He placed one hand on the man’s cheek and put his face close to him. In a calm, deep voice he asked, ���What is your name?���


  ���Spencer, how many people are in the building?���

  ���I ��� don’t know.���

  ���Take a guess.���

  ���Twelve, maybe.���

  ���What kind of chemicals are stored here?���


  ���Any toxins?���


  ���Any PCB’s?���


  Eli removed his hand and the man slumped over, unconscious.

  ���Rebuild the structure. He has no more to tell us.���

  ���Why don’t we just go rush in there? Why are we waiting?��� Austin asked Eli.

  ���We are not in our element. Look around, there are no trees and this building is made of all mademade materials. Once inside there are no elements for us to call upon. Not to mention he may have more of the chemicals inside that killed Crysa.��� Eli said. He hated saying the last line, unsure of how Austin felt about that situation.

  ���Why don’t I go in? I’m a Blend. I can heal myself.��� Austin suggested.

  ���I’m not sure you could heal yourself from that, Austin.��� Gregg spoke up. ���Even if you could, it would take a long time and you would need assistance. What if we don’t get to you in time?���

  ���I’m not going to stand around and wait. They could be hurting her right now while we stand out here doing nothing!��� Austin shouted and the ground began to shake.

  ���Calm down.��� Eli said, placing a hand on Austin’s shoulder.

  It was then that Anthur came over. ���We found an access panel on the roof. I would like permission to go down into the building and see just what we are up against.���

  ���Just be careful. Communicate with me.��� Eli said, pointing to his head.

  Anthur nodded and made his way up to the roof.

  Austin was frustrated he could do nothing but wait. He looked around at the other Earthlings who had gathered. There was a mix of races and genders. Out of the thirty or so assembled, only about half of them wore clothing. Somehow though, it did not seem odd to him. He himself had only worn his jeans. Eli was still in his shorts. Despite the chaos and worry over Julie, he felt comforted. He felt like he belonged.

  Luke had a meeting with all the men in the warehouse. He made sure their guns were equipped with the special bullets. He was thankful there was a small supply of the chemical in a lock box. It was enough to get them by until tomorrow when reinforcements would arrive. All he had to do was wait them out.

  ���I’m going to check on our princess. Give me the keys.��� He said to Eric.

  ���Let me do it. She has some serious making up to do.���

  ���Aren’t you afraid she’ll beat you up again?��� Luke teased.

  ���Shut up.��� He said and stormed out of the room.

  ���Watch your back, she’s up to something.��� He shouted after him.

  He assigned another man to wait down the hall from the drug room just in case.

  Eric peeked in the window before he unlocked the drug room and went inside. He saw her sitting on the cot, her face hidden in her knees. He kicked the far end of the cot. ���Wake up, bitch.���

  Julie raised her head and looked at him.

  ���You owe me an apology. Get over here.���

  ���I’m sorry, just leave me alone.��� She had tears in her eyes.

  Her tears bolstered his confidence. ���Get over here on your knees and say it. Maybe then I’ll believe you.���

  ���Please, just go away.��� She cried and buried her head again.

  Eric stormed over to her and pulled her up by her hair.

  Her eyes flared. She grabbed his arms and yelled, ���Go away!���

  Eric felt a shock akin to a thousand volts shoot through him. His brain scrambled and his body began to shake of its own accord.

  Julie let his body go and backed herself into the corner. She felt horrified over what she had just done. She couldn’t stop herself. She watched as Eric’s body shook for a few moments and then lay still on the floor. The door was thrown open and the man in the hallway, who was named Rafferty, stepped inside, his gun drawn.

  ���What happened?��� He asked, pointing the gun at Julie as he looked down at Eric’s body.

  He pulled out his walkie talkie and radioed, ���Luke, get in here.���

  ���I didn’t mean to.��� She didn’t know why it worked this time. She wasn’t able to control when she used it.

  Luke came in and saw Eric’s body on the floor. ���What did you do?���

  ���I didn’t mean to, I swear.��� She said. Somewhere inside herself she knew that she meant to do it. She shook the conflicting feelings away as Luke gave her an order.

  ���Heal him, now!���

  She knelt down and hesitantly placed her hands on him, she was scared of what might happen. She went inside and saw the same kind of damage as had been in her Uncle, only this was worse. His heart was in full cardiac arrest. She began an internal version of CPR, trying to get his heart into a normal rhythm. Finally, his pulse settled down and Julie sat back on her heels as he gasped and opened his eyes. She backed away from him as he sat up and reached for her.

  Luke intervened and helped him stand up. He held up Eric’s arms; they had burn marks on them in the shape of Julie’s hands. ���This your new trick?���

  ���My chest aches.��� Eric complained.

  ���Everyone out.��� Luke ordered.

  ���You shouldn’t be alone with her.��� Eric said.

  ���I’ll be fine.��� He shooed them out. ���Is that what you were trying to do to me?���

  Julie looked away from his penetrating gaze.

  Luke had already figured out why it had not worked on him. She needed to touch skin, each time she had tried with him, he had been wearing gloves or long sleeves. He wasn’t sure she had figured it out yet. He walked over to her, well aware of where both his and her hands were. He grabbed her chin and made her look at him. He put the gun up so she could see. ���See this, it’s special. I’ve already killed one Earthling with it.��� He placed the gun against her temple. ���It is coated with a special chemical that is toxic to those dirt mongers. One of these bullets has your friendly neighborhood doctor’s name on it. You mess with any more of my men and I’m going to go out on the roof and shoot down every single one of them. Got it?���

  Julie nodded and remembered to breathe again when he moved the gun away. She knew he wouldn’t believe her if she told him she couldn’t control it, not that she would share that with him. One thing he let slip was that the Earthlings had found where they were. That also meant that everyone she cared about was outside. She had to make sure Luke did not follow through on his threat.

  ���I’m putting you where I can keep my eye on you.��� Luke said, dragging her from the room.

  She was taken to the main loading dock and placed in a chair. Luke threw some rope at Eric. ���Tie her hands and feet to the chair. Wear these.��� He said, throwing him a pair of gloves.

  ���Why?��� Eric asked.

  ���Just do it, and then go put on long sleeves.��� Luke then radioed the other men to be sure they dressed the same.

  Anthur successfully gained entrance through the roof panel. He crept along the metal support beam until he saw figures down below. He knew that one of them was the man they were hunting
, as Luke’s image had been sent to every Earthling. He then saw the girl being tied to a chair and relayed the information. Eli told him to maintain his position until they decided what to do next.

  Eli saw the look on Austin’s face. He placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. ���We will get her out of there. Rushing in there unprepared will result in many casualties���

  Another Earthling came over to Eli and wanted to show him something. Eli went with him.

  Gregg and Trevor came over to Austin. ���Any word?��� Trevor asked.

  ���They see them. Julie is tied to a chair��� Austin said and folded his arms. ���I hate waiting and doing nothing.���

  ���I think the Earthlings are right in being cautious, Austin.��� Gregg said. ���Luke wants Julie alive, he won’t hurt her. He’ll use her as leverage to get what he wants���

  ���I’m going to go see if there is anything I can do to be of help outside.��� Austin said and walked away from them.

  Austin knew their words were only said to try and make him feel better. The only thing that would accomplish that was for him to get Julie out of this mess. He looked around at all of the Earthlings milling around. They seemed helpless without their elements. Walking around the building he found a side where no one was lingering and decided to use that as his opportunity. He was getting inside that building. He had not had a chance to experiment with his abilities so he was unsure of how to begin. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes and concentrated.

  Austin: Lift

  To Austin’s amazement, the wind lifted him off the ground and placed him on top the roof.

  Eli: Austin, no! Stop.

  Austin: I’m not waiting around anymore

  Slipping inside the open panel and into the building, he saw Anthur on the support beam and eased himself down onto it as well. He kept crouched down and surveyed the building. When he saw Luke, his blood boiled. Austin heard the wind outside batter against the building and smiled. He knew it was of his doing.

  Austin saw Julie tied to a chair. His heart broke. She looked exhausted. He was determined to get closer. The Earthling Blend saw a forklift hidden behind a tall stack of inventory. He knew he could easily jump to it. Apparently he was still broadcasting his thoughts as exclamations from Anthur and Eli were coming through loud and clear trying to dissuade him from his plan. Austin paid them no mind. He jumped and landed safely atop the forklift. Unfortunately, it was not as quiet as he would have liked.


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