Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15) Page 2

by Rebecca Deel

  “I could have driven.”

  Linc sent him a pointed glance. “You could. Doesn’t mean you should. What kind of friend would I be if I let you drive while you’re upset?”

  True to his promise, Linc parked two houses down from Riva’s place at the two-minute mark. Three Otter Creek police vehicles were parked in front of the house, leaving the lower half of the driveway for the ambulance.

  Mason bailed from the SUV as soon as Linc stopped and sprinted toward the house. One of the cops moved to intercept him until Josh Cahill, a friend of his cousin Rio’s, waved off the other officer.

  He raced across the yard, up the porch stairs, and into the house. Mason pulled up short when Ethan turned toward him. “Where is she?”

  “Upstairs, end of the hall, last room on the left. Don’t touch anything.”

  He took the stairs two at a time and hurried into the room to see the woman he adored lying on the bed with Dawn sitting by her side and pressing a towel to the side of Nicole’s head. “Nicole.”

  Relief gleamed in her eyes. “Mason.”

  He dropped to his knees beside the bed. “You’re hurt.”

  “I keep telling Rod Kelter that I’m fine. He’s not listening.”

  He glanced toward the master bedroom where the detective in question stood, speaking in soft tones to someone else. Not another cop. The other person shifted enough for Mason to see his profile. He frowned. Why was the coroner on site?

  Uneasiness coiled in his gut. Where was Riva? When the two men separated, Mason noticed the dainty foot clad in a stiletto-heeled shoe, the same shoe Riva wore earlier in the afternoon. Oh, man. Was Riva…?

  He shifted his attention to Nicole. “What happened?”

  “I brought Cosmo here and found Riva on her bedroom floor, injured. I heard a noise. When I started to turn, someone clocked me on the head with a hard object. I woke up with Dawn leaning over me.”

  Alarm roared through him. “Someone hit you hard enough to knock you out?”

  “I don’t want to go to the hospital for a bump on the head. Will you ask Rod or Ethan how Riva is doing?” She shifted as though she wanted to get up and check on the other woman herself.

  Dawn bit her lower lip, guilt and concern in her eyes as she glanced at Mason. “Stay still, Nic. You could have more serious injuries than you think.”

  Mason turned Nicole’s head to see for himself, his movements slow and easy. He whistled softly at the injury marring the side of Nicole’s head. “You need to see a doctor, baby. I’m pretty sure you need stitches.”

  She flinched. “Can’t Rio take care of it?”

  “He and Darcy are out of town until Monday.”

  “What about Matt Rainer?” she said, naming another medic teaching at PSI.

  A siren outside abruptly cut off. “The ambulance is already here. See the doctor for my peace of mind.”

  The woman he adored scowled at him. “Dirty pool, Kincaid.”

  “I’ll do whatever is necessary to ensure you’re safe.”


  He turned to see Rod Kelter in the doorway, a thoughtful look on his face. “Yes, sir?”

  “Ambulance is here for Nicole.”

  But not for Riva. The ball of ice in Mason’s stomach grew larger. He’d been right. Riva was dead. What on earth had happened after he left this house to work at another job site?

  “How is Riva?” Nicole asked.

  Sympathy filled the detective’s eyes. “I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.” He stepped back and motioned to someone down the hall. A moment later, EMTs entered the room.

  When Nicole’s breath hitched, Mason wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.

  “I should have come sooner.” Her voice cracked. “Maybe then she’d still be alive.”

  And maybe Nicole would be as dead as the real estate agent.

  “I knew something was wrong. She’d never leave Cosmo that long.” Nicole raised her head. “What am I going to do about Cosmo? Going to a shelter is out of the question. He hates to be caged.”

  “We’ll figure something out. My first priority is you.” Mason loosened his hold and nodded at the EMTs.

  “But Cosmo is in my SUV.”

  “I’d take him home with me, but my apartment complex doesn’t allow pets.” Dawn moved aside.

  “Can you take him with you, Mason?” Nicole gripped his hand. “Please?”

  “I didn’t drive here.” He should have insisted. “I was repairing a leak at Lincoln Creed’s home when Ethan called. Linc drove me.”

  Dawn’s eyes widened. “He’s here?” Her cheeks flushed.

  Huh. That was interesting. Mason wondered if the groomer was interested in his friend. Linc’s voice drifted up the stairs as he spoke with Ethan and the flush on Dawn’s cheeks deepened.

  Maybe Linc would help out with Cosmo. If that wasn’t possible, he’d find someone else to foster Cosmo for a few days until he and Nicole found permanent accommodations for him.

  Mason stood and kissed the back of Nicole’s hand before releasing her to allow the EMTs access to her. “I might have a temporary solution for Cosmo. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He glanced into the master bedroom as he walked toward the stairs. His hands fisted when he saw the blood-splattered room and Riva’s torn and bloody clothing. Who would do that to her, to any woman? Ethan and Linc turned toward Mason as he descended the stairs.

  “How’s Nicole?” Linc asked.

  “She has a cut on her head that might need stitches.”

  “I’ll drive you to the hospital so you can be with her. Nicole shouldn’t be alone.”

  Mason stared at him as goosebumps surged up his back, and the truth hit him with the force of a blow from a sledgehammer. Nicole wasn’t safe.


  Mason moved closer to Ethan so his voice wouldn’t carry upstairs to the women. “Is Nicole in danger?”

  “She’s a loose end.”

  A loose end a desperate man might kill to silence. What had Riva stumbled into? Mason’s jaw clenched. No matter what it was, no one was going to hurt Nicole again. They’d have to go through him first.

  “Smooth, Ethan,” Linc muttered with a dark look at the police chief.

  “He needs to know the truth. Nicole isn’t safe. For that matter, her friend isn’t safe, either.”

  The PSI instructor frowned. “Who’s her friend?”

  “Dawn Metcalf,” Mason answered. “She works at Pet Palace. Dawn’s upstairs with Nicole.”

  “She came with Nicole to bring Cosmo to Riva.” Ethan glanced toward the open front door. Cosmo barked continuously. “I’ll have to contact the humane association. We can’t leave him in Nicole’s vehicle.”

  Mason sighed. “You can’t send him to the shelter. Cosmo hates being crated. Would you be willing to house Cosmo temporarily?”

  Ethan shook his head. “My work schedule is too erratic, and I can’t saddle Serena with more responsibility. What about Alex? He already has a Lab. He might be willing to take Cosmo in for a few days.”

  Alex Morgan was one of Rio’s teammates. His Lab, Spenser, loved socializing with other dogs. “That’s a great idea. Spenser would have a blast with Cosmo.”

  “I’ll call him,” Linc said. “If he agrees, would Josh be able to drop off Cosmo?”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Josh patrols that area anyway.”

  Rod descended the stairs. “The EMTs are ready to transport Nicole, Ethan. You want to assign an officer to stand guard?”

  “I’ll be with her,” Mason said.

  “Someone from Fortress will also be at the hospital.” Linc slid his phone from his pocket. “Mason and Nicole are part of the Fortress extended family. We’ll handle the security.”

  Rod nodded. “What about Dawn?”

  “Nicole and Dawn are a package deal.” Linc glanced at Mason. “I know you can handle yourself, but you’ll be able to concentrate on her if someone else has your back

  “Thanks.” He’d been on Fortress missions in the past and stood watch so operatives would be able to sleep for a few hours. Being on the recipient end was odd.

  The EMTs assisted Nicole down the stairs with Dawn following close behind. Mason met them at the foot of the stairs. “We’ll follow you to the hospital.”

  Linc walked outside, phone pressed to his ear.

  “What about Cosmo?” Dawn asked. “We can’t leave him in the SUV.”

  “We’re working on arrangements for him,” Ethan said. “I’ll make sure he’s taken care of. Nicole, leave your keys with me and I’ll transport your vehicle to the house.”

  She passed him the keys. “Thanks, Ethan.”

  “No problem.” The chief turned to Dawn. “You should be checked by a doctor as well, Dawn.”

  Mason frowned. “Are you hurt, too?”

  Dawn waved off his concern. “I’m fine.”

  Nicole scowled. “Hey, if I have to go, so do you. You said the guy who came barreling out of the house manhandled you. I know you’re bruised.”

  “Aww, come on, Nic.”

  Linc returned, his gaze locking on Dawn for a moment. Finally, he tore his gaze away and shifted his attention to Mason. “Alex will be here in ten minutes to pick up Cosmo. What’s going on?”

  “The man who hurt Nicole also put his hands on Dawn. She doesn’t want to go to the hospital.”

  “We need to get going,” one of the EMTs said and started toward the door with his partner and Nicole.

  “I’m not that bad off,” Nicole protested. “Linc, would you mind if I rode to the hospital with you?”

  “Of course not.” He glanced at the EMTs. “I’ll take her. I know you have other duties.”

  The medical technician pointed at Nicole. “Don’t try to talk your way out of going, Nicole. You need stitches.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “You can forget a discount the next time you bring Tiger in for a grooming appointment, Abel,” she muttered.

  “I’ll be happy to pay full price if I know you’re healthy.”

  Dawn’s smile was shaky. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  After Abel and his partner left, Rod went back upstairs. “Time for you to go,” Ethan said to Mason. “This is a crime scene. Rod and I will be at the hospital later to take statements from Nicole and Dawn. Until we identify and arrest the man who killed Ms. Kemper, you should be vigilant. If you notice anything amiss, call me immediately.”

  “Let’s go,” Linc said. He motioned for Mason, Nicole, and Dawn to wait, then he scanned the area before allowing them outside. “Straight to the SUV, Mase.” His gaze settled on Dawn. “You, too.”

  “I’m fine. Honest.”

  “I’ll feel better if a doctor agrees with you, and so will Nicole.”

  With a grimace, Nicole’s employee gave a nod and walked outside with Linc.

  “I hope the doctor doesn’t make me stay overnight.” Nicole leaned into Mason’s side. “I hate hospitals.”

  He tightened his grip on her waist briefly. “We’ll do what he thinks is best.”

  Mason steered Nicole to the backseat of Linc’s SUV, leaving Dawn to sit in the front seat beside Linc. Although his girl acted like her injury wasn’t bad, Mason didn’t like the pallor of her skin. She was in a lot of pain.

  On the drive to the hospital, Linc remained vigilant. When they arrived at Memorial Hospital, he parked in front of the emergency room entrance. “Wait until I tell you it’s clear.” He exited the vehicle and took his time coming around to open Dawn’s door. When he did, Linc glanced at Mason and nodded.

  Mason assisted Nicole from the vehicle, tucked her close to his side, and escorted her inside the building at a fast clip. As he approached the registration desk with Nicole, a woman’s voice called out, “Nic, what are you doing here?”

  He and Nicole turned to see her sister hurrying toward them. Grace St. Claire’s gaze landed on the side of Nicole’s head. “Oh, sis, what happened?”

  “Long story better told in the privacy of an exam room. Any chance you can pull some strings and get us seen sooner?” Nicole motioned to the full waiting room. “I’m rather not be out here for hours.”

  “Us?” Grace’s eyes widened. “Are you injured, Mason?”

  He shook his head as Dawn and Linc walked up. “Dawn needs to be checked out as well.”

  “Wait here. I’ll see what I can do.” Grace leaned close. “I expect a full explanation.” With that, she walked up the hall and around the corner.

  In less than five minutes, Grace returned, spoke to the nurse at the desk, and motioned for both couples to follow her. She led them to an exam room. “Dr. Anderson will see you soon. I’m on break. What happened, Nic?”

  Mason helped her onto the examination table while she summarized the events of the past hour.

  When Nicole finished, Grace said, “You’re lucky you weren’t killed. Did you call Trent, Mason?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I’ll let him know what’s going on. Are you on watch, Linc?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The door opened and a white-haired, blue-eyed man walked in. “Looks like we’re having a party, and no one invited me.”

  Nicole snorted. “Some party. I’m the one who ran into a guy with a bad attitude and a nasty temper.”

  “Take good care of my sister, Doc.” Grace squeezed his shoulder on her way out the door.

  “Who am I treating first?” Dr. Anderson asked.

  “Nicole,” Dawn said. “She has a cut on the side of her head.”

  “Then you need to look at Dawn.” Linc folded his arms across his chest. “The guy who hurt Nicole also went after her.”

  Anderson’s white eyebrows winged upward. “I see. You ladies can tell me what happened while I examine you. Linc, Mason, wait in the hall, please.” He smiled. “As you can see, there isn’t another exit from the room so your women will be safe.”

  Mason brushed his lips over Nicole’s, then followed Linc to the hallway to wait for the doctor’s assessment.


  When the door closed behind Mason and Linc, Dr. Anderson’s smile melted away. “Tell me what happened, my dear.”

  Nicole flinched as the town’s favorite physician poked and prodded her injury while she relayed the story about taking Cosmo home, finding the door ajar, and discovering Riva on the floor, injured. “I heard something behind me, turned, and bam, someone clobbered me with a hard object. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor with Dawn leaning over me.”

  The doctor was silent a moment, then said, “The EMTs were correct. You need stitches to close this wound.” He stripped rubber gloves from his hands. “I’ll be back in a moment with the stitch kit. Before I go, I have to ask you one question. I want you to be absolutely honest with me, my dear. Will you do that?”

  “Of course.” She didn’t make a habit of lying. “Ask your question.”

  “Is Mason responsible for your injury?”

  Dawn gasped and clamped a hand over her mouth.

  Shock held Nicole immobile for a moment. “You can’t be serious. I thought you liked him.”

  “I do. However, he is capable of violence.”

  Because Mason had been in prison. The spike of temper burgeoning in her gut intensified Nicole’s headache. The assumption was unfair. Mason had paid for one error in judgment with thirteen years of his life. Why wouldn’t people take him at face value? “Mason didn’t hurt me, Doc, and never would. It wasn’t Mason.”

  “Did you get a good look at the man who hit you?”

  Nicole scowled. She wanted to say yes and couldn’t. “I only caught a glimpse of a man wearing a black ski mask before he struck me.”

  “What about you, Dawn? Is it possible the assailant you saw was Mason?”

  “I think the man who ran into me was taller than Mase, but it happened so fast I can’t be sure. He was still wearing a ski mask when he raced from the house.”

  “The masked man wasn’t Mason,” Nicole insisted. How could anyone think the man she adored was guilty of hurting her and killing Riva? What possible motive could he have for either act?

  She forced herself to focus despite the pain in her head and thought through the events in the bedroom when she’d discovered Riva. Nicole knew the assailant wasn’t Mason. Was it simply gut instinct or something she could prove?

  A memory popped to the forefront of her mind. “Spice,” she blurted out. When Dr. Anderson’s white eyebrow rose, Nicole’s cheeks burned. “I smelled a spicy cologne a second before the man hit me.”

  “You’re sure the scent wasn’t one of Riva’s perfumes?” Dawn asked.

  “Positive. It’s a cologne some of our male customers wear. Mason doesn’t wear cologne because all perfumes and colognes give me a headache. I told you it wasn’t Mason, Doc.”

  Anderson patted her arm. “I’m sorry for distressing you, my dear. I have to ask these questions. It’s my duty to report abuse. I’ve seen injuries like yours that were the result of an assault by friends or family. No matter how often Mason says he loves you, he’s still capable of losing his temper and striking out in a fit of rage. If Mason hurt you, would you tell me?”

  Nicole smiled. “If he hit me, you’d be treating him, too. I won’t let a man use me as a punching bag.”

  “Good for you.” Another pat on her arm. “I’ll return in a moment.”

  When the door closed, Nicole growled. “Why do people persist in thinking the worst of Mason? He’s a good man who would take a bullet for me.” He’d already taken a bullet protecting Rio’s wife.

  “People know he’s been in prison, Nic. That’s a hard environment to survive without scars.”

  Oh, Mason had scars. He just hid them from public view and endured the continual stares and whispers behind his back. “The man in Riva’s house wasn’t Mason.” The man she planned to marry soon wasn’t guilty of something so heinous.

  “I know one thing. I wouldn’t want Rod Kelter or Ethan Blackhawk on my trail. Whoever is guilty had better watch their backs. Those policemen are relentless. They won’t give up until they have their man.”


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