Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15) Page 13

by Rebecca Deel

  The police chief chuckled. “I heard. Not many people have been able to force Rod to back off.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Why are you here at this time of night?”

  “I’m part of the team protecting you. Josh is on the door.”

  “Where are Linc and Dawn?” Mason asked.

  “Staying with the St. Claires. Grace brought a change of clothes for Nicole. I found your Go bag in the truck and stashed it in the bathroom.”

  Excellent. At least he’d walk out of here in his own clothes instead of hospital scrubs. “Thanks.”

  Surprise flashed across Nicole’s face. “A Go bag like the Fortress operatives carry?”

  “I picked up the habit from Bravo and Durango. Mine has a change of clothes and survival gear we need in case of an emergency.” Mason kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry. No weapons in mine.”

  He turned back to Ethan. “Tell Nicole what you told me.”

  She stiffened. “You have news, Ethan?”

  “Mason’s blood test came back. No alcohol in his system.”

  “I knew it. I told you he wouldn’t drink and drive. What caused him to pass out?”

  “Someone dumped ketamine into the soft drink Mason left in his truck.”

  “Ketamine? Isn’t that a drug used by veterinarians?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “How would someone other than a vet obtain a supply?”

  “Ketamine is a party drug. You can buy it on the street if you know the right person.”

  “Do you know who is selling it?”

  “Not at the moment.”

  “You owe Mason an apology.”

  Ethan’s eyebrow rose. “I don’t recall accusing him of drinking and driving. I told you it appeared he’d been drinking based on the whiskey bottle in his hand and the overwhelming scent of alcohol on his person. The blood test confirmed what we both already knew.”

  The ball of ice in Mason’s stomach melted. “You didn’t believe I was guilty.”

  “I watched you reclaim your life. When you were shot protecting Darcy, you didn’t turn to alcohol to dull the pain. You followed every rule I laid out for you from our first meeting, built a reputation as an excellent, dependable employee who cares about his work, and made a place for yourself in the Otter Creek community. A man of character like that wouldn’t be easily persuaded to bury his woes in a bottle. No, I didn’t believe what I saw on Danbury Road. I did, however, have to follow the letter of the law. This time, the law worked in your favor.”

  Ethan folded his arms. “Whoever drugged you must have followed you, hoping for a different outcome. When the worst didn’t happen, he took advantage of your unconscious state and set the stage to make you appear drunk.”

  A memory sparked in Mason’s mind. “Lights. I saw headlights in my rearview mirror before I pulled to the side of the road.”

  “Let’s keep that to ourselves. We’ll use that information when we arrest the perp.”

  “It could have been another driver who thought I pulled to the side of the road to make a phone call.”

  “I don’t think so.” She glanced at Ethan. “If I’m right, the driver following had a bottle of whiskey that he poured on Mason. He reeked of the stuff when I climbed into the truck.”

  “We’re lucky he didn’t pour the alcohol down Mason’s throat. With ketamine in his system, the whiskey could have killed him.” Ethan shifted his gaze to Mason. “Lock your truck from now on. Don’t take any more chances with your life.”

  He held up a hand. “Don’t worry. I’ve learned my lesson. I also started locking my truck bed’s toolbox.”

  “We ran the prints on the pipe wrench and the hammer. Both tools have your prints plus several smudged prints, indicating someone with gloves used the tools recently.”

  “The killer?”

  “Probably.” He dragged a hand down his face. “I could use some coffee. Do either of you want anything? Soft drink, water?” When they both turned down the offer, Ethan left, promising to return within a couple of minutes.

  Josh knocked and walked in. “Good to see you’re awake, Mase.” He sat in the chair Ethan had vacated. “You gave us a scare, buddy.”

  “Scared myself. Thanks for standing watch.”

  A shrug. “You’re family. I’m standing in for Rio.”

  Mason sighed. “You called him, didn’t you?”

  “He and Darcy will be back tomorrow.”

  “I’m fine. They don’t need to cut their vacation short.”

  “Try telling that to your cousin’s wife. She insisted on coming home.”

  Not surprising. Darcy treated him like she did her brother, Trent. “You staying all night?”

  Josh shook his head. “I’m in charge of PT tomorrow at PSI. Quinn and Nate take over at 2:00.” He smiled. “They wanted to help because volunteering gives them a pass to skip PT.”

  “I appreciate the help in protecting Nicole.”

  “We’re happy to step in until you’re able to take over yourself.”

  When Ethan came back, Josh returned to his post. “Sleep, Mason,” Ethan murmured. “You and Nicole are safe.”

  Mason urged Nicole to lay her head against his shoulder. Two more months and he could hold her like this every night.

  Two hours later, Mason roused when Ethan stood. “Shift change?” he whispered.

  A nod. “I’ll check on you tomorrow. Watch your back.”

  Seconds after he strode from the room, Nate slipped in, nodded at Mason in greeting, and settled into the chair Ethan had vacated. The rest of the early morning hours passed with the night nurse checking his vitals at two-hour intervals. At five, traffic in the hallway picked up.

  Within another hour, Dr. Thomas checked his progress and appeared satisfied that the ketamine was out of his system. “You might have some residual fatigue, Mr. Kincaid, but that should disappear in the next two days. Once the nurse brings your discharge papers, you’re free to leave.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Thomas.”

  “I hope I don’t see you again as a patient.”

  That brought a rough laugh. “No offense, but I don’t want to see you again unless you need repair work done to your house.”

  “You’re a handyman?”

  “I work for Elliott Construction. We also do home repairs and remodeling.”

  “I’ll keep your company in mind for my next DIY project. I can treat patients, but I’m all thumbs when it comes to repairing things around my home.” He grinned. “My wife is better at repairs than I am.”

  Mason found one of his business cards in his wallet and handed it to the physician. “Call me if you or your wife need help with a repair.”

  Thomas pocketed the card and, after shaking Mason’s hand, left the room.

  Nicole poked her head around the door frame. “Well?”

  “I’m cleared to leave as soon as I have my release papers.”

  “Yes!” She hurried inside, threw her arms around his neck, and pressed a hard and fast kiss to his mouth. “What’s the plan for the day?”

  “Same as usual. Work, dinner with my beautiful bride-to-be, and maybe a movie if I can stay awake long enough.” He wouldn’t take bets on that last part of the plan, though. The way he felt at the moment, finishing the work day may be the extent of his grand plan.

  “Will you be able to work today?”

  “We’re on a deadline, and I don’t want to let Brian down.” He pressed a kiss to her mouth. “Thomas said I’d be tired for a couple days, but I’ll be back to normal after that.”

  Mason released her. “I need a shower and real clothes. This hospital gown is drafty.”

  She grinned. “I’ll be in the hall.”

  When he’d showered and dressed, Mason came out of the bathroom to see Nate with one shoulder propped against the wall, waiting for him. “I thought you would have gone to work by now.”

  “My bodyguard assignment doesn’t end until you leave the hospital.”

  “Do I hear weeping and wailing coming from PSI?” Nate, a professional chef as well as Durango’s EOD man, kept the trainees and staff at PSI well fed.

  “Serena Blackhawk is covering for me this morning. The staff and trainees won’t miss me.”

  As a personal chef, the police chief’s wife was also in high demand. “Thanks for keeping an eye on us overnight.”

  “No problem, Mase.” Nate looked at him a moment. “Someone has a target on your back. Who is the most likely culprit?”

  He snorted. “The possibilities are endless.” Not everyone was happy that he’d moved to Otter Creek for a fresh start on life. Several people would be happy if he went back to prison.

  “Think hard. This latest attempt to harm you could have had a tragic outcome.”

  “I know.”

  “Stay alert, Mason. This guy won’t give up, and next time he might succeed.”


  Nicole hid a yawn behind her hand. Good grief. She’d never make it through the day at this rate. And to think she used to stay awake all night studying for tests in college. Those days were long gone.

  Although she wanted to call Mason to check on him, she resisted the urge. He was fine. If he wasn’t, Dean would have called her.

  Nicole wished Mason had agreed to let a PSI trainee shadow him today. What if the person who drugged him tried to hurt him again?

  She blew out a breath. Mason could take care of himself, and Dean and Brian had his back. Trusting the man she adored to take extra precautions, Nicole dragged her attention back to sending out reminders for upcoming grooming appointments.

  Good thing the appointments were further apart today. Otherwise, she’d be guzzling caffeine by the barrel to keep going without giving a bad haircut to someone’s pet.

  “Should I go to Perk and ask Sasha for her strongest coffee?”

  At Rio’s good-natured teasing, Nicole rolled her eyes. “Not all of us have spent a week lounging on the beach in the sun with our sweetheart.” She grimaced. “As much as I want that coffee, I’m not sure my stomach could handle it right now.”

  He sobered. “Still having trouble with nausea?”

  “No, thank goodness. My stomach feels like it’s tied in knots, though. I’m worried, Rio. Ethan and Rod have been looking for Riva’s killer for days but it seems they’re no closer to making an arrest.”

  “I’m concerned for you and Mason. Whoever is targeting you won’t give up until he succeeds or he’s stopped.”

  “You think it’s the same person attacking both of us?”

  “I’m not ruling anything out. What are the odds that you’re both being targeted at the same time without the attacks being connected?”

  “Slim to none.” Great. Had she started this whole thing by going to Riva’s home to deliver Cosmo?

  Mason called during his lunch break. “I’m fine although I am tired,” he said.

  Thank goodness. Nicole leaned back against the counter, a smile curving her mouth. “Nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t cure?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe a couple of nights. That ketamine packs a wallop. Listen, I wanted to let you know that I’ll be late again. Brian needs help in one of the buildings before the inspector comes back.”

  “I understand. Not too late, right?” He’d just admitted to being tired. Working overtime wouldn’t help.

  “Dean and I will leave by seven o’clock. I’ll pick up dinner for the four of us after I leave the job site. Delaney’s okay again?”

  “Pet Palace is a couple of blocks from the town square. I’ll pick up dinner.” She’d ask Linc to stop by Delaney’s on the way to his home. The day’s special of roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy sounded heavenly.

  “I don’t mind stopping.”

  Mason wouldn’t think twice about inconveniencing himself to take care of her. This time, it was her turn to run the errand. “I know. Makes more sense for me to do it. Besides, I have a good chance of finishing my workday early.”

  “Business is slow?”

  “It’s usually slower in the middle of the week. The pace will pick up after tomorrow. In the meantime, Dawn and I are enjoying the break.” She heard someone speaking in the background.

  A moment later, Mason said, “I have to go. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  “Mason?” Rio asked when Nicole slid her cell phone back into her pocket.

  She nodded. “He’s tired but sounds good.”

  “Excellent progress. He’ll be back to normal soon.”

  Couldn’t be fast enough for her. Under normal circumstances, Mason could outwork her. Today, however, she might give him a run for his money.

  The rest of the day passed without drama. Linc arrived a few minutes after three, relieving Rio. The medic kissed Nicole’s cheek. “If you need me, I expect to hear from you.”

  “You just returned from vacation. I don’t want to disturb you on your first night back.”

  “I want to help, Nic. Mason is my cousin. Family takes care of family. Promise you’ll call if you need me.”

  She sighed. How could she refuse? “You have my word. Go take care of your PSI responsibilities so Darcy won’t be alone tonight.”

  With a grin, Rio tapped her nose gently. “I’ll check in with you and Mase later.” He clapped Linc on the shoulder and left the salon.

  “Where’s Dawn?” he asked.

  “In the workroom. She’s almost finished with an Australian Shepherd named Gracie. Do you mind stopping by Delaney’s on the way to your house tonight? I’m craving their special and it keeps any of us from having to cook dinner.”

  “You won’t get an argument from me. I love their food. Have you talked to Mason?”

  “At lunch. He’s tired and is going to be late again.”

  “I understand. I’ll be glad to make the detour.”

  By the time the salon closed for business and they cleaned the workroom, Nicole was more than ready for a meal. She hadn’t been able to eat all day.

  After she locked up, Linc drove her and Dawn to Delaney’s. The three of them trooped into the crowded restaurant. When a friend of Linc’s hailed him and Dawn from one of the booths, Nicole waved them on. He had a clear line of sight to her and if trouble broke out, was only a few feet away. Besides, who’d be crazy enough to come after her in this press of people?

  Nicole placed her order and turned when a familiar voice called her name. She smiled at the middle-aged woman. “Hi, Greta. How are my favorite fur babies?” The woman had three Chihuahuas that were a delight to work on.

  “They’re wonderful. Thanks for asking.” Her gaze shifted from Nicole’s face to the side of her head. “How are you? I heard what happened at Riva’s. Such a terrible tragedy.”

  The knot that had slowly disappeared through the day was back in full force. “I’ll be fine. No more headaches or nausea, all good signs of healing.”

  Greta eased closer, sympathy filling her blue eyes. “I’m so sorry you had to find out that way.”

  Nicole’s brows knitted. “Find out what?”

  “About Mason, of course.”

  “I don’t understand.” Surely Greta didn’t believe Mason was guilty of murder.

  The woman paled. “Forget I said anything.” She started to turn away but Nicole caught her arm.

  “You’ve already raised my curiosity and I’d rather hear the news from you. What are you talking about?”

  Greta whispered, “Mason’s affair.”

  Stunned, Nicole stared at her friend. “Are you saying Mason had an affair with Riva?”

  A nod. “He and Riva spent a lot of time alone together in the middle of the day. I’m sorry you had to find out this way.”

  “Keep your apology. I don’t need it. Mason wasn’t having an affair with Riva. He repaired items around her house. Brian Elliott assigned him the jobs.”

  “My home is over 100 years old, and I don’t need that many repairs from a handsome handyman.”

Greta was right about one thing. Mason was handsome. No matter what the grapevine said, Nicole knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Mason would never cheat on her.

  “There’s no doubt that Riva was seeing someone. She bragged to anyone who would listen. It’s been the talk of the town for weeks.”

  “Did she say who?”

  Greta shook her head. “She always went on and on about Mason’s kindness and attractiveness. It was obvious she had a thing for your man. I heard she sabotaged things around her house to have an excuse to see Mason alone.”

  “No matter what Riva might have wanted, Mason wouldn’t betray me.”

  “How do you know? A lot of men have wandering eyes and hands.”

  “Not Mason. You can inform the gossip queens on the grapevine that they’re way off base with this theory.”

  “Order up for Nicole,” the cashier called.

  “I won’t keep you.” Greta squeezed her hand. “Guard your heart, okay? I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Too late. The accusations and untruths about Mason ripped her heart into jagged pieces. Why wouldn’t anyone give him the benefit of the doubt? Mason Kincaid was the finest man she knew aside from her adoptive father. She was honored to be his.

  Nicole took the large bag from the cashier with a nod of thanks and turned to see Linc striding toward her, Dawn on his heels.

  “I’ll take that,” he said. “You okay?”

  She shook her head. “Let’s get out of here.” The last thing she wanted was to spend another minute in a restaurant full of people who believed the worst of Mason and her. By their estimation, Mason was a two-timing louse and Nicole was naive.

  Linc ushered her and Dawn to his SUV. The ride to his house was silent as Nicole brooded.

  Once they were inside Linc’s house with the door locked, Linc led them to the kitchen where he unloaded the bag. “Do we eat now or wait for Mason?”

  “Wait.” Nicole couldn’t handle food at the moment. “He should be here in a few minutes.”

  “I’ll go clean up,” Dawn said. With a glance at Linc, she left.

  “I should do the same,” Nicole murmured. She smelled like wet dog, a hazard of the job.


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