Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15)

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Caught in the Crossfire (Otter Creek Book 15) Page 25

by Rebecca Deel

  “Hold, Mase,” Trent ordered.

  “After I take care of him,” Fisher bragged, “I’ll use his knife to carve my name across your stomach.”

  “What do you want, Fisher?” Mason inched closer. “Whatever it is, you can have it if you release Nicole and Dawn. They’re innocents in your game.”

  “What do I want? You, dead. Creed, too.”

  One slow step at a time, he walked closer. “Why? What did we do to you?” A few more feet was all he needed.

  “That’s far enough,” his opponent snapped, taking the muzzle of the gun from Nicole’s head and pointing it at Mason.

  He moved two steps closer and stopped. “Why do you want to kill Linc? He didn’t do anything to you.”

  “He interfered with my plan. I had everything worked out until Creed stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong.”

  “What plan?” Linc asked. “I protected the women. Protection is my job, Fisher.”

  “The women saw too much.”

  “When?” Mason asked.

  “At Riva’s.”

  And there it was. The hint that Fisher was responsible for Riva’s death. “You killed her, didn’t you?”

  A sly smile curved his mouth. “Your wrench was the murder weapon. The cops think you killed Riva.”

  “Why would I? I had no reason to kill her.”

  The smile faded. “You were sleeping with her. No one takes what’s mine.”

  Mason shook his head. “I love Nicole. I would never betray her with another woman.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Kincaid. She mouthed off all over town about how wonderful you are, how considerate and gentle. She tried to end things with me to be with you.”

  “You killed Riva, and when Nicole and Dawn drove to the house to drop off Cosmo, you panicked and fled, hurting Nicole in the process. You were afraid they’d eventually recognize you.”

  Linc shook his head, his expression one of disgust. “They didn’t know anything. You’re an idiot, Fisher.”

  “Shut up.” Fury flashed in his eyes. “Every word of disrespect from you will lead to more pain and suffering for your girlfriend.”

  “Let her go, and I’ll submit to whatever punishment you want to dish out.”

  “What about you, Kincaid? You willing to suffer for your woman?”

  He nodded.

  “Would you take a bullet for her?”

  “In a heartbeat. Let her go. You’ve already hurt her. The women are no threat to you.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. They definitely know too much now. This has never been about the women, you know. The target was you from the start.”

  Mason froze. “Why?”

  “You waltzed into town fresh from prison and immediately, Riva noticed you. Made plays for you, too, but you were too stupid to notice. Then, you got the promotion that should have been mine. Two years you worked for Elliott and because you kissed up to the boss, he gave you the promotion. I worked with him almost from the start of his business. But did he reward my loyalty? No. He was all about you.”

  “You went after Todd, too, didn’t you?”

  “Taking him out was pathetically easy. He thought I was you. If everything had gone the way I planned, I would have the promotion and Riva. I’d be Elliott’s right-hand man, not you.”

  Mason dragged a hand down his face. “This whole thing has been an elaborate smokescreen, hasn’t it? You killed Riva and attacked Todd, then tried to lay the blame on me to send me back to prison.”

  “Would have worked if the cops weren’t so stupid. Doesn’t matter now. It’s too late for all of you.” Fisher flicked a glance at one of the men holding a gun aimed at Mason. “Bring our other guest out here.”

  Linc remained motionless although his eyes followed the progress of the man into the lodge. A moment later, his face lost all expression.

  Mason turned and stared at the hostage struggling to break free of his captive’s grip. Gage Fitzgerald stumbled and fell to the ground at Mason’s feet.


  Mason crouched beside Gage Fitzgerald. The man looked as though he’d gotten up close and personal with more than one pair of fists. His lip was split, one of his eyes fast turning black. He also sported a large bruise on the left side of his jaw. “Is Todd with you?” he murmured.

  Gage shook his head. “He’s probably back at the B & B. A couple of these bruisers jumped me in the parking lot and stuffed me in the back of a van. What’s going on?”

  “Get up,” Fisher ordered him. “I’m going to offer you the chance of a lifetime.”

  Mason already knew where this was going. The only question was, would Gage take Fisher up on his offer? He assisted the other man to his feet.

  “What are you up to?” Linc asked.

  “Giving Fitzgerald the chance to avenge his wife and daughter’s death.”

  Gage backed up a step. “I don’t understand.”

  “Simple. I’m offering you the privilege of killing Kincaid.”

  “You’re crazy. I’m not killing him or anyone else.”

  Fisher shrugged. “By the time I’m finished tonight, the cops will believe you shot and killed him. His good friend, Creed, will die trying to protect him.”

  Linc rolled his eyes. “The cops won’t buy that drivel.”

  “Why not?”

  “Even if Fitzgerald managed to kill Mason, I wouldn’t miss my shot. I’m one of the weapons trainers at PSI. With my military background and constant practice with weapons, Blackhawk won’t buy that story.”

  Fisher scowled. “Fine. If Fitzgerald won’t do the job, I’m tempted to beat the daylights out of both of you. Dead is dead, whether from a bullet or my fists.”

  “Try it,” Linc taunted. “You’ll lose.”

  The construction worker slowly shook his head. “I don’t think so. I prefer to shoot you and save my energy for more pleasurable pursuits with Nicole.”

  Nicole stared at Mason, determination gleaming in her eyes.

  He gave a slight head shake. Mason didn’t know what she had in mind, but it could interfere with Ethan’s plan. Of course, Fitzgerald’s presence was a wild card no one had counted on.

  Mason’s bride-to-be narrowed her eyes. A second later, she lowered her head. He drew in a slow breath, preparing himself for anything.

  Fisher glanced at one of his friends. “Search them for weapons.”

  “Wait for my signal,” Ethan whispered over the comm system.

  A linebacker-size man lumbered over to Linc. “Hands locked behind your neck and legs spread, Cowboy. You move, you die a long, slow death.”

  The PSI instructor complied with Linebacker’s order, his gaze locked on the man as he patted Linc down.

  After a thorough search, the man stepped back. “Nothing, Fish.”

  “Now Kincaid.”

  Mason kept his attention on Nicole. From her body language, she was gearing up for something, but what?

  Linebacker patted him down and turned to Fisher. “He’s clean, too.”

  “Last chance, Fitzgerald. Otherwise, I’ll take care of business myself.”

  “I’m not a murderer.”

  A lazy shrug. “You made your choice. You’ll have to deal with the consequences.”

  “I’m not killing Kincaid.”

  “You can die with him and his buddy.” Fisher raised his gun.

  “Now,” Ethan snapped.

  At that moment, Nicole slammed the back of her head into Fisher’s nose. He howled, cursing and releasing her to clutch his face. She ran toward Mason, but stumbled and fell to her knees.

  As the closest person to Gage, Mason shoved him to the ground as gunfire peppered the night. He dove for Nicole and covered her body with his. He wrapped his arms around her head and prayed bullets that hit him didn’t pass through his body into the woman he loved with his every breath.

  A bullet slammed into his back, punching with the force of an actual blow. He jerked at the impact, then again when a
nother bullet hit.

  “Mason,” Nicole cried. “No!”

  “I’m okay, baby. Stay still.”

  “You’ve been hit.”

  “Trust me.”

  A roar of fury sounded near Mason. Seconds later, Fisher plowed into him, shoving him off Nicole. “I’m going to kill you. My cousin’s dead because of you.” Fisher landed an uppercut to Mason’s jaw.

  The next roundhouse punch, Mason blocked. He headbutted the construction worker again and flipped the man over his head. In a flash, Mason was on his feet in a low crouch, shifting away from Nicole to prevent further injury to her.

  Fisher rushed him. Mason sidestepped enough to throw the other man off balance, followed through with a blow to the back of the neck. His opponent rolled to his feet, shook his head as though trying to clear it, and came after Mason again.

  He took Mason to the ground, pounded a fist into his face, stunning him for the few seconds it took for Fisher to wrap his meaty hands around his throat and begin to squeeze.

  Glee filled Fisher’s eyes despite the chaos, shouts, and gunfire around them. “Die knowing that your woman is going to be warming my bed, Kincaid.”

  No way. Fisher would never touch Nicole again. He intended to marry the woman he adored and live a long life, filling their home with as many children as she wanted.

  Mason fisted his hands, brought them between Fisher’s arms, and hit his inner elbows to break the stiff-armed hold. He cupped Fisher’s left elbow as though he was doing a chin up and forced Fisher to loosen his grip on Mason’s neck. Wrapping his arm around the other man’s neck, Mason hooked Fisher’s cheek with a forefinger, and yanked the head around, forcing his opponent to roll onto his back. Mason slammed his fist into Fisher’s face three times in quick succession and followed with an elbow to the temple.

  Fisher’s head whipped to the right. He lay motionless.

  Durango, Bravo, and the Otter Creek police converged on the clearing. “Get down on the ground,” Ethan ordered. “Now. I’ve got Fisher, Mase. Go to Nicole.”

  He scrambled off Fisher and raced to his girl. He grasped the hilt of the boot knife, slid the blade between her wrists, and sliced the zip tie. Nicole hissed as her wrists separated. Figuring she’d been trussed up like that since shortly after she’d been kidnapped, Mason massaged her shoulder joints to bring circulation into the area.

  When her breathing eased, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her against his chest.

  “How bad are you hit?” Nicole’s hands roamed over his back and sides, pausing when they discovered the holes in the fabric. “Wait. Are you wearing a vest?”

  “Linc insisted.”

  “Thank God. Take me home, Mason.”

  “After a trip to the hospital.”

  “I hate hospitals.” She lifted her head from his chest. “If I have to be checked by a doctor, so do you.”

  “Deal.” Whatever it took to persuade Nicole to let a doctor look her over. Mason worried she had internal injuries in addition to bruises.

  Alex spoke over the comm system. “Linc, go. West side. Dawn’s on the run with Patton on her heels.”

  The PSI instructor was up and sprinting for the trees before Alex had finished his sentence. In the woods, a woman screamed.


  Linc raced into the trees. “Direction?” he demanded of Alex.

  “Six hundred yards ahead. Move it, Linc.”

  Another scream ripped through the night.

  Linc put on another burst of speed, thankful the moon was bright and full.

  “Movement to your left on an intercept course.”

  “Copy,” he whispered, slowing his speed a fraction, using techniques he’d learned in Delta Force to mask his approach. The guy heading his direction wasn’t a Fortress operative. He sounded like an elephant rampaging through the woods. No Special Forces operative would approach a quarry like that unless he had a death wish.

  A branch snapped to his left. He shifted into deep shadow and waited. A minute later, one of the gang members hurried closer to Linc on his way toward the sounds of a struggle up ahead.

  A loud crack sounded in the night, followed by Dawn’s cry of pain.

  Linc’s target pivoted that direction and started forward to either assist Patton or watch. Either option was the wrong choice for the sake of his health.

  Linc slipped out of cover and, with soundless steps, caught up with the thug. He wrapped an arm around the man’s neck and squeezed. Although he struggled, the gang member was unconscious in seconds from the sleeper hold.

  Lowering him to the ground, Linc took a few seconds to bind his hands. He didn’t want this guy to blindside him while Linc tangled with Patton.

  “No,” Dawn screamed. “Stop.”

  Another loud crack. “You heard those gunshots. That’s my buddies drilling holes in your boyfriend. He’s dead. No one’s going to save you now.”

  Linc ran in the direction of the voices. “Sit rep,” he whispered to Alex.

  “Only Patton and Dawn. You’re clear.”

  “Copy.” One hundred yards later, he crested a ridge.

  Patton straddled Dawn whose shirt was ripped in half. Her captor fumbled with the zipper of her jeans. Dawn reached for a nearby rock, but couldn’t stretch far enough to grip it.

  Linc sprinted across the clearing and launched himself at Patton, forcing him off her. The construction worker cursed and threw punch after punch while they rolled on the ground, each determined to gain the upper hand. Linc blocked and countered with his own roundhouse punches.

  Patton shoved him aside and scrambled to his feet. He circled just out of reach, motioning for Linc to come and get him.

  Linc waited, his attention focused on the other man despite a driving need to check on Dawn. Patton wasn’t patient and would soon make his move.

  The construction worker swung a roundhouse punch at Linc who shifted enough to throw Patton off balance and leave his side open to attack. Linc kicked him in the ribs. More curses poured from Patton’s mouth. He threw another punch. Linc blocked and landed another strike, this time to the temple. Dawn’s attacker dropped to the ground and lay still.

  Not willing to chance the other man regaining his senses and threatening them, Linc restrained Patton’s hands behind his back. He stripped a knife and Sig from him and tossed them under a bush before he turned to Dawn. She’d scrambled away from the fight and located a sturdy stick that she held in her hands like a baseball bat.

  His breath caught. Though bruised and battered, she personified a courage that wouldn’t quit. Linc had never admired anyone more than Dawn Metcalf, and acknowledged to himself that he was falling in love with her.

  He slowly approached her, unsure of his welcome after her rough treatment at Patton’s hands. “It’s over, Dawn. You’re safe now.”

  She blinked. Tears streamed down her cheeks, breaking his heart. Dawn dropped the stick and threw herself into his arms.

  Linc held her while she cried. “I’ve got you, sweetheart,” he murmured. “No one will hurt you again.”

  When her tears subsided, she whispered, “I couldn’t stop him.”

  He stilled, praying she didn’t mean those words the way they sounded. Patton and Fisher had held her and Nicole hostage for hours. Had they raped the women? “I know Patton beat you. For the sake of your health, tell me the truth, Dawn. Did Patton or Fisher rape you?”

  She shook her head. “Patton kissed me, but Nicole prevented him from going any further. I don’t think he would have stopped if she hadn’t. Although He said he just wanted a taste, Patton got caught up.” She shuddered and buried her face against Linc’s neck. “He would have raped me with Nicole in the room.”

  Linc closed his eyes, thankful that she’d been spared and for Nicole’s quick thinking. He owed her, big.

  “Is she okay? I didn’t want to leave her, but Patton and Fisher were coming, and I didn’t have time to cut her loose. If I’d tried, they would have caug
ht me and confiscated the knife you gave me. Nicole told me to run.” More tears slipped down her cheeks. “I had to hide from gang members roaming the woods at first. When Patton found me, I ran. Please tell me Nic’s okay.”

  He cupped her bruised face. “She will be.”

  Dawn gripped his biceps. “What did Fisher do to her?”

  “He beat her.” Whether Fisher did more than that was a question Mason would have to broach with his girl. “I don’t know how bad her injuries are. When I came after you, Mason was holding her in his arms. She was awake and alert.”

  “I should have stayed with her. Fisher hurt her because I ran away, didn’t he?”

  “Those men were a good 80 pounds heavier than either of you and more than half a foot taller. By splitting up, you forced them to separate. Together, Patton and Fisher encouraged each other to greater atrocities. Your actions kept Patton busy hunting for you instead of allowing their agenda to unfold as planned.” He trailed the back of his hand over her cheek, careful to avoid a bruise caused by Patton’s blows. “You did the right thing, Dawn. The plan was a solid one.”

  “But I failed.”

  “You frustrated both men and threw a monkey wrench into their plan.” He lifted one of her hands to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. “I’m proud of you. Even though Patton had you on the ground, you were still fighting.”

  “I want self-defense training. I never want to be that helpless again. My father taught me some things, but I need more if…”

  “If what?” he prompted.

  “If I’m dating you.”

  “You definitely are.” If their relationship continued to progress at the current pace, she’d be wearing an engagement ring in the near future. “I’ll be glad to train you to defend yourself.”

  Although he didn’t want to let her go, they had to return to the compound. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” Linc stripped off the black shirt covering his vest and helped her into it.


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