Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 2

by Jill Shannon

  “So, I see here on your application you went to college for music and theater with a minor in kickboxing?” He questioned her with a raised eyebrow, “Have you been working in any of these fields?” He lifted his eyes towards her waiting for the answer.

  She looked up into his eyes as she answered, “I have a part-time waitressing job during the evenings, and I sing at a bar some nights when they need someone to fill in for their regular act.”

  “How long have you been in the BDSM lifestyle?” He watched her closely as she answered the question.

  Sadie’s eyes went wide at his question. He got right to the point. She knew this was the question that could secure her a job, or end everything right here. She looked down when she answered, “When I was in college I dated someone who was learning to be a Dom, so I was introduced to it by him. I found I liked it, Sir.” With her peripheral vision she saw his body move ever so slightly. She hoped she sounded convincing.

  “So, to say you are pretty new to it is a more accurate statement. Correct?”

  “I guess you could say that, Sir,” she agreed with her eyes still down.

  He turned to Sadie with that smug smile on his face. Leaning forward and placing his forearms on his knees, he said, “Well, I see you do have some knowledge, but for the rest of this interview I would like to look at your lovely face.” He sat back relaxed again, “Now, since college, have you had any other experiences?”

  Sadie raised her face smiling. “No, I really haven’t had any ‘me time’ since graduating to even try for something committed.”

  After Sadie said that out loud, she realized how long it had been since that night. Sadie had focused on her career and tried to build her self-confidence. She had gone to clubs with her friends, but her heart was never in it.

  Dimitri smiled again at her answer. “I see all your paperwork is in order. What made you answer the ad?”

  “I needed a real job. Your ad was very intriguing. I never even knew a ship like you described even existed. I’ve heard of BDSM dungeons as well as clubs, but a ship? My interest was piqued. How long has it been running?”

  “This will be the maiden voyage for the Onyx. I’m very proud of this ship, it has been a long time dream of ours. We are in the process of building another ship as we speak. It will run out of San Diego, but it won’t be up and running for a while. We need to work out all the kinks, and see how well our investment here on the East Coast works out.”

  “Now, back to the interview, I want to tell you a little bit about what you would be responsible for. First, you would be part of the entertainment, as in any show or program the Cruise Director needs you to do.”

  “We will also be auditioning for three singers to have their own solo time in the three bars on board. We will be doing this as soon as possible to have everything in place before we set sail, which barring any disasters, should be six months from now. Can you be ready by then?” She nodded her head yes.

  “Also, everyone who works on the ship will be a Master, Dom, Dominatrix, or submissive. So, if you have any questions regarding a scene you might see or a guest relating to the BDSM part of the job, you will have ample people as well as security to ask.”

  Sadie looked at Mr. Zilkin with a kind of a “deer-in-the-headlights” look, there was so much running through her head, she didn’t know where to start.

  “I know this probably is not what you expected, but I’m a very up front person and would like to be that kind of a boss. Cameron and I are trying to put together a crew similar to a family, considering we will be spending so much time together at sea.

  “We are not naive in believing everyone will get along, but we’re hoping for more friendships and fewer conflicts. I want you to know that your safety, as well as everyone on this cruise ship, is of the utmost importance.

  “You can come to Cameron or me, if you have any questions. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable with a crewmember or a guest, per your contract, you are required to report it to one of the twenty-one members of our security team, Cameron, or myself.

  “Also, in the contract, no employee is required to participate in any scenes he or she does not want to be involved in, however, it is encouraged that if an employee would like to play, they are more than welcome to. Hence, the dungeon set up in my office.” Extending his arm towards the equipment on the other side of the office smiling like a Cheshire cat, he continued, “I interview every employee, and there are times I like to put the employee to the test. Some flock to it like water, others are a little more standoffish. I can tell from looking at your face you are surprised.”

  Sadie didn’t know what to say, were they going to do a scene? Did she need to in order to get the job? Did she have a job? She had so many questions. She turned and looked at him saying, “I’m a pretty to the point kind of person also. If I refuse to scene with you now, do I still have a job?” She leaned forward on the couch.

  “That would depend on your reason as to why you wouldn’t want to scene with me,” he answered, his voice deepening as he looked at her.

  “I think you are a very handsome man, but I know nothing about you. I like to know more about a man before I let him bend me over the spanking bench. Plus, I look at you as my boss and I don’t think I could look at you the same way if I did a scene with you, Sir,” Sadie blurted out.

  He leaned forward on the couch, placing a packet of papers on the table sliding it towards her. “Here is a contact for three months. Read it over, make sure you understand it, sign it, and return it to Melanie.

  “She will then put you in touch with Gabriel. He is the producer on the ship, he will fill you in on what you will be doing.” Sitting back on the couch, he smiled again at her. “I like you, Sadie. I think we will get along just fine. I’m sorry Cameron wasn’t available for your interview, but I will fill him in. I hope to see you on the ship.” He rose from the couch and extended his hand.

  She rose with the contract in her hand, the other shaking his. “Thank you for the opportunity, I hope so too.”


  After Sadie left the office, the door by the fireplace opened and Cameron Alexander walked over to Dimitri. “Thank you. Once she’s on the ship, I will reveal myself to her, but only once she can’t get away.” He looked at Dimitri.

  Dimitri smiled at Cameron saying, “Now I know why you never told me about her, you didn’t want to share did you?” prodding Cameron on the shoulder like he used to.

  Cameron ducked away. “It was while you were overseas. I walked into this little bar down in the village. I sat there nursing a drink and this incredible voice filled my ears.” Raising his hands to his ears he added, “I’m telling you, she can sing. When I turned around and saw the little package that sound was coming from, I was totally amazed.” He remembered how the lights glowed down on her and how calm he felt as he had sat and listened.

  Her hair had hung past her shoulders, but he couldn’t tell what color it was, and as she turned to look out, her eyes had locked with his. It was like she had been singing just to him. Shaking off the thought, he said, “I knew she’d be perfect for our cruise line, but I took a big risk that she could meet all the qualifications.” Cameron had felt a connection and knew it was a feeling he had never felt towards another woman.

  “Well, I hope you know what you’re doing, because making an unknown the star of our main production is a big risk. You better be right!” Dimitri looked Cameron straight in the eye. “And, your telling Olivia, you should have done it in the meeting before.”

  “Don’t you worry. Once you hear her, you’ll be glad I locked in her contract, so no one can steal her away. As for Olivia, we’ll let Gabriel tell her.”

  He smiled, leaving the office with a wave, saying under his breath, “And after I lock her down with my collar, she won’t ever leave.”

  Chapter Two

  That had been six months ago, the contract was exactly what she had been looking for, room, board, health insurance as well as a resp
ectable salary. She wasn’t sure about the sexual harassment clause, but she kind of understood. You really couldn’t file a claim of sexual harassment if you were working for a business that dealt with sex.

  She paid the cabbie as she got out. She picked up her backpack and the handle of her suitcase. She looked up at the Onyx, the ship that would be her home for the next three months in awe.

  She had found out from Melanie when she met with her to discuss some questions she had, that she would be living in one of the Harem Suites (normally reserved for guests). She didn’t understand how she rated a suite with a balcony, but she didn’t care, she was actually very happy. This way if she felt claustrophobic, she could just go out on her balcony.

  She had seen diagrams, blueprints, pictures of staterooms, as well as the shops, but she had not seen the actual ship. Looking at it, she could understand why Dimitri was so proud of her.

  The crew had a ribbon to cut, and a bottle of champagne for Dimitri and Cameron, (the other co-founder). Cameron Alexander was President of the Midnight Oasis Cruise Line and had been Dimitri’s best friend since boarding school. They came from similar backgrounds in the financial end, but that’s where it stopped.

  Where Dimitri was easygoing and approachable, Cameron appeared cold and aloof. She had learned through rehearsals that Cameron was the bad boy of the two. He liked fast cars, bikes, and women. He had tattoos and piercings, but you never saw him.

  Sadie thought he had been at one of the rehearsals, but she wasn’t sure, and the talk on stage was he kept to himself. But if you ever got to scene with him and he used the shibari technique, they said it was intense.

  His parents had died while he was away at school in a car accident leaving him with his open minded grandmother. When he had left school to go home for the funeral, Dimitri went with him even knowing he could have gotten kicked out, and to Cameron who had few friends, that meant everything. They had become the best of friends ever since.

  Neither man wanted to work for their family business and tried to do anything that would keep that from happening. They were both Masters, each having their own particular style. Where Dimitri mastered the riding crops and floggers, Cameron was a Master with bondage; they had even shared women with both styles together. They had dreamed about owning a BDSM club together but so many of them seemed to be popping up everywhere. They had wanted something different. After graduating, they had taken a cruise to the Bahamas and that’s when it hit them that they could do a cruise line strictly for the BDSM lifestyle.

  Standing there, all Sadie could say was they had done it. She approached the boarding ramp where the crew would board, hours before the passengers were to arrive. She wanted to make sure she didn’t miss when the crew did the presentation to Dimitri and Cameron,

  As she entered the lower level of the ship, she handed the security guard her paperwork He looked at it, at her, at it, and then smiled. “Welcome aboard, Sadie Sommers. I am Caleb Floyd, right hand man to Nicolas Montana, head of security. If you have any problems, please let any one of us know. There are twenty-one of us total. You’ll know us by the arm patches and the side arms.” He tilted his huge right shoulder indicating the circle patch in black with the initials “DP” in purple letters.

  “Now, depending on how you look at these letters,” he said as stood to his full height of six foot six coming out of his chair, where Sadie could see the standard M9 on his hip. “To most it means ‘Deck Police,’ but I prefer it to mean, ‘Dungeon Patrol,’ he said, while leaning his incredible body forward over his desk. His deep brown eyes looked into Sadie’s, raising his eyebrows up and down as he said to her, “Yup, anything you need, we are here for you. Now, could I get you to move yourself back to the foot prints on the floor so I can photograph your beautiful face for your employee ID?” He grinned.

  She looked down to the floor turning to the left and moving back a few steps to stand on a set of footsteps taped to the floor. When she was ready, she looked to where Caleb had told her to look and smiled. He didn’t look up, but told her he had what he needed and she proceeded to move back in front of his desk.

  She watched as he moved to grab what looked like a credit card from a laminator. He reached for her identification and the credit card. “Here is your identification back as well as your employee credit card, and your cabin key. It also has all the information needed to access the computer system on board. Every cabin has a computer that has access to every passenger’s and crewmember’s hard and soft limits, triggers, and fantasies. All you have to do is swipe your card in the cabin’s computer and your partner will know how to proceed with you.

  “That’s what I love about working for them,” Caleb announced proudly. “The safety of the passengers and crew are their main priority. That card can give your partner access to your medical history if you wanted. That was why it took so long to get the maiden voyage off; you know the paperwork you filled out to get the job?” Sadie shook her head yes. “Well, every passenger has to go through the same process, they just get a different contract.” He was doing the eyebrow thing again.

  “Yes, I get exactly what you mean, I was really surprised when I walked into Dimitri’s office. I was so nervous after looking at his set up, but he made me feel so comfortable. I think I’m really going to enjoy working for them.”

  “Oh, yeah and what a set up. I was kind of nervous myself, but then Dimitri explained that the lovely Melanie would be available should I want to try his office equipment, while he stepped out for lunch. That was the best interview I was ever on!”

  Sadie knew she and Caleb were going to get along just fine. She smiled at him, putting her hands over her ears. “Too much information. What time are they supposed to get here? I want to make sure I’m here when they christen the ship.”

  “Nick told me everyone was to report aboard by 0600. Besides you, we are waiting for three other crew members, who appear to be arriving right now.” She turned to see three guys getting out of a taxi looking to be in their thirties. “As for Dimitri, Cameron, Melanie, and Olivia, they should be arriving shortly. Then we’ll have our private crew send-off before they do the one for the media and passengers. Nick said that he would have Captain Josh blow the horn twice to let everyone know.”

  “Okay, Caleb, I’ll see you back here. I’m going to run and put my stuff in my cabin, catch you later.” Sadie turned, found the elevator and pressed the up button. While she waited for the elevator, she could hear Caleb’s voice explaining the photo process. The doors opened and she turned and pushed the five button for the Harem Deck. Each deck of the four decks the passengers had access to had different names; The Executive Deck, the Harem Deck, The Fantasy Deck, and the Bondage Deck.

  She met and hung out with the twenty crewmembers involved with the Burlesque Erotica show they had been rehearsing. They were like their own little family. She had met Gabriel and Olivia; the women from the office, Sadie’s first day at the small warehouse where they were to begin rehearsing.

  The set had been designed for the limited stage space they would have on board, and easily movable. Sadie found out that day that everyone would be auditioning for his or her parts within the show. They wouldn’t know what part they had until they arrived at their cabin. So, everyone would know each other’s part of the show in case a fill in was needed.

  There were a few exceptions such as the part of the show that was to interact with the audience. Dimitri and Cameron had read a lot of the passengers’ fantasies requests while screening applications. They thought it would be a novelty if Gabe and the performers could fulfill some of the requests. So, they set it up with Gabriel that the last scene of every show would be a fantasy for a lucky guest.

  Each night at dinner, a name would be selected by the on board computer and that person’s fantasy would be acted out at the end of the show. It was an undertaking Gabriel was proud to say he was prepared for.

  Sadie also knew they were going to have solos in the show and couldn’t wai
t to get to her cabin to find out if she had one. Her other job requirement would be to help out on board the ship working in other areas; she had the waitressing thing down but was really hoping for one of the bars to sing in during the day. She would find that out too.

  Sadie open the door to her cabin and was amazed at what she saw. Straight ahead were the sliding glass doors to the balcony, to her left was the bathroom with a tub with water jets, to her right was the closet. As she walked further into the cabin, the bed was just on the other side of the bathroom wall with the couch next to the bed. A coffee table was in front of the couch and, as she turned along the opposite wall, there was a desk with a computer on it, a television mounted to the wall, and a vanity.

  Sitting on the coffee table was a gift box with a note, and a bouquet of white roses and purple irises, with another note. Sadie, threw her stuff on the bed and ran for the gift box ripping open the card it read:

  Welcome aboard, Sadie, we hope you like your accommodations. Cameron and I would like you to know you will be singing in the Master’s Lounge for the duration of this cruise. Enjoy, yours Dimitri.

  Sadie, smiled while opening up the gift which contained a box of Godiva Chocolates. She turned to the flowers and took the card, which read:

  Welcome, Sadie, to what I hope will be the start of a long career aboard the Onyx. The flowers could never compare to your lovely voice, but they will have to do. We look forward to hearing your solo tonight and every night as Penny for the duration of this cruise. Enjoy, yours Cameron.

  She couldn’t believe it; she had gotten the solo and the bar. She couldn’t wait to go above, so she could thank both of them. She spun herself in a circle with her arms outstretched, jumped up and down and then ran and jumped up on the bed doing a little victory dance.

  She fell on her back looking up at the ceiling praying this was it. She was finally going to get her dream. She turned her head and saw more papers on the coffee table. She rolled off the bed to grab them and a piece of chocolate. She glanced at the papers and saw one was an explanation of how the computer system on board worked. It also explained that only the information needed for the purpose of the cruise was used in building every passenger’s bio. She was curious to see what they had put in the computer about her. That would have to wait until they cast off. She didn’t want to be in the middle of signing on and then have to leave.


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