Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 10

by Jill Shannon

  Cameron came up behind her; her eyes followed his tattoo leading a trail down below his towel, his nipple piercings worked into the design. He removed the brush from her hand.

  “You just earned yourself five smacks when we are finished here. You will address me in this cabin as Sir or Master.” Cameron’s gaze met Sadie’s in the mirror, when her head snapped up, a satisfied smile on his face. “Do you believe in fate?”

  The surprised look on Sadie’s face was priceless; she needed to pay attention, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to sit down. She thought about his question. Funny how just before the auction she’d been talking to Madison and Bella about fate. She really did want to believe, but reality always won out. “Hey, it was my question!” her face pouting at him, quickly saying, “Sir.”

  “Good girl, you’re learning,” he said, his smile showed off his beautiful teeth, “and I’m getting to your question.” He continued brushing her hair, making sure to avoid the center of her back.

  “The first time I saw you in that little bar, I felt a calm like I haven’t felt since my parents died. It was the anniversary, and I was just looking to drown myself in alcohol. I ordered the drink and stared at it for about ten minutes, and then they announced your name. I grabbed the drink in my hand and turned the barstool around. I almost dropped the drink.

  “I couldn’t tell what color your eyes were, hell I couldn’t even make out the color of your hair, but when your eyes locked with mine I felt an electric shock go through my body, I had to meet you. You were all I could think of. Like I said earlier, I went back, but you were never there.” He stroked the brush down pulling knots out as he went.

  Thinking to himself, “That’s when I asked Caleb to find out everything he could on her.” He knew he should tell her, but he needed her to trust him. He just prayed when he told her, she would understand.

  He had known that night that fate had put him in that bar to hear her; his brain had repeated over and over “Mine.” He finished brushing her hair; he picked up the dryer, and began drying her hair.

  Sadie had felt something in her chest that night also, but she had judged him by his looks and had gotten scared. What would have happened had she stayed and met him then? She watched as he paid close attention to what he was doing, making sure the dryer never stayed in one spot for too long.

  His fingers combed through, separating strands of hair. His attention was so focused, Sadie smiled as she studied his face; he was concentrating so hard his tongue was peeking out between his lips.

  She enjoyed when someone did her hair, because it meant she didn’t have to. Closing her eyes enjoying the feel of his fingers massaging her scalp, a tingling feeling ran straight to her nipples. Just as her body began to relax back against the chair, Cameron shut the blower dryer off.

  He began separating her hair to braid it. “When your application came across my desk, I wasn’t sure if you were the same Sadie till I saw your head shot, and I knew it was fate.” He finished the braid, his black eyes looking at her with a hunger.” How are you feeling?”

  “Honestly, sleepy, someone interrupted my nap.”

  “Go in the other room. I’ll be in after I put out the candles.”

  Sadie walked through the cabin, the curtains were moving with the gentle breeze from the open doors. She walked out onto the balcony, wrapped in the towel. She walked to the railing, leaning over looking at the how brilliant the stars looked.

  Cameron silently came up behind her, folded her in his arms, leaning his head on her shoulder. “I would have paid so much more to have you here in my arms,” he breathed in her ear.

  The warmth of his breath sent tingles straight to her core. She couldn’t believe this sublime man wanted her. The warmth of his body surrounded her, and she leaned back against him. “I’ve never seen so many stars, and they’re so bright.” Sadie knew she was going to ruin this moment with her question, but what’s fair is fair. He’d asked her first.

  “Sir, will you tell me about the women who hurt you? Did you meet her at a club or an auction? Was she your first sub?” Sadie asked not sure if she wanted to know. After what Olivia had said, she was a little nervous about his answer. She knew he had been a Dom a long time.

  Moving his hands up removing her towel, he turned her in his arms. He went to move her back against the rail, then changed positions with her, remembering her pain area.

  “She was your typical gold digger. After my parents died, I went to her apartment to tell her. She wasn’t there, but her roommate let me in.

  “In her room, I found a whole file on my family and me. It had profiles of each family member, as well as our net worth. I left before she came back; you would think that was the worst!

  “When I got back to school after the funeral, I found out she had slept with half the guys I went to school with. When she came to see me at school, I told her we were done, and she didn’t take the news well.” Gently cupping her face in his hands, he moved her face to look at him.

  “That night Dimitri took me to my first BDSM club, and I knew from that night on, I had found a lifestyle I wanted to be a part of.” He paused thinking about that night.

  “I want you to stay with me for the cruise? Will you do that?”

  “How do you know I’m not a gold digger?”

  “Answer my question first.”

  Sadie pulled out of his hands and moved away from him back into the cabin. He came in after her, turning her to face him, pulling her against him. “Sadie, I think we were fated to be together, but I can be patient as long as you stay with me. Get to know me! I listened to what you said, I know your hard limits.”

  Her eyes looked pleadingly at him. “I can’t go through that again, and I hardly know you.”

  “That’s what this is all about. You will stay here as my sub. I will teach you what you didn’t learn from that prick, and I can prove to you what I already know.” He leaned in, taking her lips in a gentle kiss. “You are mine.”

  Sadie wanted to believe him; he was backing her up towards the bed. “Cameron, I work for you, we come from different back grounds, this was fun. However, I need to get up early.”

  He liked hearing his name from her lips. He gently pushed on her shoulders. With the bed behind her knees, she fell backwards, losing her balance. He pounced on her before she could scramble off the bed. “I will not take no for an answer. You will stay here with me, and you will see, exactly what I already know. I have never done this; no woman has made me feel this way.” He stroked his knuckles down her face. “I want to make love to you. Say you will stay.”

  Sadie looked up at him with adoring eyes. She couldn’t understand what this incredible man saw in her, but she was willing to try. “I will stay with you so you can teach me. I will need to get some things from my cabin. But, if for any reason I feel uncomfortable, I’m out of here.”

  “I love the way my name sounds when you say it. However, my first rule is: only when I make love to you are you to use it, otherwise as I explained before, you will call me Sir or Master. My Second rule: you will stay right here. I had your things moved while the show was going on.”

  “Pretty sure of yourself huh, Master?”

  “I go after what I want, and right now that is you. You owe me five smacks,” he said, pulling her across his lap at the end of the bed. “I want you to count after each smack, you will do this any time I punish you, rule number three.” He said as his hand slapped solidly across her ass.

  Chapter Eight

  “One,” Sadie shouted surprisingly, as she lay across Cameron’s lap. The sting from his hand was quickly rubbed away, as he moved his hand over each globe, warmth following its path. As a child Sadie had never been spanked, but this feeling was a far cry from what she would have felt as a child.

  “Two,” she cried out, again not prepared for the hiss of pain, and again his hand trailed over where it had landed, this time rubbing along the back of her thighs. She felt the wetness between her legs; she c
ouldn’t understand how this could be so arousing.

  “Three,” she anticipated this one better; she parted her legs slightly as Cameron rubbed his fingers through her cheeks. Sadie was so wet now moisture was sliding down her leg.

  “Four.” He wiped the fluid off her legs and brought it to his mouth, moaning from the taste.

  “Five.” Everything with this man ignited her. She was on fire for him. He lifted her up and positioned her knees on either side of his, so she could ride him.

  He positioned her above his incredibly hard shaft. Never had he been this hard after spanking a sub. He brought her down, impaling her on him. A groan of satisfaction sounded as he hit home. He didn’t know if the sound came from her or him.

  He gripped her hips in his palms and began moving her up and down at a demanding pace. “Come when you need,” Cameron said, knowing how close he was to losing it. Sadie rose up on her knees, and held that pose just at the brink of Cameron coming out of her; sweat was dripping from his forehead.

  She brought her knees down, screaming when he hit her base, feeling his balls hit her ass Sadie came hard convulsing around him. He pumped her up and down feeling her muscles clenching at him as he found his own release. She sagged forward onto his chest, her head in the crook of his neck. “That was incredible, but I don’t think I can move another muscle.”

  Cameron lifted her from him. With her still wrapped around him, he moved to the side of the bed and laid her down, her legs dangling over the edge. He went to the bathroom and came back with a damp cloth. She hadn’t moved. He gently cleaned her off, tossing the cloth aside. He placed her in the bed.

  He climbed in behind her, pulling her back against him spooning with her. He had never had a woman stay the night in his bed, and he found he liked the way she tucked perfectly into his frame. They laid together quietly, his hand brushing along her body, loving the softness of her skin. “If you keep doing that, I will never fall asleep,” she purred.

  “I don’t think I will ever get enough of you, but you are right. It has been a long day; try to get some sleep,” he paused rubbing her body, “I’m pleased you stayed.” He moved his hand across her chest. Tucking her left breast in his hand, he squeezed it, licking her ear at the same time. “A perfect fit.” They fell asleep in that position.


  Sadie woke with a start; disoriented. She felt warm breath on her neck. She was cocooned within his body. Freeing herself from Cameron, she headed to the bathroom. After relieving herself and brushing her teeth, she moved back into the cabin. Cameron’s hand lay where her body had been.

  Sadie watched as his face went from peaceful, to grimacing, like he was having a bad dream. She reached out and feathered her fingers through his hair, and his face returned to the peaceful look again. She stood staring down at him, the light of the new day starting to filter into the cabin.

  The covers were bunched around his waist, giving her a lovely view of his upper body. If she had thought the tattoo on his chest was a work of art, it didn’t even come close to what he had on his back. Sadie’s gaze traveled over his whole back taking in the scene.

  Cameron had an angel tattooed in the middle of his back with the wings expanding up and over to his shoulders. The detail in the feathers of the wings, with bits of color added to highlight areas had to have taken hours to do. Above it was written “In Memory of.” And underneath it was written on each side of the angel’s feet “Mom” on one side and “Dad” on the other. If this had been a painting it would have been in a museum.

  Sadie had never thought much about tattoos, but looking at Cameron’s, she could see the art behind it. She could see now why so many people had them.

  She grabbed Cameron’s shirt and held it to her nose, smelling his cologne still lingering on it. Putting it on, she headed out the open balcony doors to watch the sun rise. Sadie couldn’t remember the last time she had seen a sunrise.

  She moved to the railing getting comfortable, the sea air was a little chilled, but in another two hours with the sun up, the temperature would rise also. Sadie looked to the horizon and the huge orange ball of the sun began to make its appearance.

  Just like last night as Sadie stood by the railing, a naked Cameron came up and wrapped himself around her, nuzzling his nose in her neck inhaling her scent. “I woke up and you weren’t there. To say I was disappointed would have been an understatement. Then I got out of bed and saw a masterpiece right on my balcony.”

  “This used to be my favorite time of day, when everything is quiet and just waking up. I used to make a cup of coffee, and watch the sun rise before going to classes. When I came to New York, that all stopped. Mainly because I couldn’t find the sunrise around all the tall buildings, but mostly because I slept through it.”

  They stood tangled together watching as the sun fully rose in the distance. “What are you plans for today?” Cameron asked her, kissing his way from her ear to her mouth. Turning her in his arm, his tongue trailed a path across her mouth till she opened and he plunged right in, taking possession.

  Sadie wrapped her arms around his neck leaning into his body as he deepened the kiss. She placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly moved them down to tug on his piercings saying, “You know exactly what I’m doing today. I’ll be singing in the lounge until the show, but I think after tonight’s show, I might just get some sleep. Someone kept me awake most of last night.”

  “You know you could just stay here all day and rest; I could get Isabella or maybe Brooklyn to cover for you today.”

  She gave him a look like he was crazy. “I just got on the boat yesterday and you want me to abandon my job today? I don’t think my boss would look to kindly at that.” Sadie was teasing with him, something no woman had ever done.

  “Didn’t I tell you? I have an in with management. I could make it happen,” he said, pulling her back against him as she tried to skirt around him. “Come back to bed with me. It’s still early, you have plenty of time to get ready.” He picked Sadie up in his arms, carrying her back into the cabin and putting her on the bed. She tried to scramble off the other side, but her grabbed her ankle. “I could always tie you to the bed and you wouldn’t be able to leave.”

  “Yes, you could, but people would notice I was missing, plus I would need to eat, and I hate crumbs in the bed.” Sadie smiled up at him as he lay on top of her.

  “Fine, if you insist on going to work, I will allow you to go, however, when you are done, you are to meet me back here. Now that I think of it, I’ll meet you in the lounge. There are still some things we need to discuss, that we didn’t talk about last night. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir”

  Cameron began removing his shirt from her body. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, and I’ll dry your hair again. I enjoyed playing with it last night, it’s so thick and long I can understand why it takes so long to dry. Don’t ever cut it!”

  “I can cut it if I want, it’s my hair, Sir.”

  Cameron picked her up and threw her over his shoulder smacking her ass hard, “No, you won’t, you belong to me. That means your entire body, and if I say don’t cut it, you won’t.”

  He carried her into the bathroom and placed her on the counter, while he went to start the shower. Sadie sat and watched him move around the bathroom. His body didn’t have an ounce of fat on it. He didn’t have a six pack set of abs, his was more like an eight pack, and most women would kill to have an ass as tight as his. She wondered how often he worked out.

  He came back, opened her legs and moved forward, sliding his hands under her ass cheeks picking her up. Sadie wrapped her legs around his waist, his black eyes pinned to hers. He carried her into the shower, watching her lean her head back, a steady stream of water sliding through her hair cascading down her back. She raised her head and the water began to slip down her chest, drops of water dripping from her sensitive nipples.

  Cameron dipped his head down, his tongue darting out to lick the water, teasing her. She push
ed her chest forward trying to get him to take her hard nub in his mouth. “You need to learn patience, angel,”

  Turning so the water was hitting him in the back, Cameron pushed Sadie up against the wall, his hips thrusting forward slamming into her, holding her in place as he brought his hands up to push her nipples together so he could lick them at the same time. He sucked each one in laving his tongue around making them even harder, then Sadie felt a shooting pain straight to her core as he bit down.

  He felt her clench around his cock, buried in her. He rocked his hips back, and when he bit down again, he surged up her channel creating the same feeling. Sadie screamed at the sensation he was creating in her.

  Cameron kissed and sucked his way back up to Sadie’s lips. Pushing in, he wrapped his tongue around hers, sucking as he began bucking into her.

  Sadie was close and she knew if she came without permission she would be in trouble. She nuzzled her mouth up to his ear and through gritted teeth she whispered to him, “Cameron, may I come?”

  He stopped moving and Sadie pulled back. “Did I do something wrong?” she questioned him.

  Cameron’s eyes blazed with desire. He had always enjoyed making his subs beg, but when Sadie had asked using his name instead of his Dom title, something shattered inside him. He knew this woman could destroy him. “No, Sadie, you did everything right.” He placed his lips to her mouth, kissing tenderly. “Yes, you may come.”

  He started moving, gripping her hips, holding her in place, then raising her up. Slamming her down hard, the friction built and he could feel her tensing around him.

  Sadie was so close. She pulled back from Cameron’s kiss, her breathing ragged. She felt him swelling inside her, growing larger than he already was. When he leaned down and bit hard on her nipple, she came instantly, screaming. He followed her with his own growl.


  He called room service and had coffee and danishes delivered while Sadie was in the shower. Cameron dried Sadie’s hair and then laid down reclining in the bed, a cup of coffee in his hand, watching her get ready. While she had done her make-up, Cameron had chosen what she would wear that day. He had picked a royal blue with black lace overlay, strapless Vera Wang mermaid gown. He knew the blue would bring out the color in Sadie’s eyes.


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