Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1)

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Onyx: A BDSM Cruise Romance (Midnight Oasis Book 1) Page 15

by Jill Shannon

After his swim, Yvonne had met him by the pool and requested his help. She had said she was part of the treasure hunt, one of the on-board games scheduled for entertaining the passengers.

  She had told him that she needed to have a Master approve her submissive position, and she needed proof. He had agreed to help her, commanding her to her knees right there on the deck where other people could see her to back up her claim. He then offered to video her on his phone for further proof, but his phone had been in his cabin. She had followed him there. “Thank you for helping me, I wasn’t going to ask after what happened the other day with Queenie,” she had said as they arrived at his cabin.

  “That’s already forgotten, some subs just forget their places, nothing to hold against them. Now, let’s get that video so you can finish your hunt, shall we?”

  He had done the video, sent her on her way, and gotten into the shower. He had needed to be at dinner as Dimitri needed some time with Madison.

  Sadie had not been at dinner as her note had read. He wondered if she had eaten at all. When dinner had ended, Harley had called him to the gym to discuss some new training techniques. This was his first free moment since then and he needed to find Sadie.

  The casino was the last thing on her to do list for the day. He hoped he had not missed her. He heard the crowd cheer by the Hold-em tournament, he glanced that way looking for her. The machines were ringing to his right as he approached the tables on the left. Another cheer came from the roulette table, but this time when the crowd shifted, he saw her.

  She was standing next to the croupier. He was collecting the bets that had just lost, and from the expression on her face she had not been one of them.

  He made his way over to her as the croupier was calling out “no more bets”. He then released the ball in the opposite direction of the wheel. Cameron arrived behind Sadie as the number thirteen black was called out. The crowd erupted as Sadie won again, as well as a few other passengers trusting in her choice.

  He moved behind her and whispered in her ear, “I see you have found winning very exciting. There are other more exciting things we could do. I could be your Clyde to my Bonny?”

  He placed his hands on her waist and felt her stiffen up like a board. She had just placed her bet and was awaiting the ball dropping. Her stomach dropped as well. She didn’t move until she heard her number called again. She collected her winnings and heard a groan from the crowd.

  Looking at the croupier, handing him some chips, she said, “Thank you, you are a wonderful teacher, and I had a lot of fun, but I must leave now.”

  She turned away with her rack of chips heading to the cashier, as if she never heard or felt Cameron.

  He watched her leave, knowing that he should just let her leave, but he couldn’t; he had to try to make her understand.

  Sadie was walking towards the exit on the other side of the casino. Cameron was trying to get through the crowd that had just finished at the Hold-em tournament. By the time he reached the exit, she was nowhere in sight.

  He thought about following her but Master Grayson approached him. “Lucky lady,” he commented.

  “Who?” Cameron asked, turning to look at him


  “What do you mean?”

  “She hit the progressive Black Diamond slot machine, and never stopped winning. Anything she played, she won. She told me she’s never gambled. Looking at her tonight I would have never guessed that.”

  Cameron’s face showed he was surprised. He would not have thought her to be the gambling type. “How much did she win?”

  “Oh, somewhere in the six digits I’d say.” Grayson smiled.

  “Wow, what else did she play beside slots and roulette?”

  “Nothing, I kept an eye on her after she won the progressive. She really has no clue how to gamble.” Grayson continued, “She’s my type of woman though, she knew it was time to quit and she did.” He glared at Cameron with a knowing look.

  Grayson started to walk away before Cameron could comment on his statement. The way Grayson dropped his comment and left didn’t sit well with Cameron. However, Grayson was involved with one of the teams being formed to make sure the contract was upheld in the Caymans.

  Cameron knew he should explain to him why he had moved her out of his cabin, but too many people knew as it was. They all thought that Cameron had ended things with Sadie, but to Cameron, it was only temporary. He would get her back after he took down Arcola.

  “Any news from Jungle Jim and Mad Dog?” Cameron called to him.

  Grayson stopped to answer him. “They are on the ground. They’ve done some recon on the place, but so far, no sightings of Arcola.”

  “Thanks for your help, I’ll explain everything when I can.”

  “No worries, mon,” he said, changing his voice to sound Jamaican, “we be good.” Grayson extended his hand.

  Cameron smiled, shaking the hand. “We’ll be there soon enough, and Josh said we could be docked in a few hours. I think I’m going to head back to my cabin, it’s been a long day. Night.”

  As much as Cameron wanted to see Sadie, he knew she would ask questions that he couldn’t answer. At least not yet. But as soon as this was over, there would be no stopping him. He had known he had feelings for Sadie, but what he felt right now, the loss of her, knowing that he hurt her, made him feel like the worst Dom ever. He also knew that feeling meant he loved her. He had for awhile.


  The Master watched as they went separate ways, a smile on his face. Things couldn’t have worked out any better if he had planned it himself. Oh, wait. He had planned it. Tomorrow in Jamaica he would make his move.

  A few more hours, that’s all he had to wait. Queenie would do her part with the help of her little friend Yvonne. Maybe he would have her join him and Queenie, threesomes were fun. But if you have a sub doing your bidding, and her wannabe girlfriend together in bed, things could get very difficult.

  I wonder if Queenie even knows how Yvonne feels about her, or is she too wrapped up in Cameron to even realize? I have to keep an eye on Yvonne; she could become a loaded gun if I’m not careful. The Master thought while watching them.

  Chapter Eleven

  The passengers woke to find the ship had docked in Jamaica. Sadie, Madison, and Isabella had made plans to get together early and tour the island. They all needed to get back to work later that night.

  They each had things that they wanted to do, but all three knew they wanted to end up at Margaritaville. It was close to the dock. This way they could just walk back down the dock to get to the ship.

  After Sadie had something quick to eat, she put together what she wanted to take with her in her bag. She had a lot more money after last night to do some souvenir shopping. Sadie also wanted to get a special piece of jewelry to remember her first time in Jamaica. She added more money to what she already had.

  She grabbed two bottles of water, just in case. She wore her bikini under her sundress. Sandals on her feet, sunglasses, baseball cap, and sunscreen, Sadie did her checklist. Cabin key in-hand, she headed for the door.

  Sadie didn’t want to be standing around too long, just in case Cameron walked by. She had done a good job of avoiding him yesterday, and hoped to continue on that same track today.

  She stood by the railing, smiling at the sight before her. The island of Jamaica, she couldn’t believe she was here. The beautiful blue water, the colorful buildings, and the white sandy beaches. She couldn’t wait to get off the ship and go exploring.

  They agreed to meet at guest relations at 9:00 am. Sadie was the first to arrive. Christy was again behind the desk. “Morning, Sadie, how’s it going? I’m really sorry about yesterday. That was pretty shitty to do that, and not tell you.”

  “Trust me, Christy, I’m over it. I just met him. What do I really know about him anyway?” She was trying to believe the lie she was spewing, but it was really hard.

  “He did look upset when I told him how you reacted thoug
h. Maybe he’ll change his mind. Have you tried to talk to him?”

  “What’s there to talk about? He bought me at the auction, taught me a few things, and then moved onto his next student. Isn’t that what Dom’s do, unless they’re really into you? They teach, you learn, simple. Besides he’s my boss anyway, things could have been so much more complicated.” The lies just kept building. There was nothing simple about how Sadie had fallen fast for Cameron. On top of that fact, she was scanning the area to make sure she didn’t run into him.

  “I guess. He really seemed concerned, maybe you affected him more than you know,” Christy remarked excitedly.

  “I would love to live that fantasy, but I’d rather live today. This is my first time here and I intend to enjoy, and I can do that, because I have no Dom.” If she said it enough, she might be able to convince herself it was true. But Sadie knew in her heart that Cameron would be her only Dom.

  Christy was about to say something else when Madison and Isabella walked up, “I’ll talk to you later, Christy, have a good day.” Sadie walked over to meet them.

  “You guys ready to have some fun?” Sadie asked.

  “Have you ever been here?” Isabella questioned them.

  They answered at the same time no. They had not. “So we’re all island virgins; this should be great. Anyone know where we get the bus that’s going into town?” Sadie inquired.

  Madison spoke then, “Yes, Dimitri told me the bus or taxi should be waiting at the end of the dock. He also said the ride shouldn’t take longer than twenty minutes.”

  “Caleb did some research for me and mapped out how we should go, to end up at Margaritaville.” Bella did a little happy dance. “We can also walk through the craft market on our way back.”

  “Well then, let’s get going. I’m excited to see our first port.” Sadie started heading towards the elevator.

  They exited the elevator and got in line with the passengers disembarking. Everyone needed to swipe his or her cabin key cards through the scanning machine before leaving the ship. This was to tell who had left the ship; they would also swipe it when they came back. Everyone was told what time it was and what time he or she needed to be back on the ship. They were also told if they were not on the ship by the appointed time of 11:00 pm, the ship would leave without them when it departed at 11:59.

  They found a cab pretty quickly. Most of the passengers had already left for land excursions. A few stragglers were heading into the shopping areas, while others just went to the beach.

  They had listened to a couple as they walked behind them. Sadie knew eavesdropping was wrong, but they were just so comfortable with themselves, like they were a part of each other.

  They had made their plans as they walked. One of the places she wanted to go to was the leather store. She said that they had horses here, so she hoped to find a new riding crop that would leave his ass so red, he would give a fire truck a run for its money.

  He pulled her close saying, “For you, Mistress, anything.”

  They all knew what he was feeling, but only two of them would still know that feeling later. Sadie had somehow lost hers. She turned to Madison, and then to Isabella, “I don’t know if you guys know what happened with Cameron and me?”

  Both women shook their heads no, and then Madison asked, “Why, what happened?”

  They had reached the cab and climbed in; giving the driver the location, they wanted they were on their way.

  The ride really was less than twenty minutes as Dimitri had said. They paid the cabby and started their shopping excursion as Sadie continued her story.

  “Well, to be honest I’m not really sure what happened. He left the cabin before me, leaving a note saying he was going to the gym and that we would figure the day out when he got back. I guess he figured the day out all by himself; because when I went back to his cabin, my key wouldn’t work.

  “I went to guest relations to get another one and found that he had all my stuff moved back to my cabin.”

  The stunned look on both women’s faces said everything. “But you want to know the kicker? I think he’s already moved on. I saw him with Queenie by the pool, and he took her back to his cabin.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Cameron we know.” Madison waved her hand between her and Bella. “He has always been quiet, letting Dimitri take the lead. But he is a Master, and they don’t just push people away without some explanation. Did you talk to him?”

  “Why does everyone keep asking me that? No, I didn’t talk to him. Moving out all my stuff kind of said it all. What I don’t get is; why he moved it in the first place?”

  “What happened the night before?”

  “That’s what’s so confusing, it was incredible. He used his shibari ropes; I was suspended from the ceiling. I never thought in a million years I would have been able to relax and trust anyone the way I trusted Cameron.”

  Both women looked at her, not understanding her. “I had a real bad experience being tied up. It’s one of my hard limits.” They both nodded their heads in understanding.

  “Yesterday started out normal I guess. I went and did laundry, laid in the sun, saw Cameron go off with Queenie. I tried my key. It didn’t work so I got a new key. I then had my massage, ate dinner with the crew, and won a boatload of money in the casino. Went back to my cabin and went to sleep. That’s how the day went.”

  They had reached the jewelry store. “You need to talk to him,” Madison said, holding the door open for them.

  Sadie browsed around the store, she wasn’t looking for anything special, but she would know it when she found it. They browsed through three more stores before Sadie found what she was looking for. Her grandmother had always worn brooches; so seeing them brought her grandmother to mind. However, the one she held in her hand, did not remind her of her grandmother. This one had Cameron written all over it.

  She held a pin that was made like angel wings, with the wings expanded. The detailed work done to the wings had to have taken hours to do. It was encrusted with black and white diamonds.

  “How much?” Sadie asked the clerk.

  “Very expensive, $1,000.00 American dollars,” the clerk responded.

  Sadie looked at the clerk. “I’ll give you $500.00.”

  “The lowest I can go is $800.00.”

  “Done. Can you send it to the ship I’m on?”

  “Of course, we have a courier who runs to the pier every hour. Cash or charge?”


  Madison and Isabella looked at Sadie. “Pretty expensive pin. Any special reason you picked this one?” Isabella teased her.

  “I won a lot of money last night and this caught my eye, nothing more, nothing less. Don’t make more of it than it is.” Sadie couldn’t help herself. She was lying through her teeth again.

  Sadie paid for her purchase and gave the clerk the ship information they required. They would deliver it and Sadie would pick it up when they checked back in.

  They wandered through a few more stores, then headed over to another set of shops. Sadie had seen the Harley store when they pulled into the parking lot; just another reminder.

  Isabella, however, wanted to go into that store, so they headed there first. She bought Caleb a shirt, and a thong for herself. “Not that he’ll ever let me wear these, but they could earn me a spanking or two?” She held them up laughing.

  Sadie couldn’t help herself; she bought a shirt also, her intentions totally selfish. She could always use another nightshirt she thought. If it just happened to bring Cameron to mind, so be it. No one but herself would know anyway.

  They finally made it to the craft market, their last stop before having a few drinks at Margaritavillle, and getting back to the ship.

  “Sadie, are you sure there isn’t some other reason Cameron moved your things out of his cabin? That’s just not normal behavior from a Dom. They’re normally up front about what they want. It just doesn’t make any sense.” Madison was back to the subject Sadie wi
shed she’d really just drop.

  “I can’t answer your question, Madison. I can only go by what happened. He made no attempt to find me and talk to me, and the one time I did see him he was with another sub. Can we please not talk about this anymore? I’m okay with it,” Sadie stressed to her.

  “Well, when we get back to the ship I’m going to find out what the hell is going on!” Madison huffed.

  “I really wish you would leave things alone. I don’t think I can handle being rejected again.” The tears were now forming in Sadie’s eyes.

  “Madison, enough, this was supposed to be a fun trip, look what you’re doing to her with your constant questions.”

  “I’m sorry, Sadie, I’ll stop. I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it though.”


  Throughout the entire day, the women did not realize that two others were shadowing them. Queenie and a red-headed Yvonne, followed at a safe distance the whole day, listening to them go on and on about what Cameron had done to Sadie. Queenie wished they would just shut up and leave things alone.

  Soon she would be out of the way completely and Queenie would get what she had wanted all those years ago, Cameron and a whole lot of money.

  The outside may have changed, but on the inside she was still that girl he had met in college years ago. The girl who had grown up so poor that she would do anything for food and money.

  Most of the money she had earned was on her back. She had slept her way through college with anyone who would pay for her credits, but she quickly learned how to turn what she earned into more. She had a great mind for investing. She never let anyone see that side of her, but in her mind she never had enough.

  She had done her research on Cameron. She knew exactly how much he was worth, and when his grandmother died, he’d have that much more. It didn’t hurt that his body fascinated her; it was like poetry in motion. She used to love watching him box. He never lost.

  Queenie’s plan was to use this cruise to get Cameron’s attention, but then he had bought that cabaret singer at the auction. If only she had gotten to Cameron before the auction, but there had been no time.


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