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Pole Dance

Page 19

by J. A. Hornbuckle

  "A full," Jake replied coming to stand next to her in the bedroom doorway. "And we'll be going for sheets and shit when Ram is done, yeah?"

  "You think this size will fit?"

  "Fuck, I hope so, Darlin'." Jake draped an arm over her shoulders and tilted his chin down to kiss her forehead. "I'm screwed if it doesn't."

  Jake felt her nod against his mouth but missed the small smile she had while doing so.


  I was supposed to be taking notes for my upcoming Physics exam but I found myself just doodling in my notebook instead of capturing the words of the T.A. as he expounded on the different theories we were supposed to know. My mind though was still caught up on my shopping excursion with Jake.

  He had taken me to the big Home Warehouse store out on route 118 saying that it had a better selection than the different stores in town. And it did. I was almost dizzy in the four rows that displayed all the different bed linens in all the different patterns and colors. I found the aisle that showed the most inexpensive offerings in the full-size and began to choose.

  "No, pretty girl," Jake rumbled from his place behind the cart, forearms resting on the handle. "I'm buying and I don't buy cheap shit. Choose again."

  "But, Jake--" I began, but I never got the rest of the words out.

  "Already admitted I fucked up," Jake stood up and planted himself in his "I Am Man" alpha stance, arms crossed and legs planted. "I'm buying. But ain't buying the cheap crap. You with me?"

  God, but he was stubborn.

  "Oh, all right," I muttered as I went back to the more expensive aisle. A girl's gotta pick and choose her battles, I told myself but my stomach was in knots thinking how much all this was going to cost. If it had been up to me, we would've just gone to the thrift store and picked up what I needed for the new full size bed.

  I made sure to stand at the end of the cashier station so I wasn't able to hear or see the final total of what we had purchased. I didn't want a repeat of our grocery store experience where I freaked out about him spending over a hundred and forty-three dollars in just one go. I don't know how much my mom used to spend during her weekly shopping trips but since I'd been on my own my groceries never exceed fifteen dollars. Ever. And he had spent almost ten times that without blinking an eye.

  "I'll be over around seven, Darlin'. Pizza, okay?"

  He had lugged the bags of stuff we had purchased into the apartment placing them on the full size bed. Moving the head of the bed to another wall had given me plenty of room to move as well as allowing for the nightstand and my dresser in spite of the bed's larger, but not too large, size. I mentally reviewed my schedule which included classes and my shift at the Nursing home before nodding to him. Jake gathered me in his arms and his quick kiss of good-bye soon morphed into a full on make-out session that was only stymied by the coats we hadn't yet removed when we arrived.

  "Wow," I whispered when his lips left mine.

  Jake smiled, gave me another squeeze and a quick kiss on my forehead before he disentangled himself and left.

  So as I doodled instead of paying attention in class, I mentally prepared myself to wash the new sheets and make up the new bed as soon as I could get home. My heart picked up speed as I thought of different ways Jake and I could christen the new acquisitions, and totally missed the T.A. concluding the class.

  The pizza was great even though he had got it with a couple of things that I would never have ordered. But I just picked off the stuff I didn't want and ate what was left over.

  The sex, though, was much better. It started as it had since our first time; lots of sweet kisses that turned into longer, deeper, tongue-dancing, mouth-fusions that only partly assuaged the craving of our bodies. Clothes were soon flying in our attempts to get both ourselves and each other naked as we moved down the short hall to my bed.

  In short order and on a growl, Jake turned me so that I was on my belly against the new mattress. He snagged my hips, pulling up gently so I was on my knees, my ass up in the air, nakedly exposed. I felt his lips as they travelled up my spine before he moved my hair over my shoulder so he could kiss his way to the juncture of my neck and shoulder. His thighs were against mine but I felt his hands, his fingers, dragging up the back of my thighs very slowly. One hand continued the journey up over my hip, my waist, curling up around my belly to my chest before settling on my nipple. No gentle flicks this time; he used his thumb and forefinger to twist and pull at the harden pink peak. Like before, I couldn't control the bucking of my hips in response to his fondling. I felt his other hand part my folds and zero in on my swollen clit.

  "God, Baby, you're so wet," Jake whispered in my ear causing gooseflesh to explode across my arms and legs as his finger began to rotate in firm circles using my wetness to ease the glide of his finger. His lips and tongue on the back of my neck moved gently but thoroughly to enflamed me, heating every surface of my skin before his fingers again circled my core to stroke and caress me until I was wiggling in his arms trying to get myself as close as possible. Neither one of us spoke, but there was no silence since the room was filled with our throaty moans.

  After sliding me down to the end of my bed, Jake placed a hand gently on my lower back and slid it up, with ever increasing pressure, towards my shoulder blades, giving me a silent signal to drop my chest to the mattress. Never, including in my interview with him, had I felt more exposed--or more willing to be exposed than when he had me in this position. I felt my nipples rubbing against the new sheets, adding to the friction. I turned my face to peer around my exposed ass to gaze back at him.

  Jake rubbed, stroked and gripped both cheeks of my booty softly as he gazed on me, spread out before him, in what I could see was a look of pure lust, his breathing harsh and ragged. If the hard cock that I felt pressing against my abundant cheeks was any indication, he enjoyed seeing me in this position as much as I was just being there. He dipped his fingers into my glistening hole to capture the wetness inside me. And I couldn't help my moan or the soft thrust of my hips onto his fingers in response as they now moved, oh so wetly, sliding up my slit to rub against my pink, swollen clit. I braced myself as I felt my orgasm building, intensifying with just the feel of his circling fingers working, hitting the spot perfectly. I couldn't help my throaty cries as the pressure built and as I churned against into his hot, moving finger that pressed and rolled fervently.

  Jake slipped two fingers into my wet channel but never let up on his stroking on my pleasure center, using his thumb now to keep the movement going. His fingers began to slide in and out of me though now they were curled up, pressing into my G-spot, dragging and abrading it. My churning pussy lost its rhythm, sputtering in an off-beat before again picking up the pace, albeit at a faster rate.

  "Oh, God, Jake," I moaned as the feeling between my legs intensified, concentrated and blossomed. "Don't stop, please don't stop…"

  My orgasm hit with a fury, exploding through each and every pink part, in every part of me. I bucked and shook and moaned as the fire of it consumed me, my pussy clenched and milking Jake's knowing fingers as he continued to stroke my clit slower and with less pressure. I could feel his fingers, still deep inside me, also gliding slower as they continued to move in and out of my creamy, vaginal hole.

  "So wet. So tight," I heard him murmur before he rounded his chest onto my back, snaking the hand that had been working my nipples, alternating back and forth from one to the other, move to my waist. I felt him shift my hair away from my other shoulder as he gently nibbled his way across my back. He removed his fingers from inside me with a 'snick' of wetness to snag the condom he had placed earlier by my hip. I heard the package tear and turned again to see that he had gripped the foil packet between his own teeth in order to get the package open. I raised myself up onto my forearms as my eyes continued to take him in watching him roll the condom on. As he stroked it down his hard length, Jake captured my eyes and pumped his hips into his tight fist, his cut abs rippling at the movement. I fe
lt my myself creaming even more at the sight of him fisting himself. He positioned his hard cock between my swollen nether lips and slowly slid it deep inside me as he groaned.

  "Goddamn, Cait. So hot."

  I held my breath, waiting for him to fully sink himself inside me. Feeling the fullness of Jake within me, down to the root of him, became my sole focus as he began to move slickly in and out of me with increasing speed and I felt myself begin to thrust back up against him in response. His balls swung softly, bumping against my still swollen clit, adding another wonderful sensation to the heady mix. At my earthy moan, but still thrusting his hips, Jake again draped himself over my back, releasing the warm clench he had on my fleshy butt cheeks.

  "Fuckin' hell, Darlin'…" I heard as I felt him slide one hand up to my breasts again exciting them by tweaking and twirling my nipples, alternating between the two firmly, as his other hand reached down between my legs and begin to rub my distended and aching pleasure center. I couldn't help crying out at all he was doing with his cock and fingers as I lay propped up beneath him, feeling almost all of me that was pink starting to become tense and gather again for another explosion. "Can't get close enough…" I heard him whisper against my neck.

  "Mouth, Cait," Jake demanded on a rumble. His voice was deeper, huskier than I had ever heard before and I twisted my head up over my shoulder to capture his lips and tongue as they moved against mine in the same rhythm as his fingers and large gliding cock. I felt him straighten, pulling me up to my knees, firmly pressing my back with his front. I looked down at myself, seeing his fingers twist and twirl my nipple and watched the muscles of his forearm undulate as he stroked between my legs. The visuals caused it, that second orgasm that was forced, manipulated from me as I crested. I could feel my walls inside clenching, milking the length of him as his cock continued to delve in and out of my tight, wet hole.

  As the grip of my pleasure became a pulse that aligned itself with my heartbeat, Jake lifted his chest from my back and again grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling them apart, in order to drive himself deeper and faster within me. I lowered myself back down, chest to bed. His cock seemed to grown even harder, thicker within me before I heard his soft, deep grunts that became more of a rumbled moan. He throbbed against the walls inside as I felt his pulsating jets beat against tip of the condom. Jake continued to move within me softly, moving in and out as he again leaned over me before pressing a soft kiss between my shoulder blades.

  I couldn't help the tummy-tumble or the soft smile on my face as I watched Jake move across the room to my side of the bed after discarding his condom. Looking directly at me, he sat on the edge as he planted his fists on either side of my hips.

  "Bed big enough, gorgeous?" I could see the glint of humor in his eyes as he struggled to keep a straight face.

  "I think so, baby," I murmured watching him closely. He was so gorgeous and so giving and just the sort of man my heart could lose itself in. 'Don't think like that, you don't have time for a man or a relationship,' I cautioned myself as I turned away from him as he got into bed and pulled the covers over the both of us. It wasn't long before I felt his arm reaching around my waist to pull me closer.

  But even while I cautioned myself, my heart remained full of Jake and all the goodness he brought to my life.


  "Okay, so we're just here to have quick chat regarding your whereabouts on the nights of February 8th, 14th and 20th…" Ram began wearily while rubbing his eyes. This was his twentieth interview since they started at ten this morning and he was beginning to hate the sound of his own voice.

  Even though he had two of his detectives conducting the interviews and giving warnings to the dancers and female wait-staff as well, there were a lot of folks to get through and they had hoped to get at least a third of them done today. Jake and Dale had been kind enough to let them use the cavernous office downstairs to do the questioning or the warnings, saying that it would be easier on their staff to keep them on the clock and ensure their folks were willing to spend the twenty to thirty minutes necessary to give Ram and his boys information.

  So far they've received nothing that shed any light or even raised a question or suspicion even after six hours.

  Ram concluded his interview with Ricardo Chavez, one of the kitchen staff. He stood to stretch and saw Dale enter with small tray that was weighted down with a selection of sandwiches.

  "Thought you could use a break and some food," Dale said falling into the chair still warm from Hector. "Help yourself to the drinks inside the mini-fridge behind the bar in the corner."

  "Thanks," Ram responded, not shy in helping himself, glanced at Tim Bell and Jeff Trusdale, his two lead detectives that were with him on this portion of the interviews. At a glance from their chief, both men gave him a chin thrust to signal they would join him when they were done.

  "Anything?" Dale asked not looking at any of the police personnel as he tried to smooth the wrinkles in his khakis.

  "We probably should've only picked the people that weren't working the nights the victims were killed," Jeff said before stuffing a quarter of the turkey, swiss cheese on whole grain bread into his mouth. Both the chief and Tim nodded as their mouths were working at chewing through their own sandwiches.

  "But the M.E. said the time of death on each of the girls was between six and eight hours and couldn't get more accurate than that," Ram recited after swallowing and slugging back a couple of gulps of his soft drink. "Since the first victim was found by that jogger at six a.m., the perp could've done her between ten p.m. and midnight."

  "Since each of 'em was strangled with some kind of rope, we're looking for someone with the strength that can overcome these girls and get the deed done quickly," Tim reminded them. "With the staging and clean up plus the self-pleasure, our perp would've spent between fifteen to no more than thirty minutes afterward. Which means that anyone on duty that night couldn't have been the perp as most of them don't get off shift until 2 or 3 a.m."

  "Okay, then. Dale can you get us the timecards of all the employees that were working on those three nights so we can eliminate them from the interviews?" Ram asked belatedly remembering that Dale was the only non-police personnel in the room at the moment. As his eyes moved to Dale, he noticed that the co-owner was again disheveled with wrinkled clothes and mussed hair. As Dale dragged his gaze up to the Chief, Ram noticed the heavy lids and blood-shot eyes.

  It took a couple of seconds before Dale finally nodded at Ram's request and moved his way to a darkened corner of the office that held the file cabinets. The police officers watched as he unlocked one of the middle ones and pulled out folders marked by the weeks before sitting himself behind the huge desk. Knowing it would take him more than a few minutes to pull the timecards to match the shift sheets, they left Dale to it and went outside to make calls, check voicemails or grab a smoke.

  Jake was just pulling in as they were getting ready to head back downstairs.

  "Anything?" Ram found it funny that Jake asked the same question in the same way as Dale had.

  "Nothing yet, Buddy, but we're narrowing our search."

  "What about the ones that have moved on?" Jake asked.

  "Have Paul and Ted setting up appointments for tomorrow at the station," Ram replied as he glanced towards Jeff and Tim. "Ready?"

  "Ready, boss," Jeff replied speaking for both of them.

  Ram hung back and matched his pace to Jake's. "Something up with Dale?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

  "No, why?"

  "Still looking like something the cat dragged in."

  "I'll check on it, yeah? Somethin' you need to know, we'll talk," Jake answered hoping that there was nothing going on with his partner that would be worth telling the police chief about.

  Dale was able to deliver what the police wanted and the interviews with Fuego's current personnel went smoothly even though their questions didn't disclose any further leads or suspicions.

  Dale was still seated beh
ind the desk when Jake had thanked the officers and escorted them outside. When he returned to the office, he dropped into one of the visitors chairs and watched as Dale, chin on hand, drew loop after loop on the pad before him. The only sound in the office was the muted thump-thump-thump of the music from the club above them.

  "Something goin' on?" Jake asked crossing his legs as he settled further into the chair.

  "Nothing to be concerned about," Dale replied on a sigh. "Think I saw Sara yesterday and today."

  Oh, shit. Jake felt his stomach drop to his knees. Sara had been the love of Dale's life, the one he was going to marry much to his father's chagrin being as she was half-black and the daughter of a single mom. She was the exact opposite that Dale's wealthy family had envisioned for him as a wife but was everything that Dale had ever wanted. Sara had left abruptly a couple of years back. Jake thought it was because she had finally taken the money Dale's dad had continuously offered her, upping the amount each time he had made the demand that she leave his son alone, although Jake could never be sure. And Dale, sure as fuck, never gave a reason when anyone had asked.


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