Alpha for Valentines (Alpha Meets Omega Book 1)

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Alpha for Valentines (Alpha Meets Omega Book 1) Page 10

by Sky Winters

  Climbing out of the shower, she dried off and opened the bathroom door. Ryan was just on the other side, pacing. His skin was reddened and she knew that he was feeling this too. As she neared him, an ached hit her squarely in the core, stopping her in her tracks and taking her breath away. What was this?

  She felt fevered, hungry and . . . wanton. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Ryan said nothing as he strode across the floor, gathered her up and threw her onto the bed, her face flattened against the covers as he pulled her ass upward toward him, positioning himself behind her.

  There was no foreplay, no nuzzling and she didn’t want any. What she wanted right now was for him to tear her apart from the center with his cock. What she felt was pure animal instinct, needing him to fuck her, to claim her for his own. Her thoughts were all gray beyond that. Nothing else mattered but having him take her, right here, right now.

  She gasped as he rammed his cock into her dripping center. His cock felt hot and twice its normal size, pushing her to her limits. She was stretched as far as was surely possible and still wanted more of him.

  “Fuck,” he uttered as he began to move inside of her, owning her with his cock. A low growl began in the back of his throat, sending the tiny hairs on every part of her body into shock so that they each stood on end and tingled. He grunted and groaned, guttural wolf sounds usually hurt more in battle than the bedroom.

  His hands parted her ass cheeks, opening her up to him, allowing him to push even further into her. She let out a squeal as he drove himself all the way in and then pulled back to slam into her again. Her body rocked back and forth as he fucked her, his strokes getting harder and faster as their mingled grunts and moans filled the room around them. It was like a symphony of carnal bliss. She found some words, the only words her mind could conjure at this moment.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me harder. I want every single inch of that big cock of yours,” she cried out, bucking backward to meet his thrusts until they were just slamming into one another fast and hard, their needs out of control.

  Ryan let out a low growl that she felt in her center, creating a new sensation she’d never experienced. Her center knotted in anticipation of his climax, but he wasn’t there yet. She realized it was something different. The knot in her center wasn’t her own, but his, a hard ball growing in his cock, making it harder and harder for him to move inside her.

  The intense friction of it sent her over the edge, her body shuddering and her legs shaking as she flooded his cock with a massive orgasm. His strokes slowed as the knot locked into her, holding them together as a single entity as his body shook with the force of his ejaculation. She could feel the volume of his warm seed fill her and pool above where the knot was stuck inside of her.

  She waited for him to pull free, but he didn’t instead collapsing against her and laying his head softly against her back. He remained there as the knot remained. She could still feel it inside and couldn’t pull away from it. When she tried to wiggle free, he let out a yowl of pain.

  “Don’t move, Lucy. Not yet.”

  “What is happening? Are we stuck?”

  “For now. It will pass in a moment.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said, her face pressed down onto the bed, unable to look back at him.

  “I don’t really either. This has never happened to me before, but I’ve heard about it from others. You’re in heat and my body has responded by going into rut. Just relax and the knot will ease in a minute so we can separate.”

  Lucy wanted to ask more questions but didn’t want to seem more ignorant about her own biological functions than she already was. Instead, she lay beneath him, bewildered and at his mercy until his body released her own.

  “There,” he said finally, but he didn’t need to, she felt the knot dissolve as he began to pull free of her, his cock dripping with the sheer amount of cum the two of them had produced.

  He climbed onto the bed beside her and leaned on one elbow beside her, looking at her softly.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “A bit, but I wanted it, all of it. That was crazy and I can feel the urge coming right back, building up in side me.”

  “No one has ever told you about this?”

  “No. I mean, I’ve heard about people being in heat or rut, but I just thought it meant they were horny. It’s never happened to me before.”

  “There is no reason it would. It only happens between true mates.”

  “But this isn’t the first time we’ve had sex. Why has it not happened before?”

  “I don’t know. It has something to do with moons, calendars, the alignment of the universe and hour bodies syncing into some cycle. I don’t understand all of that either. What I do know about it is that when it happens, it is because you are natures selected mates.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that we were destined for one another and this is nature’s way of confirming it, I guess.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t before, but now . . . maybe. I have no reason not to believe it. It only shows me that I chose wisely.”

  “So, it was a one-time thing?”

  “Nope. Now that it has happened once, it will happen again each month.”

  ‘That’s definitely going to be our selected date night,” she laughed.

  “Selected date weekend,” he corrected.


  “It lasts several days. We’re going to be all over one another without any control over our animal urges for three, maybe four days.”

  “I won’t be able to walk after three days of what we just did.”

  “Me either,” he laughed.

  “Maybe that is just a rumor. We seemed to have calmed down now.”

  “Have we?”

  “Yes. I mean, we aren’t pounding one another like maniacs right this moment.”

  “We’re just in a cooldown period. Give it a while.”

  “We better eat something then. We’re going to need our strength.”

  “Yes, we will.”

  Lucy halfway thought he might be pulling her leg, but she realized something else. The only thought in her head right now was of him, of them. She could think of nothing other than having him inside of her again and making sure she was close to him, always. It was if her affection for him was on steroids and already, she could feel her desire for him creeping back in.

  His scent was intoxicating every time he grew close to her. He leaned down to kiss her as they walked naked into the pantry to find food and it felt like pure fire in her belly. Everything suddenly made sense to her. He was the Alpha and she was the Omega. He was the beginning and she was the end. They were brought together not by some silly dating app, but by the universe.

  If you’d told her something like that before what she had just experienced with him, she’d have laughed it off as just ridiculous fairy tale fodder, but it was hard to deny after what she’d just felt. It went well beyond the act of having crazed sex. There was a much deeper feeling of need that was off the charts. The next few days were gong to be a wild ride and she couldn’t wait to go again.



  Several days passed with no news from the outside, but Ryan wasn’t looking for any. In his current state, he’d be happy enough just to stay here fucking like rabid dogs with Lucy for the rest of his life. He’d never experienced anything like it. The passion was off the charts, the intensity almost too much to take.

  As they lay in bed, panting after another rousing session, he rolled over toward her, tracing a single finger down the slope of her perfect breasts and looked at her.

  “What have you done to me, Lucy Jameson? Is this what happens between people after traumatic events? They turn into sex fiends?”

  “It means we were meant for one another,” she told him. “Didn’t you tell me that?”

  ‘I did and I believe that, wholeheartedly

  The moment was shattered by his phone ringing nearby. Ryan looked at it and accepted the call.

  “Whatcha got for me?”

  “Not great news.”

  “Tell it.”

  “Is Lucy nearby? Can she hear me?” he asked.

  “Um, no. Let me get a piece of paper,” Ryan said, stalling and making an excuse to get farther away in case she could hear at some point. He picked up a notepad and pen from the small counter in the kitchenette and sat down on the sofa, away from her. “Alright.”

  “There are bodies in the factory. Do you know who they are?”

  “No. I mean, not the ones that were there when we got there. Other than that, it was Jameson and some of his heavies.”

  “Good enough. They’ll chalk it up to some sort of drug gang violence. Either one of them set off something in the warehouse or a third party banger blew them both the fuck up. You should know that they are pretty sure one of them is Jameson though. He was apparently thrown free and only partially burned. Weird burn marks though.”

  Ryan knew what caused the weird burn marks. Jameson likely was caught in the explosion as a wolf and thrown free. His body returned to human form once he was out of the blaze, leaving some burn markers that would make complete sense to a wolf, but confuse any human trying to determine how they had occurred.

  “Okay. I don’t know how that’s going to go over but no changing the facts. You’re sure?’

  “Ninety percent.”

  “What else?”

  “Nothing. That’s it. I think it’s safe for the pair of you to come home. Jameson’s little enterprise will fall apart without him to head it and there is no reason for anyone else to bother Lucy with her father gone.”

  “You’re certain?’

  “Yep. Get back here. I need a partner. It’s rough out there, you know. Now that we know who was behind this upsurge in crime and shitty drugs, we’ve still got some cleaning up to do in our little neighborhood.”

  “Alright, we’ll be back tomorrow.”


  “Yeah, we’ve got plans for tonight.”

  Tate chuckled and ended the call without another word.

  “Did I hear you say we can go home?” Lucy asked.

  “Yes, but there is something else, Lucy.”


  “Your father.”

  “What about him? Surely he knows better than to keep up whatever he’s been doing if it’s going to result in my being abducted. He does, doesn’t he?”

  “You won’t have to worry about that anymore, Lucy. Your father is dead.”

  She stood still for a moment, frozen.

  “They killed him? Did they get away?”

  “No one got away. I don’t know how it happened yet, but the factory blew up with people in it. No one seems to have escaped. I’m sorry.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded, but there were no tears.

  “Thanks for telling me.”

  “Let’s get out of here. I’ll take you to a nice hotel for the night, where we can have a proper dinner and soak in a tub before we go back home.”

  “That sounds divine.”

  “I think so too.”

  Ryan had a sinking feeling that they hadn’t seen the end of this. It just seemed too simple that everyone was dead and no one was concerned about it. These things had a way of snowballing into a much bigger thing than they needed to be. Still, he’d just have to be vigilant. His biggest concern was keeping Lucy safe, but he couldn’t hide her in an old grocery store forever.

  Of course, his concerns are validated once they return home and he learns about some new developments. Tate has been working the case and dug up more information on the Jameson operation. He learns that while it appeared the rival gang had made the call on nabbing Lucy, it was actually someone involved in Jameson’s company creating a chaotic situation that he planned to scoop in and take full advantage of.

  “They’re looking for Lucy and her father,” Tate told him.

  “Who is?”

  Jameson’s people. They think that he’s hiding out after having gotten her out. They’ve seen her and knows she is back at home.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ,” Ryan groaned. “I’ve got to get to Lucy.”

  “No. I’ve got two guys keeping an eye on her.”

  “Does she know?”

  “No and I need you to stay away from her for a bit.”

  “What? Why?”

  “You’re not going to like this, but I need to flush them out. We wait until they think she’s alone and try to move in, then we take them down.”

  “Nope. You’re not using her as bait. No way.”

  “If we don’t, she may never be safe. Neither you, I or the department can keep her safe forever and she doesn’t qualify for witness protection. We get one shot to draw them out and take them down. They aren’t going to do that with you around.”

  “Then I’ll stay around.”

  “Right and what happens in a month when the department has pulled back and you have to go to work? Who is there to protect Lucy? If you were rich, you could just take her away or pay for around the clock protection, but that’s no life for either of you.”

  “Still, it’s a big deal.”

  “It is, but it’s all we’ve got to end this thing for her.”

  Ryan was afraid he was right and he didn’t like it one bit, but he went home and talked to Lucy about it.

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Are you sure? It could be dangerous.”

  “Can’t be any worse than what has already happened.”

  Ryan nodded and they worked out the plan. He would stay away and make it look like she was alone again, but he’d be keeping an eye out from a van parked on a different street, surveying the situation, and prepared for whatever action was necessary.

  Several days went by with nothing more happening than Ryan going quietly out of his mind missing her. He was beginning to believe nothing was going to happen when everything went off the rails. A car began driving up and down the street near Lucy’s house. They looped around several times before finally parking on the curb outside her house and approaching her front door.

  One tried the door while the other kept look out. It’s enough to nab them and find out who they are. Ryan gives the signal for a cop near the house to move in and several of them start toward the door just as Lucy opens it and sees the men outside. Ryan was immediately out of the van and running across yards to get to her quickly. He saw the glint of the gun being raise just as he cleared the street in front of her house.

  The officer coming in from the side draws his own gun, yelling for the man to put down the weapon. The man turns and fires a shot at the officer, hitting him in the shoulder and the other man draws his own weapon, spotting more cops closing in. Ryan is coming up from behind, out of their site. He pops one in the hand and the other in the side, careful to avoid shooting directly into the doorway where Lucy is standing.

  The men go down, but the one with the leg wound pulls up again, taking aim at Ryan. He fires off a round and Ryan returns fired, hitting him square in the head and putting him down for good. The other man bled out on the ground before the ambulance can get to him. No big loss there, Ryan thought.

  It’s over. Finally, it’s over.

  Or is it?



  With the madness behind them, life seems to return to normal other than Lucy’s health. Ever since she returned home, she’d been feeling ill off and on and always tired. There weren’t enough naps in the world to suit her it seemed.

  There is no doubt that all of the work she’d had to catch up on after her absence didn’t help the situation, but she was just too close to chance letting it go and taking the bad grades. Her instructors had been incredibly kind in letting her make it up given that she couldn’t give them any details about her absence other than she’d had some sort of breakdown. It was the best she cou
ld come up with in the absence of any real doctor’s notes.

  Feeling particularly ill, she managed to get to class but had to come straight home and lie down. When she woke up the nausea had mostly passed, but she helped herself to a large gulf of Pepto Bismol, just the same.

  She didn’t have time to be sick and wondered what they might have given her in the drugs she’d been injected with or in her food. The more she sat thinking about it, the more concerned she became. She called and made an appointment with her doctor for a checkup. Why she hadn’t already done so, she wasn’t sure.

  “We have an opening tomorrow. Is that good for you?”

  “That’s perfect,” she told his assistant.

  It weighed heavy on her mind the rest of the evening. She doubted she’d feel better until she knew what was up with her. She could even feel herself getting jittery as she drove to the building where his practice was located.

  Sitting in the little paper gown she was provided, she picked at her nail polish impatiently. She wasn’t even sure of what she should tell the doctor, but she needed to try and be as honest as possible. They needed to know what they were looking for and it helped that this was a pack doctor rather than a human one. They were used to odd happenings and didn’t report them to anyone who would check into them further, but she asked to be sure.

  “What you tell me here goes no further than this room. I can assure you of that.”

  Lucy gave him the brief version of things, just that she was drugged and abducted and spend about five days in their hands, eating their food and breathing in whatever chemicals may have once been in the that room.

  “You could send someone out to take samples in the room, see if there is anything that might not show up immediately.”

  “Not an option,” she replied.

  “Well, then we’ll just have to run some blood tests and see what we find out. Stress and fatigue can cause the symptoms you are describing and it sounds like you’ve had those in spades.”


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