On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 1

by L. A. Marzulli

  On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume 1:

  Giant Skeletons & Ancient Megalithic Structures

  By L.A. Marzulli

  Book Description

  L.A. Marzulli has written this latest book. What you are about to read is not the stuff of science fiction. It's not a fantastic fable or the musings of an overzealous archaeologist. It's straight out of the pages of the Bible. The 120+ pictures displayed within this volume have not been altered in any way. What you are about to see is truly ground-breaking revelation--an unparalleled discovery that may leave you in stunned silence.

  This book is the culmination of a lengthy search for the physical evidence of the Nephilim, the Giants of Old Testament lore. A significant cover-up has taken place over the years, reducing these double digit, gigantic hybrids to the dustbins of history. But make no mistake about it-they were there. Hundreds of excavated graves scattered throughout the would provide evidence of their genetic abomination-the product of the breeding of heavenly angels with the women of Earth during the days of Noah. These ancient builders left behind evidence of their supernatural strength and technological know-how. Their massive, megalithic structures are legendary and evidence of Nephilim architecture abounds worldwide.

  Marzulli and a team of scientist, archaeologists and scholars traveled to the jungles of a foreign land, perhaps the only place where they could gain access to the unspoiled evidence of this genetic manipulation- PERU-toppling perhaps the greatest cover-up in mankind's bizarre history.

  But as the days of Noah were, so shall also

  the coming of the Son of man be.

  -Matthew 24:37

  On the Trail of the Nephilim

  Spiral of Life Publishing


  Print Version Copyright © 2013

  EBook Version Copyright © 2014

  by L.A. Marzulli

  All rights reserved.

  Visit L.A. Marzulli’s Web site at www.lamarzulli.net

  Scripture quotations are taken from the The Holy Bible, King James edition.

  By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the author. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  Internet addresses in book were accurate at the time of publication.

  Print ASIN: B00D5DZIWY


  To Brien Foerster!

  A man with indefatigable curiosity for the unknown

  and a passion to uncover the truth where it has been

  hidden for perhaps millennia.

  It is an honor to know you!

  Table of Contents

  Book Description






  Chapter 1: The Mounds

  Chapter 2: Darwinism – the Holy Grail that is Sacrosanct

  Chapter 3: Robert Mirabal – Stilt Walker

  Chapter 4: My Trip to the Chicago Field Museum

  Chapter 5: Ales Hrdlicka – the Smithsonian Cover-Up

  Chapter 6: The Theory

  Chapter 7: Fritz Zimmerman

  Chapter 8: America’s Stonehenge

  Chapter 9: Dr. Aaron Judkins

  Chapter 10: Peru!

  Chapter 11: The Church at Huaytara

  Chapter 12: Wayqui

  Chapter 13: Ollantaytambo

  Chapter 14: A Theory Emerges

  Chapter 15: Summation

  Appendix 1



  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people for helping with this book, either directly for their contributions which are included in this work, or for the books they have written which served as a guidepost for me.


  Vine Deloria, Ross Hamilton, Steve Quayle, Joe Taylor, Fritz Zimmerman, Joseph Farrell, and Vincent Gaddiss, for their research and great books.

  Thanks to Rose Diepstra for her contribution to Chapter 5, as well as her editing of the content of the book!

  To Richard Shaw who provided me with some great photos and endless hours of discussion, as well as our “cosmic download!”

  To Dennis and Kelsey Stone who graciously provided riveting material about New England’s Stonehenge.

  To Aaron Judkins whose archaeological insights in Chapter 9 are erudite and illuminating.

  To Fritz Zimmerman who provided cogent and revealing answers in Chapter 7.

  To Buck and Deborah Collins who guided me to the Serpent Mound and the Octagon Mound in Newark, Ohio.

  To Russ Dizdar who is responsible for setting my feet on the journey that began with his phone call.

  To my Wifey, Peggy! A constant support and the love of my life. 29 years this September 23!

  To Robert Mirabal who provided insight into the First Nation Peoples’ stories, which I believe to be true.

  To Sr. Juan Navarro Hierro at the Paracas History Museum for his insights and research and allowing us to handle the artifacts.

  To Irene Foerster our intrepid translator!

  To Ron Morehead, friend and adventurer whose curiosity matches my own!

  To Judd Burton, a good friend and our resident archaeologist in Paracas.

  To Joe Taylor whose skill in casting the one female skull at Paracas was superb, even in the face of off-the-charts humidity that kept the mold from drying.

  To Jim Vieira who pointed the way to the mounds in New England.

  To Micah for his researching abilities to dig up - no pun intended - articles that were hidden in old journals and newspapers, many of which are reprinted verbatim herein!

  To Mysterious Geoff for his friendship, humor and golf outings.

  To Ben Stein for his courage to expose the Darwinian bias in academia.

  To Kevin the Golf Pro for helping us get into the Octagon Mound.

  To Sr. Renato Davila Riquelme for allowing us access to the Wayqui artifacts.

  To Tom Eubanks for his watchful eye and editing skills.

  To Mark Conn for the typesetting.

  To John and Linde Feakes for the ax pictures. www.carewinnipeg.com


  I first learned about the Nephilim when I read Dr. I.D.E. Thomas’ The Omega Conspiracy that has now become a classic work in the field. This one book changed my life forever and started me on a road I never imagined I would travel.

  Dr. Thomas’ book had many footnotes pointing to other books that either referenced the Nephilim or discussed them directly, like those of the first century historian, Josephus. This study led to the crafting of my first novel, Nephilim, which in turn led to the publishing of two other novels with Zondervan Publishing House now known as the Nephilim Trilogy.

  While these books are a work of fiction, they are based on years of research and interviews with people who have witnessed what is commonly referred to as the UFO phenomena.

  Since the publication of the last book in the series, The Revealing, I have written three other books that deal either directly or indirectly with the Nephilim, Fallen Angels, UFOs, or the supernatural. I also collaborated with my friend and partner Richard Shaw to create The Watchers Series that delves into these same subjects but uses video as the medium.

  I reached the point in my research in 2012 where I thought I had
covered most of what was known about the Nephilim. I thought I had reached the end of my writing about this subject. Boy, was I wrong! Here’s how my world was once again rocked and the path I was on diverted.

  I was going out to Newark, Ohio, to speak at a conference there. The day before I was to board my plane I received a call from my friend and colleague, Russ Dizdar. The conversation went something like this:

  “Hey, L.A., do you know where you’re going tomorrow?” Russ asked, punctuated by a mischievous bout of laughter.

  “Yea,” I replied, “I’m going to Newark, Ohio.”

  Russ laughed again, “No, do you really know where you are going?”

  “Newark, why?”

  “Are you near your computer?”


  “Google this: Nephilim Chronicles.”

  I opened a window on my trusty Apple G5 and typed in Nephilim Chronicles.

  I watched as the search engine began its work and in about 3 seconds there was a link that I clicked on. I found myself staring at the cover of a book entitled, The Nephilim Chronicles, Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley.

  I almost fell out my chair as I exhaled a long “whaaaaat?” into the receiver.

  Russ laughed again, and then he began to explain about the book.

  Needless to say, I listened with the combination of shock at not knowing about the book and fascination as Russ told me that, according to the author, Fritz Zimmerman, the Nephilim left the Levant, the Promised Land, and traveled to what is now the Ohio Valley, where they created enormous mound works and designs in the earth that still stand today. Thus, began anew my research into this enigmatic and mysterious subject of the Fallen Angels and the Nephilim.

  This book will be an attempt to find the identity of the mysterious mound builders who constructed elaborate earth works all over North America, reaching from New England’s east coast to Santa Rosa Island, which I can see from my deck high up in the Santa Monica mountains, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.


  Giant Skeletons and Ancient Megalithic Structures

  Before you dive into this book, let me explain the concept behind it, as it will be important in sorting out the difference in the material which is covered herein.

  I am working with a theory that there was a great civilization before the Flood of Noah, that it may have been global, and that the remains of some of these pre-flood structures may be seen today.

  These structures are the megalithic stone structures that we visited in Peru, such as Saqsayhuaman and Ollantaytambo. They are comprised of individual stones weighing as much as 120 tons or more. No one knows who built these structures or for what reason, there are only theories.

  Then we have what I believe to be the pre-flood structures that are discussed in the first section of the book, dealing primarily with the Mounds in Ohio.

  What I will attempt to show is that both of these sites, while perhaps separated by thousands of years of time, are in fact the product of Fallen Angel/Nephilim technology.

  Thus, we will not only be discussing the bones and skulls found in Paracas, and the giant bones found by Americans in the late 19th century, which is post-flood, but we will delve into the mystery of these ancient megalithic sites.

  While to some there may be no connection, in my opinion there is a connection and it is vital to this discussion.

  For instance, how does an ancient culture living without the “knowledge” of the wheel move enormous blocks of stone and then create polygonal joints, encompassing not only the face of the stone, but continuing all the way through the stone, to its backside. In my opinion, this would be almost impossible to accomplish, even in modernity.

  Then we have the Paracas skulls, which are an anomaly. Why do many of these skulls have only one parietal plate, instead of the two, “normal” plates that human skulls would have?

  Is this the result of genetic tampering by the Fallen Angels that we read about in Genesis 6?

  There is a lot of information to consider and I will point out in each chapter whether we are examining a pre-flood or post-flood artifact or site.

  —L. A. Marzulli

  Chapter 1

  The Mounds

  The first colonist who discovered the new world, at least from the European perspective, found a thriving culture they would later realize was indigenous to all parts of North and South America. In other words, the Native American, or First Nation people, as they are prone to be called today, had settled much of the country.

  I want to take a moment here and point out that what the Europeans did to the existing cultures was in fact genocide. We took their land, killed their women and children, drove them onto reservations and, until modernity, did not allow them to vote in a land that was once their home.

  We destroyed their culture and traditions and, as a portion of this book will explore, looted and covered over their ancient burial grounds. These acts were unconscionable and stand, like slavery, as a black mark against the United States.

  As the white man pushed westward, he discovered the remains of another culture that seemed to predate the red man, perhaps by thousands of years.

  This is a photograph from an old postcard of the Circle Mound complex in Newark, Ohio.

  In Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and other states, earthen mounds were found. These mounds of earth were hallmarks of a civilization that had both the man power, the knowledge of mathematics, and the infrastructure that enabled them to construct these complex structures that remain unscathed by the severe climate today, at least those that were not deliberately destroyed. (I will touch on this later).

  In the town of Newark, Ohio, the Great Circle Mound complex, which included what is now called the Octagon Mound, was held in awe by those who first saw it.

  These structures remain today, but the waterways have changed, the topography has been reshaped by heavy machinery, and 100-year-old-plus trees have intruded into the mound works like unwanted weeds and corrupted the original layout of these sites. The Octagon complex that at one time was connected to the Great Circle Mound is now an 18-hole golf course!

  I recently had the privilege of visiting these sites in Newark. Much like the first white man who laid eyes on the mounds, I was in awe by what I beheld. What struck me instantly was the precision with which these mound-works were made. I was fortunate to have two guides that gave me a good overview of the site, Deborah Collins and Kevin, who is a golf pro at the golf course that is constructed on the Octagon Mound works.

  Looking at the site and the enormity of the earthen works, it begs the question, who gets up on a Monday morning and announces to the villagers that the “elders” have decided to go on a building project that will be enormous in its undertaking? It also raises other questions like who fed and clothed the workers? How does a so-called primitive culture go about this task? How did a supposed hunter-gatherer group of people have the infrastructure to carry out a truly monumental building task? Where did these people learn geometry, the lunar progression, and the precise dates of the winter and summer solstice? How were they able to create canals that filled the circular “moat,” or the henge that is on the inner side of the Great Circle Mound in Newark, Ohio? Was there an underground source that brought water to the site? How were they able to drain the water? How did these people create a perfectly straight 60-mile road from what is now Newark, Ohio, to the town of Chillicothe?

  When I stood in the Octagon Mound or next to the Alligator Mound that overlooks the entire valley and town of Newark, I realized that these structures, like the Nazca Lines in Peru, would be best viewed from the air.

  These mounds have been dated to 3500 B.C. Whoever is responsible for the creation of these sites had a very complex society.

  So here is a brief historical overview: the United States wins its war of independence with England; soon after, the white man begins to push west. As he does so, he discovers these mounds. Being curious, he digs into them to see what he w
ill find. To the amazement of those who excavated these sites, the remains of giant men, some reaching almost 10 feet tall, were unearthed. Often these giants had six fingers and six toes with a double row of teeth. Some had red hair, and wore copper ornaments.


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