On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 7

by L. A. Marzulli

  Hrdlicka claimed that the first Americans emigrated across the Bering Strait from the Asian continent. His proposal was based on the fact that in the Americas there were no apes from which man could evolve. He organized hundreds of expeditions to gather information to prove his theories.

  He did not believe the Neanderthals existed on the Americas before the last Ice Age. He believed that NO peoples existed in the Americas prior to 12,000 years ago.

  The theory that people walked across a land bridge from Siberia through the Bering Strait to the Americas did not originate with Hrdlicka, but was strongly supported by him. (Many are still taught this in school).

  Hrdlicka refused to acknowledge any evidence that did not support his theories.

  Berkley Daily Gazette, P.8

  Giants Are No More, Declares Hrdlicka

  (UP) Washington, March 12 – The Smithsonian Institution is “fed up” on skeletons of “prehistoric human giants,” and Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, curator of anthropology, makes no bones about it.

  Dr. Hrdlicka blames the “will to believe” of amateur anthropologists for many reports of “discoveries” which find their way to his office with monotonous frequency. The fact that the bones aren’t even interesting adds to his consternation.

  Occasionally, the scientist conceded, a bone of an abnormal human being is found, or bones of an animal which are deceptive even to medical men. But this is a rarity.

  According to the Institution, the purported “finds” describe “an ancient race of giants between 7 and 8 feet tall, with bones and jaws considerably larger than those of men living today. The finder makes a hurried comparison of the length of the fossil thigh bone with his own, and from this calculates the size of the hypothetical “ancient giant.”

  However, it was explained, “the person unfamiliar with human anatomy does not know that the upper joint of the femur is several inches higher than would appear from superficial examination of the living body.”

  Hence, the “discovery” and consequent disillusion.

  Next to human “giants,” Dr. Hrdlicka reports, fancy finds its sway with human “dwarfs.”

  The Times Dispatch - February 11, 1907, P. 8

  Giant’s Tooth

  Big Molar Which Dentists Think Belonged to Prehistoric Man

  BRISTOL, VA , February 10 – A.M. Brown, a former Virginian, now residing in Illinois, who came recently to Southwest Virginia to visit, has with him a monstrous tooth, which dentists have pronounced to be that of a human giant. Brown thinks he has in this tooth a relic of a prehistoric race of giants, and has refused to accept an offer of $25 for it. He states that he found the tooth in a cave near Cincinnati, from which other bones of giants have been taken. This tooth is from the jaw, and is triple-sectioned and measures three inches across and five inches in length.

  This discovery recalls that six months ago the skeleton of a giant was discovered in a cave near Bristol by workmen who were opening a stone quarry. The bones showed their former possessor to have been fully ten feet in height. E.C. Huffaker, formerly of the Smithsonian Institution, expressed the opinion that this skeleton was that of a prehistoric giant.

  The Sunday Vindicator - September 12, 1897, P.9

  Nine Feet Tall

  Was This the Man Whose Skeleton Was Found in Indiana?

  Connersville, IN, Sept. 11 – While Sexton Charles Rieman was digging a grave in the city cemetery, he came upon the skeleton of a monster man. It had been buried in a sitting posture with the face to the east, and was only about three feet below the surface. The remains indicated that the being of which this was once a part was a veritable giant, probably nine feet in height. The femur bone is about a yard long, and the massive under jaw is much larger than that of an ordinary man. It is supposed that the bones are those of an Indian or Mound Builder.

  Newburgh Journal - December 17, 1912, P.1

  There were Giants in those Old Days

  Stanford University, CA, Dec. 17 – Recent excavation indicate that the peninsula south of San Francisco was once inhabited by a race of giant stature, Professor Harold Heath of the zoologic department of Stanford University according to a statement given out last night, has unearthed about two miles south of here, several skeletons of men who were of unusual height.

  A pre-historic village covering nearly two acres has been the scene of Professor Heath’s investigations. Stone Hammers, bone awls, and ornaments found by his party indicate that their owners had attained considerable advancement in artisanship and civilization.

  Giant Skeleton Found in Mexico

  Charles C. Clapp, a Boston broker of 19 Congress Street, who has recently returned from Mexico, tells a remarkable story of the finding of the complete skeleton of a man who in life walked with his head nine feet above the earth, Mr. Clapp said:

  “Late one night, while we were sitting in the camp, a shot was heard from the distant hills. A party of us started out at once to investigate, for when the sound of a gun is heard in the State of Jalisco it means that a white man is shooting and that he means business.

  “We finally located the foreman of the mines, who said that on going to the window of his hut he had seen two shining eyes below and had fired. We at once started on the hunt, with men and torches, and discovered traces of a wounded mountain lion. Following the trail, we came to a cave, the mouth of which was blocked up with stones with the exception of a small hole where the stones had been clawed away, evidently by some wild animal.

  “We crawled through this hole with our torches and found ourselves in a long cave. We walked along until we came to a spacious apartment. Here strewn about on the floor of the cave were great numbers of human bones. I don’t pretend to have any scientific knowledge of the human frame, but picking over the bones I was able to articulate a complete human skeleton, which measured just 8 feet 11 inches.

  “The femur measured up to my thigh, the ribs were more like those of a horse, the molars were big enough to crack a cocoanut, and the head from front to back measured 18 inches. I imagine there were enough of these bones to make 200 complete skeletons.

  “The cave was evidently the burial place of a race of giants who antedate the Aztecs and who subsisted upon the abundant game of the locality. Together with the bones, among the various relics found, was a massive stone hatchet, weighing 30 pounds.

  “The Mexican government holds a jealous guard over its relics and buried treasures so that in order for the bones to be brought from that country for American scientists to study, it will be necessary for some noted archaeologist to go down and arrange for their removal. I intend to see Professor Alexander Agassiz in regard to my discovery, and see if some attempt can be made to secure some of the bones to bring here.

  “I have already interested Roland Thomas, the magazine writer, in their prehistoric remains, and I expect that he will shortly visit the scene of my discovery, and prepare a report which will be given to the public later on.”

  Ft. Worth Daily Gazette - May 30, 1884, P.3

  While we were yet in town, Mr. Wm. Babb reported to us the finding upon his ranch in the county of a huge skeleton, supposed to be that of a human. The skeleton was examined by Dr. Broadnax and pronounced by him to be human. The leg bone from knee to foot measured four feet eight inches and thirty-six inches around. The arm bone was three feet one inch from elbow to hand, and a rib was four feet one-half inch long. This skeleton was found near a creek, and was almost unearthed by the washing of the water. As soon as the waters are lower the entire skeleton will be exhumed. Mr. Babb says the above figures are true, and being a reliable man we publish them. This skeleton, judging from parts already measure, must have been some eighteen or twenty feet high.

  Hope Valley Advertiser - August 8, 1929, P.1

  Primitive Man was of Gigantic Size

  A man powerful enough to engage in a battle to the death with a huge buffalo of a size and type now extinct is considered by authorities to have been traced by discovery reported from the Transvaal. T
he bones and skull of a primitive man were found lying near the fossilized bones of a giant buffalo, whose head measures 12 feet across.

  “This appears to be evidence of a race of men, earlier than the Negro, in South Africa, for whom search has been made for a considerable time,” said Sir Arthur Woodward, former keeper of the geological section of the British Museum. “If this is so, the discovery is of great importance.

  “In the absence of more information, it is impossible to give even an approximate date when this type of man may have lived, but the bones are probably not older than some specimens in the British museum. It is quite likely that this man died in fighting the buffalo and that he was a normal man of his time.”

  Bones Unearthed

  Workingmen Find the Remains of a Supposed Mound Builder

  East Liverpool, OH, May 16 – While excavating for a cellar on his farm near this place, yesterday, William Wright and several workingmen uncovered the petrified skeleton of a giant. The frame measured 18 feet in length, and when the bones were gathered up and weighed they tipped the scales at 353 pounds.

  It is supposed the bones are those of one of the ancient mound builders which are known to have inhabited this section many years ago. The Smithsonian Institute has been advised of the find and the bones will be shipped to that institution.

  Why Hrdlicka would say that these finds “ … aren’t even interesting…” is difficult to imagine - especially for the man called Skull Doctor, the father of physical anthropology in America.

  Chapter 6:

  The Theory

  We are told in the Bible that Joshua went into the Promised Land in what was the conquest of Canaan, or the Levant, as it is sometimes called. There is, however, an event which happened decades before this conquest began. I wrote about this in The Cosmic Chess Match and will include a portion of it here, as it is germane to our discussion. The important point to remember is that the text plainly states the Nephilim were in the Promised Land. The spies who return tell us that they were like grasshoppers in their sight. We also learn there is a mandate to slaughter the inhabitants of the land. This begs the question: why does a loving God resort to genocide? Do we serve a maniacal, homicidal God who is at best capricious and at worst a racist because He destroys one group of people and favors another? On what basis?

  I believe the answer lies in the text itself and the idea that the Nephilim were settled in the Promised Land.

  This is a portion taken from my book, The Cosmic Chess Match:

  The Giants in the Promised Land? Why are they there?

  What we will see in this chapter is that the Fallen One continues to try to outmaneuver the Most High God. Here is a quick thumbnail sketch of what happens:

  Moses has led the children of Israel for a while and now they are at the borders of the Promised Land. He sends 12 spies into the land to check it out and when they return they report that they saw the Nephilim there! You may remember that these are the same creatures we see in the Genesis 6 passage. In other words it would seem that there is, in fact, a second incursion of the unthinkable; the Fallen Angels have once again procreated with the women of earth and the result is a demonic/human hybrid known as the Nephilim. There are those who tell us that this could not have happened; however, we have the written word of the Torah that tells us that the Nephilim were in the land. We also have the writing of the first century Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, who tells us that the bones of these creatures were openly on display in Jerusalem at the time of his writing, which was thousands of years later!

  Is it coincidence that when the spies are sent into the land they encounter the same entities that we see in Genesis 6? I think not, and would submit to you that the presence of the Fallen Angels creating these unholy hybrids, or Nephilim, is once again a deliberate attempt by the Fallen One to thwart the plans of the Most High God. I want to let you examine the text for yourself from Numbers 13:25-33:

  25 At the end of forty days they returned from spying out the land.

  26 And they came to Moses and Aaron and to all the congregation of the people of Israel in the wilderness of Paran, at Kadesh. They brought back word to them and to the entire congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land.

  27 And they told him, “We came to the land to which you sent us. It flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit.

  28 However, the people who dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. And besides, we saw the descendants of Anak there.

  29 The Amalekites dwell in the land of the Negeb. The Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the hill country. And the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and along the Jordan.”

  30 But Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.”

  31 Then the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are.”

  32 So they brought to the people of Israel a bad report of the land that they had spied out, saying, “The land, through which we have gone to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people that we saw in it are of great height.

  33 And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.”

  It is interesting to note that Joshua and Caleb believe that they can take the land; however, the people believe the other spies. Because of their unwillingness to enter the land, this kicks off a forty-year sojourn in which that generation dies off because of their unbelief. Afterward, when Joshua goes across the Jordan and begins to take the land, he is told to kill all the inhabitants of the cities he conquers. He is also instructed to kill the animals and burn everything. In other words, this is such a severe mandate from the Most High God that it would tend to make one believe that the God of the Hebrews was a genocidal, murderous, maniac … unless of course the Nephilim—or demonic hybrids—were in the land and the judgment that we saw meted out in Genesis 6 is once again applied here.

  This leads me to the big question and it is this: Why were the Nephilim in the Promised Land?

  I believe the answer to this is that the Fallen One knew the plan and set out to hinder it in any way he could. I would propose that because of his perspective of time he saw into the future and made plans to hinder what the Most High God was trying to do. Thus he engineered a huge countermove and succeeded in stalling the entrance of the children of Israel into the Promised Land for 40 years.

  The people who were with Moses wandered in the desert because of their unbelief until every last one of that generation died off.

  What amazes me is that after seeing first hand all the miracles and wonders that the Most High God performed for them to free them from Pharaoh and Egypt, they caved in just when they were about to get to the promise.

  The conquest of Canaan shows us the Children of Israel being given a mandate by God to wipe out and destroy one group of people. This is what any of us in modernity would call genocide. This is horrific and we must come to terms with it as it is very disturbing, unless there is an underlying truth that has been ignored. Here is the mandate as written in the Bible:

  “When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them.” (Deuteronomy 7:1,2)

  Again, in the book of Deuteronomy we read:

  “But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: But thou shalt utterly destroy them … as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.” (20:16,17) (21)

  While researching this passage for this book I searched numerous sites on the Web. All of them tried to explain the reason for the genocide as the result of some grievous sin which the inhabitants of the land engaged in. However, I found these answers fell short of explaining the reason for the mandate to wipe out everyone living in Canaan. As my chapter from The Cosmic Chess Match explains, when we plug the Nephilim into the equation, everything changes. In other words, if there were demonic hybrids that were of the offspring of Fallen Angel origin living in the Promised Land, then they were not human and, in fact, were an abomination. As we read in Jude 1:6:


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