On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One

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On the Trail of the Nephilim, Volume One Page 14

by L. A. Marzulli

  It is interesting that the Native Americans are in agreement in saying that their fathers came from the west; that they found the earthworks of the Ohio Valley just as they are to be seen today and that the structures were already in place when they arrived. But the date of this migration of the Indians from the west to the east varies according to the nations. Another tradition claims that the works of the Ohio were raised by the white Indians. These white Indians, according to the red Indians, were to have come from the east; and when they left the lake without shores (the sea), they came dressed like the palefaces of today.(57)

  In the autobiography of William “Buffalo Bill” Cody(58), Cody writes that while camping on the South Platte, a Pawnee Indian came into the camp with what the army surgeon pronounced to be a giant thigh bone of a human being. When Cody asked about where such a bone might have come from, the Indian replied that long ago a race of giants had lived in the area who were 15 feet tall! Men from this race were three times larger than normal men and able to out-run a buffalo and even carry it in one hand.

  Cody wrote:

  These giants denied the existence of a Great Spirit, so he caused a great rain storm to come, and the water kept rising higher and higher so that it drove these proud and conceited giants from the low ground to the hills, and thence to the mountains, but at last even the mountaintops were submerged and then those mammoth men were all drowned. After the flood had subsided, the Great Spirit came to the conclusion that he had made man too large and powerful, and that he would therefore correct the mistake by creating a race of men of smaller size and less strength. This is the reason, say the Indians, that modern men are small and not like the giants of old, and they claim that this story is a matter of Indian history, which has been handed down among them from time immemorial.

  Buffalo Bill also wrote the following words about a legend recounted to him by members of the Sioux tribe.

  It was taught by the wise men of this tribe that the Earth was originally peopled by giants, who were fully three times the size of modern men. They were so swift and powerful that they could run alongside a buffalo, take the animal under one arm, and tear off a leg, and eat it as they ran. So vainglorious were they because of their own size and strength that they denied the existence of a Creator. When it lighted, they proclaimed their superiority to the lightning; when it thundered, they laughed.

  This displeased the Great Spirit, and to rebuke their arrogance he sent a great rain upon the earth. The valleys filled with water, and the giants retreated to the hills. The water crept up the hills, and the giants sought safety on the highest mountains. Still the rain continued, the waters rose, and the giants, having no other refuge, were drowned.(59)

  I am currently working closely with the Navajo Indians living for weeks at a time on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. The Navajo creation story, Diné Bahane or the “Story of the People,” describes the prehistoric emergence of the Navajos and centers on the area known as the Dinétah, the traditional homeland of the Navajo people. This story forms the basis for the traditional Navajo way of life. Within their legends, they tell of a giant who once wandered the land in the previous world. They also report that giants lived in the Grand Canyon and were 10 to 18 feet tall. In 1891, while digging in Crittenden, Arizona, men uncovered a granite coffin 12 feet in length, although no remains were found, save one inscription on the side of the coffin of a foot with six toes!

  I have extensively researched the Native American Southwest including several visits to Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. I first traveled there in 1998 to research the six-toed petroglyphs at the base of the cliff behind the magnificent ruin of Pueblo Bonito. A small room can be found with a series of six-toed footprints carved into the cliff face which served as the back wall of the room. These footprints were carved up the cliff face as if emerging from the ground. This might possibly represent the Nephilim giants emerging from the spirit world to the fourth world in which we all reside. Since then, I have found polydactylism in Native American rock art in hand print petroglyphs as well. This is an unusual feature that is found throughout the Southwest where the legends of the giants remain embedded in the Native American culture. This also correlates with the biblical Nephilim who had six fingers and six toes—24 digits in all.

  Photo by Aaron Judkins

  5. Who do you think built the structures that we see in Newark, Ohio, and Cahokia? Is this the work of Native Americans or did someone else construct these?

  Long thought to be the creation of Native Americans for various reasons, such as ceremonial rituals and burial sites, some researchers have begun to question whether it is possible that the mounds predate Native American inhabitants. There seems to be a correlation between the mounds and reports of giant artifacts in the surrounding areas—including giant human remains. So, if Native Americans are not responsible for the earth mounds, then who built them? Were these mounds and structures such as we see in Ohio built by the Hopewell culture or Nephilim?

  Let’s examine what we know. There are some 300 historical accounts of giant skeletons in the Ohio Valley along with Hebrew script and Sumerian symbolism documented in The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley by Fritz Zimmerman. Why were these earthworks built and what were they used for? Many archaeologists believe that the Hopewell culture used the earthworks as places of ceremony, social gathering, trade, worship, and as cemeteries. Ohio Historical Society archaeologist, Brad Lepper, thinks that the Hopewell built these ceremonial spaces on such a large scale because they weren’t built just for the needs of the locals but for people from hundreds if not thousands of miles away.(60) This begs the question: Were they built for the Nephilim?

  There is a much bigger picture that is emerging when researching the mounds of Ohio, Cahokia, and Newark. Cahokia was the largest and most influential urban settlement in the Mississippian culture that developed advanced societies across much of what is now the Southeastern United States, beginning more than 500 years before European contact.(61) Today, the Cahokia Mounds is considered the largest and most complex archaeological site north of the great Pre-Columbian cities in Mexico. It is the largest prehistoric earthen construction in the Americas north of Mexico.(62) There are more than 120 earthen mounds in the city, 109 of which have been recorded and 68 of which are preserved within the site. While some are no more than a gentle rise on the land, others reach 100 feet into the sky. It is estimated that more than 50 million cubic feet of earth was moved for the construction of the mounds, leaving large depressions called “borrow pits,” which can still be seen in the area.

  Three types of mounds were constructed, the most common of which is a platform mound, thought to have been used as monumental structures for political or religious ceremonies and may have once been topped by large buildings. Conical and ridge top mounds were also constructed for use as burial locations or marking important locations similar to the Ohio mounds. At the center of the historical site is the largest earthwork called Monks Mound. At one hundred feet high, 1,000 feet long, and 800 feet wide, it is the largest prehistoric earthen mound in North America.

  The Newark Earthworks in Newark and Heath, Ohio, consist of three sections of preserved earthworks: the Great Circle Earthworks, the Octagon Earthworks, and the Wright Earthworks. This complex contains the largest earthen enclosures in the world, being about 3,000 acres in extent. Today, the site itself covers about 206 acres.

  The 1,054-foot wide Great Circle is the largest circular earthwork in the Americas. Research has revealed that whoever built the Great Circle earthwork had advanced scientific understanding as the basis of their complex construction. Scholars have also demonstrated that the Octagon Earthworks comprise a complex lunar observatory for tracking the moon’s orbit during its 18.6-year cycle. The moon then rises within one-half of a degree of the octagon’s exact center and is twice as precise as Stonehenge. The Wright Earthworks consist of a fragment of a geometrically near-perfect square enclosure and part of one wall that originally
formed a set of parallel embankments, which led from the square to a large oval enclosure. Originally, the sides of the Newark square ranged from about 940 to 950 feet in length, and they enclosed a total area of about 20 acres.(63)

  So the question still stands: Is what we know about the early history of North America correct? The answer is undoubtedly: NO.

  There are too many unanswered questions regarding the origin of these mounds to simply conclude they were constructed by Native Americans. Like it or not, the Nephilim giants may be linked to these sites thereby challenging the mainstream consensus. The archaeological and historical evidence is proving that indeed there is ample evidence of pre-Columbian giant occupation in North America. And the Nephilim will return!(64)


  Aaron Judkins is an author, explorer, and archaeologist from Texas. He holds a Ph.D. in biblical Archaeology from Bible Believers Christian College and Seminary in Los Angeles, California, and is an adjunct professor for the Millennium Bible Institute for the School of biblical Archaeology (www. mbistudies.com). He is the host of his own show called “Man vs. Archaeology.” His latest book is entitled, Alien Agenda: the Return of the Nephilim.

  For further information please visit: www.aaronjudkins.com.

  Chapter 10


  If you have read the dedication page, you will know this book is dedicated to Brien Foerster. My introduction to Brien came about by reading a book he co-authored with David Childress, The Enigma of Cranial Deformation. In that book there are photos of elongated skulls. After reading it, I googled Brien’s name and found several videos that he made at the Paracas Museum in Peru. I was intrigued by what I was seeing and sent an email off to him. Brien responded and thus began our correspondence that led to the planning of an “expedition” to Paracas to see the skulls.

  Unlike in the United States where the skulls and bones and other artifacts are hidden away and researchers are denied access, the Paracas Museum has the skulls that seem to be anomalously, openly, on display, and we can handle them and photograph them. That is why we chose to go to Peru.

  I contacted my partner Richard Shaw and we began to make plans to film Watchers 6 there. I also contacted Dr. Judd Burton, an archaeologist and anthropologist, to accompany us. Judd is unique in that he brings a biblical paradigm to his work. His insight was invaluable on our trip.

  I also asked Joe Taylor, who is the curator of the Mount Blanco Museum in Plano Texas, to come and cast one of the skulls. Joe has casts of mammoths and other mega fauna and his work is displayed in museums all over the world. Joe agreed to come and now we have a cast of one of the skulls from the Paracas Museum. Judd and Joe appear in Watchers 4 and their interviews are riveting.

  We had interviewed Ron Morehead for one of our Watchers programs regarding his research on Sasquatch. Ron was fortunate to be able to record these creatures interacting in the wild. He had the sound recording analyzed and the results are in his book, Voices in the Wilderness.

  While at dinner with Ron, our conversation turned to our upcoming trip to Peru and he asked if he could come along with us. Richard and I looked at each other and welcomed him aboard!

  So that was the line-up for the first expedition: Richard Shaw, Dr. Judd Burton, Larry Taylor, Ron Morehead, and me. I call it the first trip, because there is no doubt we will return as there is much more to see and explore.

  Here is one of the elongated skulls found at the Paracas Museum. It is next to what we know is a “control skull.” A control skull is a human skull with no cradle head-boarding or cranial deformation. Photo by the author.

  As you can see, the skull on the left is certainly larger than our control sample on the right. When we examined this skull, we found it only had one parietal plate—this is the plate in the center of the skull that connects the frontal plate to the occipital or rear plate—that we could see instead of the normal two plates of a human skull. In addition, we noticed the mandible, or lower jaw, was more “robust” than the normal skull. We are conducting DNA tests on the skull on the left to determine what it is.

  In addition, you will notice the eye sockets are larger and overall, the appearance is quite different from our control sample.

  The curator of the museum is Sr. Juan Navarro Hierro. Sr. Juan is a warm, soft spoken, native Peruvian who has spent his life in Paracas. He has explored the area around Paracas and is considered the foremost expert on the area’s skulls and culture. I asked Sr. Juan how old these skulls were and in general how far back the Paracas people go. He replied that the Paracas people inhabited the area around 3000 years ago.

  They were different from the people who came later, and he also pointed out no one really knows from where the Paracas people originated.

  Paracas is located on the west coast of Peru. The small town is protected by a large, pristine bay.

  Photo by the author.

  Here is shot of the bay from my hotel. Small fishing boats are anchored next to a pier that was destroyed in an earthquake a few years ago and has yet to be rebuilt. Photo by the author.

  It is easy to understand why people would want to inhabit this area. There is abundant sea life and shell fish. An underground river flows down from the highlands, the foothills to the Andes Mountains, creating a natural aquifer where plants can grow without modern irrigation practices. In short, Paracas is one of the most beautiful places on Earth I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. The temperature is a fairly constant 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and there is an onshore ocean breeze blowing most of time.

  But where did the original Paracas people come from, and what caused the deformity of the skulls? While there are some skulls that bear evidence of cradle boarding, other skulls did not.

  Cradle Boarding or Deliberate Cranial Deformation

  Cradle boarding was a process in which boards or stiff textiles were placed around an infant’s head and then secured with a binding that, as the child grew, forced the skull into the desired shape. The question is this: why were the original Paracas people practicing this? What was so desirable about this shape that mothers would bind their infants’ heads to achieve it?

  The picture above shows a skull that has been cradle-boarded. The material you see is approximately 1000 to 2000 years old or perhaps even older and came from the Chongos Necropolis, which extends for 70 miles near present-day Paracas.

  Because rainfall is all but nonexistent in Paracas, objects and artifacts can look almost new. These are the original textiles and head-binding materials used in the deliberate deformation of a head. The end result is what you see in the picture, as it is apparent the skull has been artificially flattened.

  Sr. Juan has a collection of skulls, most of which came from the Chongos Necropolis. It is a private collection but is open to the public for viewing.

  Here is a shot of the display case showing the collection with Archaeologist Judd Burton looking at the elongated skulls.

  In essence, this is why we went to Peru. Sr. Juan allowed us to handle, photograph, weigh and cast one of the skulls you see here. Judd was able to measure and record all 40 of the skulls.

  Contrary to this was our brief venture to a museum in Lima. I had heard about the so-called golden mummies that were supposed to be nine feet in height. I had hoped to see them up close and photograph them, but Brien informed me they were no longer available by viewing to the general public.

  In my opinion, the access “doorway” to these artifacts and remains is starting to close. This was evident when we visited the Musee Nacional de Arqueelogia Antropologia a Historia del Peru in Lima. We wanted to see the Paracas skull collection but were told the wing where this was housed was under construction and the skulls had been removed. Essentially, there were no elongated skulls on display!

  Closed door of the Musee Nacional de Arqueelogia Antropologia a Historia del Peru in Lima.

  Disappointed? So were we! There was also an armed guard positioned a few feet away from the sealed opening. We asked one
of the personnel at the museum when the collection would again be on display. She said when the repairs were made. We then asked her how many skulls were in the museum’s possession. She informed us 10,000 skulls and 300 mummies were stored at the museum. I asked if there was a possibility of us seeing some of them, because we were from America and were interested in this for our research as was evident by our team. She politely informed me this would be impossible.

  I find it maddening that these remains and artifacts are kept away from the public and only a very select group of people are allowed to see them. Why is this so?


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