Special Ops (Sundown Apocalypse Book 5)

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Special Ops (Sundown Apocalypse Book 5) Page 22

by Leo Nix

  Now that the excitement was over, Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen stood beside the two operators. “Nice detective work, Tammy. And Craig, another eye-opening display and commentary, well done to the both of you and your staff.”

  Before she left the big board room Sue-Ellen called Danielle to her. She had been too busy to pass this on to her new special operative staffer, but now was a good time.

  “Danielle, I've some good news for you,” she said coyly, knowing this might cheer her up after listening to the horror of the morning's prisoner rescue.

  Danielle looked up from her work. “What is it, Commander?” she asked politely.

  “You have a brother I believe, a sergeant in the armoured cavalry, based in Darwin?” Sue-Ellen could barely keep the smile from her face.

  “Yes, Sergeant Inmar Ahmet, he's in charge of a Bushmaster, why?” Danielle had stopped breathing. She waited, hoping against all hope that her brother was still alive.

  “He's doing fine and stationed at Alice Springs Command. He's been there since just after the apocalypse. He's a very popular and highly respected NCO too, I believe,” continued Sue-Ellen. Danielle let out a squeal of relief that startled the staff, she then threw herself into her commander's embrace and bust into fresh tears of joy.

  “I can't believe it! I've been so lucky today! Thank you, Commander, I needed a lift after this morning,” she sobbed and laughed at the same time.

  “I can't let you two meet, not just yet, but you will, in due course. There's a fair bit I need to work through before I make contact with the Alice Springs Command. But don't worry, I won't keep you separated for too long.” Sue-Ellen, now straightened her shirt front and kissed her staffer on the cheek, then quickly raced back to her room for a shower.

  Looking presentable and professional sometimes had to take a back seat to her staff's needs.

  Obi-Wan and his team were licking their wounds after the prisoner rescue. At their debrief they decided that Hooky would act as logistics and support with Danielle - much to his delight. During the rescue he was knocked to the ground by one of the enemy and his shoulder dislocated again. Hooky wasn't happy, he'd let his team down and his shoulder was back to it's dull, numbing ache. The injury was examined by the base doctor who recommended Hooky be grounded for twelve months, allowing his shoulder to heal properly. They had a base therapist who would oversee his rehabilitation.

  “We did well and Patrick's loss is something we grieve. It reminds us that every action is dangerous. Gary Fortune and I have examined the assault and we're satisfied that Patrick performed his duty honourably and professionally. The rest of his team did their utmost to prevent casualties, no one is responsible for his death, people die when there's bullets flying around.” Obi-Wan paused to give everyone time to settle and process what he'd said.

  “Hooky, you're now our man on the ground. We'll be passing a lot of work your way for planning and preparing future raids from here on. You and Danielle will cover our backs here at the base. Anyone who needs anything, and I mean that, anything, first see Hooky or Danielle.” Obi-Wan looked across at the couple sitting among them.

  He then patched through to Bluey and put the video on the large monitor for all to see. As the special ops team watched a small black cat walked stately in front of the camera. It appeared to know it was on show and strutted like a model showing off her fashion-wear on the catwalk.

  “Bluey, we've got you and Piggy on our monitor, can you see us?” asked Obi-Wan amid the chuckles in the room. There came muttered curses as Bluey gently guided his cat across and away from his keyboard with his arm.

  “I'm right now,” he said in relief when Piggy decided she'd had enough of stardom. “I've got you on my screen, Star Wars man, nice work. I watched it via satellite, they don't have cable where I live.” Some of the men smiled, they were getting used to Bluey by now.

  “The warlord's men are out in the scrub as we speak, they've formed into three gangs and fighting over everything you left behind. I expect they'll perish before they get to civilisation. Congratulations boys, for a job well done.” Those who had met Bluey were impressed at how professional he sounded when he put on his communications expert hat.

  “Thanks, Bluey, keep us informed if anything develops. I've got a few things to talk to you about too. I'll contact you this evening, out.” Obi-Wan shut down the monitor and closed his connection.

  “Some of you may have heard that we have friendly neighbours. They've shot up the Deaths Head battalion at Marree and we have news that they'd had another battle at Birdsville. Commander Cullen is investigating if they are suitable allies or just rogues. We don't know much about them as yet.” Obi-Wan paused to gather his thoughts before continuing.

  “General Hughes of Alice Springs Command, head of the Australian Third Army, will remain in Alice Springs. Commander Cullen and our senior staff agree that General Hughes will not play a role in our organisation, nor in any of our actions. At this time they are a rag-tag bunch, they'll need some time to settle into a fighting force that we can count on. Until then we'll keep sending their visitors away empty-handed.”

  Commander Cullen now stood to address her special operatives. “Thank you all for your work in rescuing the prisoners. I'm sorry we lost Patrick, he will be missed, every loss we have is one less to protect us all. We are one big family pitted against a world gone mad.” She picked at her fingernails, an old habit she had when she was nervous, she wished she could stop it.

  “We have further information from Bluey. His archives contain material on a civilian commando in Birdsville. From all the reports we have coming in from Bluey, Craig and Tammy's excellent research and monitoring, we now know they have a dozen or so soldiers and a community of women and children. They're calling themselves Sundown's Commando. I like that name for some reason, sort of reflects the end of the world a bit doesn't it.” She paused again to keep the excitement from overtaking her. “We'll keep an eye on them for now. We know that Alice Springs Command wants to contact them and form an alliance, but we'll just sit back and let things develop before we move.” Sue-Ellen sat back down.

  Corporal Gary Fortune now stood. “We still have a lot of work to do, training, recon, monitoring and we'll continue to harass and sabotage the enemy every chance we get. The rescue was just a trial against amateurs, from what we have seen and know the Revelationist terrorists are quite different. Over the coming months we'll be selecting targets to hit and each member here will be assigned a role to play in our team.” Fortune looked at Obi-Wan then went on. “I'll be taking over as team leader, Obi-Wan will remain as special ops commander. Murphy and Pipeline will lead the recon and assault teams with myself. As you guys gain experience you'll be given your own responsibilities.”

  Obi-Wan now stood as Fortune sat down. “We all have our jobs to do. Commander Cullen and I will now leave you with Corporal Fortune, Danielle and Hooky to sort out your rosters. Well done and I'll catch you all at dinner tonight.”

  As Obi-Wan walked Sue-Ellen back to her office a line from an old movie, one of his favourites, entered his head.

  He turned to his commander. “Sue-Ellen, do you remember that movie starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore and Kevin Bacon?” He paused for a moment, “it was set in South Korea and…”

  He didn't get any further, she was a walking movie encyclopedia. “It's called, 'A Few Good Men', it's from a book by Aaron Sorkin. Why?” she asked.

  “I've got that line Jack Nicholson says stuck in my head… it sort of describes us both,” he said.

  “I know what line it is too. The one that goes, 'I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it.' ” Sue-Ellen giggled lightly and turned to her friend.

  “Well, am I right?”

  “As always,” he said with a wry smile.


  Glossary of Australian

  Australian Light Horse – name given to the Australia cavalry in the 1st World War

  AFP - Australian Federal Police

  ASLAV – Australian Light Army Vehicle, armoured cavalry troop carrier with mounted 7.62 mm machine gun and 25 mm cannon.

  Bearcat - Lenco Bearcat, armoured command vehicle used by police and military services

  Billabong – water hole, a lagoon or small lake, often filled with water lilies, fish, crustaceans

  Billy – tin to put on the fire to boil water in, for tea making and heating water

  Blimey – crikey, strewth, darn, damn

  Bloke – man, male, fellow or fella

  Bloody – damn or darn

  Lowed – confused, no idea, can also mean exhausted (out of breath)

  Blow-hards – full of 'piss 'n wind', noisy complaining types

  Bogans - unsophisticated, lazy-assed people

  Boofhead – meat head or beef head

  Brumbies – wild horses

  Bull-crap – bullshit, not true

  Bushmaster – six-wheeled cavalry armoured personnel carrier with 7.62 mm machine gun.

  Cameleer – someone who rides and cares for camels

  Comms – communications, radio operator

  'Cooee'- a long-drawn aboriginal call of welcome, similar to an alpine yodel

  Crikey – strewth, blimey, darn, damn

  Cuffs - flexi-cuffs - nylon handcuffs used by police

  Cut – a tracking term to find tracks by coming at them on an angle

  Dab hands – experts, good at what they do

  Dingo – Australian wild dog

  Fellas – fellows, people

  Flaming – bloody, damn, darn

  Flexi-cuffs - nylon handcuffs used by police

  Football – also used to describe soccer, Aussie Rules, rugby league and rugby union

  Footy-field - where football is played

  Four-wheel drive – SUV's designed for travel in the desert, all four wheels engage for better traction

  Fussed – bothered, worried

  Gangardi – fictitious tribal group

  G'day – good day, hello

  Goolies – crown jewels, what hangs between a man's legs

  Hot chips – hot French-fries, potato fries

  Jam - jelly - Aussies call a sweet spread on bread or toast 'jam', like apricot jam, plum jam, etc.

  Kip - nap, a short sleep, a power nap

  Marmalade - a jam (jelly) made from whole pieces of lemon and orange rind, it has a bitter-sweet taste

  Mate – friend, buddy

  Men of high degree – fully initiated aboriginal men with elevated status in their tribe – some would have nangarri, sorcerer or 'medicine men' abilities and training

  Mikiri – a hole in the rocks filled with water often shaped by hand to allow entry to collect water

  Mob – mobs, a lot of, usually associated with a group of people and of kangaroos

  Nangarri – aboriginal medicine man or sorcerer – see also 'men of high degree'

  Neddys – horse

  On the back foot – uncertain

  Outback – the desert country

  Reefed – yanked, grabbed and pulled hard and firmly

  Rollie - self-rolled cigarette from loose tobacco and rice paper

  Roo - short for 'kangaroo'

  Salt-pan – salt covered plain, flat as a saucepan, also called salt-flats because it's flat – the desert has many such salt covered plains

  Shemagh - scarf worn by middle easterners and desert warfare soldiers to keep dust and wind out of their faces

  Smoked – aboriginal method sometimes used to enter an altered state of consciousness

  Soak – a shallow water hole, a spring

  Spec – spot, a tiny object

  Spew, spewed – vomit, vomited

  Stations – property or large farm in outback Australia, some larger than Texas

  Steve Waugh – famous Australian cricketer

  Stockmen – cattlemen, cowboy

  Stockyards – stock pen or yard where cattle, horses and other animals are collected or trained

  Stosstruppen – German for 'storm trooper'

  Strewth – damn, darn, crikey, blimey

  Stuffed – exhausted

  Swags – bed roll, blanket or sleeping bag wrapped in a waterproof canvas

  Tactical Response Group - specialist Australian anti-terrorist police, like a SWAT team

  Tajna Sluzba – Revelationist secret service, have a reputation as ruthless killers

  Tanked – drunk, also 'half-tanked' nearly drunk

  Tomato sauce – ketchup

  Tyres – tires, as in car tires

  Unit – apartment, small one bedroom room in a motel or hotel, also called a 'flat'

  “viens et rencontrer ta mort!” - French, “come and meet your death!”

  Vegemite - a bitter tasting spread for toast and bread made from yeast, popular Aussie spread

  Vorschlaghammer – German for 'sledge hammer'

  Walers – horses used in the 1st World War for their quiet, strong and courageous manner

  Walkabout – aboriginals would 'go bush' to get back to their roots, sometimes it involved spiritual works as well as for a vacation

  Wallaby – small kind of kangaroo

  WAPOL - Western Australian Police

  Whacked – hit, smacked

  Willy-willy – dust devil, mini desert tornado, whirlwind

  Worked a treat – worked well, great, terrific

  Yabbies – fresh water crayfish

  You've done for me – 'you've killed me' or 'you've got me'

  Characters of Sundown Apocalypse 5: Special Ops

  WA Tactical Response Group - Police

  Senior Sergeant Wayne Dyson - ex Aussie Infantry captain

  Senior Constable Kerrie Black

  Constable Russell Efferent

  Sergeant Guy 'Lover' Luvini

  Senior Constable Nancy Haurenier - Bearcat

  Constable Titch 'Twitch' Frances

  Constable Lana Wosniac

  Senior Constable Paul 'Hooky' Pan - ex-SAS corporal

  AFP - Geraldton

  Senior Sergeant Bill 'Frenchy' Wahib - ex French Foreign Legion

  Sergeant Ogden 'Oddie' Danse - ex Aussie commando

  Constable Ray Bidder

  Senior Constable Phillip Knox

  Constable Lucy Taunton

  WAPOL - WA police

  Senior Sergeant Brad Hopkins

  Constable Chad Chopah

  Senior Constable William Franklin

  Constable Danielle Ahmet

  Constable Cindy Briggs

  Special Ops - Pine Gap staff

  Ranger Staff Sergeant Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kennedy

  Delta Corporal Gary 'Soldier of Fortune' Fortune

  SEAL Petty Officer Second Class Matthew Murphy

  SEAL Petty Officer Third Class Peter 'Pipeline' Liner

  SAS Corporal Ollie 'Skip' Stone

  Ranger Corporal Laurence Burger

  Girls from Geraldton

  Emily, Julie, Trisha, Gracie

  Fortune's new special ops team

  Andy AFP, Patrick, Constable Neil Conner AFP, Bannerman ex-infantry, Maine


  Joey call sign 'Tonto', Gina, Walt, Maisie, Bob + Denny ex Vietnam veterans, Bluey call sign 'Goldmine'

  International Space Station

  Dr Tantoni, call-sign 'Asimov'

  Desert warlords

  Khan, Spiro, Chucko

  Jake - escapee - bus driver

  Desert Farmers - on the way to West Lyons River

  Becky and Adam

  Pine Gap - call sign 'Downtown'

  Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen - call sign 'QE3'

  Major Will Binks - ASIO - call sign 'beeprep',

  Big Board - Tammy, Craig

  Revelationists - WA - Perth Hades Battalion - 'Flaming Damnation' + Tartarus Battalion - “Be Damned”

l Ethan Lawson

  Tartarus Battalion “Be Damned” - senior commander of the Geraldton operation, Lt. Colonel Brandon Newport

  Head Priestess 'The Black Widow' - Lauren McIntosh - mother to David McIntosh AFP and Colonel Harry McIntosh

  Colonel - Harry McIntosh - head military Perth Revelationist church battalions

  Sergeant David McIntosh - AFP, Revelationist spy - wife Debra, daughters Nina and Gina

  Captain Landan - Intelligence

  Captain Lim - infantry

  Lieutenants - Norton, Serri

  Sergeants - Bobbi Francis

  Corporals - Maitland, Zee, Mandy

  Privates - Sammy, Ivan, Tiny,


  Tanner - US Navy Intelligence

  Barry - Australian intelligence spy

  Laddie - Australian intelligence spy

  Dale - terrorist security guard

  MH-X Stealth Black Hawk - call sign 'Maverick'

  Major Sam Samuels - pilot

  Captain 'Curly' Moe - copilot

  Chief Brian 'BB' Bingley

  Sergeant Lance Trudeau

  90 MHR-Taipan - utility helicopter - call sign 'Wagontrain'

  Lieutenant Panela

  If you enjoy my books I certainly would appreciate your review, thank you.

  Table of Contents

  Other Books in This Series

  Chapter 1 – Apocalypse Day

  Chapter 2 – Madness in the City

  Chapter 3 – Ocean Escape

  Chapter 4 – Rattlesnake Strike

  Chapter 5 – Chopper Down

  Chapter 6 – The Four Musketeers

  Chapter 7 – Desert Hell

  Chapter 8 – Meekatharra

  Chapter 9 – Goldmine Bluey

  Chapter 10 – Return to Meekatharra

  Chapter 11 – Obi-Wan's War

  Chapter 12 – Skip the Skipper

  Chapter 13 – Escape from Danger

  Chapter 14 – West Lyons River


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