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Saved by Submission

Page 4

by Laney Rogers

  Come on, you’re stronger than this, she told herself. If she could fight off that creep, Carl, and work her other job, she could damn well take some swats on her ass.

  Taking a deep breath, she pulled up her skirt till it sat on her hips. Then she walked slowly to the side of his chair, and bent, extremely ungracefully, over his lap.

  His warm hands rubbed her exposed cheeks, and she blushed, knowing that whoever was in this area of the club would be able to watch her taking her punishment.

  The rubbing stopped, and she felt a cool rush of air, before his hand connected with her behind. The instant burn and sting made her gasp. But she was not going to show any more emotion than that, she told herself. One down, only three more; nothing to it.

  The second swat was a lot harder, and she bit her lip to stop from crying out, but a second later she was amazed to feel her pussy begin to throb and dampen once again. What was the matter with her?

  His hand coming down on her bottom again prevented her from working that out, and the sheer force he used made her eyes well up with tears.

  Was she going crazy? How could she be damp with desire, and need to cry at the same time?

  He gave her the final swat, and she cried out. “Oww, I’m sorry, really, I am.”

  Jacob put his hands around her waist and lifted her up, as if she weighed nothing, until she was standing in front of him, her skirt still hitched around her waist.

  “Now, kneel and apologize, Megan.”

  She did as she was told, immediately. “I’m very sorry, Sir. I promise I won’t argue again.”

  Jacob smiled, and helped her to her feet. “I’m sure you will, sweetheart, but we’ll deal with that as it happens. Thank you for your apology.”

  He pulled her to him, and kissed her long, and hard. When he finally let go, she was actually breathless. Damn, the guy could kiss. And surprisingly, she felt better, sort of refreshed, now she had apologized. It was like the slate had been wiped clean with her spanking, and his smile had shown her that everything was okay now. No harsh words, no bad atmosphere.

  Something she had read on-line had described how she was feeling now, but she had been skeptical. Wow, she had been so wrong.

  She smiled at Jacob. “I guess I’d better get a taxi, Sir. What do you think?”

  He grinned. “You’re going to be one big heap of trouble, aren’t you? Now pull your skirt down, sub.”

  His use of the word sub made her frown, as she did as he requested. “Do you think I really could be submissive, Sir?

  He chuckled, as he took in her flushed cheeks, and swollen lips. “Megan, only someone with a true need to submit would have allowed me to do the things I did just now. It’s very hard to let someone take control like that, even more so, to receive a spanking and then say sorry. Your apology was sincere, sweetheart. I’ve no doubt of that.”

  Their eyes met and locked for a few seconds, before they walked to the front of the club, his hand on the small of her back, till she reached the small staff room, and fetched her coat and bag.

  When she came out, he had a serious look on his face. “Megan, seeing as we’ve agreed to spend more time together, we will both need to get checked, medically. Is that a problem?”

  The question took her by surprise. “Um, no, Sir, it shouldn’t be.”


  Out on the street, a couple of minutes later, Jacob hailed a passing taxi, and then kissed her; gently this time. When his mouth left hers he leaned in close to her ear. “The next time we meet, I want to feel that hot mouth of yours around my cock. I’ll see you on Friday, Megan.”

  Another blush rose up her neck and over her cheeks. “Yes, Sir, you will.”

  He chuckled deeply. “Now you have two matching sets of beautiful pink cheeks, sub.” He opened the taxi door and she slid into the back seat, hoping to God that the driver hadn’t heard Jacob’s last comment.

  The door shut, and the taxi pulled away. She turned, watching him put on his coat, and then walk away in the other direction.

  Chapter Three

  Megan heard laughter coming from the apartment before she put the key in the lock. Her shoulders slumped when she recognized whose it was. Nicole had that loser round again. Megan couldn’t understand for the life of her what her friend saw in him.

  After closing the door as quietly as she could, she tiptoed down the hallway, hoping to make it to her room without either of them hearing her. It was not to be.

  “M, you’re home!” Nicky rushed towards Megan and gave her a hug.

  Megan took in the slightly glazed look in her friend’s eyes and sighed. She was obviously well on the way to being drunk again. Before she had time to even get her coat off, Nicky dragged her into the small living room of their apartment.

  Nicky’s friend, AJ, sat sprawled on the sofa, beer in hand, regarding the two women in front of him. Tall, and lean, with wiry blond hair, he reminded Megan of Carl. As usual, the hairs stood up instantly on her arms and the back of her neck, and not in a good way.

  After running his eyes over Megan, he gave her a smarmy smile and tapped the seat beside him.

  Yeah, like that’s going to happen, she thought, totally ignoring him and, walking straight past the sofa, she went into the even smaller galley-style kitchen.

  Within seconds, Nicky joined her at the sink, pulling on her arm as Megan tried to fill a glass with water. “What’s with you?” she asked in a whisper. “He’s only trying to be friendly. Why are you so uptight with him?”

  All Megan wanted to do was quench her thirst and then go to bed so she could lie there in the dark and think about Jacob, and what had happened between them at the club. The last thing she needed was for that creep to be parked on their couch, treating the apartment like it was his own, and making his sick moves on both of them like he did every time he came round.

  “I’m tired, Nic, that’s all. Look, I’m going to bed, so can you ask him to leave soon?”

  Nicky let go of Megan’s arm and went over to the door of the kitchen, closing it quietly and then returning to stand close to her friend.

  “M, we need to talk.” Her voice was a whisper. “Look, I wasn’t going to mention this yet, but AJ’s managed to get things fixed up way quicker than he thought.”

  Megan sighed. Nicky had one of her manic expressions. She only looked that way when she was concocting one of her hair-brained schemes

  “Fixed up?”

  “Yeah, you see, he’s promised to help us. The thing is, he likes the look of both of us, and he thinks, with his contacts, that he can find work for us that’ll pay a hell of a lot better than what we’re on now. Don’t you see M, we could get out of this dump and get a really great place; have money behind us, make a proper new start, instead of stripping and bartending. This could be the break we need.”

  Nicky’s eyes sparkled as she spoke, as if reimagining the things she had craved so much while she’d been coping back home with her family for all those years.

  While Megan took in her friend’s excited expression, the penny dropped, and Megan realized what she was talking about. She took a step back and regarded Nicky with horror.

  “Are you saying…you’d be a…a prostitute for that sleaze bag pimp in there. Have you lost your mind? What are you saying? You’d let some stranger pay to do God knows what to you in some grimy hotel room?”

  “No, Megan, it wouldn’t be like that. AJ promised he could get us decent clients—rich clients. It could mean a lot of money in a short space of time. Think about it, for God’s sake.” Her voice had risen, letting her temper show. “Anyway, it’s hardly any different from what goes on in that club you work in, is it? Women bending over to get spanked, or fucked, all over the place!”

  Megan’s head jerked up in anger, remembering the feelings she had experienced with Jacob such a short time ago. “Of course it’s different. There’s no money exchanging hands! It’s totally consensual, with a safeword and constant communication. The couples enter int
o an arrangement, they build relationships and commitment. Even if they only want to play for an evening, the rules still apply. It’s not some business transaction. Jesus, Nicky, I just can’t believe you’d even consider this. Look, please ask him to go, and let’s get some sleep and talk about it again in the morning… Please?”

  After staring long and hard at her friend, Nicky quietly left the kitchen.

  Megan heard voices, her friend’s first, and then the douche bag, his raising to what sounded like irritation, and then the slam of the front door.

  Nicky didn’t return to the kitchen, so Megan turned out the light and went to the front door, making sure it was locked and bolted. She didn’t trust AJ one little bit, and she knew he’d be back before long, sleazing his way into Nicky’s affections and promising her a bunch of crap.

  She decided that in the morning that, no matter what it took, she was going to get a promise from Nicky that she would not get herself any more entwined with that man, no matter what.

  Five minutes later she was standing in the shower, letting the hot water cascade over her tired body. Her mother had always chided her about the water being too hot, but it felt so good to Megan.

  Slowly, the tension of the last twenty minutes or so began to fade away, and her thoughts turned to the Jacob. The feel of his erect cock pushing against her, and his fingers thrusting up inside her pussy, made a slow, steady pulse take hold deep inside her core.

  She hadn’t known how she’d feel when he made the offer of instructing her in the ways of submission. It had all happened so quickly. First the idiot trying to grab her, and then the tall, rugged looking stranger had stepped in, and—boom, there she was, bent over a table, almost naked, having one of the best orgasms she had ever had.

  She smiled to herself as she soaped her limbs, then her stomach, and finally between her legs, her pussy and clit still swollen from his attentions.

  Putting the soap back on the shelf, she let her other hand linger in her folds, imagining what it would be like to share a shower with Jacob. It would be his hands on her, not her own. Maybe he’d make her spread her legs, and then soap his fingers and push them into her pussy.

  Her imagination took over completely, and she moaned as she let her fingers become Jacob’s.

  Spreading her legs, she thrust two fingers up into her pussy, then let them slide out and run over her soaked clit. Her eyes closed, as she bent over, and imagined the feel of his cock, pushing against her entrance.

  Her breathing sped up, her fingers working her clit, rubbing back and forth and pinching the swollen bunch of nerves. Her other hand reached up to take her nipples, one at a time, rolling them between finger and thumb as she envisioned Jacob pumping his cock in and out of her pussy, trapping her arms above her head with one hand, and gripping her waist with the other.

  With a gasp she came, still bent over, her ass in the air, her legs trembling as the spasms pulsated through her.

  Slowly, she stood back up, and opened her eyes. This man and what he stood for had really had an effect on her. She had let him take control, given in to his commands, and when she’d argued, he’d spanked her. Even a month ago, if someone had suggested that a man could do that to her, and more importantly, she would be okay with it, she would have laughed and told them they were out of their mind.

  Megan took the soap once more, and washed the rest of her body. When she’d rinsed off, dried herself and slipped into bed, she lay in the darkness under the huge comforter that kept her warm in the chilly apartment.

  She wondered what he was doing right now. He’d said he needed to rest before the long trip back to Tennessee. She knew it would take hours to get there, and, surprisingly, knowing he’d be so far away, saddened her.

  Jesus, she’d only met him a few hours ago. Get a grip, Megan, she chided herself. Defiantly, she plumped up her pillow, pulled the comforter tightly around her and settled down to sleep.

  * * * *

  Jacob lay in his bunk in the truck, with one hand behind his head. Slowly, he sipped an ice-cold soda that he’d grabbed from the well-stocked fridge, wishing it was a beer instead.

  Well, it had turned out to be quite an evening, after all. The little sub, so new to the scene, had delighted him. There was no doubt about that. She was innocent about the lifestyle, but obviously had no trouble taking care of herself.

  Strong, and independent, yet so obviously submissive. A great combination, he thought, laying there in the darkness, remembering her firm responsive breasts and lush, round ass.

  Hopefully, there would be many more opportunities to spank it, and watch the pale cheeks turn that lovely pink color. Maybe on Friday he would put her over one of the spanking benches and show her what a fun spanking was like. If the orgasm she had had tonight was anything to go by, then her response was going to be well worth the wait.

  Unless the little sub had a change of heart, and backed out.

  He thought about how she’d reacted to him tonight. She was gutsy, certainly; and when he’d punished her for arguing with him, her apology had been real.

  No, she would be there, he was sure of it. And what surprised him was how much he was looking forward to it already.

  He’d promised himself, a while ago, not to get caught up in anything too serious. Getting over such a destructive marriage took time. Apparently more time than he’d thought, seeing as the only woman he had been involved with, since the divorce, had gone from being a friendly, fun-loving submissive to a psycho stalker who’d insisted on calling him at least fifteen times a day, wanting his undivided attention, twenty three hours out of twenty four. At least she seemed to have backed off, now, though. It must have been at least four days since he’d heard anything from her.

  Jacob ran a hand through his short dark hair and took another sip of soda. It had been a relief to take to the open road and get away from all that garbage for a while. Thank God for Virginia, his personal assistant, whom he knew could take care of everything while he was out of town.

  He smiled to himself. If his down to earth, practical, prim and proper PA only knew about the lifestyle her boss enjoyed. But that was something that would never happen. Virginia was like a second mother to him, warm, caring and constantly fussing about whether he had eaten properly or slept enough. Virginia was a sweetheart.

  Unfortunately, that was more than could be said for his real mother. A cold, impersonal woman, Nancy West had been more concerned with her network of socially acceptable friends than her husband or children.

  His father had moved out when Jacob was thirteen. Apparently, he hadn’t been able to tolerate his wife coming from money, and had always felt like a spare part within her rich entitled lifestyle. That’s what he had told Jacob, on the few occasions the two of them had met since the divorce.

  Of course, knowing that his mother had had several affairs, and had not tried to hide the fact in the least, probably had a lot to do with his father leaving as well.

  His home, not exactly the happiest place to be, had inspired Jacob to leave as soon as was earthly possible, and on the day of his sixteenth birthday, he had packed a bag and gone to live with his grandmother in Tennessee.

  The elderly lady had welcomed him with open arms, knowing what her son and daughter-in-law were like. The only hurtful thing was that his mother had not even tried to keep in touch after he left.

  For the first sixteen years of his life, he had been treated like some kind of inconvenience. It was as if his mother had had to produce a child to show she could, and then had left the job of raising him to his father and the constant stream of nannies that had passed through the household. She had shown no interest in him, whatsoever, so when he had left for his grandmother’s house, with just two large canvass bags, Jacob had not looked back at all.

  His mother had sent a check each month to cover his living costs, and that had been the extent of her interest in his well-being ever since.

  There hadn’t been much in the way of luxury for him,
but there sure as hell had been a lot of love.

  He was overdue for a visit to his grandmother, he knew, and as soon as he got back home he intended to spend a couple of days with her.

  Now in her seventies, his Grandma Eileen was as fit and active as ever, but Jacob liked to make sure there was nothing she needed done around the house. It had been his responsibility since he was sixteen, and he intended to look after her, just as she had done to him, for as long as she lived.

  He finished the soda and tossed it in the trash bin he kept behind the passenger seat. It was time to get some sleep so he could get the earliest start possible back to Tennessee. Louisville had been more fun than he’d expected, and for once, the long journey back on the following Friday was something he would look forward to. A new little submissive had made sure of that.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Megan walked, bleary eyed, into the kitchen, feeling the need for some strong coffee. Nicky was already up and sitting at the tiny kitchen table, eating toast. The two women stared at each other for a second, and then smiled, neither one wanting any atmosphere between them.

  “I made enough toast for two,” Nicky said, pushing the plate towards Megan, who had taken the only other chair.

  Megan took a slice and covered it liberally with raspberry jam. It was just what she needed; well, that and the mug of coffee Nicky pushed across the table to her.

  “Megan, I’m really sorry about what I said last night. I know that kind of lifestyle interests you, and I didn’t mean to upset you or make it sound trashy or anything. I’d had a bit to drink, and you know, more than anyone, how pathetic I am when I drink.”

  “Yes, I do, which would be one more reason not to hang out with that low-life pimp!”

  Nicky took a sip from her mug and looked at the table.

  “Shit, Nic, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. But it’s so frustrating, watching him slime all over you, promising all that shit.” Megan covered her friend’s hand with her own. “I love you, you pain-in-the-butt. Please, don’t do anything stupid. We’re doing okay, right? We’ve actually got some money hidden away, and that’s more than most have got in our position. I figure another six months of being really careful, and we might even be able to start school.”


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