Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0)

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Alpha Wolf Defender (Alpha Wolves Book 0) Page 5

by Emilia Hartley

  She tongued the tip of his now bulging cock and could taste his salty pre-cum starting to form. She licked along the shaft while Connor stroked his hand through her hair. Then she could tease him no longer.

  She took him into her mouth, as much as she could. He was quite large, and part of her wondered what it would feel like inside her. She’d been with men before but Connor made them all seem small by comparison.

  Tess stroked back and forth along his dick. She could feel his thick cock swell and throb and with each stroke she tried to push it further down her throat. The sensation excited Connor more and he breathed heavily.

  He took her head in his hand and started working her head on his shaft. She wrapped her hands around his thighs and lost herself in the moment. Already she could feel her arousal dripping down her leg.

  Then she felt his member swell in her throat and as he tried to pull himself out, she held him firm. She wanted to taste him. And, within seconds the thick, salty, taste permeated her mouth. She swallowed as much of it as she could but it was more than she could bear.

  He gasped from the orgasm that shook him to his core. He’d never felt anything so powerful with a woman before. He pulled himself free from her mouth and she let the remainder of his load slide down her throat.

  Connor could already feel his cock begin to bulge, again. He wanted to devour her. His wolf instincts took over and he lifted her to her feet and forced her against the shower wall. She gasped from his sudden movement but smiled with excitement.

  He ran his finger along her dripping slit and circled the tip of her clit lightly. She inhaled sharply as a bolt of lightning shot up her spine. She arched her back from the sensation. Connor reached a hand around and played with her still perky nipples while lining his sex up with hers.

  He rubbed the tip of his cock along her wetness and she shuddered. Connor lifted her leg with one hand and pulled her close with the other. Then she could feel him begin to slide into her greedy hole.

  He was slow at first; Tess closed her eyes and enjoyed each inch that pressed into her. Connor felt amazing. His large cock pressed further and further until she felt she might not be able to take anymore, but then continued further still.

  She gasped from the sheer size of what was filling her. She tossed her head back and tried to exhale but couldn’t find her breath. He paused for a moment and enjoyed the grip of her tight hole. But, when the moment was over he began to withdraw himself.

  Tess exhaled as he slowly pulled outwards and took another sharp breath as he pressed himself back inside. The thrusts started to increase in speed as did her breath. Each pump sent wave after wave of pleasure through her body and she wanted more.

  She started to work herself along his shaft. Urging for more and receiving in kind. Her body was hot with pleasure and she could already feel an orgasm beginning to build in the depths of her stomach.

  Tess fought as hard as she could to delay the sensation but she had no control over herself. Connor continued to thrust, forcing her closer and closer to the edge. Tess bit her lip to hold on just a little longer, but the feeling took over.

  Her body writhed as waves of pleasure poured down her. Every muscle tensed as she gritted her teeth. She’d never felt something so powerful take hold in her life. The ecstasy of the moment tore through her body and ravaged her to her core.

  Connor still continued to bore himself into her, harder and harder, until again he felt himself swell. He unleashed everything he had into her. Connor held her stomach with his hand. He could feel her heat escaping, but he held her close.

  Her body was limp, as though she’d saved everything she had for their passionate moment. With care, he lifted her from the shower and draped her in a towel.

  Tess craned her neck and kissed Connor on the neck. He, in turn, kissed her forehead. They sat in the bathroom, huddled in each other’s warmth, neither wanting to let go of the other.

  Chapter 9

  Tess woke on the bed with a yawn. The sun spilled its light on the ceiling above her, and cut a swathe against the darkness that covered the rest of the room. She didn’t remember when they had managed to get into the bed, but she was glad they had. She rolled over to throw an arm over Connor but he was missing.

  She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room only to find Connor sitting at the table by the window. He vigilantly watched out the window for any threat.

  “Connor?” Tess said, breaking the silence.

  “Why are the bears attacking us?” he wondered.

  “Maybe they’ve been waiting for the perfect chance and took it?” Tess offered.

  “I thought that at first as well, but the last couple years have been relatively peaceful. If anything it’s the worst time for them to attack,” Connor said.

  “Does their reason really matter?” Tess asked.

  “Honestly,” Connor started, “it really doesn’t.”

  Connor sat still in his chair, lost in thought. But, after a moment he said what Tess knew he was going to say.

  “We need to go back,” Connor said.

  Tess massaged her aching head.

  “What makes you say that?” she asked.

  “I can’t run from a fight,” he started, “my family, my friends, they all depend on me to come and protect them.”

  Tess lifted herself and sat against the headboard.

  Connor didn’t take his eyes from the window, as though he were looking for something that he couldn’t find. She was tempted to join him but he seemed more lost in thought.

  “I’ll go with you,” she said.

  This snapped Connor from his trance. He turned his head to see the woman he loved on the bed and she melted his resolve.

  “I need to do this alone,” Connor said, “it’s my fight and the last person I want to see injured is you.”

  Tess stood from the bed and joined Connor at the table. He was glad to have her soft skin wrapped around him. The soft embrace sent his mind to lofty heights and calmed his worried mind.

  “I’m not leaving you, not this time,” she said.

  She leaned down and kissed his forehead. Connor let out a long sigh and stood from the table.

  “I have a feeling I won’t be able to talk you out of this,” he said.

  She nodded and began to get dressed.

  “We’re closest to my pack, we should talk to my father first,” Connor said.

  Again, Tess nodded. Connor threw on the clothes he wore last night and gathered his keys.

  “We’ll need to drive quickly,” he said, “and hope that my father hasn’t done something stupid while I’ve been gone.”

  Connor left the key to the room on the night stand and together they fled the room. The sun was just cresting over the horizon, and the morning chill gave Tess a shiver.

  They examined the truck that brought them, surprised it managed to make it this far. The back end was bent beyond repair, the bed was almost gone, and not a single inch of truck was left without a scratch. Connor patted the truck hood and marveled at its tenacity.

  Jumping into the driver’s seat, he prayed that it would still start and be able to carry them to their destination. When the beast roared to life, the two passengers exhaled their doubts.

  With a click of the gears the vehicle paraded down the road, drawing the attention of every person that saw her majesty. Tess and Connor laughed at the townsfolk’s expressions as they continued down the road.

  With the sun at their backs, the future was looking just a little brighter.

  Chapter 10

  Tess didn’t know what to say as they arrived at the Moon Runner den. Houses were smashed, cars were overturned, and nobody was around to greet them.

  Connor stared at the sight and didn’t know what to make of it all. His home was destroyed. He stopped the car in the middle of the madness and climbed from the driver’s seat, Tess joined him.

  “It’s all gone,” he said.

  He made his way toward his house. Much of the patio
was destroyed and the front door fell from its hinges. However, inside was a small gathering of people and at the head of them was Connor’s father.

  “Fancy you showing your face around here,” he said.

  “I was always going to come back,” Connor replied.

  His father let out a grunt.

  “Where is everyone?” Connor asked.

  “Most of the people evacuated,” came his reply, “at least the smaller ones did. The rest of the boys are watching the borders. The bears hit us hard last night.”

  “They did the same to the Night Howlers,” Connor added.

  “And, how would you know that?” his father asked.

  “I was there,” Connor said.

  “Is that where you picked up that bitch behind you?”

  Tess had never seen Connor move so quickly. In the blink of an eye he was pinning his own father against the wall. His father made no struggle to attempt an escape and instead just laughed.

  Connor was ready to end it right there. He wanted to shift and bite his dad’s head off and he struggled against his willpower to do so. His father probably felt the surge of emotions that were taking over his son and backed off.

  “So that’s where all your fight went,” he said, “to protect the little woman.”

  “You need to watch your tongue,” Connor said, releasing his father, reluctantly.

  “And you need to watch your pack,” his father returned, “they’re out there fighting and dying so you can spend the night with her.”

  “She has a name,” Connor growled, “Tess.”

  “I know when there’s a night howler around,” he said, “and especially an important one.”

  Connor stepped back to join Tess, he would protect her if his father made a move.

  “I’m not goin’ to attack your woman,” he said.

  “What are you planning?” Connor asked, his eyes narrowing.

  “I’m getting ready to fight whatever comes near me and mine. If these bears want a fight, I’m goin’ to give them one they never expected.”

  “Then it sounds like you’re goin’ to need help,” Connor said.

  His father sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “Here we go again,” he grunted.

  “You’re goin’ to listen to me this time, Dad,” Connor started, “I’ve about had it with your idiotic feud over nothing. We need the help. If we fight the bears as one pack, our numbers will overwhelm them and they’ll finally leave us alone. We can’t afford to lose more people.”

  His dad ran his hand through his own thinning hair. He paced along the length of the room but eventually came to a stop in front of Connor’s face.

  “I’ll meet with the other alpha. Maybe something can be worked out,” he said with a sigh.

  Connor could tell that Tess was excited behind him, but he was still uncertain of his father’s motives.

  “Do I have your word that you won’t try some sneak attack if you meet with him?” Connor added.

  His father smiled a wicked smile.

  “You know me too well, boy. But, you have my word that no harm will come to anyone at that meeting.”

  He offered a hand to his boy, and Connor accepted it graciously. Then he noticed the old truck over Connor’s shoulder.

  “What the hell did you do with my truck?” he shouted.

  Connor coughed uncomfortably.

  “About that,” he started.

  Chapter 11

  Connor stood at the bowl of the lake from two nights ago. The wind pressing against its surface, leaving ripples in its wake.

  “Do you really think they’ll all show?” his father asked.

  Connor knew that Tess would convince her father to come.

  “I’d be surprised if they didn’t,” Connor replied.

  A rustle in the bushes sounded the first group’s arrival. Tess, her father, and her younger brother marched from the tree line. Her brother looked in high spirits even if he was a bit worse for wear.

  The rest of the wolves were fanned out in the forest, watching for any sign of attack from the bears.

  Connor made his way over to Tess and held her close. They were glad to see each other safe. Connor gave Tess a kiss on the forehead and she smiled from the affection.

  “So I guess it’s true what I’ve heard,” her father started, “you really were sleeping with the enemy.”

  Connor’s father growled and bared his fangs.

  “Already insulting your future ally,” he said, “that’s a great way to start peace talks.”

  “I only need a truce,” her father replied, “Peace with your kind is a waste.”

  “See what I mean, boy?” Connor’s father continued, “We’re getting nothing out of this. Let’s just go.”

  His father turned to leave but Connor took him by the shoulder, and Tess took her father by the hand.

  “We have a mutual enemy. Our homes have been destroyed, our people killed and wounded, and you have the audacity to continue this idiotic feud?” Connor snapped.

  “We’re the future of these two packs. End this here and now so we can deal with our true enemy,” Tess added.

  The two men stood eye to eye; glaring in an attempt to stare the other down but neither giving so much as a single hint of weakness.

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Connor’s father offered a hand.

  After a long second that felt like an eternity, Tess’s father grasped it tightly. And, in that moment, Connor and Tess breathed a sigh of relief.

  A loud howl from the north snapped them from the talks; followed by another, and another. The forest floor shook from the weight of the bears thudding footfalls as over the crest of a hill swept a sea of fur.

  All the wolves funneled in to protect their leaders. The fathers shifted, being nearly the same size as a bear. They gave each other a nod and joined the fray.

  “Get your brother out of here,” Connor said as he shifted and sprinted off to fight.

  Tess did as she was told. They shifted and sprinted off for the vehicle that brought them. The sudden feeling of déjà vu came over her as she ran along the familiar path. Alex followed closely behind.

  They nimbly dodged around fallen trees but found themselves caught by a passing bear. Alex was the first to bare his fangs and snarl. Tess followed his lead.

  The bear was outnumbered and with an advantage at hand they pounced at the bear. It fell to the earth like a fallen tree, tumbling through the bushes. Tess felt the strength of the pack behind and it filled her with a ferocity she never felt in herself before.

  Her teeth bit deep into the creatures hide as it roared out for help. Alex attacked its leg, biting down to the bone. The bear lay there and Tess lost herself in the excitement of the kill, she didn’t notice the bears that had come to aid their fallen friend.

  A claw raked into her back, tearing into her flesh, and she yelped loudly from the pain. Alex spun to fend off the new attackers but was pulled down by the bear on the ground.

  Meanwhile, Connor and his father danced around the battlefield, leaving fresh blood on the ground wherever their fangs took them. His father had fully given himself over to the beast inside and lashed out at everything he saw. Even Connor was wary about getting too close.

  But, in the midst of the battlefield he heard a familiar cry. Tess howled in pain causing Connor’s heart to sink. He sprinted off in the direction of his beloved as quickly as his legs would carry him. His father came to his senses as he followed him deeper into the woods.

  Tess was in bad shape. Her leg was mangled and her fur was torn. Connor felt his rage return and harder than he’d felt it before. The beast inside him lashed out. He didn’t care that there were five bears; he would have leapt into ten times their number to save the person he loved.

  His father was reinvigorated by the reckless abandon his son had shown and joined the fray. Connor got between the bears and Tess. Standing on their hind legs the bears roared out a war cry.

onnor growled and barked snarling alongside his father.

  The battle began. The bears advanced and Connor lashed out, biting with all the force he could muster. His father was defending against two more trying to surround the small group.

  The only thing in Connor’s mind was red. He wanted more, he needed more, and he hoped they might sate his desire for blood. He felled one with a bite to the neck and it fell lifeless before him, then another, and another.

  The bears started to turn to assist their fallen brethren but were stopped by the onslaught of attacks by the two wolves. But, it wouldn’t last forever. A strong swipe from one of the attacking bears landed hard against the face of Connor’s father.

  He fell to the ground without a sound. Were Connor not so lost to his inner rage he may have noticed, but Tess watched the events unfold. She had to look away from the monster that Connor was becoming.

  Even as the bears turned to run away and nurse their wounds, Connor gave them chase. He readied himself to run off and continue his attacks, even though he was bloodied from the claws and every inch of him was bruised. He felt a lick alongside his face.

  Tess stood beside him while he breathed heavily. After a moment he realized the battle was over and found his father lying motionless on the forest floor.

  Connor shifted and limped over to his father, a surge of emotions welling up inside of him. People around him began to shift and watch the scene unfold.

  “Dad?!” he said.

  Tears bubbled at the corners of his eyes as his father shifted and let out a labored laugh.

  “I knew I was right to go hard on you. You’ll make a great leader,” he said, tears in his eyes.

  He reached a hand out which Connor grabbed and held firm.

  “Take care of her. Take care of your people. Be the leader that I couldn’t” he said, his body going limp.

  “No! You can’t go,” on his knees, pressing his father’s hand against his face, Connor sobbed, “Don’t give up, I’ll never forgive you”


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