Love's Deceit

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Love's Deceit Page 8

by Flynn Eire

  "I asked you to leave me alone, Matteo told you to leave me alone. Why can't you respect my wishes? Even after everything that's happened, you can't give me some time? I woke up to you playing with my cock. You know I don't want you touching me. Anywhere."

  "I was just trying to show you that I do want you," he said sadly. I finally glanced up at him and he looked really distraught. "I thought if I could show you how I truly feel, you wouldn't be so upset. Or reject my advances any longer."

  "All you showed me is you don't care enough to respect my wishes," I answered, starting to cry again. "And being attracted to me, or showing you want to hook up, isn't the same as me knowing you love me and really want me as your mate."

  "How do I show you that?"

  "I can't give you that answer," I said, shaking my head and moving away from him as he got closer. "Even if I knew what the answer was, it's something you have to figure out for yourself."

  "You now understand why I tried to sever the mating bond before it started? I don't know how to be with someone. Love doesn't really conquer all, Dimitri."

  "I don't know how to either," I answered running my fingers along my temples as the headache started to form there. "But I know better than to disregard the other person's wishes. You shattered whatever trust I had in you. I don't even believe you want me for more than a good fuck, let alone as a mate for life. Where we go from here, Alexander, I haven't a fucking clue."

  "I am sorry, Dimitri," he said as he started to stand. He tried to hide it, but I saw the tear running down his cheek as he headed towards the door.

  "You're always sorry, Alexander. But it never really fixes anything does it?"

  "No, it doesn't seem to," he replied as he left, closing the door gently behind him. I just sat there for a while, watching the now closed door as if I was going to find the answers there.

  It took a while before I snapped out of my daze. I looked at the clock and realized I had to get my ass in gear to get to class. In a flash I was dressed and out the door, jogging over to the gym. Once there I opened the door and walked in the gym, nodding to the other instructors. Of course, Matteo and Yuri were there, even if they weren't scheduled to be. I gave them a rare full smile so they knew I appreciated the back-up today.

  "Is he still allowed to teach after cracking up and running away?" I heard one of the students ask in a mock whisper. Without even having to look, I knew it was Lance. He would be the only one stupid, and bold, enough to pull that kind of shit.

  "My personal life has nothing to do with my teaching," I calmly answered him, making sure he had the full weight of my stare. "And it really is none of my student's fucking business, now is it Lance?"

  "I would say that's up for debate," he snickered looking at his friends as if he just made the best joke ever. Twit. "I mean, now that you've cracked up, how can we trust you to really teach us what we need to know?"

  "It's not for you to question . . ." Yuri started to answer, but I held up a hand for silence. I might be emotionally fragile right now, but I was still strong enough to handle Lance.

  "Thanks, Yuri, but I got this," I said, smirking before turning back to Lance. "Since you're so concerned Lance, come on down here and I'll show you why."

  "What are you going to do?" Lance asked suddenly paling.

  "Answer your questions," I replied innocently. "Now your instructor told you to get down here, so move your fucking ass."

  "Yeah, we know how much you like ass, don't we?" Lance snickered as he started to make his way down the bleachers. Before I could even respond, Alexander was lifting the pre-trans off the floor by his neck. Fuck! I hadn't even seen him in the gym.

  "Alexander, let him go, I've got this," I shouted to no avail.

  "You don't ever talk to a warrior like that, ever," Alexander snarled in Lance's face. "That is my mate you are talking to, and even if you won't respect your instructors, I won't allow a little shit like you to talk to him that way. Do I make myself perfectly fucking clear?"

  "Even you can't touch me," Lance sneered back. "You know who my parents are. That makes me unfucking-touchable."

  "You are not your parents. No one here gives a rat's ass who your parents are," Alexander growled. "We all come from warrior or council member families . . ."

  "Dimitri doesn't," Lance smirked as if he had been waiting for the chance to throw that at me. "He doesn't come from nobility or warriors. He comes from nothing."

  Alexander's retort shocked me down to my very core, "And yet look how far he's come? He's not even a century old and already number two at one of the best warrior camps in the country, maybe even the world." He paused as if waiting for his words to sink in, then still holding Lance up with his hand around the boy's neck, he turned to talk to the rest of the class.

  "Being a warrior isn't about your roots, it's about who you are as a person. The moment you left your parents and walked through the gates, you became your own man. We are here to give you the tools to become great warriors, great men. What you choose to do with the instruction we give you is up to you. It's your choice. You can be like Nate, who's at the top of his class and already has warriors lined up to have him on their detail after his transition, or you can be like Lance and laugh at your teachers and show you have no honor."

  "I have honor," Lance spat at Alexander.

  "Is that so?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I moved closer towards him, trying to shake off the effect Alexander's words had on me. "Then why did you cheat last week when we ran through course C? You skimmed off some of your sit-up, pull-ups, and push-ups every step of the way."

  "You have no proof of that!"

  "He doesn't need to, he has another witness," Matteo answered Lance as he moved to stand next to me. "I saw it as well. Recent events have postponed our reprimand of your actions, but I think now is the perfect time to address it. Don't you, Dimitri?"

  "I do," I said, trying not to laugh at Lance's distraught face. "And since you and Alexander seem to get along so well, I think your punishment should be a few days in his solo training. That is, if you have the time to give some one-on-one time to Lance, Alexander?"

  Alexander turned to me with that evil grin on his face, "It would be my pleasure, Dimitri." He looked back at Lance, having wiped the look off his face and turned it back to his normal stone-faced demeanor. "Go change into your fatigues, boots and all, Lance."

  Lance lost all his cockiness as Alexander set him down to his feet. Lowering his head, he headed towards the locker room without another word.

  "For the rest of you," I said loudly, addressing the class. "If there are no other objections, you'll be running course B with Matteo and Yuri."

  "No, Sir," they shouted loudly, all smiling. It seemed Lance getting his just dues had made a few of their days as well. They filed out to the locker rooms in silence, with Matteo and Yuri nodding to me before following them. Which left Alexander and I alone in the gym with only a few other instructors. As we stared at each other intently they seemed to get the hint and made themselves scarce.

  I walked over to Alexander and he seemed to think I was coming to yell at him.

  "Dimitri, I'm sorry. I didn't even realize what I was doing until I already had my hand around the boy's neck. I know you are more than capable of handling your own fights, it's just I couldn't let him stand there and disparage you."

  Instead of yelling, I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and pulled him towards me. I took advantage of his surprised gasp and slid my tongue into his mouth. The kiss was hot, filled with every conflicted emotion we must both have been feeling. I felt his hands moved over my waist, taking a moment to massage me there, before moving to my ass. Mine went around his neck until there was nothing between us.

  We both moaned and leaned into the kiss even more. After a few more moments I finally pulled away enough to speak. "That was a good first step to winning back my trust, Alexander."

  "That's not why I did it," he replied, his voice low and husky as we both
panted and caught our breath. "I wasn't really thinking when I did it. I just knew I couldn't just stand there and let that little shit talk about you like that."

  "I know that's not why you did it," I said gently as I leaned in for another quick kiss. "And that's why it meant so much to me."

  "I care for you, Dimitri," Alexander stated, looking up towards my face and searching my eyes. I wasn't sure what he was looking for, a sign of my forgiveness maybe?

  "Maybe I'm starting to believe that," I answered as I went to let him go.

  "Please, not yet," he whispered. The look on his face was so full of need. I didn't want to let him go just yet either. "I've wanted to hold you for so long, I'm afraid this will be my only chance."

  "I don't know either way," I replied, taking a deep breath before I continued. "I can't just forgive you, but what you did, what you said, helped mend my broken heart. But it's far from fixed, you get that, right?"

  "Yes, I understand," Alexander said, nodding. "May I kiss you some more and then bite you?"

  "No, I can't."

  "Which part can't you do, Dimitri?"

  "The combo," I answered starting to shake. "I can handle either another kiss, or you biting me. But both together is too intimate for me right now. I-I . . . it makes me . . . well, it's just . . ."

  "Okay. It's okay," he soothed as he put his hand over my mouth. "I can't say I understand, but you're shaking. And that's not how I want you to be when I touch you like this. I promise to try not to push, Dimitri. I will give you the time you need."

  "Thank you," I whispered as I kissed his hand over my lips. When he pulled his hand away, I leaned down and pressed my lips back on his. It wasn't as long a kiss as before, but it was almost more intimate. It didn't have the same heat, instead it was tender, loving.

  "I will still see you in Matteo's office later today, right?" He asked when we broke the kiss and moved away from each other.

  I simply nodded, unable to speak just yet after what we shared. Taking another few steps back I turned to head to my office.

  "Dimitri?" He asked and I turned back towards him. "When the time is right, and you are ready . . . I do want you to bite me. I want us to truly be mates in every sense of the word."

  I can't even imagine the picture I made right then. I'm sure my jaw hit the floor. Nodding, with my mouth hanging open, was the only acknowledgment I could give him right then. He smiled a little and then moved to leave the gym.

  I stood there, still in shock, and watched him leave. He wanted me to bite him? Wow. As the thought began to sink in I realized my knees were shaking. I sat down on the bleachers before I fell on my ass. Turning the events over in my head I finally smiled. I had given up on the idea of living happily ever after, but maybe it hadn't given up on me?

  Standing and heading to my office, I realized I hadn't asked Alexander what he had been doing in the gym in the first place. I got my answer when I opened the door to my office and saw the florist shop that was now in there. There were flowers everywhere. All different types, in many different arrangements, all in vases. On my desk was a small, white card. Opening it up I read the message.

  I didn't know what type of flower you liked, so I decided to get every type there was so that I didn't miss your favorite. I am sorry for all the pain I caused you, but I cannot be sorry that you are my mate.


  Again my jaw just about hit the floor, and I sank down slowly into my desk chair. I must have sat there for at least an hour, just looking around my office at all the gorgeous flowers he had gotten me.

  Chapter 8

  We met in Matteo's office right before dinner. Part of me wanted privacy for the intimate act of Alexander biting me. But the rational part of me knew we needed Matteo there as a buffer.

  Matteo found me in my office hours before, still staring at my flowers. He seemed to have the same reaction I did. Though he got a big grin on his face after I handed him the card and he read it.

  "Are you ready for this?" Matteo asked gently, snapping me back to the present.


  "I'm sorry, but you still have to do it."

  I nodded before speaking, "I know. I don't want to die, but you know what this will do to me. It's hard right now, knowing how vulnerable I'm going to be in front of him."

  "It affects me just as much," Alexander said quietly from behind me. I didn't even turn around, but I definitely made sure Matteo understood how pissed I was at him. I can only image the look on my face because Matteo seemed to be having a hard time not laughing.

  "Does it?" I asked, still not turning around to face Alexander, not even once I had calmed down.

  "Yes. To bite my mate and not be able to touch him the way I want to rips my heart out of my chest. Not to mention I have to leave you to take care of the hard-on you give me."

  "I can't believe you just said that in front of Matteo," I gasped, finally moving in my chair so I could see him. "Why would you put yourself out there like that?"

  "Because I do not want any more lies between us," Alexander said, staring at the ground. "I lied to you for so long. I lied every time I said I didn't want you or love you. Now you are giving me the chance to work at being real mates. I won't risk it by telling anymore lies."

  "Good," I said in a shaky voice. "I'm glad you're taking this seriously. I won't give you another chance, Alexander."

  "I know that. I don't even deserve the chance you're giving me now."

  "No you don't," Matteo grumbled under his breath. Both of us turned to look at him. I wasn't sure what Alexander's face looked like but I knew mine wasn't all that friendly.

  "How do you want to do this?" Alexander asked, causing my focus to turn back to him. "Do you want me to lean over and just bite you from behind while you are sitting?"

  "I think that would be okay," I answered, not having thought that far ahead. His suggestion did seem like the least intimate way to share a mating bite. "You can touch me though, I mean for balance or whatever."

  I didn't so much see as feel him move in behind me and the chair. Alexander being that close to me sent a shiver through my body. He put his hand on my left shoulder as he started to lean down towards my right. I felt his breath on my neck and I started shaking with anticipation.

  "You want this as much as I do," he whispered before kissing my neck.

  "Yes," I hissed as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I cried out Alexander's name as his fangs sank into my neck. As before, my cock instantly swelled and at his first pull from my neck my dick exploded. "Oh fuck, yes!"

  The hand Alexander had on my shoulder slowly moved down and across my chest possessively. I noticed the gesture while having my mind altering orgasm. My whole body practically convulsed as he drank from me.

  Alexander finally pulled his fangs from my neck and licked the wound. "I'm sorry I took so much, I could not help myself."

  "I-I- it-it's okay," I stuttered out as he started to pull away from me. Everything in me screamed to pull him closer but I knew it was better this way. Suddenly Alexander moved to kneel in front of me, between my legs, bracing his hands on my thighs.

  "Bite me," he hissed as he tilted his head to offer me his neck. "Make me yours as you are mine."

  "I-I can't." I quickly closed my eyes against the tears. "We can't. I can't complete this until I know you really will stay this time."

  "I've always been here, Dimitri," he said as his hands moved up my legs.

  "Stop this Alexander," Matteo growled and I heard him move from his chair. "You're pushing him too hard."

  "And that's the last thing I wanted," Alexander sighed and pulled away from me. I opened my eyes then and saw he had sat back on his heels and removed his hands from me. "I will learn to control myself better, Dimitri. I am trying, it's just being near you, drinking your blood, weakens all my best intentions."

  "Okay," I answered, still shaking. "I guess I can understand that."

  "Do you really?"

  "Yes, I get i
t," I snarled, now getting pissed off. "I feel the same way, except then my head reminds me of all the pain and hurt you've caused. And that helps me keep my senses."

  "I'm never going to be able to make this up to you, am I?" Alexander asked as he got to his feet. The look on his face was less than friendly.

  "I don't know," I answered quietly. "But that's not my fault."

  "No, it's not," he replied, looking sad. Without another word he walked to the door and let himself out.

  I stared at the door, finally letting the tears fall, until Matteo came over and hugged me. That's when I started crying out loud instead of just in my heart.

  * * * * Two days passed and Alexander and I met in Matteo's office again where he bit me. This time it seemed almost to hurt him to bite me. I wasn't sure why, but the last thing I wanted was to cause Alexander pain. This wasn't some type of warped and twisted revenge thing, it was more a matter of my survival until I was sure Alexander was serious about being with me as a true mate.

  That night as I prepared for bed I made a somewhat rash decision. Instead of getting into my bed I found myself standing outside Alexander's room. I must have raised my hand at least a dozen times to knock as I stood there. I jumped when the door opened.

  "I didn't mean to scare you, but I could smell you through the door," Alexander said, looking confused. "I figured if I left it until you knocked, by the time you decided if you were or not we might have missed sleeping tonight."

  "Yeah, sorry, I kept rethinking the wisdom of doing this."

  "Doing what, Dimitri?"

  "Coming here to sleep with you," I answered, and quickly continued when I heard his gasp. "I mean, not sex, just sleep. I thought we could see if we could sleep together. You know as if we were mates, sleep in the same bed kind of sleep."

  "Yes, I understand," Alexander replied, smiling as he held out his hand. "I would like that very much."

  I felt like a child, standing there and nodding repeatedly as I took his hand. He gently pulled me inside and closed the door behind me.

  "I've never seen your room before."


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