Stolen and Seduced

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Stolen and Seduced Page 22

by Christine Pope

  “I can’t believe she—”


  Snapping my gaze toward the sound, I watched as the bright green-haired female grinned wildly as she held up her black weapon where Vevaz once was. A loud thump followed closely behind. Glancing toward the noise, I found my assistant knocked out next to me on the floor. His violet body laid with his ass up for the universe to see.

  Jerking my hands over my head, I stilled my tail and surrendered, hoping the savage female would spare me. I didn’t do a thing, and everyone in the room saw it.

  Growling, she kicked my assistant’s tail. “La ett her ga o, ass ho ole!”

  The grip from Vevaz’s tail loosened from around her leader’s neck while her unconscious body remained pressed against my own.

  The green-haired female kneeled next to us, placing her black weapon and its striker between her legs as she untangled Vevaz’s tail from her leader’s neck. Ignoring me, she freed her and worked hard to pull the golden cylinder’s harness away. Biting my tongue, I repressed hissing in pain as she struggled at her task. Each jerk ground the object into my twilio, making it harder not to make a sound.

  I had never suffered from having my twilio smashed and wouldn’t wish this upon my greatest enemy. Only time would tell if I would be able to recover—if I survived this.

  “Stop,” I pled, unable to take any more of this torture. “La bet me hell pulp, play cheese!”

  I reached for her leader’s shoulders, hoping the human assistant would understand I meant no harm. The green-haired female paused, growling as her gaze locked onto mine. Stilling, I repeated myself, praying to the Stars she wouldn’t attack me.

  If it wasn’t for the delicate, unconscious female pressed against me, I would be combating alongside my brothers. I didn’t want to fight, but if she decided to attack me, there would be no more holding back.

  “You have to believe me. She didn’t mean it!” the female shouted over the battle noises as she reached for her black metallic weapon and dual-colored stick. “Let us go! We didn’t sign up for whatever you planned for us.”

  “I bust won her off on me,” I explained, slowly wrapping my arm around the collapsed female. “You got to be leave me.”

  Confusion flooded her face as she looked between her leader and me. Sighing, she lifted her weapon and nodded. “Okay.”

  Pulling her leader closer, I carefully rolled us over, away from the female. I sighed as relief flooded me. I lifted her golden sacred instrument away from her shoulders and used my tail to sit gently to the side. Something compelled me to reach for her helmet and take it off, revealing her thick, balled-up brown hair. Her mouth opened slightly as a moan escaped her lips. It was so soft, if it wasn’t for my sensitive hearing, I wouldn’t have heard it at all.

  “Wait! Stop! It’s a trap!”

  I jumped to my feet, ignoring the lingering ache in my twilio as I stood stunned from the display.

  Fyrke had his tail wrapped around her waist as he jerked her head to the side, stabbing her in the neck with a tranq shot. Her pale blue glare was filled with betrayal as if I was the blame for her current predicament. She thrashed in place, trying to get out of Fyrke’s hold.

  “What are you doing?” I asked the weapon master, concerned for the female’s treatment.

  “This human dared to attack Vevaz during negotiations,” he growled, his narrowed amber eyes watching her movements slow. “I am going to personally make sure she is placed into the mass hall, where all these humans will be held until they decide their future.”

  “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

  “They were the ones who attacked us,” he hissed, glaring at me. “Did you knock your head too hard when you fell?” His gaze followed his tail as he pointed at my chest. “Or did their leader already make her claim on you?”

  Confused, I looked down.

  He was right.

  While dealing with the uncomfortable pain radiating from my twilio, it dulled out my chest injury. There were multiple scratches down my pectorals, all inflamed and starting to discolor from my skin’s standard color of emerald green to a shade similar to the female within Fyrke’s grasp, a bright neon green. If it wasn’t there, I wouldn’t have been concerned because of the lack of blood from them all, but the fact it hadn’t started healing was alarming.

  Had their leader injected me causing me to have this reaction?

  Carefully, I reached toward the marks and tentatively touched one. Surprisingly, there was a slight warmth, but it didn’t hurt. I inspected my fingers, rubbing them together to try to catch anything foreign, only to fail.

  “It’s only a flesh wound.” Flicking my gaze to the crimson male, I dropped my hand. “Why be concerned about such a thing? We are a warrior species. If I reported this meaningless injury, I would be furiously teased.”

  “This is true.” Fyrke grinned. “But others would understand since you’re always away from all the danger, safe in your control room.”

  Biting my tongue, I refused to reply to his teasing taunt.

  Emotions were high. The unmated warriors worked hard to restrain themselves while they battled the humans. It was understandable the humans would be afraid, abducted during their mating ritual. If we had harmed them, we would’ve lost our chance to be chosen and would need to start fresh. Only it would be more difficult because their planet would know of our presence.

  “Someone has to study the species we come across to find a way to communicate with them.” I shrugged, flicking my gaze to his captive. “I’m not sure your way of treating her will be favorable when she comes to.”

  “Not my problem. I am just here for damage control.” He shot me a smile. “Now, I need to put her with the rest of them.”

  “The rest of them?” I muttered, looking around. How had I missed the silence that had fallen upon the grand transporter room? During the midst of the battle, the extra guardsmen had gone to the emergency weapons room and gathered tranquilizers.

  Every human, both male and female, had collapsed to the ground.

  The uninjured assisted the doctors and scientists, removing the humans’ belongings and organizing the unconscious into an assembly line along the floor. All of their sacred instruments appeared broken, piled upon each other in the corner.

  Others helped remove the humans from their mating uniforms, leaving them in their undergarments as they discarded the garments into a pile to the side. They wouldn’t be needed if the humans decided to stay, and even so, it would be unsanitary if we left them in them. Once the humans woke up from their unconscious slumber, they would be given adequate clothing to use while aboard the ship until their future was determined.

  One by one, the doctors and their assistants worked down the line, injecting a universal communicator behind an ear of each human. Their communicators would be programmed to auto-translate anything said and heard, along with updating the ship’s database with any new discoveries and sharing them with the Crescent, which idled nearby.

  I turned to where Fyrke stood, only to watch him carry away the bright-haired female to put her with the rest of them. A sharp gasp, followed by a loud groan, filled the air.

  “Vevaz. How are you feeling?”

  Kneeling between the human leader and my assistant were the Head Doctor, Zemzre, and his assistant, with their med supply cases nearby. Zemzre had injected Vevaz with a stimulant to wake him and had begun a body scan with his medpen. Glancing over at Utedu, I noticed him finish installing the universal communication device behind the unconscious female’s ear.

  “What are you doing?” I growled, surprised to feel a sudden anger bubble within me.

  All three males turned and looked at me, confused, as though I’d lost my mind.

  “What do you mean?” Zemzre asked, his violet gaze zoomed on my chest. “Never mind that. Are you well?”

  “Don’t mind me.” I waved him off. “Just make sure my assistant is in good shape. We have a lot to do, and I need him in top form.”
br />   “But…” Utedu glanced between his senior and me. “Shouldn’t you have us look at your injuries?”

  “There is no need,” I snapped, frustrated by their questioning. “You have plenty of others to inspect.”

  “Watch your tone while you speak, Head Communication Officer,” Zemzre clipped, his tail flicking back and forth, a clear sign of annoyance. “Out of the four of us, I rank the highest. Remember that next time you decide to open your mouth. I believe we have everything taken care of, and you should retreat to your cabin.”

  My gaze instantly flicked to the unconscious female behind them.

  “What are you going to do with her?”

  “Their leader?” Zemzre asked, confused. “Put her with the rest until they wake, then you can question them.”

  Something deep inside me snapped.

  “She’s mine,” I growled, swiftly picking her up and cradling her in both arms. “I won’t let any of you touch her.”

  “But—” Utedu stood.

  “MINE!” I snarled, snapping my tail in front of them. Without waiting for their replies, I took off toward my private quarters, hearing them yell my name behind me.


  Groaning, I refused to open my eyelids as I woke with a massive migraine but no recollection of drinking the night before. My body ached all over, just like it did after a game, but for some reason, I couldn’t shake the headache. Whatever happened had to be the cause of the weird dream I had. Reaching for the blanket, I tried to cover my head but hissed at the sudden sharp pain when it touched my ear.

  Confused, I opened my eyes to a bed, not my own.

  A black comforter etched in a golden border surrounded me, made of material far too soft to be my own. The bed itself could probably fill my dorm room, leaving no space to spare. Someone had expensive tastes, but surprisingly, the rest of the room seemed bare. Only the golden touches to the black-themed room added a gleam in the cabin’s dimmed lighting. It was as if I had awoken in a sleek modern room without the personal touches that would make it a home.

  Had I gone to an afterparty and woke up in a fancy hotel?

  Pushing off the covers, I looked down at myself and shrieked. Whose shirt was this? It was themed like the room, gold with black buttons, but clearly male by the sheer size, hovering right above my knees. Gone were my cami, bra, and panties. Glancing around the room, they weren’t discarded shamelessly on the floor.

  Had I been with a guy last night? How did I not have a recollection of any of it? Alarmed, I hurried to the door, only for it to automatically slide open. Rushing through, I skidded to a stop as soon as I saw the very green male, passed out on a couch, wearing only a silver thong. Draped over the back of it was a very long and thin tail.

  That wasn’t the only concerning thing.

  The couch was against a large window, looking out to Earth, and the moon as it shone brightly in the pitch blackness, speckled by trillions of sparkled stars.

  I opened my mouth to scream, only to quickly cover it with both hands.

  Instantly, my memories resurfaced, flooding back to me like water breaking through a dam.

  Homecoming. Halftime. The weird floored metallic room.

  And now, I was inside one of the strange rainbow alien’s cabin?

  This had to be a mistake.

  Searching the room, I looked for anything I could use as a weapon while hoping to find something—anything—of mine. I would take my bra and panties instead of leaving the girls uncovered and unsupported.

  My eyes landed on a pair of shiny metallic weapons, hanging along the wall next to the door I had exited. They appeared like something from a Final Fantasy game, with a mixture between brass knuckles and a scythe, only two different sizes. One was large enough that the user would need to use two hands, while the other seemed as though it was for their tail.

  Grabbing the smaller ones, I smiled at its lightness. It fit perfectly in my hand.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a familiar deep voice mumbled.

  Swiftly, I turned around, holding out the weapon in front of me.

  The emerald male sat on his couch, amusement flooding his features as his tail lazily swayed, as if it had a mind of its own.

  “Wait, how can I understand you?” I demanded, pressing my back against the wall, slowly moving farther away from him, using my spare hand as guidance. “What do you want from me?”

  “That is what I keep asking myself,” he muttered, scratching his buzzed black hair. Stilling, he glanced at me, his teal eyes locking onto mine, halting my retreat. “We abducted your group during your mating ritual in hopes of offering ourselves to be chosen. Only, things didn’t go as planned, and now, I have made a mess of this entire situation.”

  “Mating ritual?” I asked, unable to believe my ears.

  “Yes, we observed your patterns and picked your community to be the one abducted due to the deity you worship looking similar to my species, the Aeolx,” he explained slowly. “It was my job to establish communication with you, and now that I stole you away from the others, I am locked in here with you until my leaders discipline me.”

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Mating Ritual? Deity?” I asked, threatening him with his weapon. “What do you mean, you’re stuck in here with me?”

  “You claimed me as your own,” he said, pointing to the marks on his chest. “Therefore, until you announce anything different, I am yours to do with as you please.”

  The tone of his voice sounded as if he genuinely believed what he said. Somehow, my sudden need not to fall on top of my snare had given him the idea we had some sort of relationship.

  “I would like to go home,” I whispered, instantly cringing at the melancholy in my voice. “Please take my fellow band members and me back to where you found us.”

  “I can’t do that.” He shook his head. “Not without explaining everything to you and having you address your people about their options.”

  “What options? You fucking abducted us.”

  “I promise you, we have not copulated.” He blinked. “I would never do such a thing while you were in such a state. None of us would.”

  “And you expect me to take your word for it?” I opened my shirt, revealing my nudeness underneath. His teal eyes instantly darkened. “How did I end up dressed up in this? I’m assuming this is yours.”

  “Yes…” he purred. Shaking his head, he snapped out of his trance. “I meant, I undressed you and put you in that, so you wouldn’t wake bare. Shortly afterward, a medical staff member came by and gave me a healing creme to use on your neck to prevent any permanent damage. He told me the head doctor wanted to know when you had regained consciousness, so he can give you a full body scan.”

  I touched my neck, feeling its slight tenderness. Flicking my gaze to his tail, I shivered as I remembered being choked from behind.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I would never use my tail against you.” His face softened. “You must be thirsty, hungry, or something. How about you sit down at my table while I get you some refreshments before you collapse? I will answer all of your questions.”

  Sighing, I lowered the weapon.

  If he wanted to be malicious, he would’ve done it while I was knocked out. The male’s demeanor was calm and collected, as if he was afraid to scare me off.

  A part of me wanted to believe him.

  Yet the other wanted me to run, fight, and find a way home.

  Glancing at the view of Earth and the moon out the window, I sighed in defeat.

  Even if I did fight him, I would have to overcome him or something to have a chance to blackmail his leaders into allowing us to go home.

  Would they sacrifice one male for over three hundred marching band members? Probably not, especially since he said his leaders were going to discipline him.

  “Okay, but you have to explain everything.”


  It had been five turns since we abducted the humans from their sta
dium, doing a halftime performance—not a mating ritual—to celebrate those who’d graduated their higher education.

  Each turn, Mikayla had opened herself up to me, explaining things I didn’t understand in their media and discussing her band members’ futures. I had ordered food to be delivered for her and showed her how to use the drink dispenser. Giving her a tour of my private quarters, I was proud my status on the ship had given me such a large healing pool after how excited she was and how it reminded her of a ‘Jacuzzi’ spa.

  She’d allowed Head Doctor Zemzre and his assistant, Utedu, to inspect her and test a booster shot on her. After she had no side effects, he explained with her permission, they would give it to her band members.

  My punishment?

  They wanted me to continue to house Mikayla in my cabin and learn everything about the humans and report back to them.

  But I had kept one secret from everyone.

  Ever since Mikayla had marked me, my body had adjusted its chemicals for her—to attract her, please her.

  She had become my addiction. An addiction I couldn’t have.

  Every turn that passed only made it harder to resist her.

  I yearned to join her in my bed as I slept on the couch each night.

  Sighing, I tried to steel my control as I stepped to my cabin’s door.

  Mikayla’s scent flooded my nostrils as I entered the threshold of my private quarters, waking my twilio. Sighing, I sent a prayer to the Stars to help me resist my urge to want to mate with her.

  Every passing moment stuck within these walls, I once called only mine, made it harder to focus. My dream to be officially chosen as her mate and stay with her for all eternity made our living arrangements difficult.

  Scanning the general quarters, I frowned in disappointment to find her missing. I wasn’t foolish enough to believe she would meet me at the entrance, waiting for my arrival as she bombarded me with questions about my turn. That was something that only happened in loving relationships. She wasn’t my slave or hired caretaker, even though she often said she was my prisoner. I couldn’t fault her for that.


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