Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1)

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Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1) Page 3

by Jensen, A. P.

  "Didn't even see ya there, lass. Have a sat," she said.

  "Oh, I'm not here to eat. Just needed to use your restroom," Cara said.

  Even as the server brightened with excitement, a dark voice in her head commanded, Eat.

  "You're an American?" the server asked.

  "Originally from Montana, but I travel a lot," Cara said and tried to ignore the voice that repeated, Eat.

  "What brings you to Ireland?"

  "I came to see the Cliffs of Moher."

  The server clucked her tongue sympathetically. "The weather hasn't been cooperating, has she? On a clear day, the cliffs will take your breath away."

  "I'm sure," Cara said distractedly and looked around for a clock. "Would you mind if I borrowed the phone to call a cab?"

  You need to eat.

  "Len always comes in here to grab a cup of coffee. You can catch a ride with him." The server tilted her head to the side. "You sure you don't want a bite?"

  I'm fine, she snapped at the dragon and didn't care that he could kill her with a thought.

  The effects of my blood will wear off and you'll collapse. You need to take care of your body. Eat.

  "Len will be here in about ten minutes," the server said with a friendly smile and held up a menu. "The first cup of coffee is on me if you'll tell me about Montana."

  Cara inwardly sighed before she sat at one of the tables. "What's good to eat here?"

  As soon as she boarded the airplane headed back to the States, Cara opened up a notebook and began to write. She poured her heart out into the journal, writing advice and praise for every milestone Sky would come to without her. Cara was glad the old couple beside her passed out as soon as they lifted off. Cara didn't bother to look out the window as they left Ireland behind. She would be back soon enough. She wrote until her hands cramped and her eyes were so full of tears that she couldn't see. After flexing her hands, she wrote letters to her mom, reassuring her that all would be well.

  Hours passed and people got up from their seats to use the restroom and pace. Cara went to the bathroom for tissues and when she got back to her seat, closed her eyes and tried to relax. She'd done it. She found the Ancient and he agreed to her bargain. Sky would be healed and with the money the dragon gave, her mom would be able to pay off Sky's medical bills.

  Cara could feel the effects of the dragon blood wearing off and despite recent events, managed to nod off. She dozed off and on, shifted restlessly in her seat and urged the plane to go faster. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to ease the tight ball of anxiety in her chest.

  Where have you been?

  Cara's whole body went rigid and she stopped moving. Her body language was that of a rabbit confronted by a wolf. The voice in her head wasn't the Ancient, but it was a being just as lethal and powerful. She wondered if the dragon could hear the second voice in her head. She was afraid she would reply to the wrong being, so she stayed silent.

  I assume you've taken off on some foolish quest to change that brat's fate.

  Satisfaction welled in her chest and her mouth curved in savage triumph. There was one thing the all-powerful Luc couldn't do. He couldn't read her mind or predict her actions. Like the dragon, Luc could see through her eyes and speak in her mind, but nothing more. She was surprised Luc hadn't monitored her more closely, but once again, he'd underestimated her. She could almost feel him trying to figure out where she was and why she was giving him the silent treatment. His crafty mind was ticking and she was damned if she would open her eyes and show him that she was on a plane.

  You fight because you think you can win. Haven't you learned your lesson yet? No one can best me, least of all, you. You're an abomination, Cara.

  Luc's nasty, taunting words were nothing new, but there was a bright, warm ball of sunshine in her belly that he couldn't put out. She may be a freak, but she could change things. Sky would live and wreak hell on Luc and the other demons that couldn't possess those that were pure of heart. Cara didn't know what to think of the dragon, but he hadn't killed her and he promised to spare Sky's life.

  Too bad you're not here to see this. I'm watching the brat take her last breath.

  Cara shot up in her seat, but had enough self-control to keep her eyes closed. He was messing with her, lying to her as he always did. She had time, right? Why hadn't she thought to call her mom at the airport or at the cafe in Doolin? Before she left Montana, the doctors said Sky had several days left. Cara had been gone three days tops, right? Sky had to be alive or Cara just signed her life away for nothing.

  Chapter Four

  On a short layover in Newark Airport, Cara pushed her way through the crowd and grabbed the nearest pay phone. She dialed her mom's cell phone with trembling fingers. Dawn answered on the third ring and Cara nearly dropped the phone since her hands were slick with sweat.

  "Mom, it's me," Cara said.

  "Cara? Where...?"

  "Tell me Sky's alive." There was a long silence and Cara's knees turned to water. "Mom, please..."

  "She's not going to last much longer. She's been asking for you."

  Relief flooded through her and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "Tell her to hold on for me. I'll be there in seven hours."

  "Hurry," Dawn said and her voice was full of tears.

  Cara ran to her connecting flight and made it just in time. She collapsed in her seat, turned her face to the window and stared out blindly. She would make it in time. She fidgeted restlessly and received periodic, irritated glances from the people seated beside her. She felt as if her ribs were still broken because she couldn't take a proper breath.

  You do not fly well.

  Cara stopped drumming her hands on the armrest. The dragon hadn't spoken to her since she ate breakfast. She'd nearly forgotten he was monitoring her.

  I'm worried, she confessed and blew out a breath. She would take the Ancient over Luc any day of the week.

  My blood will heal her.

  There wasn't a shred of doubt in his voice. It should have reassured her completely, but there was a tight band of fear around her fluttering heart. Luc could do something to speed up the process or Sky might give up before she arrived. She willed Sky to fight. She would make it in time.

  Seven hellish hours later, Cara jumped into a taxi in Missoula, Montana and asked for the hospital. She had the vial clutched in her hand and she kept her eyes closed as much as possible. She had no idea if Luc continued to monitor her. Even if he was, there was no reason for him to think she was successful in finding a cure for Sky. Cara banked on Luc's conceit in believing he was the most powerful being on the planet and that she was no match for him. If it hadn't been for Vanity, Cara wouldn't have known there was an antithesis to Luc. Hopefully, Luc would think she was in a mad dash to get to Sky to watch her die. Cara knew Luc was nearby because he wanted to see the grief, guilt and misery on her face. It was what Luc lived for.

  Cara threw a handful of cash at the taxi driver and ran into the hospital. Her boots pounded on the shiny tile. At this late hour, the hallways were empty and she was grateful for that fact. She skidded to a halt in the open doorway of Sky's hospital room and saw Dawn sitting in a chair, holding Sky's limp hand in hers. Dawn turned towards Cara who held her breath until she saw the small head move ever so slightly on the pillow.

  "Mom, I need to see Sky alone," Cara said huskily.

  Dawn nodded and brushed a hand over Sky's face. She had aged in the days since Cara last saw her. Dawn was exhausted and her eyes were filled with such pain, Cara had to look away.

  "Everything's going to be okay, Cara," Dawn said.

  Cara nodded. "Yes, it will be."

  When Dawn closed the door, Cara walked to the bed. Sky was so pale, she was nearly the same color as the sheets.

  "You made it," Sky whispered.

  Cara walked to Sky's side, leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "I did."

  Blue eyes that were far too wise examined Cara. "You look tired."

o do you," Cara said with a watery smile and flicked the cheerful daisy on Sky's crocheted hat. "I love you, kiddo. You know that, right?"

  Sky's chapped lips curved. "I love you more."

  "That's not possible."

  Cara didn't look around to see if Luc was watching. There was no time. Sky's eyes were glazed and her breaths were too shallow. Cara crouched over Sky, popped the cork on the vial and quickly dumped the glowing dragon blood between her quivering lips. Sky didn't pull away or hesitate in swallowing. Sky's blue eyes fluttered shut and Cara waited for some sign that it was working. If she hadn't been watching so closely, she would have missed the small bloom of color in her sister's cheeks. Sky eased into peaceful sleep with a small smile on her face. Cara reached for Sky's hand, which had been icy the last time she was here. Now, it was warm. Cara pressed a kiss into the small palm and pulled the diary from the backpack and placed it on the nightstand. It was done.

  "Give him hell," Cara murmured.

  She turned away from her sister and there he was. Luc was tall with olive skin, pitch black eyes and a paralyzing stare. He was dressed in a red silk shirt, black slacks and a thick gold signet ring winked on his finger. As Luc stared at Cara's triumphant face, he frowned. He drew in a deep breath and it was the best moment of her life to see the dumbfounded look on his face.

  "What have you done?" Luc hissed.

  Cara tried to go around him, but he grabbed her and slammed her against the wall with a hand clutched around her throat. She kicked her feet and the empty vial fell from her hand and rolled across the floor. Luc drew in another breath as her vision darkened with spots. Rage blasted over his handsome features.

  "This is impossible!" Luc said through clenched teeth.

  Cara didn't even try to fight him off. She had battled with Luc her whole life and in this moment, won the war. If Luc was going to kill her, it didn't matter. She had fulfilled her purpose. His hand crushed her windpipe and she didn't struggle. Out of nowhere, Cara's body sparked with silver light and the hand around her throat vanished. She crashed to the tile floor and saw Luc back away with a blackened hand cradled against his chest. He stared at her in stark disbelief. Cara coughed and gagged and tried to get her air back. Invisible hands gently picked her up. She leaned against the wall for support.

  You will not touch her. She's under my protection.

  The dragon's voice reverberated through her mind and she was startled to see recognition and fear on Luc's face. When Luc began to back away, Cara gaped.

  If you touch the mother or child, I will make sure you die a thousand deaths, the dragon continued.

  Luc disappeared into thin air. Cara looked towards the bed, but Sky slept on, blissfully unaware of what was taking place around her. The sound of her deep, even breaths were the sweetest sound Cara ever heard.

  Thank you, Cara said.

  You will explain why a Master Demon is plaguing you when you return to me.

  Cara nodded and fingered her throat as the hospital door opened and Dawn entered. She took in Cara's disheveled state and the bruises forming on her throat. The exhaustion vanished from her face. Cara's mother bared her teeth and looked around the hospital room with hostile eyes.

  "He was here?" Dawn snarled.

  Cara didn't answer. She knew she couldn't tarry, not when the dragon ensured that Luc would never bother her family again. She wanted to watch Sky's eyes open and see the sickness and pain disappear, but she made a promise and she would keep it. While Dawn rushed to the bed to check on Sky, Cara picked up the vial and slipped thick wads of cash into her mom's purse.


  She looked up. Dawn's eyes were wide as she sensed that Sky was steeped in natural sleep. Being a healer, Dawn knew the difference.

  "She's cured," Dawn said, shaking her head in astonished wonder. "What did you do?"

  Cara shouldered the backpack, stared at Sky's peaceful face and memorized every inch of it. Cara kissed her sister and ran one hand down her baby smooth cheek before she faced her mom.

  "It's done," Cara said in a quiet voice. She didn't have time to explain and she didn't want to either. Cara wrapped her arms around her mom who hugged her back almost desperately.

  "Don't go," Dawn sobbed, her mother's intuition already sensing what was to come.

  "I made a promise."

  "What did you do?" Dawn repeated fiercely.

  "What needed to be done. Sky deserves to live."

  "And you don't?" Dawn said harshly and brushed back Cara's dark hair. "You never saw what I did when I look at you."

  "You're going to be fine. I can take care of myself."

  "Don't leave us."

  Cara stared into her mother's heartbroken face and lied. "We'll see each other again."

  Cara pried herself out of her mother's hold. Dawn stood beside Sky's bed like an avenging angel. There was a devastated knowledge in her eyes. Dawn knew she would never see her oldest daughter again. Cara blew a kiss and backed out of the room. She took several steps away from Sky's room and felt as if she'd been run through with a sword. The pain that shafted from her heart through her back was so great, she couldn't breathe. Cara hunched over with tears pouring down her face.

  She could do this. She had to do this. She had to walk away from her family. That was the deal. When the pain eased enough for her to breathe, she straightened and forced herself to put one foot in from of the other. Eventually, she walked out of the hospital and into the night. She slipped into a taxi at the curb and asked to be taken back to the airport.

  "No luggage?" the driver asked.

  She shook her head and sat with the backpack still strapped to her. It was done. Sky would live and she would never have to worry about Luc retaliating against her family. She couldn't get her mother's expression out of her mind. Tears trickled down her face, but she didn't make a sound.

  The airport was busy. The taxi had a hard time finding a place to pull off to the side so he stopped way past her airline where there was no traffic. The driver apologized, but she didn't care. She tossed him a generous tip and didn't respond when he winked at her. She stood on the sidewalk for a moment and eyed the automatic glass doors that led into the terminal. Every time the doors opened, cold air swept over her before it abruptly cut off. She couldn't take the final steps that would cut her off completely from her family.

  You're dallying.

  The Ancient's voice galvanized her forward. She maneuvered her way through the crowd and just before she walked through the doors, something brushed over her senses. Her sixth sense pinged. She casually turned away and acted as if she heard someone call her name. She scanned the harried crowd and when she found her target, her eyes didn't linger on him. He was young, probably several months over twenty-one. He was average looking and the only odd thing about his appearance was the brown trench coat he wore. He must have borrowed it from his dad because it was outdated and didn't fit well. In the dim light, his face gleamed with sweat. He skulked at the corner of the building and his eyes flicked restlessly over the crowd.

  What are you doing?

  She shushed the dragon and didn't care when he went ominously silent. Cara cradled a hand over her ear as if she was talking on a cell phone. She didn't need to look at her target to know where he was at all times. She ambled aimlessly, circling ever closer to him. To keep up the pretense, she murmured, "Yeah" and "Umm hmm." The closer she came to him, the further she drifted from everyone else. She forced a laugh and felt the target's eyes move over her before he dismissed her. He didn't register the danger until it was too late.

  Cara shoved him around the corner of the building and clapped a hand over his mouth in case he cried out. The moment she made contact with his skin, evil poured into her. Visions of gunfire and dead bodies flashed through her mind along with images of his childhood. He was filled with black fury. She saw flickering images of him beating a dog to death before he shoved her against the wall, breaking through the visions in her mind. He slammed his forearm ove
r her throat, leaned his face close to hers and applied pressure. Her fingernails scrabbled over the scratchy material of his coat before she kneed him in the crotch. As he staggered backwards, his trench flapped open and she saw the glint of guns.

  "You shouldn't have interfered," he said in a strange, distorted voice.

  He smiled as he straightened and went for his gun. Cara whirled for momentum and kicked his wrist as it closed over the handle. The sound of his wrist snapping split the night air and the sound that came from him wasn't human. He attacked like an animal and she easily ducked his punches, which were filled with more strength than a normal human, but he was sloppy and uncoordinated. The most experience he had in fighting was beating those who didn't know how to defend themselves. She did. He managed to plant a fist in her side and that hurt like a bitch. She channeled all her strength into an uppercut that would end this. Teeth flew as his mouth clacked shut. Before he hit the ground, he was out cold. Blood poured from his mouth and she swallowed with difficulty, throat aching. She ran a hand gingerly over her ribs, checking. Bruised, not broken. She stood motionlessly over the unconscious human and waited.

  Dilated blue eyes laced with red flipped open. There was no humanity left in him. The creature that peered up at her was evil incarnate. "I've heard of you, Cara."

  She wasn't speaking to the man, but the demon using him as a puppet to further his propensity for violence and murder.

  "Want to introduce yourself?" she rasped.

  "Rage," he said and inclined his head.

  She crouched beside the human and grasped his face between her palms. Warm blood slid over her hands and once more, she plunged into the human's mind and found icy cruelty. She saw more images of a child being ridiculed by school kids and foster parents. No one wanted him. He loathed his biological parents who threw him away like trash. The demon, Rage, had been working on this human for years, stirring his bitterness and hate to a feverish pitch which would culminate here in a bloody massacre. Cara sent her magic into the human who jolted as if he had received an electrical shock. He reared up to claw her face. She clocked him in the face to stun him and straddled his chest, using her legs to pin his arms to the ground.


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