Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1)

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Clutch of the Demon (Cursed Ancients Series Book 1) Page 15

by Jensen, A. P.

  Aodhan buried his face in her sweaty hair before he slid out of her. She gasped and buried her face in the sheets as swollen tissue protested. He turned her over and positioned them at the head of the bed so he could fit. He turned on his side facing her, pulled one of her legs over his hip and slid into her again. She shuddered and dropped her head on his neck.

  One large hand clasped her waist. "Did I live up to the dream, Cara?"

  "Ten times better," she breathed.

  "I've never been possessive of any woman," he said conversationally.

  That broke through her sensual daze. She clamped inner muscles punishingly and Aodhan's smile appeared out of the darkness.

  "Ready to go? Good."

  Aodhan flipped her on her back, spread her thighs wide and thrust. The night was a blur of sex. Aodhan took her in every position available and she screamed, begged and retaliated. She had bite marks on her flesh and returned the favor on his chest, neck and even his wrist when the opportunity presented itself. She matched him till the sun rose. She lay on her belly and watched light chase away the darkness as Aodhan slid into her from behind. She moaned and he chuckled.

  "One more time and I'll let you sleep," he murmured in her ear.

  He bit her shoulder and then licked away the hurt. She was beyond sated, but her body hungered for him with an appetite that wouldn't be satisfied. If she had any trace of Aodhan's demon left inside of her, this night should cleanse her completely. She rose on her knees and he took her like the warrior he was. When she climaxed, she was blinded by beauty. When she came to, she was flat on her back again with Aodhan crouched over her. He ran a hand over her bruised breasts and settled on her quivering stomach.

  "I've never been possessive of any woman," he repeated.

  She tried to punch his face, but misjudged and skimmed his ear. He chuckled and kissed her, tongue sliding deep. His hand dipped between her legs and she nearly sobbed because she was so tired, but her body had a mind of its own when he was the one touching her. Aodhan pulled away and met her eyes with turquoise ones that burned.

  "I've never been possessive of any woman until you."

  Cara woke with her face buried against Aodhan's chest. She glanced up and saw he was fast asleep. She wanted to explore him, but she didn't want to wake him yet. He'd made her beg last night. Not even Luc had managed that feat. She slid the sheet down and felt her mouth water. Warrior, indeed. She slithered down his body until she came to his cock. She smiled and kissed it before she took the tip in her mouth.

  Aodhan woke the moment her mouth closed over him. She glanced up his body and saw him watching her with a feral smile. One hand delved into her hair and tugged. She slipped her hand between his thighs and pressed her fingers against the soft skin between his legs. Aodhan bucked wildly. When she knew he was about to come, she sucked harder, but Aodhan yanked her head back savagely. She fell flat on her back and that fast, Aodhan was between her legs, thrusting into her. She clutched the arms he braced on either side of her. She had to hold onto him or be tossed across the bed. Aodhan moaned and nuzzled her face as he spilled inside of her. She smiled because she knew it would only be a matter of time before he took her again.

  "You've ruined me," he growled.

  "You're welcome."

  Aodhan hauled her into the bathroom. He made her come twice before he let her dress. When they walked out of the bedroom with her hand clasped in his, she looked out of the window at the clear skies.

  "What time is it?"

  "Past lunch. Linnea should be here."

  They walked to the ground floor together. Aodhan led her to the office before he went to find food. She sat behind the desk and saw the email. She tensed and the happy daze fell away. When Aodhan entered with two trays, she swallowed hard.

  "Someone replied to the email. There's a phone number."

  Aodhan's eyes sharpened and he came around the desk to look at the email, naked of any words. He picked up the phone and dialed. Cara got to her feet and paced. She listened to the phone ring on the other end.

  "Khan?" Aodhan asked.

  "Is it really you?" came the aggressive voice on the other end.

  Aodhan relaxed. "I'm back."

  "It's about damn time. Where are you?" Khan asked.

  Cara's insides turned to ice as she listened. When Aodhan hung up, she had her arms wrapped around herself. This was it.

  "He's coming here tonight?" she asked through stiff lips.

  Aodhan nodded and moved towards the food. He lifted several covers and surveyed the spread before he began to eat with methodical precision. She walked toward the office door.


  "I'm gonna see Linnea." She tried to summon a smile as she catalogued every inch of his face and then asked, "Do you want anything else?"

  He shook his head and she walked out. She didn't go to the kitchen. As soon as she was out of Aodhan's sight, she backtracked to the front door. She wrenched the heavy thing open and slipped outside. She rounded the castle and saw Linnea's car, which she hadn't bothered to lock. Shaking her head at people's carelessness, Cara put her hand on the hood and the engine fired up. She jumped into the driver's seat and dropped her foot hard on the gas.

  There was no road, but there was a path that Linnea and the other staff carved out over the centuries. Her progress was slow, but it gave her time to plan. She didn't have money to catch a flight out. Okay, she could steal or hide out somewhere. She sneered when she thought of the witch coven. They would spread the word about her like wildfire. Being seen in a small village was out of the question. If she went to Dublin then maybe she had a chance-

  A black blur raced towards her. Before she could turn her head, it slammed into the front of the car. There was the horrifying sound of wrenching metal and then the car was spinning across the muddy lane. The car flipped and she went airborne a moment before she slammed against the roof of the car. She heard voices and shook her head to clear it before she kicked what was left of the windshield out of her way and crawled out. She ignored the sting on her knees and hands from shattered glass and crouched behind the car.

  Three men faced off against Vanity. They were shouting at one another and they were all demons. Cara looked around for a weapon, but aside from a pen, Linnea's car was as clean as the castle.

  "If he finds out about this, he'll rip you to shreds for centuries," one of the demons said.

  Vanity shrugged. "He can try, boys, but you know this could end a different way."

  "We won't let it," another demon snapped. "Luc's our master, not the Ancients."

  "Have it your way," Vanity said and pulled out a gun.

  The men didn't react fast enough. Vanity shot three times and the other demons fell like pine trees. Cara got to her feet and saw that each man had a hole in the middle of his forehead. Cara stared at Vanity who put her tiny gun into a Prada clutch and tucked it under her arm before she grimaced down at her ruined heels.

  "Didn't I tell you to stay with the Ancient?" Vanity said crossly and tried to clean her heels, which was useless since they were surrounded by mud.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "Saving your dumb ass, that's what!" Vanity stalked over to Cara and prodded her in the shoulder with sea green nails. "Look, I know you did the dirty with the Ancient."

  Cara gawked and Vanity dropped the angry look and replaced it with a lascivious one.

  "Honey, I lost count after ten."

  Cara jabbed a limp finger at her, but couldn't find words.

  "If he wasn't an Ancient, I'd be tempted to jump him myself. Unfortunately, he'd behead me before he'd let me fuck him so-"


  Vanity snapped out of her perverted daydream and glared at her. "You have nine lives and they're being used up pretty damn fast. What the hell are you doing out here by yourself? Do you even have a gun or knife?"

  She opened and closed her mouth and Vanity huffed.

  "What part of 'Don't leave the Ancient,' don't you
understand? Luc isn't fucking around. If you and the Ancient weren't so entertaining last night and this morning I wouldn't have been here to see you take off."

  "Y-you watched-?"

  Vanity rubbed her thighs together. "Damn right. Hottest thing I've seen this millennia. An Ancient doing the dirty with a-"

  Cara held up a hand and Vanity sighed.

  "Where do you think you're going?" she demanded instead.

  "I can't stay there."

  "You didn't seen in such a hurry when you went down on him this morning," Vanity retorted.

  Cara flushed and balled her fist, but caught sight of the three dead humans again and held back. "Khan's coming."

  Vanity stumbled back. "Holy fucking shit."

  And with that, Vanity turned and hobbled down the lane. Cara raced after Vanity and caught her arm.

  "You have to help me!"

  "I just did!" Vanity shouted back and wrenched her arm away. "You can screw the Ancients brains out. I can't. I've gotta get the hell outta Dodge."

  "He's gonna kill me," Cara whispered and her throat constricted. "I don't want it to be him."

  Vanity shot her an impatient look. "From where I stood last night, he's more likely to torture you with his tongue than kill you."

  "I can't take that chance. Take me with you-"

  A dark shadow passed overhead and they both ran like hell for the cover of the trees. They crouched in the high grass and cowered when a monstrous shape landed near the car. Cara saw the glint of silver scales and had no doubt in her mind who it was, but she didn't approach. She stayed where she was and heard Vanity draw in a long breath. One moment they were staring at the massive dragon and the next, he was Aodhan. He looked down at the men and then turned in their direction as if they called out to him. Heat waves began to shimmer in the air between them. Vanity whimpered in fear, but didn't move. Cara understood why. Staring into the eyes of death was mesmerizing.

  Aodhan approached and neither of them so much as twitched a muscle. Aodhan's eyes weren't on Cara, they were fixed on Vanity. When he was close enough, he reached out for Vanity who let out a frightened sob. Cara finally snapped out of her daze. She stepped in front of Vanity with her arms stretched out on either side of her.

  "Don't, Aodhan," Cara said.

  Aodhan's eyes met hers and she swallowed hard.

  "Move out of my way," Aodhan said in a voice completely devoid of emotion.

  "She saved me," Cara said as her legs threatened to give out beneath her.

  "She's a demon."

  "Not all demons are the same," Cara said and realized she was repeating what Vanity told her yesterday.

  "She's a demon," he hissed with such venom that her stomach turned to ice.

  "She's the only demon that would answer my summon." She swallowed hard and it took every ounce of courage she possessed to meet his eyes again. "She gave me the compass and told me where you were."

  Aodhan's eyes slid behind her to Vanity who had tiny hands fisted in the back of Cara's shirt.

  "She killed those three demons in the road," she added and felt Vanity nod vehemently behind her back.

  "And why would she help you? What's in it for her?" Aodhan asked in a menacing tone.

  "She's different," Cara said desperately.

  "She's using you."

  Vanity moaned into Cara's back and the sound of despair made Cara stiffen her spine.

  "Don't you think I know the difference? Why would any demon court Luc's wrath by helping me find you?" she demanded.

  Aodhan was silent for a minute and Vanity trembled against her, waiting for the verdict. Aodhan's eyes traveled over Cara before he nodded.

  "For bringing Cara to me, you get a pass. If I ever lay eyes on you again, I won't be as merciful," Aodhan said.

  For a few moments, Cara wasn't sure that Vanity heard. She elbowed Vanity who suddenly came to life. Vanity stumbled sideways in her heels and bowed like a crazy geisha five times before she took off, sprinting over the grass like a cheetah in her Manolo Blahnik's.

  Cara watched her go and felt bereft and exposed. She bowed her head and contemplated her shoes. She heard Aodhan's heavy footsteps a moment before his hand collared her throat. His thumb pushed her chin up. Her hair nearly crackled from the heat that poured from him and she was as frightened of him now as she'd been when she encountered him for the first time.

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her out in the middle of the lane. He released her and erupted into the silver dragon. He spread his wings wide and she didn't dare run as he swiped her up in his talon. They rose into the air and she saw that Linnea's car was totaled. She didn't have the money to help fix or replace it with another car. She was so screwed.

  The castle came into view way too quickly and as Aodhan glided towards it, she realized he was going to land on top of it. She yanked her legs up reflexively as Aodhan slowed and then released her. He followed her down a second later as the warrior. They faced each other on the top of the roof as the wind whipped around them. He was so pissed, for a moment, she thought he might just shove her off the edge and be done with it. She closed her eyes.

  Aodhan grabbed her hand and hauled her over his shoulder. She clutched the back of his shirt as he walked down a narrow staircase that led into the castle. He turned left and slammed open a door. She had a brief view of a gorgeous room with three levels that included a balcony and sitting area along with the largest bed she'd ever seen. Aodhan set her down in the middle of the room and took several steps back as if he didn't trust being so close to her. Cara swallowed hard and waited.

  "Tell me why you left," Aodhan ordered in a voice that threatened death.

  She said nothing.

  "I told you not to leave the castle," Aodhan hissed and began to circle her like a shark. "You disobeyed me and you were attacked. The car has extensive damage and you claim a demon killed other demons to help you."

  A heartbeat of silence and then his hand shot out and collared her throat. Her eyes flicked up to his and she stopped breathing.

  "Tell me, Cara, what am I missing here?" Aodhan hissed.

  She shook her head wordlessly. If she told him, he'd kill her.

  "You're afraid. Why?" he barked and she jumped.

  "I-I want to go back to Montana," she said.

  Aodhan's eyes narrowed. "I told you why that wasn't a smart idea."

  "I want to see my mom and sister. I swear I'll come right back," she lied.


  She stiffened her shoulders. "I fulfilled our bargain, Aodhan. Let me go."


  "Aodhan, please."

  "No!" Aodhan exploded with such force that she staggered back. "You're not going anywhere. Tell me what secret has you so frightened you'd risk being killed to protect it."

  She stared into his face and images of last night passed through her mind. Last night was a gift. She had a night filled with affection, lust and need. Last night he didn't look at her as a prisoner but as his equal, as his. She'd never had a man look at her that way and she couldn't blurt out the truth and see the revulsion in his eyes. There was no one that could help her, no one that could shield her from what was to come.

  "I can't," she whispered.

  "After everything we've gone through, you don't trust me?"

  The rage and disbelief in his voice made her eyes prick with tears.

  "For your own safety, I'm locking you in here," Aodhan said. "When you're ready to trust me, you know how to reach me."

  With that, Aodhan walked out and slammed the door behind him. She felt a blast of magic seal the doors and windows and then a roar echoed throughout the castle. Cara crumpled to the ground and covered her face with her hands. She wished for a world without demons, without the burden she carried since she was eight years old. What had she done?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cara, 8 Years Old

  Cara locked herself in the bathroom and tried to align her thoughts, which scattered everywhere. The smell of
gasoline made her sneeze. Mom pounded on the door, begging Cara to let her in. Cara didn't dare open it, not until she figured out what was wrong. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and prepared to yell. Something large and invisible clapped over her mouth, stifling her scream of horror. Her scarlet eyes stared wildly at her reflection.

  No need to panic, baby, a silky voice cooed in her head.

  She rocked forward and planted her hands on either side of the mirror. That invisible hand was so tight over her mouth, she saw her skin wrinkle as the pressure increased.

  You're a very special little girl.

  Invisible hands stroked over her lips, hair and then her chest. She struggled, but her body wasn't listening to her. Tears trickled down her face and the voice in her mind clucked his tongue.

  Don't be afraid of what happened today. It's just the beginning.

  Beginning of what? Her mind shrieked.

  She felt a lick of surprise and pleasure that wasn't her own.

  You're strong. Good. I'm gonna need that. It's time I introduced myself. I'm Luc.

  "Cara! Open the door!" Mom shouted.

  Cara's eyes flicked to the door, but she was physically incapable of doing much more than blinking.

  Who are you? Cara asked.

  I'm a demon.

  Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest and the demon chuckled.

  You'll understand more as you get older. All you need to know is you're very important to me. I won't let anyone hurt you, Luc said.

  You let those kids die, Cara choked.

  The demon scoffed. They deserved to die. If I hadn't interfered, you wouldn't be here right now and they'd be celebrating with their parents. Is that what you want?

  What do you want from me?

  Nothing right now, Luc said and began to pet her again.

  His touch made her skin crawl and she felt like she might be sick.

  I met your mom many years ago.

  The mischievous note in his voice made bile rise in her throat. She stared at herself in the mirror and knew. It was you, wasn't it?


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