
Home > Romance > Infinitely > Page 21
Infinitely Page 21

by Cheryl McIntyre

  I crawled out of the water and wrapped myself in a towel. “I’m going to sit inside for a little while,” I called to Benji and the others. He swam toward me, the water splashing with each kick of his feet.

  “Hold up,” he said. “I’ll come with you.”

  “That’s okay. Stay and swim. Have some fun.” He hadn’t been relaxing lately. His mom and Grandpa were fighting more often and he was taking a lot of shifts at the store. Not to mention Jaxon had been getting into some trouble at school, skipping classes. Benji needed to let loose for a little bit.

  He ignored me, pulling himself out of the water. I watched his arms flex as he lifted his body weight. The water streamed over his golden chest in rivulets. Just looking at him made me happy, and to be totally honest—horny.

  “I won’t have fun if I’m not with you,” he said. He shook his hair at me, sending little flecks of water over my face like rain. I laughed and threw my towel at him. He wrapped it around his back before pulling me against him and hiding us inside. He kissed me softly, letting his tongue slide over my bottom lip. I clung to his wet hair, holding him against me.

  “Would you really be able to have any fun without me?” he murmured as he teased my lips.

  I shook my head, unable to talk. I couldn’t imagine doing anything without Benji, or ever wanting to. I tugged on his neck, silently asking him to kiss me again.

  My eyes pop open and I glance around hurriedly. The sun is bright. Too bright. I blink several times, my eyes watering. “Where are we?” My voice is scratchy from lack of use.

  “We’re in Georgia. Almost to Atlanta. We made excellent time driving at night.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me? I told you I’d drive.”

  He smiles. “You were tired. Trust me.” He smirks. “And when did you start talking in your sleep?”

  My cheeks flame as I recall the dream I just had. “I do not,” I say, hoping to God that I really don’t.

  He cocks a brow and shrugs. “You snore, too. But you always did that.” He winks at me and I’m enjoying this playful version of Benji—something I haven’t seen in a very long time. I huff as if I’m insulted and cross my arms over my chest.

  “I do not snore.”

  “Like a chainsaw.”

  “You are so never getting laid again with that attitude.”

  He glances over at me and smirks furtively. Both dimples appear, making my heart pound. “That’s not what you were saying in your sleep.” He pops the P, wiggling his brows.

  My face is in flames. It’s not like he doesn’t know how my body reacts to him, but to unknowingly say something while I was asleep… How mortifying.

  “It’s not very gentlemanly of you to laugh at me about this.”

  He points at his chest. “Not a gentleman. And not laughing.” The look that follows freezes me in place and has moisture pooling between my thighs.

  Okay. Noted.

  He flips the turn signal and takes the next exit. “You know, we’re early, and we have the whole back open. I could refresh your memory on just how ungentlemanly I am.”

  I rest my feet against the dashboard, feeling very uncomfortable bringing this up, but I have to before we can go there again. “Can you stop and pick up condoms?”

  “Sure,” he says slowly, stretching the one word.

  “I would just feel more comfortable since…” I scratch my ear feeling it burn beneath my fingers. This shouldn’t be difficult to talk about, but I’m having issues saying it aloud. I hate the thought of Benji with other girls, but it’s unrealistic to think there was only Megan. Or that she only slept with Benji.

  “I know,” he says. “I was stupid and I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes.”

  “A lot?”

  He shrugs stiffly. “A few.”

  I want to ask what a few means, but I don’t. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. If we get out of this and go home, date like normal people, then I’ll worry about it. For now, I’m living one day—one moment—at a time.

  I stay in the truck while Benji goes into a gas station for donuts and condoms. It’s the breakfast of champions. He pulls around the back, parking along the wooded area separating us from the highway.

  As soon as I finish off my last bite, I reach over Benji, tugging the lever on the seat. We slide back slowly, making more leg room. Or in this case, more room for me to slip onto his lap.

  He grins devilishly, tossing the remainder of his donut out the window. He raises his fingers to his mouth to lick the sticky glaze and I intercept his hand, guiding it to my lips instead. I start with his pinky, though there’s nothing on it, sliding it into my mouth. I wrap my lips tightly around it, letting my tongue massage as I slowly pull his hand down. I move over to his thumb, repeating the process, my eyes focused intently on his.

  Benji’s lips part in appreciation as his gaze falls to my mouth, lavishing his fingers with my tongue. I continue back and forth until his middle finger is the last one left. The gooiness is starting to dry, hardening on his skin. I close my lips around his longest finger, and graze my teeth along it gently as I slide it deep into my mouth.

  A low growl erupts in his throat. He tugs his finger free, locking his hands into my hair, and tugging me flush against him. His mouth slams into mine, his tongue delving inside greedily.

  I moan, working my hips against his, trying to find some friction to sate the ache between my legs. Benji glides his hands down my back and around my ass as he pushes up, grinding back against me.

  I wiggle my hand between us, ripping at the button on his jeans. I reach inside his pants and pull his hardened length free. My fingers skim the silky smoothness of his shaft, relishing in the way he feels. And I want him inside of me.

  Benji pushes me back, causing me to stand hunched in front of him. My heart is pounding in anticipation. His searing gaze alone has me on fire. He yanks the waist of my shorts down and I step out of them. His finger hooks into my panties, pulling them aside, and he strokes me gently.

  I reach around blindly, slapping at the dashboard for the box of condoms. Once I find them, I rip the box open and shake them out on the seat. Benji stops caressing me to tear one open and slide it on.

  “This,” he says through gritted teeth as I hold my panties aside and lower myself onto him, “reminds me of the Fourth of July after I graduated.”

  I release a breathy laugh. “In my parents’ truck,” I say, remembering. “At the lake while the fireworks illuminated the sky.”

  His fingers dig into my hips as I start moving, gliding up and down. “They illuminated the whole cab. I’ll never forget how all the colors looked on your skin.” He groans, his head falling back against the seat. “Your hair glowed like fire each time a red one ignited.”

  Tears fill my eyes, but I blink them away rapidly. I recall every moment of that night. We were so carefree and in love. It was perfect. Magical.

  I keep moving, but what started out as two horny people trying to get a quickie in to get off, transforms into two people making love. Benji pulls my head down, brushing his lips over mine gently. His arms hold me tightly, as if he’ll never let me go, and I hold my hand against his heart, savoring every beat.

  I wish this was the way it could be for us. Always.



  Half an hour later, Briar and I park at the hotel across the street from the aquarium and walk over to the parking deck hand in hand. I feel strange. I’m tired. So fucking tired. My legs are weak. My muscles aching. I can feel my heart pounding inside my head and my stomach is regretting the donut I ate earlier. I’m nervous. Worried my brother won’t be here. Scared I won’t be able to take care of Briar.

  I glance over at her and she smiles at me. I have her back after all this time and I’m not going to lose her.

  The wind blows a strand of her hair across her face and she laughs as she tucks it away. She looks happy and sexy, and I feel like—for just a second—everything’s going to be okay.

bsp; Briar comes to a stop, looking up at the parking deck. “There are a lot of levels.”

  “Let’s just go in and wait right here where we’ll be able to see them pull up.”

  We lean against the wall, our heads turned toward one another. I brush my thumb over her bottom lip and lean in, kissing her. I don’t know how or if things will change once Flynn’s around, so I’m taking advantage of our last few minutes.

  The kiss is slow, lingering. I try to tell her how much I love her with every sweep of my tongue and caress of my fingers. I wish this could last forever. I wish we could stay in this bubble where everything’s good and there’s only her and me.

  “Isn’t that the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen, Ethan?”

  I still, the air freezing in my lungs. Briar jumps, startled by the unexpected voices. I keep her pinned to the wall as I turn around to face Delphi.

  “It’s fucking precious,” Ethan agrees flatly.

  The fact that Delphi came himself scares the living shit out of me. It means he not only wants this done right, but he wants to witness it. There will be no talking my way out of this. A tremor runs through me when I think about what these guys might do to Briar.

  There are two guys other than Delphi and Ethan, both in suits in ninety degree weather. Delphi, on the other hand, looks like he’s on vacation in a polo shirt, khaki shorts, and flip-flops. I don’t know the other guys. They must be local. My eyes slide over each one, taking in the guns in their hands. Everyone but Delphi.

  “Benji,” Briar utters, fear evident in her voice. I push my back against her, trying to block as much of her body as I can.

  “How’d you find us?”

  “Your family should really be more careful over the phone. There’s always someone listening.”

  I recall my conversation with Payton. I tried to be quick, thinking he would trace it. I never considered he might have tapped it. I try to remember if anything else was said that he can use against me. Just my concern for my family. And Briar’s family.

  “Step out of the way, Benjamin,” Delphi says. His booming voice echoes off the walls. “I want to get a look at what you got there.”

  I stiffen, refusing to move. I’m dead anyway—I’m going to protect Briar as long as I possibly can. Until my dying breath. “Fuck you.”

  “Fuck me?” Delphi repeats. He smiles as if he finds it funny, but I know my disrespect infuriates him.

  Ethan’s dark eyes flick to Delphi. My gaze is locked on Ethan so I miss whatever signal is given to make him cock his gun and point it at my chest. “What are you hiding?” Delphi inquires. I swing my glare his way. “Move out of the way. Now.”

  I grind my teeth and take one small step forward. Delphi tilts his head, looking around me. And then he smirks. He rubs his fingers over his dimpled chin and nods. “You know,” he says conversationally, “I usually prefer blondes, but she’s cute. I think I could make an exception—switch up my flavors.” He looks over at Ethan and chuckles. “I love my peaches, but I could go for some strawberry.”

  I take another step forward as they all laugh in response. Briar’s hand clamps onto my shirt, holding me in place.

  “I heard redheads are feisty. Is she feisty, Benjamin?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snarl. I want to kill him. I want to put a bullet in between his eyes so badly I can nearly taste it.

  “Watch your fucking mouth,” Ethan snaps.

  Delphi raises his hand, motioning him down. “Where’s the little, traitorous bitch?”

  “Dead,” I say flatly.

  Delphi grins, pleased. Then he tips his head toward the exit. “You two go wait for the brother.” He slides his feet, bringing him close to my side where he can get a better look at Briar.

  I angle myself to obstruct his view.

  “The more you protect her, the more it makes me want to take her from you,” he says, catching my eye. It may be the first honest thing I’ve ever heard him say. He flicks his fingers, shooing me out of the way. My jaw works, the muscles twitching throughout my cheek. I don’t move.

  “Briar, right?” He’s looking past me now and she must be looking back because he smiles smugly. “That’s a very pretty name. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I really do like all that bright hair. Is it natural?” He takes another step closer, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “Tell me, sweetheart, does the carpet match the drapes?”

  I growl, I can’t even control it. I want to fucking howl. I can feel the gun pressed against my back, begging for me to end this smug asshole’s life.

  He clicks his tongue. “No matter. I’ll find out soon enough.” He turns his back and starts to walk toward Ethan. I tense, readying myself to strike when Briar makes a small sound. It’s light, quiet, but it’s enough to get my attention. I look over my shoulder at her, but she’s not looking at me or Delphi. She’s looking toward the exit where my brother is being ushered forward by Delphi’s men. Flynn and Kameron right behind him.



  Delphi doesn’t look like a monster. He looks like a normal guy, close to my dad’s age. Until I looked into his eyes. There’s something cold and calculating hiding just below his polished surface.

  I see it again now in the way he smiles like he’s genuinely happy as Benji sags at the sight of his brother being herded in at gunpoint. He’s enjoying Benji’s torment. He gets off on other people’s pain.

  He’s worse than a monster.

  “Jaxon, so good of you to join us,” Delphi calls. He sounds pleasant, as if we’re all friends, just hanging out, having a good time.

  “You okay?” Jax asks, his eyes meeting Benji’s.

  “Right as rain, bro,” Benji replies stiffly.

  Jaxon glares daggers at Delphi as he’s ushered against the wall several feet away from us. Kam tries to stay close to his side, but one of the men push her to the ground before she can make it to the wall. She cries out, startled. Her hair is in her face, but I can see the tears streaming unendingly down her cheeks. Her blue eyes are wide with panic. I wish she was closer. I wish I could hug her or touch her in some way.

  Flynn stands back as the other man points his gun directly at his head. I let my gaze trail over him quickly to make sure he’s okay. When I get to his face, I see him doing the same inventory of me.

  “Your brother and I were just discussing how lovely Briar is, and you bring me another beauty to play with.” His cold gaze sweeps over Kameron. She drops her head, her body shuddering with her silent sobs.

  “Don’t you touch her,” Jax growls. “She doesn’t have anything to do with this.”

  “Guilt by association,” Delphi states almost as if the thought saddens him. “You ladies really should have been more careful with your boyfriend choices.”

  “Like my mom?” Jax spits.

  “Mm,” Delphi agrees, nodding. “Just like your mom.” He sighs regrettably. “She had an agonizing beauty about her. It’s a damn shame what happened to her.”

  “You fucking killed her you piece of shit.” Jax pushes off the wall, intent on going after Delphi.

  The guy in front of him raises his gun, nearly putting it against Jaxon’s nose. “Hold still.”

  “Your family will learn one way or another not to take from me.”

  Although Benji already knew this, I see his body go rigid. I think before, it was only a theory. Now Delphi admitted to murdering his mom in not so many words.

  “I’m going to kill you,” he says, his tone low, but his voice clear. Lethal.

  Delphi raises an eyebrow as he walks toward us. “Ethan.” At the sound of his name, the bald man comes forward and presses the gun to Benji’s forehead. In the same instance, Delphi takes me by the arm, dragging me to the side. He jerks me, spinning me around, and slams me alongside the wall. My cheek grinds against the brick, chaffing the skin. I close my eyes, wincing against the pain. And then his hands reach around, cupping my breasts.

  “Let her go,” Jax yells.

  My eyes snap open and I can see Benji. His chest rising and falling quickly. Nostrils flaring with each trembling breath. His hands are raised at the sides of his head forming tight fists. I feel the rage rolling off of him.

  “Shut up,” someone says. I hear the sickening sound of flesh striking flesh.

  Delphi pinches at my skin before sliding lower. The tips of his fingers slip into the waist of my shorts. Tears blur my vision as I cringe from head to toe. I’d rather he just kill me.

  God, please. Just let him kill me. Don’t let him do this.

  And then I think of Benji witnessing this—of all my friends seeing Delphi violate me.

  Running his nose along my neck, he inhales deeply, as if savoring my scent. “I bet you’re real sweet,” he says. “Is she, Benji? Is she as sweet as she smells?” he taunts mercilessly.

  A sob rips from my throat and the tears finally fall in heated streams.

  There’s a scuffle somewhere behind us. Delphi pulls away and I turn in time to see Flynn holding one of the guys, the crook of his arm wrapped tightly around the man’s throat.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, Luke,” Delphi admonishes. He rolls his eyes.

  Luke has his hands poised out at his sides, the gun abandoned on the ground. Delphi walks over to the man standing in front of Jax, takes his gun, and spins, shooting Luke in the head. Kameron screams and covers her ears.

  It takes Flynn a moment to understand what happened, but when the blood slides down Luke’s face and runs over his arm, Flynn releases the man, letting him slump to the ground. The gun is still aimed and Delphi fires again. Flynn jerks backward with the kick of the bullet, falling into a heap beside Luke.

  I think I scream this time. I’m not sure. It could be Kameron again. All I know is my throat feels raw and my heart feels like it just shattered into a hundred pieces.


  From the corner of my eye, I see Jaxon tackle the guy in front of him. They both hit the ground and I hear what can only be the snapping of a bone. The man cries out, the strangled sound full of agony.


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