Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2)

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Bearly Saved My Life: Madison Range Shifters (Quake Lake Bears Book 2) Page 18

by Margery Ellen

  “He does it every year,” Robert told her, “not just because he can afford it, he enjoys doing it.”

  “I still can’t believe you brought my family here. I never thought I would ever see them again.”

  “Mack knows a lot of people. He pulled some strings. Your situation was explained to the family and they told us what we had to do. Well, they told Mack what I had to do.” Robert told her.

  “The ‘san shu hiu hi’, the three letters and six etiquettes.”

  “Yes. The three letters were easy, the six etiquettes weren’t too bad except for the fortune teller. Who thinks of these things?”

  “Prince Zhou Gong in 1099 BC.” Heidi looked at Robert and burst out in laughter. “Sorry, it sounded funny when I said it out loud,” she said between giggles. “The Chinese have very old customs.”

  Robert hugged her tight. “I think I like the customs.”

  The last guest left and the last food basket was gone. “Time to go home, little brother.” Mack announced. “Heidi’s family will join us at the house in the morning. Time to collect the kids.”

  Heidi and Robert said good bye to Heidi’s family, Robert would come back in the morning and pick them up. Bill and Mary had already left for their honeymoon and left the keys to their truck with Charles.

  All the wedding excitement was over. Mack and Peg sat with the children by the Christmas tree later in the evening. Simon and Colin talked about their parents, Elyse sat and listened. They were sad, but the sadness would lessen with time. They all said good night and the children went off to bed.

  At last, everything was done. All the presents that had been hidden away, were under the tree. The three brothers and their mates relaxed. Charles and Jackie were the first to say good night and went to bed. Heidi thanked Mack for making it possible for her family to come all the way from China.

  “It was my pleasure,” Mack told her, “it also gave me a chance to get the rest of the ingredients for your healing salve. We have them all now, and after the first of the year we’ll be able to make a test batch. You will have to think of a product name. Think about it and let me know when you come up with something.”

  “I will, Mack. Thank you.” They said good night and all went to bed.

  Chapter 33

  Christmas morning, the McCormick household was busy. Robert picked up Heidi’s family from the lodge and brought them to the house. Peg told the twins they had to wait until after breakfast before they could open their presents.

  “But Nanna, I just want to look.” Colin told her.

  “You can look when we all go into the living room together.” Mack and his brothers didn’t celebrate Christmas after their parents died. When Peg joined the family, she brought her Christmas traditions with her. A big tree, lots of decorations and everyone sat together after breakfast and opened theirs gifts in an orderly fashion.


  Don’t aaah me, young man.” Peg used her ‘don’t mess with me’ voice.

  “Sorry Nanna.”

  “You have to wait until everyone is ready. Now, what would you like for breakfast?”

  “Bacon waffles, please.” All three children replied in unison.

  “Bacon waffles, it is.” Peg had everything ready. Heidi’s relatives had never had waffles. They thought they were very tasty and watched carefully how to make them. Peg explained how to make everything to Heidi’s aunt and grandmother.

  “We’ll have to get you a waffle iron to take home with you.” Peg told them.

  “I don’t think they would make them at home.” Heidi told Peg.

  “Why not?”

  “Our staple is rice. They might make them, but I doubt it.” Heidi made and ate rice every day when she could.

  “Oh. That’s too bad. At least they can enjoy them while they’re here.” Heidi’s aunt and uncle agreed with smiles as they poured syrup on their waffles.

  “Aunt Heidi, is Grandma Chow going to go home with you and live at uncle Robert’s house?” Elyse asked.

  “No. As much as I wish she could, they will be going home in a couple of days. They have their own homes in China and will be happy to get back to them.”

  “Yes, we will be glad to get home, but we will miss all of you.” Heidi’s grandmother told them. “We are going to San Francisco before we go home. We would like to visit some old friends and distant relatives. Maybe one day you will come to China and visit us.”

  Colin smiled. “I’d like to come and visit, then you can teach me how to say more things in Chinese.”

  “Ah, little bear, you are a quick learner. Each time we call to visit on the phone, we will teach you something new. Now, enough talking and more eating, those presents from Santa bear aren’t going to open themselves.” Colin gave Grandmother Chow a big grin and went back to eating his breakfast.


  After breakfast, they all sat by the Christmas tree while Peg handed out gifts. Heidi received a beautifully framed picture of Grandma Chow, and one of her aunt and uncle with her cousins. Peg had been busy taking pictures of everyone when they first arrived and worked diligently late into the night to finish everything in time.

  The twins each got a sleigh and Elyse got a toboggan, so they could slide down the big hill by the house. Several friends dropped by throughout the day and brought their children to meet and play with the McCormick’s new family. By the end of the day, after everyone had gone home, the kids were exhausted and went to bed early.

  Robert and Heidi relaxed with Charles and Mack, Jackie and Peg were glad the day was finally over and ready to fall asleep.

  “Well, this is a Christmas we won’t forget any time soon.” Mack remarked with a laugh. “Heidi, how did you like your surprise?”

  “I liked it very much. I can’t believe what you must have gone through to make it happen. My family have very strict customs, how did you do it?”

  “I have to keep some secrets. If I told everyone how I did things, they would steal all my ideas and they wouldn’t need me,” he gave her a wink.

  “Do you think two water buffalo, a new plow and a promise to market their rice had anything to do with it?” Charles asked.

  Heidi’s mouth dropped open. “You promised them all that? They will be considered wealthy if they own two buffalo, not to mention being able to sell all their crops. Thank you, I can never repay your kindness.”

  “It was nothing, I wanted my baby brother to be happy and a happy wife means a happy life,” That made everyone laugh. “Besides, I had to show you my appreciation for bringing me the best Christmas present ever. Three amazing and beautiful children to call my own.”

  “I only insisted on protecting them, it was Roberts idea for you to take them in.”

  “Well, thank you, to both of you. Now, I have one last Christmas gift to give you.” He handed her some documents. “I will need you and Robert to read over those papers. If you have any question, please feel free to ask.”

  “What are they for?’ Heidi asked.

  “Those papers name you sole owner of a new product used to heal burns. A sample batch will be produced tomorrow and then tested at eight separate labs. If it passes all the tests, which I’m sure it will, a patent will be applied for immediately. If my instincts are correct, and they usually are, you are about to become very wealthy.”

  “But what about you? You have done all the work.”

  “All I have done is contact all the right people. The contract dictates that I will be paid one percent over and above my initial investment, which is next to nothing, the rest goes to you.”

  “Five percent.” She told him.

  “Heidi, from what you are going to make, one percent is more than enough.”

  “What if it’s a flop, how will I pay you back?”

  “Trust me and stop worrying. We should have results before you leave for home.” Robert got up and went to Mack and shook his hand. “Thanks, Mack.”

  “No problem.” He gave Robert a hug. “Let’
s have another hot chocolate and celebrate.”

  “I have a gift for you from my grandmother.” Heidi told him. She went to the kitchen and returned with a tray. Upon the tray was a very old bottle of Saké. “Saké comes from Japan and is a drink made from rice.” She set the tray on the coffee table and poured Mack, Charles, and Robert each a tiny cup. She handed each of them a cup, said something in Chinese. “It is considered the drink of friendship,” and told them to drink.

  Charles gave her a big smile. Mack had had Saké before. Robert poured another drink.

  “Be careful little brother, it will catch up with you if you’re not careful.” Mack told him.

  The three brothers and their mates enjoyed the evening together. Charles and Jackie were the first to call it a night, Jackie didn’t drink because of the baby. Peg and Mack looked in on the children and they went to bed. That left Heidi and Robert to enjoy the Christmas tree alone.

  Robert put his arms around Heidi. “How is my beautiful mate? Did you enjoy your Christmas?”

  “Oh, Robert. It was the greatest Christmas of my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” She kissed him tenderly. “It was wonderful to see my family again. It was the best gift you could have given me.”

  “So, everything is okay now?” He kissed her back.

  “Yes, you have saved my life.” She started to unbutton his shirt. She wanted to put her hands on his skin. “I love you, Robert. I pledge my life and love to you.”

  “And I pledge the same to you. I love you.”

  I hope you enjoyed

  Bearly Saved My Life

  Madison Range Shifters

  Quake Lake Bears #2

  If you haven’t already, check out

  Bearly Too Old (Sierra Nevada Shifters #1)

  Bearly Friends (Sierra Nevada Shifters #2)

  Can’t Catch Me (Sierra Nevada Shifters #3)

  Bearly Saved My Heart,

  Madison Range Shifters, Quake Lake Bears #1

  Golden Eyes of the Tiger “Luke”

  Whispers of the Spirit Bear “Vicki”

  Lazarus is coming

  Visit my website




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