by Kara Hart
“Fine, whatever. Do what you want.” I bend over and don’t even think about the shot. I crack the ball wildly and land one in. “I’m done playing. This game is boring,” I sigh, setting the stick on the table.
“Good. ‘cause there’s a hot marine looking right at you.” She whispers, walking near me. “Don’t turn around too fast or he’ll know we saw him.
“Ew, a marine? How do you know?” I make a grossed out noise. I wasn’t hot and heavy for those gun-wielding types. In fact, I tried to stay away altogether. I like the bookworms, the anti-alphas of the world. Guys like Elijah. Double gross. Okay, I’ll take a glance. What’s the harm?
I glance over and feel his dark eyes burning a hole through my body. He was just staring like he didn’t care if I knew or not. “Oh, boy,” Julie laughs. “He looks like a wild one, doesn’t he? I wouldn’t mind saddling up for him.”
“Saddling up? Ugh, who are you?!” I try to hold back my laughter, but it comes barreling out of me. She just shrugs and puts the pool cues away.
I actually feel cute for once in my life. After last night’s fiasco, I needed to play a little dress up. I’ve got this denim skirt on, complete with a short black halter-top, and a pair of comfy sheer panties that could kill a man. I’m not even wearing a bra and my tits are barely contained beneath the fabric. Yep, I was ready to make a man beg for me tonight.
“All I’m saying is I think you should go for it. After that whole thing with Elijah, you deserve it,” she says in that all too familiar confident-Julie tone.
“I seem to remember you being the one on your knees in the back seat with my boyfriend.” I try not to scream, but my anger gets the best of me.
“Ex-boyfriend. Besides, he’s got a small cock and he can barely get it up.”
“That is not the point!” This time I scream. Luckily, the bar music drowns out my voice.
“It is totally the point. I was helping you out. You don’t need to be with a loser like that,” she says, somehow with another beer in her hand. Where she keeps getting the bottles, I don’t know. But if she keeps pulling this Houdini shit on me, I’m leaving.
I grab the beer from her hands and mutter “Right. Helping me out.”
She ignores me and continues her stupid rant, “…you need a big cock. A big, fat meaty cock. One with ridges. A throbbing, All-American, weiner. One you can really choke on…”
“Okay, Julie. I get it! Jesus.” I can’t even be mad at her anymore. What she just said was hilarious. And also true. Shit, I do need a big, fat meaty…
“Oh, shit. He’s coming over!” she hisses at me and I can’t stop myself before I turn around.
“Fuck!” I yell, immediately covering my mouth.
“Wow. You’ve got some mouth on you.” A deep voice sounds behind me. I turn around to see two military men standing right over me. They must be two feet taller than me, at least.
“Um. Yeah,” I mutter. Um, yeah? What the hell kind of a response is that, Lena?
The guy in front was clearly the leader of the pack. I say pack because they immediately come off as a pack of wild dogs, ready to get their dinner. I choke down my spit and smile awkwardly, feeling my cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. What am I doing? I should leave right now. I’m a journalist, not some alpha-loving college girl.
“That's okay. I love a woman with the mouth of a sailor,” he says. I feel the weight of his stare and it pushes me back into the pool table.
“Is that what you are? A sailor?” I find myself asking. Fuck. Now that I've engaged the guy, I know there's no possibility of him ever leaving us alone.
“We’re SEAL’s,” he says, displaying his tags proudly.
I shrug, knowing full well how rude I'm coming off. “So like, you were in the army?” I ask him, trying not to laugh. The whole tough guy army thing just wasn't my bag. Plus, he’s standing awkwardly close. His persistence wasn't cute or charming. If anything, it was kind of annoying.
“No, we’re SEAL’s,” he repeats, like I’m slow, not understanding that it means absolutely nothing to me.
His friend, sensing they weren't getting any closer to getting our numbers, jumped in. “What're you two lovely ladies up to tonight?” I couldn't help but notice the silver ring around his finger. What assholes. The guy has a wife and he's trying to get laid? This was exactly why I stayed away from men like them. Misogynists…
“This lovely lady has an assignment due at eight A.M. tomorrow morning,” I say, sliding to the left of the guy.
Just when I think I'm good to escape, my stupid sister has to jump in and ruin everything. “That lovely lady is a lying little bi-atch. We’re both free. What kind of trouble are you SEALs getting into tonight?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck! There she goes again, running her mouth and putting me in awkward situations. And, shit! She has another beer in her hand. What the hell? Well, this night should prove interesting. That, or completely disastrous. I suppose I should be a little more careful when I wish for my life to go up in flames.
Of course, that's when he puts a hand around my waist and changes everything.
“Beautiful, if you want us to leave you alone, just say the word,” he says at almost a whisper. Strangely, I don't say a thing back.
What do I expect from a gal like her? To throw her arms around me and tell me she loves me? Hell no. I expect a challenge, a real rough ride. And when she finally does say yes, I'll show her the night of her life.
My hand’s around her waist, confidence surging through my bones, and I'm waiting on her next move.
“I didn't say I wanted you to leave us alone,” she whispers, voice cracking. She swallows hard and I can't help but think about what else she’ll swallow before the night is over, if I have my way.
“You weren't exactly friendly either,” I say, keeping my eyes on her. Fuck, I don't want to look away. Her tits are perfect, like they're practically calling my name. I imagine tearing her shirt off with my teeth, falling to my knees and wrapping my warm mouth around her soaking wet pussy. I want to eat her like my life fucking depends on it. I need this so bad, and she has no idea what I'm willing to do to get it.
To my knees… That's when it hits me. There’s a reason why I don't go out anymore. There's a reason why I haven't had pussy in months. My fucking leg. The one that was taken from me. If she saw the prosthetic, she would think I was a freak. Everyone already did. No one cared about what I did over there. If anything, they held me in contempt. I was starting to think I should head back to the woods and drink alone.
“It's not my job to be friendly. I came here to get a drink with my sister, not to get hit on by a pair of adulterous men.” She practically spits the words at my face and pushes my hand off her waist. Next thing I know, she shoves me with her palm.
“Whoa, there,” I say with a slight smile because the way she shoves me actually turns me on. I can feel my cock twitch and I'm feeling primal, like some kind of wild animal. It takes everything out of me not to have her right then and there.
“Like I said, you want us to leave, just say the word. But a fine woman like you deserves to be spoken to,” I say, looking down at the edges of that denim skirt she's wearing. It's calling me. No, begging me to run my fingers across her soft skin.
“I shouldn't need to tell you I want you to leave,” she says, her eyes on fire. The skin on her neck and collarbone is tight and all I want to do is run my lips gently across it. I had a feeling it would calm her down.
“Lena, stop. We’re all just having a little fun here. No need to get all melodramatic,” the sister says, leaning against the pool table, legs slightly open. She looks like she's ready for anything tonight and normally I would dive right in. But I'm not interested in an easy win. I'm interested in the girl that's willing to fight against me.
Not that I’m forceful. On the contrary, if she just tells me to go away, I will. But she's not doing it. She wants me to stay right where I am. So I stay to win it,
as she continues to run circles on me. Women…
“No, it’s fine. I get the hint,” I say, stepping back. “She wants us to leave. It’s cool.” I drink down the last remnants of my beer, smile, and turn around to leave.
Wait for it…
“Wait…” I hear her voice squeak. A smile breaks out onto my face because I knew she would ask us to stay. We were just too damn good to pass up. And then she asks that all too familiar question, the one I never want to answer ever again. “Did you ever kill anyone?”
“Lena! Not cool,” her sister whispers to her. I stop dead in my tracks and turn around.
“What? He signed up for it, right? He can answer a simple question,” she says, slurring the words. Maybe she’s drunk or maybe she’s just itching to piss a guy like me off. Either way, I’m not having it.
“Look, little lady. This was a long time ago, okay? What do you do for a living?” I ask her.
“Come on, man. Let’s just go.” Bowen tugs on my shirt, but when I don’t move, he just shakes his head and leaves the bar. “I’m out of here.” He’s got better things to do than hang around a loose cannon like me.
“Little lady? Is this really happening right now? Look, you came up to us. All I did was ask a simple question,” she says. A simple question. Right. Dig, dig, dig. This girl is trouble.
“She’s a reporter,” her sister chimes in, looking like she’s about to run after Bowen. She’s about as hungry for cock as I am for pussy and because of that, I feel like I have some common connection with the woman. I smile.
“A reporter, huh?” I ask Lena. I take a look over at the bar and think about getting another drink. Ultimately, I shrug it off. I figure the night isn’t going to play out so hot, and I might as well get a good night’s sleep before tomorrow’s events.
“An investigative journalist,” she corrects me.
“Sounds like the same thing to me,” I say. I can’t get my eyes off her body. Even if she does piss me off to no end, I have half a mind to rip her clothes off right now. I’m feeling all sorts of savage right now, which means I probably should get going.
“It isn’t. Hence the words investigative and journalist,” she huffs. I love watching her get riled up. Her chest moves up and down with each new breath and her tits press against the lining of her shirt. I’m pretty sure she’s not wearing a bra and her nipples are as hard as rocks. This girl clearly needs a rough man in her life.
“Well, sweet cheeks. I’m not about to give you the story of your career. In fact, you can shove your investigation up your fine, tight ass. It looks like you probably need it too. I doubt you’ve had a good lay in years.” I turn around and start walking again.
“Fuck off!” she screams. I can’t help but laugh as I push the doors open. Cat’s out of the bag, I guess. Time to go home.
Outside, Bowen is smoking a cigarette and leaning against the wall. He takes one look at me and bursts out laughing. “I had a feeling I’d be seeing you in a couple minutes. You know, you’re probably the worst pick up artist in all of history.”
I laugh and fall against the brick wall next to him. I run my hand through my short hair. “Yeah, well you’re not exactly the best wingman either.”
He nods and takes another drag. “It’s never going to be the same. Is it?” he asks, staring off into the distance. A train chugs against the rails next to us and I have to speak louder to be heard.
“What do you mean? Is it ever?” I ask.
“I don’t know. I guess not. Back there, it just seemed like we had it made,” he sighs. That’s when I know he’s drunk and his wife was going to have a field day with me tomorrow. I look at my watch and it’s 10:30 PM. Shit. It’s a bit later than I expected.
“Bowen, we had insurgents’s rifles pointed at us at all times. Remember the tea shop we used to patrol? Remember when someone planted an IED right out front? Three innocent civilians, blown to bits. We didn’t have it made. We got sent to hell for no reason and now we’re back home. That’s the reality,” I say. I’m not the guy to have this conversation with. I know what the Navy did to me and my brothers. It fucked a lot of us up. I was just lucky to have a clear conscience. Others experienced far worse than I did.
“I suppose you’re right, man. I just thought when we came back it’d be a little different is all.” He sighs and throws his cigarette into the street. A car rolls by and the passenger in the front salutes us when he sees our tags. I simply nod.
“There you go. A fan. You happy now?” I laugh. He shrugs. “Bowen, you have everything you could have ever wanted. A loving wife – and that’s a woman who waited patiently four fucking years for you to get back home in one piece. You have your children, that incredible house, a good enough job… You’ve got it made, brother.”
I can’t handle this sappy war-hero shit and he knows it so he changes the subject. “Anyway, I guess it’s time I go home. Need a ride?” he asks.
“Nah. I’m good. I’ll catch you tomorrow or something.” I say, giving him a strong hug. “Be safe. Don’t let your wife cut off your nuts.”
That makes him laugh, of course. “You too, man. Those women are wild in there. Don’t let them follow you home or something. Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I stumble home through a path into the woods. When I first moved out here, this place kind of scared the shit out of me. At night, you can’t see a thing. If you’re not careful, you can wander into the trees and find yourself lost until the morning. There were more than a handful of nights where I drunkenly stumbled into what seemed like the oblivion.
But now, that’s why I loved this place. The security of darkness. There’s the illusion of being away from humanity, even if there was a Walmart a mile away. Finally, I saw the dim light of my porch, that homey feeling that only cedar, low lighting, and the sound of old time country music can bring. I turned my radio off and sighed loudly.
That woman earlier. I can’t get her out of my mind. How come I had never seen her around before? For living in a small town, she definitely stands out. And those clothes she was wearing. Fuck…
I feel my cock press against the zipper of my pants. So I didn’t get the girl tonight. Big deal. I wasn’t going to let that stop me from having a good night. I sit down on my rocking chair and pull my pants down, over my prosthetic leg. I pop it off and set it aside. I laugh at how absurd I am right now. My cock is completely hard and I have to take off my fake leg so I can fucking cum. I’m a real American hero alright.
My cock falls out into my palm. I spit down on the rigid flesh and run my hand across it, spreading the saliva over the tightening skin. I close my eyes and think of that frigid woman.
Lena. She’s bending over that pool table and I’m walking up behind her, slow as can be. When she feels me near her, she turns her head slightly and closes her eyes, ready for me. “Hello, stranger,” she beckons.
I reach my hand out low and run it up her leg, her thigh, until I stop short, right before her pussy. It’s warm and she’s completely wet.
“You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you?” I ask her. She simply moans, mouth wide open. Her tongue is glistening. I rest my hand on her warmth and feel her desire for me.
I push her legs open to the side and rip her panties down to her ankles. I push her forward and I’m quickly inside her, her skirt over her perfect marble-skinned ass. Now I’m riding her. I’m riding her until I pick her up and fall against the wall.
I’m looking into those sapphire-blue eyes and she’s staring right back at me with all that malice she bears. I’m pumping, I’m thrusting, and I’m letting it all go. Her tits are pressed against my mouth and I’m lightly sucking on her hard nipples, holding around her neck, making sure she knows who’s the boss.
“I’m going to give you the story of a lifetime…” I moan.
“Give it to me. Shoot your fucking load inside me!” Her screams echo off the bar walls.
Pretty soon I’m shining my cock at full speed and I’m ready to blow. I
circle my grip around the base of my dick and I feel a sudden rush of pleasure roll over me in waves. It’s coming. I’m cumming. My taint grows taught with anticipation and my balls tighten up. My whole body moves in spasms and something finally clicks, better than any drug around.
“Oh, fuck!” I cry out in ecstatic pleasure. Thick streams of my cum shoot out onto my stomach and chest.
One, two, three, four… And I’m riding her, shooting it inside her, filling her up completely, until it spills out and drips around my balls. She falls to her knees and laps it up like a kitten. I shake, feeling as if I died and went to heaven.
“My hero…” she whispers, kissing my navel.
“God damn!” I tense up and fall back in the chair. My whole front body covered in my cum.
I open my eyes and wipe myself up with a towel. I make my way to my shower, lean against the wall, and unscrew my fucking leg. It’s a whole ordeal I have to go through on a daily basis and tonight it’s harder than ever. By the time I’m done showering, I’m exhausted. I clutch against the shower door, but end up slipping and falling out of the shower. I don’t even try to pick myself up. I just fall asleep on the floor, right then and there.
Oh, what a life. I have to find that woman again, if it’s the last thing I do.
“You’re out of your damn mind,” I say, as I get ready for the Memorial Day Festival. “I don’t get with guys like that. He’s probably a closet serial killer or something.” I’m looking at myself in the mirror and totally hating the way I look. I rip off my dress and dig through my closet for something that makes me look less like a disgusting troll.