Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance

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Single Dad Boss: A Small Town Romance Page 50

by Kara Hart

  This whole festival thing was a mistake. I thought by showing up, I’d feel a sense of pride in my country and myself. Turns out, all I feel is rejected and used.

  I stare at her, waiting for her to give her two-cent apology. Finally, she gets up from the table and says “Come here.” She grabs my hand and leads me to a corner by the carnival games.

  I’m barely having it. She’s too good for a guy too stupid to go to war. She’s just some prissy girl, probably raised by nice people with too much money and privilege. She isn’t like me. She didn’t understand sacrifice.

  “Look, you’re not into this. That’s fine. I’d appreciate it if you just left me alone,” I say.

  She grabs my hand and stays silent, biting her lip and looking around to see if anyone is watching us. “Is this what you want?” she asks me. To my surprise, she pulls my hand and presses it between her legs. I can feel the pattern on her thinly knit panties and the wetness that grew at the center.

  Oh, fuck. My cock presses against the front of my dress slacks. I move my fingers up and down, pressing her button, and begin moving them slowly back and forth. At this point, the blood is rushing to my cock and I can barely contain myself. She’s still glancing from side to side, making sure no one can see us, but when I move forward, there’s no chance anyone can tell my hand is up her dress.

  “I can’t say I haven’t been dreaming about this,” I say, breathing in deep. The smell of her perfume floods my senses. It’s like rose petals, fresh dew, sunshine, and candy, rolled into one. Her red dress needs to come off, that much I’m certain of. But before I can rip off every last thread of clothing, I grab her hand and pull it forward. I press it against the zipper of my pants, until she feels what I’m packing.

  “Holy shit…” she moans, gulping down loudly.

  “You’re wet,” I grunt.

  “You’re hard as a rock,” she says, voice shaky. It’s at that point, I realize just how turned on by me she is, but she quickly pulls away and pats down her dress. She awkwardly kisses my cheek and wanders toward the carousel in front of us.

  “Hey, where are you going?” I call out to her, shielding my raging hard on. There’s nothing more embarrassing than a SEAL with a public erection.

  She skips forward and spins, twirling her dress. I can just make out the thin line of her panties, right where it connects to the tight skin of her thigh. I want to lick her, to kiss that sweet pussy, and suck on her clit until she shakes and writhes against my face.

  “Don’t you have an award you have to receive?” She smirks, giving the ticket-taker a ticket before jumping on the carousel floor. It starts to move and she waves goodbye and she starts spinning slowly.

  Oh, come on. I run and give the guy the last of my money, and jump on as it’s spinning. Now, she’s nowhere to be found and I’m searching each and every horse and booth to find the woman. “Lena!” I’m yelling, still slightly hard and enamored by the thrill of the chase.

  “Over here, stupid.” I hear her voice and my cock twitches against my pants, once again.

  She’s on a horse and it’s moving up and down as the whole carousel ride starts moving faster now.

  She motions for me to come over to her and says, “Jump on, cowboy.”

  There’s not much room behind her and it’s a little awkward with my leg, but I make my way on the wooden horse and hold onto the pole in front of her. “I wouldn't stay so excited if I were you,” she says.

  I laugh, but my arms are wrapped around her tightly, holding onto that pole, and we’re moving up and down, up and down. “Who says I'm excited?” I ask her.

  “I can feel it.” She pushes that ass of hers back against me and I can't help but grunt loudly. Is this really fucking happening?

  “Okay, maybe I'm a little excited,” I smile. “You're not?”

  She holds her finger to my mouth and whispers “Shh. Listen.”

  Okay, what is this new age bullshit. “What?” I laugh and move my body even closer.

  “I'm serious. Close your eyes and listen.” She takes a deep breath and rests her head on the gold painted pole in front of us. The carousel spins in circles and slowly the neon-glitter glow blends together into a choppy haze. And then I'm there.

  I'm in the desert, fully loaded and strapped to high hell. I'm there and my finger’s on the trigger. In front of me is everything, the one shot that counts. In the blink of an eye, it's all gone. I'm in the hospital, rolling down an opaque hallway. The sound of beeping penetrates my ear drums. That fucking Doctor.

  I snap out of it and feel my heart pounding. Families around the carousel talk loudly amongst a myriad of noises as the ride comes to a halt.

  “You see?” she asks me with a wide grin and dilated gleam in her eyes.

  My mouth is practically hanging open when I blurt out “Fuck no!” Lucky for me, she jumps off the horse, laughing.

  “You didn't see anything? Nothing at all?” There she goes again, skipping away from me.

  “I don't know. I saw some stuff I guess.” I have to jog to keep up with her. The whole time I'm praying my leg doesn't fail me. If it did, I'd have to pack it in and never leave those woods.

  Finally, she stops at a snow-cone vendor. “This is what I'm talking about!” she exclaims, buzzing with this new energy about her. I'm struggling to stay on her level but I have to, especially after that show she gave me back on the carousel. After I got this close to taking her.

  “What're you talking about? Is this some kind of inside joke I don't know about?” I say. I'm completely out of breath. Guess it's been a while since I've done much running. I sort of stuck to working with my hands these days.

  The line shortens and she orders, “Two snow-cones please. Grape and watermelon. Oh and put a little of that cream stuff in the center. That's my favorite part.” she gives me a look, pays for the treats, and hands me the grape snow-cone.

  “Thanks,” I mutter, taking a small bite and shrugging. “Now, can you tell me what the hell you’re going on about?” This girl could really run circles around me. I can barely keep up.

  “Sometimes you can just feel that feeling. You know, the feeling where all points of your life just connect. It comes when you listen. Anyway, the carousel reminded me of when I was a little girl and coming here with my dad. Weirdly enough, I think you would have liked him.” Uh, did she just say I would have liked her dad?

  She just laughs and looks at the exit of the park. “You wanna go somewhere?” she asks. Coming from the back of the park are the echoes of a speech that Bowen and a few of the other SEALs are giving about freedom and defending our right to have it. Sure.

  Well, right in front of me lay the entrance to real, tangible freedom. The kind I can remember. Like memories… what she just said. I look at her and can’t help but nod. “Sure. Why the hell not?”

  Before I know it, she’s grabbing my hand and taking me for a ride, pulling me into the woods nearby. “I know this place,” she says. “Trust me. It’s like the best view in the city.”

  We walk at least two miles and my leg is killing me, even though it’s not technically a tough hike. Still, she’s got that dress on and it’s like for one night I’ve found the keys and unlocked something inside of her. So hell yeah I’m running after her. I’m running as fast as I can.

  We finally get to the top of the hill and there, buried in the dirt and leaves, is a boulder that jabs out the side. “Here it is,” she smiles, climbing to the edge of the jagged rock.

  “You’re going to fall if you’re not careful.” I call out, now taking my time.

  “I thought you were a Navy boy. You can’t keep up with a girl?” she teases me. If she only knew.

  “Don’t worry, I’m letting you lead tonight,” I laugh, sitting beside her.

  “You always let women lead?” she lifts her eyebrow and then falls back against the rock.

  “I love a woman on top,” I say. She chuckles and suddenly, there’s a strange silence. In front of us is the whole
entire city, including the festival. All of the people below like tiny little ants, small but incredibly complex. Being up here made me wonder why people go to war in the first place. It seemed so… random.

  “It’s beautiful up here, isn’t it?” she asks. I lean back against the cold rock and stare up into the dark night. I want to say “you’re beautiful,” but the words fall short. I just nod and let her take the reins.

  She reaches into her dress pocket and pulls out a joint. She lights it without saying a word. When I give her a look, she asks “What? Am I offending you?”

  I laugh. “Hardly. Stop bogarting the damn thing already.” As she hands me the joint, I hand her the flask. It’s almost empty, but there’s at least three sips left.

  She snickers softy. “You know, Elijah gave me this joint.”

  “Elijah?” I ask her.

  She frowns. “My editor. The guy you threatened,” she reminds me. Oh yeah. That Elijah.

  “I didn’t exactly threaten him. I just set him straight.” I take another drag and we exchange poisons once again.

  “Semantics. I told him I would save it for a special occasion. I think this is special enough. Don’t you?” she asks, grinning. Special? Did she really just say that “S” word?

  “Sure is,” I say, looking down at the world. I can just make out where my cabin is and for once I don’t feel the urge to head back and bury myself in work.

  She sits up and throws the last of the joint down the hill in front of us and laughs. “So why didn’t you stay back with your friends? Why’d you follow me?” she asks.

  But it’s obvious why I followed her instead of staying back and she knows it. “I need more of you,” I say. Her perfume is all around me and the thought of licking and kissing up her thighs nearly sends me over the rails. “I want to make you cum. Over and over again.”

  Suddenly her hand is on top of mine, pulling me forward. I’m overtop of her now, and she’s staring back at me. “You do?” she asks, closing her eyes.

  My lips are centimeters away from hers. I can almost taste her. Fuck, my cock is going crazy.

  “Yes,” I moan, reaching out to wrap my lips around hers. I pull away and kiss the curvature of her neck, right where it meets her collarbone. I say “I want to bend you over and slide those cute panties down to your ankles. And then I want to eat you until you shiver and cum. Then I want to eat you again. And again. I want you to sit on my face until you’ve cum at least four times.” I press my lips to hers and insert my tongue. I’m so fucking hard when I feel her tongue swirl around mine, that I swear I’m going to explode.

  “Tell me more,” she moans.

  “Are you wet?” I ask her.

  She grabs my hand and places it on her thigh. I slowly run my hand upward until it meets the lining to her panties underneath that red dress. I swear I’m going to fucking burst, but I keep taunting myself by going further. I push her dress up and feel her panties. The way her lips feel underneath the fabric is like heaven concealed under a blanket. I’m dying to devour her.

  “Does it feel like I’m wet?” she asks me, pulling me forward with my dog tags.

  “You’re soaked. We’re going to have to get you some new underwear,” I moan, almost inaudibly. Our tongues are tied, tightly wrapped together. I pull back, sucking on her tongue and biting on her bottom lip, and then kiss her shoulder.

  I move downward and feel her tits, which are clearly a gift from God himself. I’m dying a slow death as I make my way to her navel. I kiss around it and breathe in deep. I need this. I need this so fucking bad. I fall down to her panties and press my tongue against the fabric, wrapping my hand around her ass.

  “You’re perfect,” I groan and she closes her eyes and slides her tongue across her lips.

  I slowly roll her panties down her ankles and say “I want to stuff these in your mouth while I eat you to completion. I want to hear that muffled moan as you tremble and cum.” The words just fell from my mouth.

  “Yes,” she groans, “eat my pussy, Colt.” Once she says my name, I’m all hers. I place my hand across her wetness and move my fingers in a circular motion, slow, adding pressure. I unzip my pants and pull my cock out, rubbing her wetness across the head and shaft. I stroke myself slow and hard and place my mouth against her pussy, sucking around her lips and pulling back.

  She breathes out sharply at first, but then moves into a slow rhythm with me as my tongue swirls around her. “You taste so fucking sweet,” I moan. She tastes like strawberries dipped in fucking honey and I hope to God I can eat her forever. I slide up against her clit and insert two fingers, pressing up against her g-spot.

  “Keep doing that. Fuck!” she cries out. Below, I can hear the sounds of the festival and above us, it’s only trees.

  I start sucking on her like I’m sucking the juices from a ripe fruit. She wraps her legs around my face and I pull her close until she’s fully in my grasp, riding my mouth like a cowgirl.

  When she moans, it's loud and from the back of her throat. Her dress drapes over my head as I run my tongue, back and forth, inside and out. I'm gripping the flesh of her ass, feeling her cheeks resting against me. I’m in heaven and I'm starving for her.

  Like a man trapped in a desert, I'm drinking from an oasis. After some time, I feel her legs give in and she's cumming.

  “Yes!” She's moaning and writhing against me, body quivering in short intervals.

  She slowly regains herself, breathing quick and deep. She whispers “Cum for me…” I'm stroking my cock wildly, until I feel an insurmountable pleasure. And then I lose myself in streams of thick cum, plastered against the earth.

  When I'm back on this planet, I look at her and we both start laughing. Not that anything was funny, but that we both couldn't believe any of that just happened. “Fuck. I could eat you until my death,” I declare.

  “Come on,” she whispers kissing my cheek. She jumps up and runs back down the hill.

  Another chase? You've got to be kidding me? I struggle to keep up, but when I finally reach the bottom of the hill she turns to me and says “That was fun.”

  “Yeah, let's do it again.” I smile awkwardly. I haven't been with a girl I gave a shit about in years and now I'm honestly racking my brain to figure out what to say to her next. Uh, thanks for letting me eat your cunt. I really enjoyed it.

  “I don't know,” she hesitates, looking down at the ground in front of her. “I've got a lot of work to do this week and I’m not sure when I'll be free. I don't even have a good story to write about.”

  She isn't budging. Fuck. All I can do is think about sliding my cock deep inside her, pressing her against me, feeling her perfect ass push back around each ridge of me. There's not a bone in my body that’s gonna let me let her go now.

  “How about you write about me?” I say suddenly, knowing it's too good an offer to pass up.

  “What? You?” she asks. We’re walking back to the festival and in the distance I can see the boys, drunk with her sister Julie, out front.

  “Yeah,” I say, “I mean, why not? I'm a war veteran. I've got some stories that'll blow your mind.”

  “I doubt they'll blow my mind. I'm not easily surprised,” she says. But she doesn't know the shit I experienced over there. She's never had five of her friends gunned down by enemy insurgents. Fuck, they weren't even enemies. They were pissed off civilians from a war-torn country.

  “Trust me. You haven't heard about my tour over there,” I say. She gives me this look like she doesn't want to risk doing this kind of thing too much. I get it, actually. A lot of the guys that went over there experienced too much to cope with. They struggle with PTSD and other ailments. Like my fucking leg. I guess I had a lot of demons of my own that I need to tackle.

  “Fine. It's a deal,” she says, extending out her hand for me to shake it. I look at her, confused. Yet, I'm shaking it and pulling her close. I press my lips to hers one last time and she presses her hand against my chest.

  “It's a date,”
I correct her. She laughs and pushes me away.

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” she says, but I know deep down she wants me. I know she can't pass up a good ride. “See you later, Colt,” she whispers. My cock goes crazy when I hear her say my name again and I have to breathe in the air around her one last time before meeting up with the boys again.

  It is a dangerous offer on my part. The things I saw over there are classified now. If it got out that I leaked the story, they'd kill me. I'd have to be selective with what I tell her. I sure as hell wasn't telling her about my injury.

  First things first though. I need her. I need her on all fours.



  “Are you kidding? You did not!” Julie screams it so the whole house shakes.

  “Okay, don't make a huge deal out of it. It was just one night,” I say. Just one night. We’ll see if I can hold out for that long. Once his lips were on me, I realized just how long it had been since any guy had gone down on me. Elijah never did that. He didn't “like the taste of pussy,” he once said. He was “like most guys,” he said.

  “Lord. He's hot as hell. If I had the chance, I'd sit on his face for days,” she starts the coffee maker and fans herself.

  “Julie!” I shield my face in embarrassment.

  She simply shrugs and takes a bite of toast. “What? I love it that you're coming out of your shell. God knows it’s about time.”

  “Oh God, I just don't know if it's a good idea. He like really served over there, you know?” I say the word “there” like it’s a bad word and I immediately regret framing it like that. “Okay that sounded bad,” I admit.

  She laughs “So he's like a hero? Yeah, that's real disgusting.” She rolls her eyes at me.

  “Well, we’re seeing each other again I guess,” I say. The coffee maker starts making some gurgling noises and I can see that it's done, so I pour two cups for each of us. “I'm going to write a piece on him.”


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