The Rage

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The Rage Page 2

by Jaci J.

  I’m not looking forward to this babysitting gig, but I’ll do what I gotta do and then she’s Lil and Tanks problem.

  Throwing open the door I announce like an asshole, “Welcome to Hell.”

  I’m not fucking prepared for the bitch on the other side. Nothing could have prepared me for that shit. My words are suddenly crammed right back down my throat and I choke on those motherfuckers.

  I’m faced with the hottest bitch I have ever seen. Holy fucking shit. I don’t think I have ever met a bitch that could ever compare to the woman standing at the door. For a second I just stare at her like a dumb shit, not even able to speak.

  My eyes can’t seem to take her in quick enough. From her face to her fucking body, there is too much perfection to take in at once. She’s that type of bitch you need to take in small doses, ‘cause too much of her could kill a man. She cannot be good for your fucking health.

  She has long, golden blonde hair that hangs all around her perfect face. That shit looks shiny, thick, and soft as fuck. She even has those enormous blue doll eyes, long dark lashes, a cute ass nose and glossy pink lips. This bitch has the face of a goddamn angel.

  While her face may be of that of an angel, her body is made from sin. It begs to be fucked with all those round, soft curves. Big, beautiful round tits and a sweet ass for days is all I can focus on. Jesus Christ.

  The sweet little thing is wearing a pair of ripped up jeans, showing off some serious skin, along with a tight ass black tee. It should be illegal for a bitch to be so goddamn hot.

  The most amazing thing about her is that she’s plain in the best fucking way. No makeup, no hair styling, just simple and beautiful. All fucking natural.

  “Lilly around?” The girl asks softly and I almost nut in my jeans. That voice is soft, but confident; A voice any man would want to hear say his name while he was fucking this angel. I’ve got to fight for my words. Fight motherfucker, fight!

  “Yep. She’s gettin’ fucked right now, so you can wait down here with me,” Her eyes widen a fraction but she nods slowly, letting my words sink in. Yeah baby, I just said that.

  “Oh shit, fresh pussy boys,” King hollers, making a beeline for the girl as soon as her beautiful ass is through the door. I’m still trying to pull my shit together enough to walk. That motherfucker has some damn pussy radar, that’s for sure.

  “Well, hello there, darlin’. What’s a pretty little thing like you doin’ in a place like this?” He asks, giving her his sleazy ass smile.

  Those pink lips crook up into a small, sweet smile of their own, “Not lookin’ for you, darlin’,” she counters with a wink.

  “Ha!” I can’t help it. I was not expecting to hear that shit come from those sweet lips. Damn, this bitch just punk’d the fuck out of King. I really like this one.

  King’s face is stone, not looking so happy to see her anymore. He hates mouthy bitches.

  “Get the fuck outta here, King. This,” I start to say bitch, but that just doesn’t seem right. I don’t know her name so I go for the safe route, “Girl, ain’t here for none of us.”

  I guess I should ask , “Name?”

  Throwing that long ass hair over her shoulder, she says, “Lailah.”


  Stepping out of my car, I slowly take in the huge steel building in front of me. It sits out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by miles of thick forest, with other buildings dotting the long, gravel driveway. Lilly gave me directions and this is where my GPS has lead me.

  Halfway here I wondered if the thing had a glitch, but it’s the only place I’ve seen in the last thirty minutes, so I’m guessing I’ve made it to the right place. I thought of turning around and heading back home several times, but I really don’t want to be there. I would much rather take my chances with the building armored in chain link fences and barbed wire.

  I pull up as a man in a leather jacket waves me in. Now my nerves are starting to get the better of me. The lot in front of the building is lined with motorcycles of all varieties; no one bike is the same. The building looks more like a shop, really. Steel and metal mixed with wood and concrete.

  Pulling down my mirror, I check my face and I look terrified. Jesus, pull it together girl. Fuck it. Throwing open my door, I pull up my big girl panties and get out of my car. It’s now or never.

  I walk up to the only door, assuming it’s the right one because I can hear music and voices coming from inside. Looking back over my shoulder, the man by the gate keeps his eyes on the long dirt driveway. I turn back around and face the door. Shaking my arms out, I roll my neck around my shoulders and give myself the mental pep talk of a lifetime, ‘You can do this. They’re bikers with smart-ass mouths, and so are you. You can totally do this.’

  Taking one last deep breath, I knock on the door. I tried for a firm, confident knock, but it comes out anything but confident. I’m feeling a little ashamed of it. Once I lower my hand, the door is ripped open and a loud voice announces, “Welcome to Hell.”

  Well, hello Hell.


  This guy is smoking hot. His deep voice sends a chill down my spine and a sadistic thrill through my body. It’s that type of voice that would whisper awful things to you right before killing you – dark, intimidating, and extremely erotic.

  He’s one big ass man – six-five at the very least. It’s not just his height, his body is built like a fighters. I’m not small at five-seven, but he completely dwarfs me.

  His face has a deep scar that cuts through his top and bottom lip, stopping at his chin. Looking higher, I see a gash that runs through his eyebrow, seeming to run in the same direction of the lower scar, but in no way does it take away from his looks. It’s a striking contrast of harsh and beautiful. His dark hair is cut short and neat, close to his head, just as his beard is full, but cut close to his face. He is sporting a cut on his cheekbone, so I assume that he is a figher.

  I don’t know how long I take to notice all these things about him, but I finally come out of my daydream and see him looking at me like he’s never seen someone like me before.

  I want to shift uncomfortably from his scrutinizing stare, but I don’t. I stand my ground. There is nothing about this man that looks nice, sweet, or friendly. He’s a scary package in denim, leather, and muscle; someone I would avoid at all costs outside of this place, yet I don’t feel any of these things. I find myself liking the idea of being as close to him as possible.

  “Lilly around?”

  Pushing off the doorframe he shakes his head, “Yep. She’s getting’ fucked, so you can wait down here with me,” He says as he turns away from me and heads for the bar.

  “Oh shit, fresh pussy boys,” someone yells. I turn to see some cocky asshole making his way toward me. “Well, hello there, darlin’. What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ in a place like this?

  I refuse to let this shithead call me fresh pussy, so I simply smile and say, “Not lookin’ for you, darlin’, and throw in a nice little wink. He’s obviously not too happy with my answer, seeing as he stops dead in his tracks and looks at me like he wants to rip my head off.

  “Get the fuck outta here, King. This girl ain’t here for none of us,” Gigantor tells him. He turns to me with a sexy ass smile, “Name?”


  For a moment he freezes, complete shock taking over his features, but it disappears just a quickly. He stares at me for a few moments before saying, “I think I’ll call you Lala.”

  Wait, what? “No, it’s “LAI-LAH.””

  “Nah, I like Lala better.” I’m not about to argue my name with this giant of a man. He can call me whatever the fuck he wants to.

  “And your name is…”


  I’m not the least bit surprised. He looks like he could go on one at any moment.

  Rampage’s eyes slowly run the length of my body from head to toe, lingering on my boobs, not even trying to hide it. I suddenly wish that I wore something less revealing,
like a mumu.

  “Come on, Lala. Let’s get us a drink,” He growls, breaking through my thoughts.

  I start to follow him and take in the place. The room is huge and industrial, just like the outside. Mismatched furniture is set up in the large living area to one side of the room, facing some ridiculously large TV’s. That obviously wasn’t enough entertainment for these guys, so they put in stripper poles in two areas of the room, along with floor to ceiling mirrors.

  In the middle are tables and chairs, and another corner houses pool tables and dartboards. There are stairs at one end of the room, and a large bar lined with old barstools and bikers at the other. Everything seems functional – if you wanna live in a frat house.

  There are women dressed in tight clothes with their nipples sticking out of the top of their very low, tight tops. Men in leather and tattoos are drinking, talking and laughing as the song, The Joker, fills the room. God this is a good song. I want to sing along but bite my tongue. No one wants to hear that.

  The stale smell of Tabaco and the sweet fragrance of weed waft through the air. I notice that people are starting to notice me, quieting their conversations as I walk by. Conversations stop and eyes asses me. I feel out of place and way out of my element here. Rampage doesn’t seem to notice the stares, or if he does, he doesn’t care.

  He walks up to a man on a bar stool and slaps his hand on his shoulder, “Get the fuck up, prospect.”

  The small man jumps right up and smiles obligingly at me, “Ma’am,” he mutters before ducking out of the room. Rampage takes a seat and without a word, he waves a woman over to him that has way too much boobs for such a small tank top. If the bitch jumped, she’d have two black eyes. I am not even joking.

  “Drinks, Red,” he orders her coldly. She bats her clumpy coated lashes at him and adds a pout to her red lined lips.

  “Sure thing, baby,” and there she goes, sashaying her ass away just as she did when she walked over. If she puts any more sway into those hips, she may knock one out of place. She is definitely trying to work it, but it needs some work.

  I stand awkwardly behind him, wondering what I should do, and more importantly, wondering why the hell I’m here in the first place. This is so not me. I should be at home, reading or studying, not hanging out in a sleazy biker clubhouse, but I wanted to do something out of my element and not so boring, so here I am, and here I’ll stay.

  Looking over his shoulder, Rampage nods at me and then at the stool, “Put that pretty little ass of yours on the stool, Lala.”

  The bartender comes back, sliding the shots to Rampage. She leans herself into the bar with a smile on her lips, boobs resting on the bar top while she shamelessly flirts, “You sure you don’t need me in your bed tonight, Daddy?” she purrs at him, running a long pink fingernail up and down his arm seductively. Daddy? Oh now, come on. That’s not sexy, that shit’s just gross.

  “Nope,” he grunts and gives her a dismissive wave. She pouts, but doesn’t argue.

  Pushing an amber liquid filled shot glass toward me, “Drink it,” he demands. I hesitate for a second, and he follows it with a rough, “Now, Lala!”

  Shit. I plant my ass on the bar stool and toss back the shot. It burns its way down my throat and into my chest while I try not to choke to death. Rum is not my favorite thing to drink. Setting my empty glass down, it’s replaced immediately by another one.

  “Another,” he says shortly. Well, if you insist. Before he can bark another order at me, I down it quickly.

  The bartender watches me. Her disgust for me is written all of her overly painted up face. Her hands are on her hips and a sneer on her lips.

  “Who’s the stuck up bitch?” The bartender asks Rampage, lifting her chin at me. I watch as he looks at her and his lip curls. I’m only just noticing how dark his eyes are, and they are screaming trouble.

  “Now Red, Lala ain’t no stuck up bitch, are ya Lala? Nah, didn’t think so. She just has class, which is somethin’ you wouldn’t know anything about, would ya, Red?” Rampage slides the shot glasses toward her and snatches the bottle from her hands in an angry jerk. “Show some fuckin’ respect, bitch. It ain’t your place to talk about shit you know nothin’ about. Understood?” She stands there, glaring at him, “Now get the fuck outta here.” She turns on her heel, scooting off without another word.

  I saw a moment of uncertainty in her eyes when he snapped at her, but she quickly replaced it with anger. She seemed a little scared of him, but it didn’t last long. She may not be scared, but he freaked me the hell out.

  I sit silently and keep my eyes anywhere but on Rampage. A man quickly takes her place behind the bar and another man is right behind him, singing some ridiculous country song in a deep twang about a big green tractor, driving slow and faster, and plowing something…?

  He walks behind the bar, scooping up various bottles as he goes. He sticks the bottles in his pockets, in his vest, and under his arms as he walks right up to us. Clearly, he’s a very thirsty man. He’s also a pretty big man, so I can see it probably takes a lot to quench his thirst. Jesus. Do they breed giant men here? He has a friendly, almost goofy smile on his face as he approaches, and he’s handsome, in a country backwoods boy kind of way.

  “Who’s the beauty queen?” The man asks Rampage, but he keeps his eyes firmly planted on me. “Lala, but she ain’t here for you.”

  The man just ignores him and smiles at me as he sets down the bottles and offers me his large, dirty hand. Placing my hand in his, he gives it a firm shake, “Names Tags, pretty lady, and you’re Lala, huh?”

  Shrugging I say, “I guess I am today.”

  Rampage throws back a swig of the bottle and gives me a sideways glance, “She sure the fuck is.”

  “Well, pretty Lala. You need anything, you find me,” I offer him a smile and a nod in return.

  Time goes by as Rampage and I sit at the bar. Tags keeps the conversations going and the drinks flowing. I like Tags. He’s friendly and really easy to talk to. Rampage, on the other hand, chats very little. His communication skills consists of short sentences, and his answers are even shorter. However, he does continue to pass his bottle of rum to me occasionally, and I take small drinks, pacing myself.

  Just as I slide the bottle back to Rampage, I feel a wall of bodies come up behind us. They clearly do not know the definition of personal space because they are so close I can smell the booze, smoke, and sweat coming off their bodies. Instantly I feel a little overwhelmed and nervous. I’m completely uncomfortable with people I don’t know so close to me. I turn to see four giant, mean looking men push into me, crowding me into the bar. Okay, nervousness aside, I now know that they truly breed handsome giants here.

  One leans himself against me as he reaches for the bottle in front of me. His leather vest rubs on my back and arm, feeling smooth and worn on my skin. I can feel the denim of his jeans on my lower back.

  “Damn baby, you smell so fuckin’ good,” he groans in my ear as he blatantly rubs on me. Oh shit.

  Rampage gives him a lethal look, but doesn’t say anything. The guy doesn’t care because he pushes into me further and grins bigger. I’m frozen to my seat, not sure how to handle this. This one is pretty large, not as big as Rampage, but big enough. I’m really starting to panic now.

  “She claimed pussy?” he asks loudly, looking around the room for takers.

  I feel my eyes bug out of my head, mouth damn near hitting the bar top. Claimed pussy? This is the second time I’ve been called “Pussy” and it’s starting to really piss me off. What does this Neanderthal think he’s gonna do if no one claims this “Pussy?” Club me over the head and drag me to his cave? I down another shot for courage, readying myself to head for the door when I hear, “Fuck yeah, she is. She’s mine,” Lilly announces as she walks into the room holding Ty.

  Thank you, Jesus.

  “Lailah! You came!” Wrapping an arm around me, she hugs me to her. I’ve never been so happy to see anyone in my life.

nbsp; The guy who was pressed into me backs up and grumbles, “Sis, why the fuck you get ‘em all? Shit ain’t even fair. Rampage and Tags has hogged her ass up since she got here, and now you ‘n Tank get her tonight?” Shaking his head, he sighs dramatically and takes Ty from her, “We need new pussy in this motherfucker.”

  Lilly laughs and waves him off, “Shut the fuck up, Crush. New or old pussy, since when do you care?”

  He throws his head back and laughs, “Got a good point, babe.”


  I finally feel calmer now that Lilly is here. Ever since she and her son came into the room, the guys seem a little less rowdy and the slutty girls, or as I have now learned are called ‘gash,’ have made themselves scarce. Once I actually begin having conversations with the guys, I find they aren’t as bad I would have thought. They’re friendly, sometimes overtly so. They’re funny as hell and loud. With Lilly here, it’s easier to just sit back and enjoy what’s going on around me now that my discomfort level has lessened considerably with each passing hour I spend here. It’s certainly not the scariest party I’ve ever been to. It started out with me feeling a bit intimidated, but no one has done anything too crazy, at least not yet.

  Rampage hangs back, but he never seems to be too far away. I find myself relaxing and having a good time with everyone as a sort of comfort overcomes me. There is an air of safety here, like a fort, and I think I like it here.


  Eye fucked


  The brothers stare at her. Fuck, do they stare at her. Their greedy eyes are all over that perfect body of hers and I can’t blame them. I’ve spent my evening drooling over her like a twelve year old boy with a raging hard-on as I creep around and watch her.

  I can’t stop thinking about fucking her all over this motherfucking place while I sit here and watch every move she makes. I’m here thinking of all the nasty shit I’d like to do to her.


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