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The Rage

Page 13

by Jaci J.

  “Yeah. I’ve got to get back to my life.” I tell him sadly. His face is hard as he watches me packing up my mess. I’ve taken over his room and he’s let me.

  Pushing off the bed, he hands me a piece of paper. Taking it from him, I look and see three numbers on it, “Cell, burner, club. You need somethin’… anything at all, you call me. Fuck, call any of the brothers if you need ‘em. Someone will be here.” Nodding I take the number.

  Wrapping a hand in my hair, he smashes his lips hard against mine, kissing me like he’s gonna miss me. He finally breaks the kiss and points at the bed, growling, “You’re back in this bed real fuckin’ soon. You fuckin’ understand me, baby.”

  Yeah, I do. Let’s hope I make it back.


  Sitting in my driveway, I look around at my sad little house with its peeling paint, overgrown grass, and cracked front door. I want to be back at the club.

  I park down the street to get an idea of what I should do next. If he’s there, I run. If he’s gone, well, I hope he’s well and truly gone. I don’t see any vehicles, and I don’t see any movement through the windows. I wait for a while to see if anyone opens the door, or looks out the window, but there’s nothing, so I say a prayer, asking for Ryan and his friends to be gone, before I grab my bags and make my way to the door.

  My tiny house is trashed. Not only are there bottles, cans, trash, and empty food containers everywhere, but the couch is upside down, and a few kitchen chairs are smashed to pieces on the floor. The fridge door is open and the cupboards are bare. It looks like hungry raccoons or some college guys threw a party and ransacked my house, but I know better. This is just how Ryan lives. He has no respect for me or my things. Why would he when he doesn’t give a fuck about me? I wish I understood the method to his madness. He’s not obsessed with me, he doesn’t care about anything that has to do with me, but he has made it his mission in life to tear me down and make me pay for my sins. I created this monster that makes my life a living hell, but I can’t go back and erase what I’ve done, so as long as I live, he will be a part of my life. He will always make sure of that.

  Walking through the house, I kick the trash out of the way as I make my way to my room. My anger builds as I go. Fuck! I hate Ryan so goddamn much. My bedroom matches the rest of the house. The only thing that looks undisturbed is my closet and my comforter. I had folded it up and set it on a chair in the corner, and surprisingly, it’s still there.

  I’ve done four loads of laundry and I’m on my last. I’ve packed all of my clothes into a few suitcases, and I’ve filled up three boxes with all my important things: pictures, comforter, odds and ends, and put them in the back of the SUV. The house came furnished, thank God, but the bed belongs to me, and it’s gonna have to stay here. I can’t be here anymore. I need to get as far away as I can.

  I started to pick up, but I just couldn’t bring myself to care enough to finish. Fuck it. I’ve no clue where I’ll go. Maybe I’ll stay in a hotel, maybe even my car. Hell, maybe buy a hammock and set it up somewhere remote, where no one can find me. Sounds good, but he would find me. It’s time for me to run again, but this time, I may need to go the route of a new identity, I just don’t know how, but I have motivation to figure it out and do it, somehow.

  Finishing up the last of my packing, I hear it. I hear the voice that makes me fear for my life.

  “Look here. The cunt is back,” For a moment I look around the room for a place to hide, any life line to save myself, but it’s hopeless. He knows I’m here and have nowhere to run.

  My bedroom door meets the wall with a jarring thud and I jump. Too scared to look at him, I busy myself with folding laundry. Keeping my head down and eyes on the clothes, I pretend he’s not behind me − pretend he’ll disappear into thin air if I just ignore him long enough.

  “Where the fuck you been, bitch?” He sneers from behind me. I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything. It’s best to keep my mouth shut than to have to fight him over something I say. Reaching out, he grabs ahold of my hair at the roots, pulling me down with such force that I land on my ass. He likes to look down on me just to show me how low and worthless he sees me. “I fuckin’ asked you question, bitch, and I want an answer.” With my head forced back to look into his face, I see his bloodshot, dilated eyes. “Fuckin’ answer me,” he screams in my face, pulling my head further back at an awkward angle.

  “I was visitin’ with a friend,” I cry. My neck is aching and I can’t help but think of how close I was to getting out of here.

  “Whores don’t have friends, you stupid ass,” he laughs as he lets go of my hair, but not before shoving me forward, smacking my face on the hardwood floor. He’s a bully. Finding any way he can to push me around, whether it’s physically or mentally.

  “How the fuck would you know?” Wrong answer. I know it before the words leave my mouth, and I brace myself. I know what’s coming. Closing my eyes and biting my cheek, I prepare my body for the pain that’s coming.

  He picks me up by my throat and dishes out two quick fisted punches, one hitting the side of my face, the second into my jaw and mouth. My face immediately starts to sting, and I can taste blood in my mouth from my now busted lip. The force of his hit is enough to knock me back to the ground, but fuck it. I don’t stay down. I know it’s always a bad decision to fight back, but I will never stop fighting him. It’s instinct. Sometimes I wish I could push him far enough to just finish me off for good. Let’s see where that gets me now.

  Pushing myself up, I turn to look at him and wonder how I never saw the true Ryan. For a split second, I wonder ‘why me’, but I know why. He’s the devil, making sure I always pay for my sins. I brought this on myself, intentionally or not. This is payback for what I did.

  “Ryan? Why are you here? What do you want from me?”

  “You’re gonna come with me for a while. I need money and you haven’t even begun to pay your debt to me. You belong to me. A life for a life sort of thing, right? You make me the money you owe me, I don’t go to the cops. You don’t have a choice.”


  Three weeks later …

  I don’t want to be here. Ryan drug me, kicking and screaming from the house three weeks ago to some strip club, owned by none other than a biker gang, and I’ve been here dancing every night since. It’s safer here than at my house, and that’s saying something. After a few nights of going home with Ryan, the club owner decided that I would be staying at the club in one of the back rooms with some of the other girls who stayed here when they needed to crash. He was getting sick of Ryan bringing me in bruised and beaten, saying no one wants to pay to see some beat up bitch, and if I wasn’t making money, he wasn’t making back the money that Ryan owed him.

  I knew there was no way around it. I was coming here whether I wanted to or not. It’s not because I can’t get away from Ryan, I can’t get away from him and the two club guns who stay at our sides. Right now, Ryan owes them, and I’m the means to paying his debt, which makes us both their prisoners. I’m just so tired of fighting and being forced into shit I don’t want to do. My old bruises are only just starting to fade and heal. Ryan still makes sure to get in a good punch here and there, making sure I know my place. He also makes sure I have plenty of that makeup that’s made to cover tattoos, to cover up my bruises. How fucking sweet.

  I miss Rampage so much it’s physical ache. I miss the way he looks out for me, the way he makes me feel, but I’m glad I never told him about Ryan. I didn’t know what Ryan was into, let alone with another club. I could have been the cause for Rampage starting a war with another gang. He wants to protect me, and I see now how bad it truly would have been if I pulled him into my shit life. Fuck buddies or not, he would protect me against anyone, and I know this.

  Standing by the stage, a young, sweet girl named Bunny makes her way to the back. She’s wearing a pair of bunny ears on her head, glitter on her chest, and she’s holding a bunch of crumpled up bills in her hands.
  “Hey, Lailah,” she sings as she gives my cheek a quick kiss.

  “Hey, hun. How is it tonight?” I ask as I peek around the side of the stage. Ryan is sitting right by the stage with his two club goons sitting on either side of him, all watching me. This is his way of reminding me of what will happen if I fuck up. He’s explained to me that he will hand me over to those goons anytime I get out of hand, letting them do whatever they want with me. I’ve overheard them talking about the things they would like to do to me, in great detail, knowing that I can hear them, and I’m scared to death.

  “Rowdy. When it’s time for you to go up, they always start pouring in.” Bunny says.

  “That’s great. Thanks, babe.”

  “No problem. Kill ‘em, baby doll.”

  I hear the crackle of the microphone come on and the music’s slow rhythm begin. It’s my cue to go on.

  I told the lighting guy to keep it dim tonight, cloaking me in shadow. My makeup is heavy, covering my new and fading bruises. I gave the DJ my song for the night and it’s my favorite. It’s something slow and sexy, but empowering. It’s something I need right now.

  My hair is long and smooth down my back because I know the men like it like that. I’m wearing my little white fringe number; a G-string with fringe around the waist and my top is tiny with the same fringe. Six inch cherry red peep toed shoes complete my look. Taking two quick shots of Jack for courage, I hit the stage.

  The smooth, slow bass of Pour It Up starts to play through the speakers. Taking a deep breath, I glide onto the stage to jeers and whistles as I take myself right to the pole. I guess in some sad way, I tell myself pole dancing is an art form, unlike just taking your clothes off and dry humping the floor is. I give them a show for their money. I perform, I act, I dance. They see my body, but it’s all just part of the show. That little story is how I’ve been able to do this for so long and I have to admit, I’m damn good at it. Now I’m doing it because I’m being made to, and it truly makes me sick. How can I ever dance again after this?

  Giving the pole an around the world, I hook my leg around the pole and slide down to the floor and begin my dance. Working my way back up the pole, I slowly glide back down. Letting my heels find the ground, I bend myself over, giving my ass a good shake, letting my hands travel my body slowly, touching myself seductively. I give them what they want, working the stage like I love it. I keep my head high and I get my money. Grabbing onto the pole, I make another round, doing my dance while praying for it to be over. I’m good at what I do, and this is all I’ve ever been good at. This is my life, and it’s not even on my own terms. Life is not worth living for me anymore.


  Sick Love


  Three weeks. Three goddamn fucking weeks.

  I hadn’t heard from her for a few days after she left, but my bed and I gave her that. She needed a few days, fine. Three days was all I would give her. Sis gave me her number. I called, but I got nothing except for some generic fucking answering machine. Fuck that nonsense. Lil had no clue where she lived, and the only address she could get from the college was a P.O. Box in some state halfway across the fucking country. What the fuck was that all about?

  I called every goddamn day for two weeks and got the same motherfucking thing. Lil said she stopped coming to class and she hadn’t heard from her, either. I hate this shit. I hate not knowing what the fuck is going on and it’s my fault. I knew shit was going on and I just let her walk the fuck out. Part of me thinks she could be lying in a ditch somewhere dead because I didn’t find out more about what was going on in her life. I was so worried about getting my dick wet that I never once thought about her life outside these walls, knowing what I knew. Maybe she saw what was going on with us as a quick fling and with no one to confide in, she left. She could be halfway across the country and I’ll never see her again. Fuck.

  The thing of it is, is that I miss her. I miss her laugh, her smell, her smart-ass mouth. Is he gone or is she hurt with no way of getting a hold of me? What the fuck do I do? I need to start looking for her. I can’t ignore the fact that someone was hurting her before she came here. Lil is worried sick and getting no answers from the school, and Lil is the only friend she even has. If she left, I’ll live with it, but I need to find out what happened to her. I need to get the brothers to start looking into shit so we can find out what happened to Lala. I’m scared shitless of what we may find.


  “Lil’s gonna string my fuckin’ balls up for this shit,” Tank grunts, keeping his head ducked low as we walk in. Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you’re a pussy whipped bitch. You start giving a fuck about what your woman thinks and you become a sad fucking asshole.

  The fucking joint is packed as we walk in. It’s five dudes to one bitch. Too much fucking cock in one room for my liking, but this is business, and our business is often held in joints like this. There ain’t no better mix than drugs, money, and pussy. Shit always flows together nicely.

  Loud music, strobe lights, smoke and alcohol permeate the air. Sitting down at a booth right up next to the stage, I watch some red head bitch grind herself on the floor for a while. Bitch doesn’t do pole work because she avoids that shit like the plague. She’s not bad, but nothing to get excited over, either.

  Tank’s meeting with some guy over some blow, so here we are. Happy, Gin, and myself, are here for backup. This strip club belongs to another MC, one that we’ve been on shaky ground with.

  “The little prick is here,” Tank nods over at the little shit in the booth a few feet away, looking annoyed as shit. Tank gets up and heads over to set up the deal, leaving us here to watch what this place considers “entertainment.”

  “Drapes don’t match the curtains. I hate when bitches do that shit,” Happy grumbles. The redhead on stage comes over toward us, trying to give the boys a good show while Gin’s busy texting Peaches. The asshole is neck deep in pussy and all he gives a fuck about is his women. Never thought I’d see the day.

  Keeping my eyes going from Tank to the stage, I watch as the girl grinds herself on the floor. Her song of choice is cliché as fuck. Pour Some Sugar on Me plays around the club, and I can’t help but think the bitch should be a little more creative. I lose interest real quick.

  A little while later, some chunky ass girl brings us some drinks and eye fucks the shit out of me. She bends over to hand me my shot, making sure to push her enormous tits close to my face. I wouldn’t bother with any of these bitches. Not one of them’s got shit on Lala… no bitch does. Even with my lack of interest, our waitress throws me a wink before leaving.

  Throwing back my shot, I decide to get comfortable. This shit with Tank is taking longer than expected, so I decide to lean back and try to enjoy the free show.

  It’s climbing toward midnight on a Saturday night, and this club is busy. As the girls come and go, I see the place starts to really get even more crowded, like standing room only, crowded. Each girl on stage gets a little better, but every motherfucker in the place is focused on that stage after the last little mixed cutie shakes her huge ass on stage.

  “Looks like the headliner’s next,” Happy says, nodding toward the stage and rubbing his greedy hands together. Yeah, no shit. The assholes start pushing and shoving their way to the stage, dicks and money in hand.

  “Get ready for the hot bitches now,” Gin finally says, looking up from his phone.

  The lights dim, something they don’t do a whole hell of a lot of in strip clubs, so I stay on alert, just in case. They want you to see the goods, get a nice hard-on, and give ‘em your whole fucking paycheck. This girl must be something else if she doesn’t need the lights to bring in the cash. A deep, slow bass kicks on as the bitch comes onto the stage, and I can see her silhouette. Holy fuck.

  I can’t see her face, but her body is fucking perfect. Hot red heels sit at the end of some long, toned legs. I can’t help but be mesmerized by her slim waist and thick hips, along with a beautifu
l round ass covered in fringe. She starts to move slowly around the pole, making that shit look like it’s an art, not some shitty pole dance. Her body moves along that pole with so much sex appeal, I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  She bends her long, lean body over, running her hands slowly from her ankles, all the way up to those big, perky tits, also covered in that fringe shit. When her hands glide up to her neck, she raises her face to the crowd and there she is.

  Holy fuck. Holy fucking shit.

  “Shit,” Gin’s head whips toward me, his eyes huge.

  “That Lala?” Happy asks stupidly, looking a little worried.

  “FUCK!” I feel like I might be sick. Fuck it, I might fucking lose it and kill her. My sweet ass Lala is up there working the pole like a motherfucking pro. She looks fucking perfect doing that shit, too. She’s every man’s fantasy up there.

  My vision starts going fuzzy, hands start shaking, and my body fills with rage. Before I know what I’m doing, I’m at the stage, face to face with my girl. Yeah, I fucking said it − my girl. She’s been mine since she set foot in my motherfucking club.

  “LALA!” I scream.

  Some motherfucker sitting on a chair right next to the stage jumps up and gets in my face, “Back the fuck away from my bitch.”

  His bitch?

  His bitch.

  She wasn’t his bitch while she was with me, letting me taste all that sweet. Fuck him!

  “Oh God, please no. Rampage?” That soft sweet voice says in what I’m guessing is shock. Yeah I’m shocked as fuck too, baby. Never in my life did I think I’d be walking in on this shit tonight. I’ve been worried sick as fuck about this girl, and here she is, shaking her ass for a bunch of dirty fuckin’ men while her self-appointed boyfriend sits and watches the whole fucking thing.


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