Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

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Divinity: The Gathering: Book One Page 36

by Susan Reid

  She laughed a bit and didn’t answer right away, taking her time to pour each glass and then bring them over to me. I eyed her carefully, her movements, her face and her smile.

  There was no way I was going to drink the wine.

  She handed me a glass, I didn’t take it.

  She sighed and downed the crimson liquid in one gulp, and then drank the one she had handed me in the same manner before tossing them both into the air, to which they both vanished along with the wine bottle on the table.

  “Just get to the point Berith. What is it you want to tell me, I’ll decide if it’s worth anything to me,” I told her.

  “Damn Cam, what does one have to do to become part of your legion or earn your trust?” She then asked.

  “I don’t have a legion and as far as earning my trust, that is something that few have ever achieved, and your odds remain slim to none.” I then told her as I moved around her towards the couch, still keeping her in my sights.

  She turned to face me with an almost hurt look, but I knew better. Berith was anything but vulnerable, trustworthy or even sensitive for that matter. She wanted something and I knew what that something was.

  She moved over to the couch with me too, but chose to sit in the armchair as she crossed her shapely legs slowly.

  I sat down on the couch.

  “You know since the beginning, I never had a choice.” She then said.

  This time I chuckled, “We all have choices.” I stated.

  “No, I didn’t. I was enslaved since birth. Brainwashed with fear and torture, and then once I was mature and desirable enough physically, I became his sex slave and he rented me out to his comrades when he was done breeding with me. He could care less about his children. There is no bond, and they will all become expendable slaves to him anyway, left to fend on their own or die. I guess I grew on him after a while, because then he began to pamper me as long as I serviced him and brought in the souls,” She then began.

  She was staring into the fireplace, lost in her own memories as she paused for a moment. Her eyes tightened.

  I still wasn’t falling for the act, but I’d let her speak… as to how long depended on what she wanted to tell me. I didn’t have all evening — I had a date to get ready for.

  “I used to be one of his favorites, but his use of me has diminished with so many others he’s been acquiring and all the chosen ones he’s been taking.” She began as if in a trance.

  “And why do you feel the need all of a sudden to betray him and tell me anything? Feeling threatened you’ll be replaced?” I asked with a raised brow.

  She blew out a sharp breath and rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she looked down into her lap for a moment,

  “Please. He’s too preoccupied with so much right now as it is to even notice. I don’t know — no matter what I do, where I go…I’ll always be bound to him. He owns me and I don’t see any way out. I never wanted to exist in the first place, but it wasn’t my choice. I was never an angel like you or any of the fallen. I was created of darkness and sin, to be a demoness. I’ve never known light or had the option to be anything but this, and all I’ve known was Morning Star, he’s been the one to take care of me. I suppose I have choices now, but I guess I’ve always held onto the hope that one day…” She trailed off, and stopped in deep thought.

  I remained silent and eyed her this time, trying to read past what she was trying to say or what she was trying to get out of me, which would be not a damned thing.

  “One day what?” I replied.

  She seemed sorrowful…genuinely sorrowful, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it however, I wasn’t going to fall for it either.

  She shook her head, “He’s so confident he’ll have Earth after the end that he’s preparing his own new race of kings and queens who will serve under him and rule the humans that are left. You do know how he’s been able to do it so stealthily don’t you?” She then said looking up at me to gauge my reaction.

  I had already known that he was trying to do all of that, which was why he wanted my offspring so badly.

  “It isn’t difficult in this era of the human world. Humans are already creating hell on earth as it is for themselves, and have been since the beginning.” I replied.

  She laughed, “Then he was never that far off or wrong about mankind now was he? They’re all predictable, generation after generation; century after century.”

  “He’s underhanded and never plays fair. His influence is strong, and mankind never stood a chance.” I told her.

  “You’re wrong Cam`ael. The only thing he does is put what mankind desires out there. It’s humans that greedily take the bait each and every time.” Berith countered.

  “He knows the price and the outcome yet he never puts that out there. I call that an unfair advantage, he doesn’t care about anything or anyone but himself. If you came here to discuss your opinion of his finer points and convince me that he’s not to blame for all of the hatred, cruelty and perverse sin prevalent today; you will fail each and every time, so get to the point Berith and finish answering the question.”

  “Humans know the price — they just don’t care or believe in evil or us.” She smiled.

  I gave her a look that conveyed I no longer had the time or patience to continue debating why Morning Star was the vilest, hated, despicable and obscene entity on the face of the universe.

  She read the look accurately as she continued on with a sigh, “Well, mostly it’s been through musical venues or any event where many people can and will gather. Sporting events, Olympics, political rallies, the Oscars, music award shows…you name it. He’s plants his gatherers among them, and then opens a waiting portal nearby. Most people venture through willingly, they aren’t necessarily kidnapped.” She then said.

  “Bullshit, you mean deceptively and unwittingly venture through. So that’s his plan this time around again then,” I more stated than asked.

  “It’s worked, and so far as I know.” She smiled again.

  “I’m not one to be misled Berith, and I am a sole believer in revenge and the hunt to get it, remember that,” I warned her with a hardened and serious expression. I meant every word and she knew it, she knew me.

  She pursed her full red lips and a slight wrinkle furrowed her brow.

  “I wouldn’t do that to you Cam. I really do like you.” She then said.

  I puffed out a breath of sarcasm, not even wanting to address that and go there. This conversation and meeting had gone on way too long already.

  “Do you know anything about a rogue legion? Does the name Toraen in particular ring a bell?” I then asked her.

  She pursed her lips and sighed, shaking her head no.

  “There are many rogue legions Cam`ael, you know that. If you want me to try and find out for you though, I can.” Berith offered.

  “I’m not asking you to so don’t expect the favor returned.” I told her flatly.

  “Consider it a gift then. Because he’ll find out eventually; he’ll know that I’ve met with you and what I’m about to tell you, and you know what will happen then…” She trailed off looking into the fire again.

  “So why are you risking yourself now?” I then asked.

  She stared off into space for a moment, it was hard to read expression on her face but I took it as indifference and sadness and I was curious now.

  “Because I’m tired and I’ll be dispensable once he’s achieved his goals.” She finally softly replied.

  I could respect and understand that.

  “What makes you so sure he will?” I asked.

  She shrugged a shoulder.

  There was a bout of silence. I was still trying to figure out her motive.

  She began to stroke the front of her calf slowly as if to draw my attention to it, and I did look but it didn’t spark arousal; at least not with her anyway.

  I thought of Star.

  “Edanai must have some strong power over you.” She then smiled.

p; I gave her a weary look, and I would neither justify nor deny that statement.

  Then she leaned forward with an elbow on her knee, and an even bigger smile.

  “I don’t understand why she’s never liked me.” She then said with a quizzical expression.

  She couldn’t be serious, I thought to myself.

  “I’d steer clear of her if I were you. She’ll rip you apart, don’t underestimate her.” I warned Berith.

  “I’m not afraid of Edanai. I’ve never done anything to her. If she wants to fight me tell her to summon me and bring it on,” Berith said, and then she cut her eyes to me again with another wide smile.

  Females were all alike, mortal and immortal I thought to myself, and I wasn’t about to get in the middle unless Edanai were truly in danger.

  “Oh. I know. It’s the girl isn’t it? She’s very pretty. A little on the fragile and petite side, but then again some of the smaller divine chosen have proven to be some of the most deadly, and she definitely has the will and tenacity. The fact that you’re drawn to her like many others doesn’t surprise me in the least but if she makes it to be rebirthed, what then? She’ll have no memory of this life, and she may be the one who ends up killing you.” Berith then asked and commented.

  I looked at her then. Hearing her even speak of Star and reminding me of that fact, instantly made me wary and then angry, but I knew it wasn’t a secret. There were way too many spies out there and I had already known that.

  “What do you mean if?” I raised a brow.

  Berith laughed a bit and then she eyed me this time, “The deal you made him, exchanging her for the other two; I was pretty sure you were bluffing, but if you weren’t…don’t do it.” She then said with a serious tone.

  She had my attention now.

  “How did you know about that?” I asked.

  “I’ve mastered eavesdropping quite well when it comes to him. How do you think I know things? It’s one of many advantages I’ve acquired from being with and around him for so long.” She smiled.

  I could see this as advantage for our legion too, if I could trust Berith at all.

  “Really? Well in that case, how many has he managed to convert to dark divines?” I then asked.

  “He has quite a bit, though I don’t know an exact number.” She said.

  “Guess.” I flatly told her with a serious and hard expression.

  She sighed and shook her head, “I don’t know, I could say maybe a few hundred.”

  “A few hundred?” I repeated.

  It wasn’t anywhere near as much to match the number of divine chosen, but a few hundred was more than enough when it came to Morning Star.

  “More or less, but he’s going all out to train them too.” She pointed out.

  “Where is he training them?”

  “That I don’t know. He’s real secretive and careful about mentioning that.” Berith answered.

  I wasn’t sure to believe her answers, since she answered them so easily like a recruit would to a drill sergeant, but for now I would take her word for it because it sounded exactly like Morning Star.

  “Which one of the bands playing tonight are dark divine ones?” I finally asked.

  She looked at me, and after a long pause she finally answered, “All but three.” She then said.

  My pulse quickened at the mere thought. That was the entire line up. Morning Star had a good amount of them already.

  “What are their names?” I asked scooting to the edge of the couch now.

  “Cam, I didn’t come here to give you that information.”

  “That’s the information I wanted.” I told her.

  “And that’s the least of your worries, believe me.” She replied.

  I narrowed my eyes at her, “Then what did you want to tell me?” I said becoming agitated as I stood up again.

  Berith stiffened and sat up straight, a slight gasp escaped her lips as she stood up quickly then too, which alarmed and put me on instant guard. I listened, cocking an ear to pick up any sound and focus on any scents and signatures nearby and outside.

  “What is it?” I asked her.

  She seemed terrified and she almost began to tremble.

  “I have to go.” She mouthed silently.

  I wasn’t so sure this wasn’t an act.

  “Wait! What did you need to tell me?” I asked her grabbing onto either side of her arms.

  Her eyes were round with fear, and a trickle of dark fluid began to run down the side of her temple.

  She had gone mute.

  She shook her head almost in a panic, but I wasn’t going to let her go.

  “He’s summoning me!” She shrieked in a low whisper.

  “Don’t answer!” I told her.

  Her pulse quickened and her body was rigid, “I…have…to!” She said.

  I’d never seen Berith like this.

  “Ignore him! You have a choice Berith!” I told her.

  “I can’t!” She said, and then she screamed.

  It was a scream of pain, and more dark fluid began to stream down from her forehead, and soon several dark streaks lined her pretty face, sliding past her red lips, dripping down her chin and her neck. Her legs gave out and she nearly doubled over, but I held her firm and upright though she sagged in my grip.

  There was nothing I could do. Morning Star was either punishing her or torturing her but I doubt he’d kill her…not yet anyway.

  Maybe she hadn’t been acting after all.

  Her eyes found mine amid the twisted expression of agony on her face, as she gasped to speak, unsure if she should at this point. The more she defied answering his summon, the more he hurt her. Damn him!

  Within an instant she began to ghost away, though the look of agony still masked her face. She held a hand to my cheek and I felt her touch faintly. I wasn’t sure what was going to become of her, or if Morning Star knew where she was and now knew where I was, but I wasn’t about to establish a telepathic link to him to get him to stop, not that he would have given a damn anyway. I couldn’t risk it and it angered me that I was powerless to help Berith.

  Why I even feel this inclined to do so confounded me.

  As soon as she was gone a sheet of paper materialized where Berith had been and I grabbed it before it floated to the floor.

  It was a note, a final note she had given me so she wouldn’t have to speak and risk Morning Star listening in.

  I grabbed it, and immediately read what she had transcribed in haste:

  ‘Keep her away from Morning Star and all others for the sake of every living and spiritual being on this planet…she bears the same identical aura that Eve had.’

  I stared at the note for what seemed like an eternity, before finally igniting it while still in my hand, and watching it burn and disintegrate into black bits of ash.

  How could I have forgotten and not seen that myself? Did Drakael know this? Did any of the angels know this? Of course they all did, and apparently Morning Star recognized it instantly too, before I had.

  Maybe I had been trying to forget and block out that fact and memory for a reason.

  Berith had been trying to tell me why so many other dark fallen…why I wanted Star so much as opposed to any other divine chosen females…no other female chosen, mortal or immortal since the dawn of time had ever possessed such an aura, and now it all made sense.

  XVI: Starling:

  I suddenly felt compelled to open my eyes, not even realizing at first that I had been asleep or unconscious. I rubbed my eyes and blinked to bring myself into total consciousness, and felt strangely refreshed. It was like I had slept peacefully for a long time, and even stranger…I was still in my car behind the wheel, as if I had never gotten out of it to begin with. The driver’s seat was tilted back though, as if I had done it myself in order to take a nap or something. A power nap wasn’t why I came to the park in the first place.

  I gasped and sat up straighter, my eyes darting around as I craned my head to glance around t
he parking lot of the park area. I remember driving here, I was obviously still here, but…I know I got out and…I know that I had been talking to Drake.

  So, where was he? My keys were still in the ignition though my car wasn’t running, and all the doors were still locked.

  Had I been asleep and dreaming again? No, there was no way I was sure of it.

  There were people everywhere, casually strolling with their dogs, walking and jogging along the trail like normal, and not paying any attention to me.

  I ran a hand across my forehead and sighed. What was happening to me? I’d begun sleep-walking and now I was losing track of time, and suffering from narcolepsy?

  I glanced at the digital clock display on my dash above my stereo. I couldn’t remember what time it had been when I came out here, but it was now ten forty eight a.m., and my Starbucks coffee was still sitting in the console cup holder. I reached for it, wrapping my fingers around the paper cup and finding that it was still warm, but half gone…like it had been when I ran into Drake.

  How the hell had I gotten back in my car? I know I was with Drake and he was talking to me. He told me a story about those four girls, and he touched my forehead or something like that.

  I felt like I was wandering around in a fog of some never-ending dream, or in a make believe movie. Or I was truly losing my mind and going crazy on some level.

  Maybe both because I also felt like I was being watched at the moment too, but when I looked around the perimeter of the parking lot and beyond, I didn’t see anything or anyone looking at me outright. That didn’t mean there still wasn’t something…some being out there still stalking me either.

  In fact, I know I was being watched without a doubt — it was just a strong feeling, but it was better that I didn’t bother to get out and investigate though.

  I started up the car and drove back to the apartment, figuring I’d do something normal like laundry, which I did need to do anyway.

  School, studying and the like was the furthest from my mind. I knew I wasn’t going to finish at this point, but not because I was giving up or didn’t want to finish. The desire and drive had died a long time ago for many reasons, not just being the dreams and events of the last couple of days.


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