The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull

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The Legend of Alundi - Journey to the Emerald Skull Page 5

by Russell Claridge




  Alundi waited for the perfect moment and then sprang from his spot. He flew upwards and flipped his body while drawing Excalibur. Their swords struck in a shower of sparks, sparks that were not just of steel against steel. The magic in the spy’s blade was being destroyed by contact with Excalibur. Alundi realised just how easy this was going to be but in truth he did not wish to kill this Man. He had not chosen to be what he was. Death was a release but it was not freedom. As Alundi’s feet touched the ground he swung Excalibur high behind him but the spy had anticipated the strike and ducked out of the way. Alundi's eyes met the spy’s. Fear was all he could see. The rage was simply a mask. Alundi stepped forwards. Swinging high the swords met again and the sparks flew. Alundi was the stronger and better warrior. He pushed the spy’s sword away and flicked Excalibur back very quickly cutting through the spy’s left shoulder. They could not be heard as Alundi had evoked magic to prevent their sound travelling and unwanted eyes to see them. 

  ‘Before we continue this… match, let us talk Elemamtel.’ 

  He did not need asking twice. 

  ‘What are you doing here?’ Alundi asked slowly.

  ‘Why should I answer your questions? You will kill me either way.’ 

  Alundi chuckled. 

  ‘As soon as I noticed you, you were dead. If you answer my questions your death will be quick and without pain. Do not and I will use my skill to prise the answers I seek from your mind. I have done this only once in my long life. You will watch yourself, within your own mind, go insane. You will beg for death, for release. You will be consumed by the fear of your own eyes.’ Alundi glanced around. No one was in sight, he preferred that no one was in the vicinity. 

  ‘Or you can take the easy option. Death is a road one day even I will tread. There is no dishonour at dying by my hand. So wherever you go after you leave this world do you want to have a sane mind or not?’ 

  Tears started grazing the Elemamtel's eyes, as he knew his fate was sealed. 

  ‘You did not choose to be what you are but you have still done unequalled evil, haven’t you? You have the choice on how to end it.’ He grinned. Alundi lowered Excalibur to show he was not going to attack but would defend himself. The Elemamtel dropped his blade. 

  ‘My master had heard rumours of a healer in these southern villages. I was sent to investigate and secure the Wielder.’ 

  ‘And your master is who?’ Alundi asked quicker than he should of. He was surprised when the Elemamtel replied.


  This meant that the creature was in the Keep of Heeden. A significant part of Alundi wanted to run with all speed to Heeden, beat down the door and cut his head off. 

  ‘Does this Darz expect you to return soon?’ 


  Alundi bowed his head in thanks. 

  ‘Are you ready?’ 

  He nodded and turned his back on Alundi. 

  ‘Make sure you do it in one stroke.’ He said slowly his words faltering slightly with fear. 

  ‘Is there any other way?’ Alundi shook his head in astonishment realising it was Excalibur who had asked.

  ‘I am afraid not.’ Alundi replied silently. He lifted Excalibur, it feeling slightly heavier than normal. Pulling it back he swung his right arm. Excalibur cut through the Elemamtel's neck with complete ease. As his head descended to the floor his body remained upright for a few moments then fell. His knees striking the floor before the rest of the body slumped to the ground. 

  Sorrow and pity enveloped them both. It had to be done Alundi knew it and so did Excalibur. He was glad the Annabels had not seen this. They would not have forgiven him, nor should they. Alundi using magic cleaned then sheathed Excalibur, covered the handle and grasped the body under the arms. He lifted it and dropped it on top of the head that had rolled a few paces away. Alundi willed the magic and the body started quickly to decompose. For a few moments the smell became unbearable as the body decayed swiftly. A few more moments and the smell evaporated into the crisp winter chill. Not even the bones remained. No trace would ever be found. Alundi glanced around and picked up the Elemamtel’s sword. There were two large chips in the blade where it had struck Excalibur. The sword was old and valuable but the magic within it was gone. There could be no evidence. A prick of magic tapped at Alundi. He unsheathed Excalibur. Tossing the blade in the air Alundi grasped Excalibur with both hands and smashed in into the descending blade. The magic shattered the blade with a high screech that Alundi’s magic would not have stopped. 

  The boy was nowhere in sight but Alundi was positive that the boy must have watched the Elemamtel in essence disappear as Alundi’s magic took effect. He walked towards the fields where the boy had hidden. It did not take long for him to stand and walk towards Alundi, mainly down to the fact that Alundi had not paid him yet. 

  ‘Where did he go?’ the boy asked, as he got closer. 

  ‘I promised you five coins for what you have done, yes?’ Alundi asked. The boy nodded quickly. 

  ‘I will give you ten if you will permit me to change your memory of this encounter.’ Fear gripped him but then a small grin spread across his face. 


  Alundi could not help chuckling, another barterer.


  ‘Eighteen.’ The boy spat back.


  ‘Done.’ The boy screeched. Chuckling still, Alundi placed his hand into his pouch and drew out the correct number of coins. As he passed it to the boy he placed his hand on the boy’s forehead. A few moments later and the boy was blinking and confused as if surprised to be there.

  ‘Thank you my young little friend for showing me the house. You have your payment yes?’ The boy looked down at his hands and smiled broadly. It did not matter if he did not remember this. He laughed and ran up the hill back towards Four Points no doubt thinking of what he was going to spend the coin on. Alundi laughed but the sourness of his actions struck him as he turned back around. 

  ‘Assard, I have just encountered an Elemamtel sent from Heeden by Darz.’ A few moments later and the magic from Assard became apparent. 

  ‘Darz is at Heeden. I trust you are not thinking of revenge, are you?’ 

  Alundi grinned, Assard knew him just too well. 

  ‘No my son, my place is at young Little Annabel’s side, and it will continue to be until she can fend for herself.’ 

  ‘Is she truly as powerful as you think?’ 

  ‘I think even more so. I would like you to hurry Assard but do not risk too much. Late and fit is better than early and ill. We will only have the winter, of that I am hoping. Our journey will start as the snow melts.’

   Sorrow gripped Alundi and Excalibur as well as Assard. All the years since Alundi and Assard had left the Emerald Skull they have had to move on unable to stay put, not even for a year. A season was the best they could all hope for. Winter was the coldest and darkest of them all. But it was still a season. 

  ‘I will be there soon Father do not fear for me.’ 

  Their magic talk was broken and Alundi opened his eyes. If only he could not feel fear for Assard it would be a damn sight easier. Alundi also knew that a similar bond will be between him and Little Annabel. She had never had a father. She had already chosen him long before he met her at the crossroads one month ago. It seemed almost a lifetime ago now however. 

  Alundi noticed the colour had gone from the hill. An act of evil had been done. But it had been done to stop an even greater evil. The spirits and magic itself would be Alundi’s judge.

  The market was, if possible, even busier when he returned to find the Annabels. They had stayed put, which in itself was surprising but welcome. Alundi was carrying Little Annabel’s coat. He offered it to her and she accepted it graciously. Annabel’s fear was obvious but a reassuring smile from Alundi eased it but only slightly. He offered his arm and she took it.
Little Annabel asked to go to the stalls nearby. Annabel let her go. It gave her what she wanted, to be alone with Alundi.

  ‘What was it?’ she asked wearily. 

  ‘I felt magic other than my own and Little Annabel’s. I thought maybe a wielder had been sent to find a healer but luckily it was just a sword that Foru has just purchased with magic within it. There is nothing to fear young Annabel. Today young Little Annabel is very safe.’ 

  Annabel smiled but there was a hint of suspicion behind it. He knew she did not buy it or at least not entirely. To Alundi’s enormous relief she did not push for any more answers. 

  With most of their essential purchases made, Alundi accompanied the Annabels as they spent most of the day walking around the market. The wind started to pick up and just as the three of them entered the Cross Road Inn the rain started pouring. There must have been a measure of desperation in the shoppers as the rains only sent a few running for a roof. The Inn was not busy in any way. Alan sat with Mary laying on her back her head resting on his lap. They must have been expecting them to return at this time. Their excitement was justified and obvious. Annabel went to the room to rest not wanting to be present for this. 

  ‘It will be easier to only do this for Mary. Afterwards you can share what Mary has shared.’ 

  Alan was disappointed but he did not object and moved aside to make room for Alundi.

  ‘There is one thing I must tell you however. This will be very intimate Mary. What you and the boy feel we will feel. There is no other way.’

  Mary did not even hesitate. Alundi took Alan’s seat and placed his hand on Mary’s forehead. 

  ‘Young Little Annabel you will need to do what you do to the child. He would be comfortable with you. I will use my magic to make the connection.’ 

  It was a curious sensation. Little Annabel felt her connection with the baby become more intense. Happiness swelled within her from the boy. Like the touch she would feel when she talked with Alundi and Excalibur, Little Annabel felt the boy. The familiar mind touch of Alundi joined with them. For a solid and inconceivable moment all their thoughts and feelings were one. Love. A feeling that Little Annabel knew a great deal about but in comparison to Alundi she had not grazed the surface of the feeling. His love for others was powerful. Assard, Selec-Heo, Isacal, Merlin and Arthur were of the most potent. But there were more, many more. One stood out, herself. His love for her was as powerful as the others but there was something else. Fear, his feelings towards her were of love and fear. She found that puzzling. She stopped thinking about it as Alundi stretched out his mind towards Mary. Her mind joined theirs. But Alundi forced his and Little Annabel's minds aside. It was slightly painful and Alundi felt her discomfort. 

  ‘Apologies young Little Annabel. It was the only way.’ 

  Little Annabel smiled at him but still did not enjoy the sensation. For a few moments all was silent and still. Then without warning Alundi broke the connection between them all. It took a while for Alundi to recover, a great deal longer than Little Annabel. Mary had tears running down her face but she was also quietly laughing. Alan was holding her and rocking forwards and backwards, his and her hands resting on her stomach. 

  Alundi grasped Mary’s and Alan’s hands and forced his will into them. Their faces screwed up in pain but eased almost as quickly. Taking his hand away he stood, gave them both a quick nod, grasped Little Annabel’s hand and left the bar heading up the stairs to their room.

  ‘That was for them. It is something that we should not share or ever share.’ 

  Little Annabel nodded and followed Alundi to their room. Alundi knocked and asked if it was safe to enter and it was a good thing he did because it was not. A minute or so later Annabel allowed them both to enter. Alundi was tired not from the fight mind, but by what he had done. He sat at the end of Little Annabel’s bed as she sat with her mother. She seemed more distant than normal and Alundi could guess why but he wanted Little Annabel to ask and sure enough barely a few minutes later she asked.

  ‘Why do you fear me Alundi?’ 

  Alundi could not help grinning. Little Annabel had a knack of asking the right question the right way. Annabel seemed shocked by the question but then her curiosity of knowing the answer won through. 

  ‘I do not, or at least not directly.’ 

  Before either of them asked what that meant Alundi continued. 

  ‘You are still too young and too naive to know just how important, powerful and obviously how dangerous you are young Little Annabel.’ 

  It took a few moments for what Alundi said to sink in. 

  ‘What does that mean?’ Annabel asked before her daughter could. 

  Alundi drew a long breathe of frustration. Not frustration with the Annabels but with how he was explaining himself. 

  ‘Young Little Annabel you are of pure heart. I can feel that. Even if there was no magic in either of us, I would still be able to feel that.’ 

  She smiled but stopped as Alundi's own expression darkened. 

  ‘But even the purest heart can be corrupted. The brightest star can be extinguished. Love can turn to hate as easily as the weather can change.’ Alundi closed his eyes for a few moments trying to find the peace and words to tell his captive audience. 

  ‘It is not my task nor is it my plan to raise you young Little Annabel. Your pureness is from the one you love the most.’ 

  Alundi stole a glance at Annabel. 

  ‘It is my task however to train and teach you. That can only be done in one place. There you can train safely, quickly and correctly. That depends however on who enters with you.’ 

  They both seemed confused. 

  ‘This place is of magic and so only ones of magic can enter. Sadly it rules out you young Annabel. Which means the one who enters with you can teach you with no interference from others. That is what I fear young Little Annabel.’ 

  ‘You fear my training?’ 

  Alundi shook his head.

  ‘No I fear who will train you. Whoever enters will have all the control they would need to teach you how they see the world. You know of the Emerald Skull?’ Alundi asked. Both nodded, its existence was known to many but Alundi was certain they did not know of its purpose. 

  ‘Within it, many years can pass with only one passing outside it. Young Little Annabel that is where our eventual journey will take us. There you will enter and allow another wielder to enter as well. But they can also force their way in against your wishes. Those years will pass quickly and you will grow as normal within as outside. The one who enters with you can train you in essence, for good, or for evil.’ Alundi said no more. He stood, kissed Little Annabel on the forehead and glanced at Annabel. He then left and returned to the bar leaving the Annabels to think on what he said. 

  Alundi was joined by Knorrest, Conner and Samuel just over an hour later. Knorrest was in great spirits. He had made himself a great amount of coin even if he did not include the Twenty percent he earned from Alundi’s swords. He passed Alundi the remainder of his earnings, which was another seventy coins and started buying everyone in sight drinks. All his purchases for the winter were bought and his carriage was being stocked. Brisclim joined them shortly afterwards, Brigan and Tayla in tow. They all seemed in high spirits and Alundi, wanting to forget what he had just said to the Annabels, joined in. Their afternoon was a mix of laughs, drink and food. For the first time in over three years Alundi was in a place where his true identity was unknown and suspicion was nowhere in sight. A pleasant thought graced his mind. After all this, wherever this would ever end, Alundi made a promise to himself to settle in one of these villages to spend whatever days he would have left in peace, in peace. As the sun started grazing the horizon Annabel and Little Annabel came down from their room. Alundi stood almost instantly. Bidding his drinking friends good evening he joined the Annabels. There was a measure of awkwardness but Alundi pushed it aside. Annabel made eye contact and did not look away. Understanding her
meaning Alundi muttered.

  ‘We shall talk this evening, Annabel. Is your carriage ready?’ 

  She nodded. 

  ‘Then we should depart. It will be quite dark as we near Mountain Rise.’ 

  Annabel did not argue. They said their goodbyes to Alan and Mary and left for their carriage. Garaff’s horses were well watered and fed and the carriage was completely laden. Garaff was staying in Four Points overnight, as last month he was helping with the delivery of a filly. Annabel led the way and within a few minutes they were all on the carriage and heading out of Four Points. 

  The road was busy which was good making the chance of more highwaymen encounters very unlikely. Alundi was to the right of the three of them with Little Annabel in between him and her mother. Their journey was timely and their altercations did not make their journey go any quicker. If truth be told Alundi was happy that their talk was at the centre of their disagreement and not the fact he had killed that Elemamtel, though he was positive that Annabel would find that out soon enough.

  They arrived in Mountain Rise just shy of midnight. Alundi offered his services to help unpack the carriage but Annabel refused saying that she did not intend to empty it until the next morning. She climbed down. Alundi picked up the sleeping Little Annabel and carried her into the Annabels’ house. Placing her carefully on the bed Alundi pulled the blankets over her and silently left the room. Annabel was standing outside the room waiting for him, however Alundi moved past her. He drew Excalibur and placed the great sword at its resting place. Not wanting to be parted with Alundi a sting of magic struck him. Alundi reassured the sword that their time apart would be short and eventually Excalibur agreed. Leaving the great sword on its stand Alundi proceeded to the kitchen where Annabel was tending to another batch of the Sampa seed pulp. She stopped immediately and stared at Alundi. Her face was a mixture of rage and fear mirroring what the Elemamtel saw when he looked at Alundi. 

  ‘You are going to tell me the truth about what happened today.’  It was no statement it was a command.

  Alundi could not help a grin, as the last time he was commanded to do something was when he was a Knight. 

  ‘I will…’ 

  A few moments passed, just enough time for Annabel to relax slightly. 

  ‘…but not here. Come to my room at the Inn whenever you want. But please let me get a least a few hours sleep.’ Alundi spun on the spot and left, heading straight for his bed. 

  He was grateful that Annabel had given him the rest of the night to get some sleep although he suspected she may not have slept. His suspicions were confirmed as that morning when Annabel arrived at his door two large bags had formed overnight under her eyes, and her fatigue was obvious at least to him. 

  ‘Come to my house. Little Annabel is playing with Brisclim’s girls, she will be gone for most of the day.’ She did not wait for a reply. 

  After a hearty breakfast, which was a double serving of roasted pheasant and fruits, Alundi arrived at the Annabels' door. She gestured for him to enter and he followed her into the sitting room. Annabel sat in her usual seat. Alundi took his chair and waited. He did not have to wait long. 

  ‘What was in Four Points?’ Annabel asked forcefully her anger getting the best of her.

  ‘The question is not what but who?’ Alundi started. 

  Annabel seemed shocked which Alundi had to admit did not surprise him. 

  ‘Who?’ She repeated. 

  Alundi let out a long breathe steadying himself. He made eye contact and began. 

  ‘An Elemamtel spy was in Four Points.’ 

  Fear gripped Annabel, which meant that she had heard of their kind. 

  ‘The Elemamtel Spies live in the fortress town of Heeden, now under the control and command of a very powerful foe known as Darz.’ 

  This did nothing other than increase Annabel’s fear. 

  ‘The Elemamtel is dead. He felt young Little Annabel but that was all.’ 

  ‘You killed an Elemamtel?’ Panic trembled her voice to the core. 

  ‘Are you scared of the Elemamtel or of the fact that I have killed one?’ The question hovered between the two of them for a number of minutes. 


  Alundi stopped himself laughing aloud. 

  ‘The Elemamtel’s are something to worry about and even fear but only when I am not around. As for the fact that I have killed one, that, you should not fear.’ 

  ‘How can you say that?’ Annabel shouted jumping to her feet. 

  ‘You have just confessed to me that you killed someone! And you tell me you killed this spy for Little Annabel. You killed him for yourself!’ 

  Her anger sparked something in Alundi and he stood just as quickly.

  ‘You’re damn well right I did! I killed him for myself! For you, for Little Annabel and for everyone who wants to remain free in this world! Do not dare to judge me young Annabel! I am a warrior! I have been charged for over a hundred years to kill! Regardless of whom it may be.’ Alundi backed off hoping he had not frightened Annabel too much. 

  ‘Arthur told me once, that when I kill I should not think of what or who I am killing. But why I am killing.’ He sat back down, drew his pipe and lit it using magic. Annabel remained standing. 

  ‘Young Annabel, your daughter is the strongest and possibly the most powerful magic-wielder that has ever existed.’ 

  Annabel sat abruptly almost falling into her seat. 

  ‘With Excalibur on my belt the magic I have at my control could shake the Harana Mountains to their core.’ Alundi paused, waiting for a response but did not receive one.

  ‘Your daughter alone… could flatten them.’ 

  Her response was understandable. The gasp of air was not pleasant nor was the panic driven breaths. 

  ‘I want you to understand my full meaning young Annabel. If every magic-wielder in this world was to fight young Little Annabel after she has been trained and has matured, they would be defeated.’ He stood and walked over to Annabel. He sat on the arm of her chair and pulled her close. 

  ‘If young Little Annabel is trained for good, then Darz and the pathetic young self-proclaimed King Nala-Kahn can and will be defeated. And the torment, tragedy and tyranny of this world will be vanquished for thousands of years. You and these villages in the south have lived in relative peace for almost two generations. Your only contact with the wider world is the rare news from Heeden, the odd occasional traveller and when pirates raid your shores. There are millions that are ruled, living in fear for their lives and the lives of their families every day.’ Alundi let her go and returned to his seat and the pipe he left on its arm. 

  ‘You understand why I fear her training?’ 

  Annabel nodded slowly. 

  ‘There is no-one and nothing in this world at the moment who is more valuable, more important and more dangerous than young Little Annabel. And I will kill anyone who tries to capture or kill her. I have pledged my life to protect hers. Assard will do the same, as will any who join our Quest, and as for the ones who do not, or stand against us, in truth their lives are all expendable, especially our enemies.’ Alundi did not say any more. He drew many times on his pipe and the minutes wore on. Annabel's head fell into her hands. There were no sobs. 

  ‘So much death….’ She started. 

  ‘So much death will surround her. Follow her. The Elemamtel is only the first of many isn’t he?’ She asked, not looking at Alundi.

  ‘Yes’ Alundi answered. 

  ‘How can so much death be for good? How can so much death lead to peace?’ 

  Was she asking Alundi? He could not tell. 

  ‘You talk of death as if it is the end, as if it is evil.’ 

  She looked up at him tears glassing hers eyes. Her face said it all. 

  ‘There are powers and wills in this world far greater than any magic us land dwellers could ever muster.’ Alundi stood again and took a knee in front of Annabel. He grasped
her hands and placed his forehead against hers. 

  ‘Death is something that should not be feared, young Annabel. Death is not the end, there is being beyond this.’ Alundi rubbed Annabel’s hands. 

  ‘It is just the next step in our lives, not the end. Yes, death will surround and follow young Little Annabel. I have no doubt that everyone who follows her will have to kill for her. And she will have to kill as well young Annabel, but not now.’ 

  Their heads parted. 

  ‘In my experience the worst thing about death…’ Alundi stood and took three steps back. Annabel stood with him. 

  ‘…is being the one left behind.’


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