Dirty Kisses_Interracial Russian Mafia Romance

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Dirty Kisses_Interracial Russian Mafia Romance Page 8

by Kenya Wright

  If Kazimir thought he was going to completely control me, he’d be in for a big surprise. I would rather die than be trapped. Sure, I would wear his doggy leash if he needed. I’d jump, when he asked and run, when he ordered. Anything to keep Darryl safe. But I wouldn’t be watched for too long, and no one—not even him and his scary men—would know my moves and secrets.

  A burly man had been escorting me since they’d found me.

  “Let’s go.” He grabbed my hand, rough callouses scratched my fingers, but it was better than ramming a gun in my face—something he’d been threatening to do if I disappeared again.

  I didn’t waste my time asking where we were going. It wasn’t like I had a decision in it. Talking was a distraction. I found it best to keep my mouth closed and eyes open in situations like this.

  He led me through this luxury penthouse like a child. Sweat beaded at his forehead. Him losing me must’ve been a total fuck up. It would be a good idea not to push his nerves even further, so instead, I kept his pace and drank in the scene around me. I had no idea what Kazimir had in store. I might need to know how to get out of here on my own.

  But my burly bodyguard rushed us through everything. I didn’t get a chance to really take the place in. It was obviously filled with prostitutes. Either this was how Russians partied when they came to New York to visit or this was a sex business. I didn’t know the place, but it was high-end and with an exclusive Manhattan location which meant that my level of people didn’t frequent here.

  This was a spot for bosses of bosses to relax.

  I swallowed. Just the knowledge of this location could get me killed, if I wasn’t careful and kept my mouth closed.

  We went upstairs and reached another hallway. The smell of cigars and sex coated the air. Three half-naked women laughed and ran away from a big bellied man with nothing on either. Seconds later, they passed by us. Water covered their bodies like they’d just jumped out of the pool.

  We paused in front of a door.

  My bodyguard whispered to a huge man stepping in front. They engaged in a hushed, yet heated conversation.

  What the fuck is going on?

  I glanced back. In a shadowed corner, an old man in a suit sat on a crimson velvet couch. A petite blonde had her face buried in his crotch. He must’ve had his pants open. His eyes remained closed as his hand rested on the back of her head, guiding it up and down.

  My heart beats increased. I knew I should look away, but I leaned back to catch the thick accented words leaving his parted mouth.

  “Just like that.” He guided her head down, opened his eyes, and stared at me. “Yes. Take it all the way to the back of your throat.”

  Slurping noises rose from her.

  Still watching me, he smiled. “Swallow it all.”

  My bodyguard nudged my elbow. “Come.”

  This night keeps getting crazier and crazier.

  I left the blow job show and followed my guard through the door.

  I spotted the rooftop pool first.

  Damn. This isn’t a penthouse. It’s a mansion on top of a building.

  The full moon hung in the sky. It was a breezy night. Almost everyone was naked around and in the pool. The pool must’ve been heated. Steam rose from the rippling surface and some of the women’s nude bodies.

  I kept my head low. I didn’t want to know who was here, and I didn’t want anyone to know me either. Still, many men looked my way. A few whispered to the women.

  For one minute, I wondered if Kazimir would be meeting me naked and in the middle of two giggling, big-breasted prostitutes. For some reason, that thought gave me a bad taste. He seemed too cool and full of swag to hang out in a place like this, chasing after naked women like many of the old, out-of-shape men that sat around the pool.

  God, I hope he has clothes on. I need to be focused.

  Without clothes, I was sure he’d be layers of muscle and probably a long, hard cock. He damn sure walked like he had a big one.

  Stop thinking about his cock, and just get out of here.

  We left the pool area, and to my surprise, the roof continued.

  Another door appeared made of blue and red glass.

  My bodyguard dropped my hand and opened the door for me. “Go in. I’ll be here.”


  I stepped inside. “Where will he be?”

  The man closed the door as if completely done with me and my antics for the evening.

  Jesus! I just wanted to take a walk by myself before I started working for you. I was barely gone for an hour.

  I sighed and walked further in. Walls had been built around the outline of the roof, converting the space into a large room with the sky as the ceiling. Soft, sensual music played in the background. Every light was dimmed to a muted glow. There was something growing in the air—thick and animalistic. Hunger decorated everyone’s faces as they stared at something in the center of the room.

  Where are you, Kazimir?

  Several leather couches of varying lengths as well as large armchairs dotted the space. Torches stood in the corners.

  I did a quick count of the room. There were only twenty people inside. Men and women. The ages fell between early twenties to sixties. Many wore tuxedoes and expensive dresses. Some men had women perched on their laps, hands casually fondling breasts or sliding between parted legs. Others leaned against the walls or crowded into the corners, their grunts and low cries sprinkling the air. Every person was transfixed on something happening at the center of the room.

  Walking further to see what they saw, my gaze found the focal point.

  Oh wow.

  The music shifted to a darker more erotic beat. Something I would love to fuck to but would never listen to as I was walking down the street. The song was slow, yet the beat grew, inciting images of sex to play out in my head.

  At the center of the room there was a naked couple on a bed surrounded by a glass box. A dark skinned muscular man toyed between a redhead’s thighs. His long dreadlocks fell to the bed. Had he been standing, the locs might’ve fallen to his waist—a very muscular one too. The woman had small breasts, a slim frame, and no hair anywhere else besides her head.

  Her reddish-brown hair fell in waves around her face down to the middle of her arched back. From my view, she had honey-colored eyes that looked like liquid gold. She was curvy and plump.

  They were probably in their early twenties like me. Yet, they were both utterly beautiful—moving art. Fluid. Erotic. Both enrapt in passion with the other. She moved like a sensual dancer, rolling her body with his in time with the song’s erotic beat. The tempo drummed in my chest, almost in sync with the couple.

  This is the last place I need to be.

  Caught in a trance, I stepped forward, not even sure how far I’d walked. I just needed a closer look of them.

  Where is Kazimir?

  Had Kazimir asked around about me that much? He’d certainly found the right people to talk to. Had they clued him in on my sexual life—maybe the fact that some thought I was an addict—a freak, hoe, slut, fast girl. It was all rumors and whisperings of resentful men. Mad that they couldn’t keep my attention for longer than a week. Pissed that I’d hopped off with another the next. Dick hurt that I never answered their calls begging me back.

  If Kazimir had asked around, he might’ve discovered that sex could be a weak point with me—something he could possibly use. I wasn’t sure if I had a problem with sex or not. I loved it. Sometimes I had to have it and nothing else would matter until that rush had been fixed. Mostly, it didn’t matter. And then other nights, the urge for sex came at high-anxiety times and I couldn’t breathe unless I had someone moving over me, pumping the stress away.

  I moved closer, passing the beautifully dressed people on the couches. No one looked my way. Everyone was captivated with the couple having sex.

  And like the audience, I turned back to the couple.

  Hovering over the red-head, the man lapped at her pink nipple.

  “Yes,” she cried out and arched her back.

  The man slid his large hand down her flat stomach. His fingers disappeared between her legs, stroking bare flesh, already glistening with moisture. Without releasing her nipple from his mouth, he spread her thighs wider, pressing them flat to the bed so the audience had a perfect, erotic view of his thick fingers sliding through her flushed, pink lips and dipping into her pussy.

  Even through the glass partition, her cry of pleasure reached us.

  A shudder rippled through my body as a tiny moan left my lips.

  Fuck. Get it together. I’m not here for this. I’m here to deal with Kazimir.

  I gulped in a fresh breath of air and scanned the place for Kazimir and couldn’t find him.

  Moans filled the air in front of me.

  Gritting my teeth, I refused to look their way.

  Where are you?

  And then I turned around, and he stood directly behind me. I tensed. How long had he been watching my reaction to the couple? Had he heard the tiny moans that left my mouth? How long had he watched me soak all the sex in?

  The couple was now behind me, where they had to stay. There was no way I could watch them and focus on Kazimir.

  Is that what you planned? If so, good move.

  He studied me, letting his gaze fall on my sneakers, rise to my jeans, jacket, and land on my swirling cornrows.

  That thick Russian accent layered his words. “I like your hair. It’s so different than anything I’ve seen before.”

  Okay. I wasn’t expecting that.

  “Yes,” the redhead behind me moaned.

  Kazimir raised his hand to my head, touched one of my tiny cornrows with his finger, and trailed the whole swirled path, slipping along the top of my head, twisting and turning in the back, and falling past my shoulder. “Stunning.”

  “Thank you?” I hadn’t meant to sound so unsure, but he’d been the one to have his men drag me to a rooftop with sex on it. I didn’t think we’d be talking about my hairstyle.

  “You changed your hair fast.”

  “I was wearing a wig before.”

  “I see.” He nodded and slowly walked a circle around me. “You looked like a top art gallery owner earlier. Only a few hours later, you look like you would break into that same gallery. . .but with finesse and style.” He walked around again and stood behind me. His breath brushed the back of my neck. “You’re still so beautiful, but now the danger isn’t so hidden like before.”

  It was in that moment, I noticed several suited men come in. Couple by couple, the men signaled for the audience to leave.

  Why are you clearing the room?

  Stepping back in front of me, Kazimir didn’t look put off by the emptying roof, which told me the men worked under his orders.

  Meanwhile, the naked couple remained in the center. Their moans rose in the air. The bed creaked with the rhythm of their groans and shudders.

  I blinked, my nipples getting hard under my shirt. Thank God I still had on my jacket. Of all the people to get rid of, the ones having sex would’ve been my first choice.

  But that was the thing about men like Kazimir. They dominated the world because they learned a person’s weakness fast and used it against them. It was the main reason why I wore disguises—always keeping people guessing.

  A hard expression covered Kazimir’s face. I immediately missed his smile. At least in the gallery, he seemed like a reasonable man.

  Now? Not so reasonable.

  He remained in front of me as the last audience member left.

  I inched back.

  He raised part of his lip into a sneer and closed most of the distance between us, barely leaving an inch of space.

  I didn’t move.

  He pierced me with an intense gaze. “Where did you go?”

  I swallowed in my fear. “I took the alleys.”

  “No. My men would’ve seen you.”

  “I’m born and raised here. Harlem runs through my veins like blood—”

  “Still, you didn’t take the alleys.”

  I tried not to blink. Something about bad guys and not blinking made them think I was telling the truth. But that didn’t work with Kazimir.

  I could tell him about the tunnels, but then if I needed to escape from him, the tunnels wouldn’t be an option.

  I’m not telling you where I went.

  “I’m sorry.” I gazed at the floor. “I won’t ever go missing again.”

  “So, you do admit you intentionally went missing?”

  I tapped my fingers against my thighs. “I’m sorry. It had nothing to do with your men. . .not completely. I just like my privacy.”

  “That’s closer to the truth.”

  What’s giving me away? Usually, no one can tell, when I’m lying.

  The couple moaned some more behind me. The bed creaked. My body came alive. My panties moistened. I tried my best to look unaffected.

  Don’t let him see. Stay calm and relaxed.

  “Fuck me,” the redhead moaned. “Give me that big cock.”

  I held in my moan.

  “Hmmm.” Kazimir leaned my way and breathed me in as if catching my horny scent like a hound dog, giving him the ability to track me forever. My cheeks warmed.

  The couple and him turned me on. Maybe it was the danger radiating off Kazimir’s perfect face. Perhaps it was the fact that he looked mad, but not enough to sling me off the roof. And I was so grateful. . .so grateful I would have loved to give him some.

  Stop it.

  This was bad. The moonlight wouldn’t hide the fact that my eyes were probably dilated with lust.

  “Little mysh,” he whispered, and I wondered what that word meant.

  I hope mysh means “Hey, we’re friends again.”

  He brought those cold eyes to me and gave me a wicked smile. “You like your privacy?”


  “Turn around.”

  Damn it. No. I don’t want to see the sex.

  Regardless, I did as he ordered, putting the live sex right in front of me.

  Within the glassed-box, the dreadlocked man now thrusted into the redhead. The man’s sculpted ass flexed as he stroked. It was beautiful. Two lush bodies sliding and moving together, completely erotic and dripping with sensuality.


  My nipples tightened almost in pain, not understanding why they couldn’t get in on the fun. I inched backward into Kazimir, and it felt good to be so close.

  Fuck. I’m too horny for this.

  I got ready to step away.

  Gripping my hips, he moved closer, pressing his chest to my back. The thickness of his cock pushed the high rise of my ass and the dip in my spine.

  I wasn’t foolish enough to think his erection was for me. There was plenty of reason for him to be turned on in a brothel. But still, his cock pressed into my ass, and there was no doubting the size and power.

  I tensed, unsure of how to act or what to say. Never had I experienced this before. Many gangsters had tried to dominate me, but none had done it with sex. They did it with yelling and threats, even guns pointed right at my face.

  But this method, I didn’t know what to do with.

  How did he know this would knock me off balance?

  Kazimir didn’t try to hide the erection as he whispered against my ears, “You like your privacy, but you don’t get privacy with me.”

  His words should’ve thrown me on edge, but with the sex in front and his hard body behind, I felt sandwiched between lust. I yearned to fuck—anybody—at that moment.

  Kazimir—of course—was at the top of the list.

  “You’re too important to me now.” He moved in closer, letting his front mold into my back. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” I shuddered, melting into the hard contours of his chest.

  And the damn sexy couple continued to play their sensual scene in front of them. Her chest rose and fell on rapid breaths as the man gave her long strokes, rocking
his hips and clenching his muscled ass.

  My panties moistened more. I yearned for Kazimir to touch me and slide his hands up my body, cupping my breasts. My shoulders rose and fell with my labored breaths, anticipating the feel of his hands on my body.

  “You want to hide from me, Emily?” His words danced down the curve of my neck, delivering tingles along the sensitive flesh. “But we’re friends.” He placed both of his hands on my hips. “Friendships take time and energy to grow.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. My nipples pebbled in pleasurable pain.

  “Do you understand now, Emily?”

  I didn’t mean to, but I moaned my answer, “Yes.”

  Gripping my hips harder, he breathed me in.

  “Very dangerous.” He brushed his lips against my ear.

  And then to my surprise, Kazimir stepped away.


  I should’ve waited for his order, but I turned around in time to catch him, running his fingers through his hair with desire blazing in his eyes.

  Fuck. Maybe this isn’t just about dominance. He looks ready to fuck me too.

  I really wanted to look down at his cock, but I forced myself to remain straight with a neutral expression. There was no need for him to know how much he was affecting me.

  Silent, he gazed at me for too long, shoving me off edge.

  I felt naked in front of him.

  “Hmmm.” He raised one hand in the air and snapped his fingers.

  The couple’s moans stopped behind me. There was shuffling and rustling. Minutes later, the nude couple scurried out of there too.

  Kazimir and I were the only two people left in the moonlit place.

  Even his guards were on the other side of the wall.

  Finally, he cut the silence. “The man that brought you here will be your personal guard. His name is Luka.”

  I don’t need a damn guard! But. . .you didn’t ask so. . .I’ll just keep that to myself.

  “You’re too smart.” He placed his hands in his suit pants. “You disappear within minutes. Change looks within seconds. Too smart.”

  It was just a wig. I’m not the Master of Disguises.

  As if he heard me, he responded, “It doesn’t matter. Luka will sit in your living room when you’re home. And when you’re working, he’ll be in the gallery’s lobby. And when you want to take a nice long walk, he’ll be right beside you, helping you enjoy the sunny day. Think of him as your shadow.”


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