Real Vampires: When Glory Met Jerry

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Real Vampires: When Glory Met Jerry Page 14

by Gerry Bartlett

  “No, we are not, though we live much longer than ordinary mortals. Alain is showing his age. He has trouble shifting now. It pains him if he does it too often. He did fine at the Tower but it takes a lot out of him.” Fergus shook his head. “The vampires will replace him soon. I hope they are kind about it. Some vampires are careless, nay, cruel, with someone who outlives his usefulness.”

  “What would they do?” I stopped in front of a shop window and pretended to look at bonnets. But my mind was full of how bloodthirsty vampires would get rid of a man who couldn’t serve them anymore. It wasn’t a pretty picture.

  “Don’t fash yourself, Gloriana. Alain has surely made plans for that day. We all do. He probably has a wee cottage in France somewhere and a lass in mind to keep his cot warm. It’s my plan for when my shifts become painful. Of course we do know the vampires’ secrets. Some of their kind don’t trust one of us to keep them.” Fergus nodded toward the Globe which was in sight at the end of the street.

  I stopped. So I’d been right. Alain or some other devoted shape-shifter could well die at the end of his lengthy service. I could imagine selfish Marin deciding that ending Alain would be best for her own safety.

  “You are imagining the worst, Gloriana. If word got out that those we serve could not be trusted, none of our kind would be persuaded to take a place in a vampire household, no matter how much gold was offered.” Fergus patted my hand then let go quickly. “Now we’d best be on our way. Dark comes early and I want to be home long before the sun goes down.”

  “Of course.” I moved on. Soon we came to the alley where I had met Jeremiah. It had rained recently and all signs of his bloody struggle were gone. This time of day the place was deserted. I led the way to the stage door and smiled at the old man who guarded it. Master Shakespeare did not like anyone spying on his productions before they were ready for an audience.

  “Matthew Wiggins, will you let me in? Or can you call Maggie for me?” I smiled wider when I realized he didn’t recognize me with a fuller figure and wearing my new finery. “’Tis I, Gloriana St. Clair.”

  “No, it can’t be. Why last I saw you, you were about to drop from hunger and so thin you could have slipped right under the door without me unlocking it.” He laughed, then reached out and pinched my cheek. “Look at you in such a fancy cape and with some meat on your bones.” Then he frowned at Fergus behind me. “Is this your protector?”

  “Nay, I am merely her servant. My master treats her very well and insists she be guarded like a precious jewel.” Fergus tipped his cap. After he put it back on, he slipped a coin into the old man’s hand. “Could you see to granting the lady’s request to step inside?”

  “She is a lady and don’t you forget it.” Matthew frowned and bit the coin. “Gold. Yes, it will buy you through this door, Gloriana, but not this varlet. He can wait here.” He opened the door and I stepped inside.

  “I’ll be out in a few moments.” I patted Matthew on the back. “I hope to bring Maggie with me. Fergus, Matthew here likes his drink if you happen to have something on you that you’d be willing to share.”

  “I just might.” Fergus brought out a flask and Matthew’s eyes lit up. “Seems there’s a chill in the air. This will warm you up. Good Scot’s whiskey.”

  The doorkeeper frowned. “Their whiskey is the only thing good about the Scots. But I won’t turn it down.” He held out his hand.

  I waited to be sure Fergus didn’t take the comment ill. He just handed over the flask and nodded. Of course. We were acting. He hadn’t even sounded like a Scot when he’d spoken, now that I thought about it. So I left them sharing the drink and walked inside, looking for Maggie.

  A rehearsal was going on, the front of the stage a busy place. Master Shakespeare was unhappy with the scene and kept barking orders as different cast members ran about, papers in their hands.

  “Gloriana! My, but you look a treat. Clearly your protector is a generous man.” Maggie came out with a dress in her hands and shook it out. “Horace’s costume. He’d better stay out of the tavern or nothing will fit him.”

  “Oh, Maggie, it is so good to see you!” I gave her a hug. “Did you get my note?”

  “Yes, thank you for letting me know you were all right. I was that worried about you.” She frowned. “Look out. See who’s coming.”

  “Gloriana!” Becks, of course. I had hoped to avoid him. “My eyes are stunned by your beauty shining so brightly.” He grabbed me, trying to steal a kiss. “You are radiant.”

  “Look but don’t touch, Becks.” I shoved him away. “My new protector is very handy with his sword. I have seen him kill two men already who came to close to this.” I opened my cloak and ran my hand over my bodice, unable to resist the taunt.

  “Now you are just being cruel. Your charms are even harder to resist now that you are clearly eating well.” He feigned a stab to his heart. Always overacting.

  “I am eating very well. And treated like a queen.” I closed my cloak. “I am very happy with my new situation.”

  “What brings you by then? Did you miss me?” His grin was playful as he reached for me again.

  “Not at all. But I did miss Maggie.” I turned to her. “Can you come out with me? I want to take you to an inn so we can dine together. My servant has gold and will pay for everything.” I glanced back at Becks. He was frowning and obviously calculating how much my finery must have cost this new “protector.”

  “I would love to. Let me get my cloak.” She threw Horace’s dress at Becks. “Tell my husband that the rip is repaired. That’s as big in the waist as I can make it. If it don’t fit now, I will have to add more cloth.” She laughed and hurried to the place where I knew she stored her things when she worked in the theater.

  “Husband.” Becks tossed the dress on a crate. “Like we believe that.”

  “Be nice, Becks. How is your lady wife? Has she had the babe yet?” I played with my gloves as I looked up at him.

  “Another girl. That’s the third. She sent a note round yester eve.” He grabbed my hand. “What are you doing, Gloriana? Michael wouldn’t want you to settle for being some toff’s mistress.”

  “Really? What would he want for me? To be passed around here? To sleep with every actor at the Globe?” I jerked my hand from his. “I had no choice, Becks, but to take the first kind man who approached me and well you know it. Lucky for me he is kind.” I looked away from Becks’ keen study of my face. Kind? That depended on whether I was satisfied with being a blood whore, now wasn’t it? I shoved such bleak thoughts aside. I knew I was lucky in Jeremiah. He had never forced me to do anything except when he’d been in pain and out of his mind.

  “I’m sorry, Gloriana. If I had more to offer you…” He seemed sincere but then he was an excellent actor.

  “But you don’t, Timothy.” I dodged his hand which, as usual, went where it had no business going. This time it was toward my backside. “You’d best go back to your rehearsal. I heard Master Shakespeare calling for you. It’s not wise to keep him waiting. You have many mouths to feed and need this job.”

  “That’s the truth.” He shook his head. “I hope he truly is kind to you, Gloriana. Some men--”

  “You don’t have to tell me about some men. I had plenty of time to know them while I was sleeping back stage this past twelve months.” I looked around at the rough surroundings. The smells, the sounds, it all came back and I knew I would do whatever I had to so I never faced such a sad situation again. “Some men have a passing acquaintance with soap and water. Some men even know how to make a woman scream with pleasure in the bedsheets.” I poked him in his doublet when he moved too close one more time. As if he really cared how I was treated now. He only cared that he’d missed his turn at me. His poor wife! I hoped she stayed in the country a good long while and enjoyed a rest from his company.

  “Off with you, Becks. The master is about to dock your pay.” Maggie grinned and took my arm. “My, oh, my. Tell me about this man who takes baths and know
s how to make a woman enjoy the bedding.” She walked us to the door. “Sounds like you landed in the honeypot, dearie. Oh, yes, you did.”

  I wished I could tell her the truth. All I had to do for my finery, baths and pleasure was offer my vein. But I kept my complaints to myself, stepping out with her toward the nearest inn that I knew served good food. We enjoyed a fine meal and I watched Maggie flirt with Fergus who insisted upon sitting at a separate table. She looked well and I saw that he appreciated her fine wit and round figure. It would be a wonderful thing if Maggie could find a bit of romance in her life. As for Fergus...? Well, I had no idea what he did to satisfy himself. It had to be difficult to be around Jeremiah and his endless parade of lovers. Surely the shape-shifter was allowed time to find his own lady friends.

  It was late afternoon by the time we left the Globe. A group of soldiers passed us and I froze, turning to stare at a shop window for fear my face might be familiar to one of them. Fergus kept his cap on and bent over as if to pick up something from the ground. Thank God the men moved past without giving us a second look.

  “It’s a good thing we are close to home.” Fergus turned down an alley, pushing me gently ahead of him. “We will take a new way there. I want to make sure we aren’t followed.”

  I looked up at a bird that flew overhead. “I don’t see any soldiers, but what about..?” I nodded at the crow that had settled on a rooftop not far above our heads.

  Fergus stopped and sniffed. I had no idea what he could smell besides the disgusting scents of garbage and offal. But he picked up a stone and threw it at the bird. Clearly my instincts had been right.

  “Slimy bastard! Get you gone, Alain. You won’t get near this woman. Tell your mistress that!” His stone hit close to the bird but missed its mark. The bird squawked and flew away.

  “Alain?” I pulled my cloak around me, shivering. “Do you think he was planning to attack us?”

  “Not now. Not without help. But he might have been making plans for another day. He can certainly hire a gang of thugs to snatch you off the street.” He shook his fist at the sky. “Hide then, you coward.” He sniffed the air again. “He’s finally gone but I’ve made up my mind. We won’t be going to the Globe again.” Fergus firmed his lips and took my elbow. “Stay close to me, Gloriana. I liked your friend, but it’s best if we keep our distance.”

  “But I promised Maggie--” I’d made plans to see her again. Staying inside every day while Jeremiah slept was driving me mad.

  “Remember who is paying for your finery, Gloriana. And your meals. I’m sure Jeremiah will agree with me. You need to be safe. No more daytime strolls or visits to the Globe.” Fergus almost dragged me to the doorway that led to what I was beginning to think of as my prison.

  “Can she come here?” I wasn’t giving up. We could keep each other company. Play a card game perhaps. Anything to make the time go past!

  “Of course not! Bring another mortal into a vampire’s lair? You’re forgetting your place, madam.” Fergus stopped in front of the door and pulled out the key. He sniffed the air and frowned. “Damn me but someone’s been here.” He studied the sturdy door, which had scratches around the key hole. “And tried to get in! We’ll have to move. There’s no way around that.” He unlocked the door.

  “Stand back. I have to check on Jeremiah. By God! If they got to him…” He ran inside.

  I almost stumbled when he shoved me aside. I’d never seen him so upset, not even when we’d been watching Jeremiah fight MacDonald. Or when he’d had to persuade me to give my blood to save him. Obviously Fergus felt that he’d failed his master.

  He pushed the door to the vampire’s room. It held.

  “Isn’t it latched from the inside?” I stood behind him.

  “Aye. It seems undisturbed.” Fergus wiped his brow. “Start packing.” He began dropping supplies into a basket.

  “Do you know where we’ll go?” I hesitated in the doorway to the bedchamber.

  “Of course. I always have a second place ready. Jeremiah’s safety is my responsibility.” He glanced at the fireplace. “I’ll build up the fire. If you want a bath, take it now. We won’t have a pipe for water at the new place so it will be more difficult to arrange. It’s not as nice as this one has been. But you’ll see for yourself soon enough.”

  “You’re sure we have to move?” I would certainly miss the baths.

  “Don’t question me, Gloriana. Do you want a bath now or no?” His Scot’s accent was back.

  “Yes, please.” I hurried into the bedchamber and began laying my new dresses on the bed. He came into the room carrying a large trunk.

  “Put all your things in here. I’ll have your bath ready in a few minutes. Then I’m going out to give you privacy. I have to see to the new place and make it ready for us anyway. When I set it up I didn’t really think we’d need it or that Jeremiah would have a steady mistress living with us. I’ll have to purchase fresh bedding, tidy it up a bit. Jeremiah hates dirt.” Fergus set the trunk down with a frown. “I’m that sorry I fussed at you, Gloriana. I guess I’m taking out my aggravation on you. If Jeremiah wakes before I get back, tell him we’re moving. He’ll know why.”

  “All right.” I walked over and put my hand on his arm. “Please don’t worry about my feelings. I know you just want us safe. I appreciate it.”

  “Aye, that’s right. Now pack first. The bath will be ready when you’re done.” He patted my hand, stared down at our hands for a moment, then shook his head and left the room.

  # # #

  I leaned back with a sigh. If this was to be my last hot bath in a tub, I wanted to enjoy every moment. The fine soap smelled wonderful and I lifted my foot to run the cloth between my toes. I don’t know why it was so important to me to be clean. Certainly the actors at the Globe had shown no love for soap and water. I shuddered thinking about the way the costumes had always smelled so rank. Even dear Maggie had rarely washed. At least I’d found a protector who shared my love of cleanliness.

  “Now that’s a sight I could wake up to every evening.” Jeremiah stood beside the fireplace.

  “I guess night must have fallen.” I draped the cloth over my breasts. Of course he’d seen them, but I was suddenly shy. I needed to tell him about the move. Would he just read it in my mind? But he was looking at my body, my mind not of interest at the moment.

  “Somehow I just know when the sun goes down. It’s one of the mysteries of being a vampire.” He pulled his shirt up and off. Oh, but his chest was a treat to see. Then he began to unbutton his trews, those tight-fitting pants made of his plaid. When he stepped out of them, I could see he certainly liked the look of me in the bath.

  “And is another mystery of being a vampire that you are always eager for loveplay, Jeremiah?” I scooted back in the tub when he stepped in with me, making it very crowded indeed. Water splashed the stone floor.

  “Not sure if it’s the vampire in me. I was just as randy before I was turned, my girl. And the sight of your bubbies makes me want to get closer, much closer.” He grinned, tossed aside my washing cloth and pulled me against him. “Ah. Better.”

  I heard the cloth hit the stones. I had to admit the feel of his hard chest was better for me as well. Oh, yes. His hands ran up and down my back before he leaned down and kissed a path from my neck to my nipples.

  “Ye Gods, woman! That tastes disgusting! Rinse, if you please.” He leaned over and spit on the floor.

  “You don’t like my soap?” I laughed and splashed water on my chest. Of course I was eager for his mouth on me. He was very clever with his tongue and teeth. As long as he didn’t use those fangs…

  “Relax, Gloriana. I am not going to drink from you. Yet. But later I will. I have denied myself long enough.” He smiled then leaned down again, taking a nipple into his mouth.

  My head fell back and I moaned. Oh, but it felt good. My legs were around him, my bottom on his lap. His hard cock nudged my backside and I wiggled against it. Yes, I wanted him. He was a wonderf
ul lover. The first one I’d ever had who had bothered to see to my pleasure. That I could remember anyway.

  His head snapped up and he looked in my eyes. “Were you a virgin when you and your husband first were together?”

  “What a question!” I slapped his arm. “I don’t remember my past. I told you that. I may have been married before.” I flushed. “When Michael and I made love the first time, there was no pain. So I suppose there might be a husband somewhere mourning me. I have no idea.” It was something Michael and I had discussed. But what could we do? We had walked around town in case someone might have been looking for me, but no one had recognized me. So I had started a new life with that first name I remembered from a voice out of dreams. Michael had given me his own last name, one he’d made up when he’d become an actor.

  “So you weren’t a virgin.” He slid his hands under my rump and lifted me until I settled on his hard cock. He pushed inside me and I was filled.

  “No.” I couldn’t deny he felt wonderful, satisfying and distracting. I was glad. This was not a conversation we needed to continue. My eyes closed and I began to move. Virgin or not, I enjoyed loveplay as much as Jeremiah did. I wanted it, him, and didn’t care about a murky past that no amount of struggle could help me remember. Had I been a virtuous wife or a whore? Wondering only made my head ache. I pushed such thoughts away and held onto his shoulders, my nails digging in as he gripped my thighs, urging me on. Oh, but he could make me feel things. I finally looked at him, need spiraling inside me until I felt compelled to see if he’d gone as wild as I had.

  “Yes, Gloriana, you make me mad with lust as well.” He stood suddenly, water sluicing off both of us, and stepped out of the tub. Before I knew what he was about he’d laid me on the table and pulled me to the edge. He pumped into me hard and fast, with such an intense look on his face I wondered he didn’t hurt me. But, no, he had a care, one hand beneath my head to keep it from hitting the rough wood, the other reaching between us to touch me in a spot I’d had no idea even existed.


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