Westside Series Box Set

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Westside Series Box Set Page 30

by Monica Alexander

  “People think Cam’s gay,” I explained to Gabe.

  “He’s not,” Gabe said quickly. “I could tell that from the start.”

  “Well at least someone sees it,” Cam joked. “But she’s right. People have thought that my whole life. I’m used to it.”

  “No one thinks that about me,” Gabe said. “That’s the hard part. If I was ultra-feminine and wasn’t a complete jock, they might not be surprised if I came out, but no one’s ever suspected.”

  I cleared my throat.

  “Oh, expect this one,” Gabe amended. “She knew.”

  “I suspected, and then I knew for sure when I kissed you. Blech.”

  Gabe laughed. “This is true. I didn’t enjoy kissing you. I’m glad we only did it once.”

  “Funny, kissing her is one of my favorite things to do,” Cam chimed in.

  Gabe and I laughed, and I looked up at Cam. “You’re sweet.”

  “I try,” he said as he leaned down and kissed me. “So much fun.”

  I was smiling as the waitress returned with our food and placed it in front of us. “I hope everything looks good. Let me know if you need anything,” she said with a smile. Then she turned to Cam. “By the way, Catie, our hostess, asked me if she could get your autograph.”

  Cam smiled politely. “Sure. I’ll give it to her on the way out.”

  The waitress nodded. “Are you famous? Should I know who you are?”

  “No, I’m not famous. Not really.”

  The waitress shrugged. “Okay, whatever you say. Enjoy your lunch.”

  “Thank you,” I told her and turned to Cam. “You didn’t want to tell her who you are?”

  “Nah, she probably wouldn’t care anyway.”

  I nodded, figuring the waitress was like I had been. Cam hadn’t fazed me when we met, because I hadn’t been intimidated by his fame. I still wasn’t, and I liked him more for not making a big deal out of someone not recognizing him. It wasn’t what I’d expected from a celebrity, but it only strengthened my belief that Cam was different – and that’s why I liked him so much.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Another shot, Cam?” Dane asked, passing Cam a shot glass full of amber liquid.

  “Sure, why not,” he said, taking the glass and tipping it back before settling against the squishy couch in Gabe’s living room, his head falling against mine in a relaxed way that made me realize he was drunk.

  We all were as we’d adopted a solidarity pact with Gabe when he’d started drowning his sorrows about having to hide his relationship from the world after being badgered by his mother for still being single during dinner. I could tell at one point that he was about to blurt out his secret, but I’d pulled him away from the table and we stepped outside to get some air before he could make a mistake I knew he’d regret.

  I’d let him vent and calm down, assuring him that right then, at the country club our parents had been going to since we were toddlers, was not the time to tell his family and mine that he was gay. I reminded him of everything that was at stake, including Dane, who I knew would be pissed if Gabe did that.

  When we’d returned to the table, Gabe was much calmer, but Cam was unnaturally quiet. I instantly regretted leaving him alone. I’d taken his hand under the table, hoping everything was okay, and he’d squeezed mine in return, offering me a weak smile. I wasn’t sure what had happened when I’d been gone, but I figured I’d have to wait until after dinner to find out.

  I figured my mother made a comment that she hadn’t realized was rude, and it had unsettled Cam. My parents were nice people, but at the end of the day they were snobs. I knew they’d never say anything unpleasant on purpose, but there was a chance they could have said something they didn’t realize would upset him. Hell, my mother had made two comments that made me cringe while I’d been sitting there. I hated to think of what she’d say when I wasn’t in earshot.

  I knew they liked Cam, though. I could tell from the tone of the conversation throughout dinner. My parents had asked him questions throughout the meal like they’d done with any boyfriend of mine they’d ever met, and I thought Cam had handled himself beautifully. My parents even seemed interested in what he did, which was surprising to me since I wasn’t sure what they’d think about me dating a musician. He’d even hit it off with Gabe’s dad, getting into a long conversation with him about cars.

  I’d thought the meal was a success until I noticed how quiet Cam still was as we ate dessert and dinner wound down. Afterward, when I let my parents know that we were heading over to Gabe’s house, my mom had hugged me and told me not to stay out too late. She was planning to make blueberry waffles the next day since I’d told her they were Cam’s favorite.

  I’d smiled, loving that she was doing what she could to make him feel welcome as I looked over to see my dad shaking his hand. The expression on Cam’s face was tight as he listened to my dad tell him he hoped he’d consider the conversation they’d had, which instantly put me on alert. I had no idea which conversation my dad was referencing, but the look on Cam’s face made me wonder if I’d missed something important.

  I figured Cam might enlighten me when we got in the car, but he didn't say a word.

  “You okay?” I asked him, squeezing his hand.

  He flashed me a smile that felt forced. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He nodded. “Yup. I’m great.”

  I leaned into him. “I think my parents really liked you.”


  “Yup. My dad was even cool with the whole musician thing. I wasn’t sure how that would go over to be honest, but he seemed genuinely impressed with what you do.”

  “Yeah, I guess he did,” Cam agreed halfheartedly.

  “So why the long face?”

  He took a deep breath. “I’m just tired, I guess. Traveling and meeting your parents. I think it wiped me out more than I was expecting.”

  “Well, we don’t have to stay out late. I’m kind of tired too.”

  He nodded, but he didn’t say anything else.

  When we got to Gabe’s house, he broke out the bourbon and begged us all to drink with him, citing it was the respectful thing to do after the night he’d had. I had only sympathy for him since I’d witnessed it firsthand, and Cam joined in with no argument, along with Dane, who was empathetic to his boyfriend’s plight. Apparently he knew all too well what it was like to get pressure from your family to settle down with a ‘nice girl’.

  Several shots in and the mood in the room seemed to shift. Even Cam seemed more relaxed, smiling a lot and listening in amusement as Gabe animatedly complained about his parents.

  “And I thought my family was bad,” Cam whispered in a mild slur.

  “Your family’s not bad at all,” I chastised him. “I like your family.”

  “I know. They’re actually pretty awesome. I’m realizing that now, especially since they’ve never openly rejected me.”

  I slid my hand into his. “I hate that Gabe’s parents treat him like they do. I don’t think they even realize they’re hurting him.”

  “It’s not just him,” Cam said adamantly. “It’s Dane too.”

  At that, Dane turned his attention to Cam.

  “What’s that?” Dane asked him.

  “I was just saying I don’t think it’s fair for Gabe’s parents to hate you.”

  “Well, they don’t. They actually like me, but if they knew who I really was to Gabe, I guess they’d hate me. So, yeah, okay, I feel you.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Cam asked in surprise.

  Dane shrugged. “No, not at all. I hate that they’re small-minded and intolerant, but so are my parents. It’s not like I can change their minds.”

  “They’re all jerks,” Gabe said as he put his arm around his boyfriend.

  Dane shrugged. “They’re just ignorant. I’ve dealt with it my whole life. I should be used to it, but I’m not. I just can’t do anything
to change it, so I try not to get upset about it.”

  “I wish I could do that,” Gabe said around a sigh.

  “Persecution for being different is never okay,” Cam said vehemently. “It’s downright shitty.”

  “I agree,” I said, grinning at Gabe, loving that Cam was sticking up for him. I liked that they got along so well. “I guess it’s good that we love you, Gabe.”

  He winked at me. “I appreciate that. And I love you too.”

  I blew him a kiss, and he sighed as he settled into Dane. “Tonight sucked, but it was made lighter by one thing.”

  The sudden gleam in his eye and the fact that I’d known him forever had me on high alert. I knew exactly where his mind had gone.

  “Ugh,” I groaned. “Don’t go there, Gabe.”

  He grinned. “I have to or else I’m just going to be depressed. This is a much more fun topic.”

  I groaned again. “Fine. Do it.”

  “I find it mighty convenient that Dr. Pretty Boy showed up tonight, your first night back in town. And he seemed extra flirty when he was talking to you. Is he sniffing around again?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Stop it,” I said, annoyed that he’d bring up my ex.

  Reid was my college boyfriend, and although we’d broken up years ago, every time I was home he seemed to surface again. Tonight was no different, and I had a feeling my parents were to blame. My mother had always loved him, and I knew they still saw each other from time to time. She’d probably told him I was coming home for Christmas.

  Tonight he’d conveniently appeared while Gabe and I had been outside talking. We’d spoken to him for a few minutes and had parted ways with Reid telling me to call him while I was in town so we could get together for a drink. He said he’d love to catch up. I told him I would, figuring it was easier than explaining that I had a boyfriend. It made him leave faster. I had no intention of calling him – especially while Cam was with me – but he didn’t need to know that. It wouldn’t have been the first time I’d blown Reid off.

  “Who’s Dr. Pretty Boy?” Dane questioned.

  “Her ex,” Gabe supplied. “He’s a super successful doctor, and he’s way hot. I have a strong suspicion that Reid thinks he still has a chance with Andi. Even though she broke up with him years ago, he can’t seem to stay away.”

  Oh jeez. Gabe must have been drunker than I’d thought if he was saying things like that in front of Cam. Although Cam had to know that Reid didn’t pose a threat, I still wished Gabe wouldn’t have brought him up.

  “Reid’s not that hot,” I said, shaking my head at Gabe while I willed him with my eyes to shut up. “Things have been over between us for a long time. You know that.”

  I leaned over to kiss Cam’s cheek, because I wanted him to know that he was the only guy I was interested in, not thinking he’d really even be fazed by what Gabe had said. But Cam caught me off-guard when he shook me off. He’d never done before, and the subtle gesture made me reel back in surprise.

  “What was that?” I asked him.

  He looked over at me and ran his hand back through his hair as he gave me a knowing look. I instantly understood that he wasn’t happy about the turn our conversation had taken. But before I could say anything, he shook his head.

  “I need some air,” he said as he got up and walked toward the back of Gabe’s house, opening the French doors.

  I should have let him go, since he’d so blatantly pushed me away, but I knew he was upset about Gabe’s comment, and I wanted him to know he shouldn’t be. He had nothing to worry about, and I was honestly shocked that he was rattled at all. It wasn’t like him.

  “Is your backyard fenced in?” I heard Chris ask Gabe as I followed Cam outside. He’d been sitting there quietly while we all drank, since he needed to stay sober, but as soon as Cam was on the move, he was ready to spring into action.

  “Yes, it is,” Gabe told him.

  With that knowledge, Chris stayed put, and I stepped out into the cold, closing the doors behind me. Cam was standing a few yards away, his gaze fixed on a random point across the yard.

  “I’m fine, Andi,” he said, not turning around to face me.

  “No, you’re not. Cam, please don’t read into what Gabe said. He’s drunk.”

  “I’m not reading into it,” he said stiffly.

  “Are you sure? Because you seem upset.”

  “I’m not,” he assured me, but there was an edge to his tone.

  “Reid is my ex, and now he’s just a friend.”

  “Does he know that?”

  Jeez, Reid and I had barely talked. I couldn’t believe he was this jealous.

  “Yes, he does,” I said firmly.

  “But he was flirting with you tonight?”

  “Says the guy who women flirt with all the time.”

  Cam turned around to face me, his eyes flashing. “None of them are my ex-girlfriends,” he said sharply.

  “No, they’re not,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “But it still doesn’t change the fact that they’re interested in you, and if they could they’d steal you away in a heartbeat.”

  “So would your ex.”

  “He would,” I agreed, not wanting to lie to him. “But he’s not going to. I’m not interested in him.”

  Cam nodded, his expression still tight. “Your parents seem to like him.”

  “They do,” I agreed.

  “Were they upset when you broke up with him?”

  “Yes, they were.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  I felt my eyebrows rise. “Why did I break up with Reid?”


  I had no idea why we were talking about this. It felt like we were fighting. All of a sudden, things were tense. We’d never fought before. I had no idea what to think, but I knew I had to answer his questions. I had to be honest.

  “I told you this story,” I reminded him. “He was the college boyfriend I broke up with because I wanted to move to New York. He was coming back here to do his residency, and he wanted to marry me. I said no, and that was it.”

  “Did you love him?”

  “When I was dating him, yes, I loved him.”

  “Was he upset that you ended things?”

  “Of course he was. He was really upset. I felt awful for hurting him, but I just didn’t see a future with him. We wanted different things.”

  “And he still has feelings for you now?”

  “Yes, I think he does,” I said honestly.

  “Do you have feelings for him?”

  “No, I don’t. Not at all,” I said firmly, appalled that he would even ask. “He’s just a friend.”

  Cam nodded.

  “Cam, what is going on? Where is this coming from? I promise, Reid isn’t a threat to us.”

  He looked like he was going to say something, but then seemed to change his mind. He just sighed, his shoulders slumping almost in defeat. “It’s nothing.”

  I felt a non-humorous laugh escape my lips. “It’s not nothing. That,” I said, gesturing between us, “was not nothing. That was jealousy. Where on earth did it come from?”

  Cam looked away from me and shook his head. “Forget I said anything,” he said curtly. “I was obviously overreacting.”

  “You were,” I agreed. “But why?”

  Realization suddenly dawned on me as I thought about the fact that Cam had referenced my parents’ feelings toward Reid. I should have realized that Reid would have never have walked through the club and not stopped at their table. He was too polite for that, and he also would have been looking for me.

  “He came by the table when I was outside, didn’t he?” I asked Cam who had shoved his hands in his pockets and was looking at the ground. The tension I saw in his shoulders as he digested my words was subtle but it was there, and I knew I’d guessed right.

  “Yeah, he did,” he said tightly.

  I narrowed my eyes in concern, suddenly fearful of what might have been said. My parents loved Reid, an
d I would have bet money that they’d gushed all over him. My mother probably said something about me and Reid, and she hadn’t even thought that Cam would be bothered by it. She was so endeared to Reid that she probably hadn’t been thinking.

  “Okay, so tell me what happened?”

  Cam raised his head to look at me, and for a few brief seconds, I saw sorrow in his eyes that made my stomach turn. Something had rattled him tonight. Had my parents really said something that had upset him that much? Had Reid?

  Then Cam shot me a brief smile, and I saw him attempt to push the sadness away. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re really not,” I said, calling him out. “But you should be. Trust me, where Reid is concerned, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Cam sighed. “That’s good to know, I guess.”

  “Okay, you need to tell me what was said,” I urged him, not liking that I was missing pieces to this puzzle.

  He’d been downright pissed a few minutes earlier, and he still wasn’t okay. I could see he was trying to mask his feelings, but it wasn’t working. I could see right through him and knew something was wrong.

  Cam shook his head. “I don’t want to get into it. I just came out here to get some air. I needed to clear my head.”

  “Because of what Gabe said about Reid? Or was it because of something else?”

  Cam gave me a small smile before he crossed the space between us and stopped in front of me. His arms slid around my waist and he pulled me to him, lowering his lips and pressing them to mine for a few brief seconds.

  “Because I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and I wasn’t prepared for how it would feel to meet her ex – a guy who’s very much still in love with her. You were right. I think I got jealous.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” I promised him. “Things with Reid and me are so over.”

  Cam nodded. “I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  He shrugged as he smirked at me, and I welcomed the familiar gesture. “I guess I’m just a paranoid drunk. Thanks for talking me off the ledge.”

  I smiled. “Happy to do it. I don’t like fighting with you.”


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