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Royals Page 6

by S. Dalambakis

  Lucian goes and answers the door. A few moments later Callyn walks in the room. She quickly glances around, before settling her eyes on us. She smiles.

  “Hey guys.” She places her bookbag on the floor and walks over to the couch I am sitting on.

  “Why did you bring that?” I motion to the bookbag.

  “Had to make it believable. Why would I go to the library to work on my group project but not bring books?” She put air quotes around group project. Then cocks her head to the side, in a duh gesture.

  “Well, I definitely didn’t think about that.”

  She giggles and rolls her eyes. Her giggle has this husky sound to it. It’s unlike anything I have heard. I groan low in my throat.

  “Who is that I hear giggling in there?” Lucian’s grandmother asks before walking into the living room. Callyn stiffens, but Lucian goes over and stands by her side.

  “Grammy, this is my friend Callyn, I was telling you about. Callyn, this is my grandmother Victoria.”

  “Well, aren’t you just the cutest thing. Just call me Grammy, everyone else does,” she says before stepping over to Callyn and pulling her in for a hug.

  I see all of us visibility stiffen, not sure how Callyn will react. Callyn surprises us all and hugs her back. Huh? I glance at the guys and see that we each have a look of disbelief.

  “Now, Lucian, why didn’t you tell me how pretty she is,” Grammy said after she releases Callyn.

  Callyn’s cheek turn so red. Wait. Is she blushing? Oh my god, she is. I’m sitting here grinning like an idiot. Oh, I plan on making sure I see that blush on her face daily.

  Chapter 9


  I was nervous walking over to Lucian’s. I had to drum up enough courage a couple of days ago to finally tell my father about the group projects. Honestly, it went better than I thought it would, mostly because he was already half drunk when I mentioned it. Plus, I had to wait for him to be home one night. I never know what days he’s coming home after work, or what days his going to what I assume is the bar. I like the nights he’s at the bar. It keeps him away from me. The only down side is the state I find him in, in the mornings. I shake my head. No more thinking of my poor excuse of a father. I will not let anything ruin this day.

  The guys had told me last week that they all live on the same street. They grew up together and were friends from a young age. Their parent’s get along pretty well too. Turns out they only live three streets away from me. They don’t know that yet.

  I walk up the sidewalk that leads to the two-story white home. The house has flower bushes in front of the porch and sits on the most pristine lawn I’ve ever seen. There are four steps that lead up to the front door. I hesitate a moment before I take a deep breath and knock on the door. A moment later Lucian answers.

  Oh. Good. Lord.

  He’s wearing faded out blue jeans, and a tight, fitted, maroon Henley t-shirt. His copper hair is slightly messy, like he just ran his hands through it. I bite my lip as I continue my perusal. He’s barefoot. Lord, even his feet are sexy. Can feet be sexy? If so, his definitely are.


  Woah. Where did that thought come from? I mean, I have this insane urge to touch him. All of them. To be around them. The sound of Lucian clearing his throat breaks me from my thoughts. I look up and he is wearing this smirk on his face. Apparently, he must have said something, but I was clearly distracted.

  “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  “I said, would you please come in?” He steps to the side, so I can enter.

  Lucian’s house is nice and cozy. There are steps off to the left when you first walk in leading upstairs. There is a small hallway and the kitchen it straight ahead. The living room is to the right. Lucian waves me ahead of him.

  It should be illegal for people to look this good in a pair of blue jeans. I stare at the guys for a moment when I enter the living room. I mean I’ve seen them all in jeans at school, but I guess I never really noticed until now. But these boys can fill out a pair of jeans. I start to look around the room before they notice I’m checking then out. There are pictures on the wall and I want to see if any of them are of a younger Lucian or the boys. Before I can go and look, Zeke asks why I brought my bookbag. So, I told him to make this seem legit.

  He looks stunned and it causes me too giggle. Before I know it, an older lady barrels into living room asking who’s giggling, calling me pretty, and hugging the crap out of me. She smells like cookies and it comforts me. Reminding me of when my mom used to make cookies for me and I couldn’t help but hug her back.

  “Make yourself at home. I’ve got a couple more thing to finish up in the kitchen,” she says before leaves. As she walks back into the kitchen I catch a glimpse of her arms. Are those tattoos? Huh.

  “Take a seat,” Lucian says as he gestures to the couch. “We were going to vote on what to do. We can watch some movies or play games. We have board, card, and video games to choose from. The movie collection in under the T.V. in the stand. So, since this is your first time here with us, you get first vote.”

  “Um, I don’t think I should pick first.”


  “Well, I haven’t watched movies in a while. I don’t know how to play video games.” I shrug. “So, my vote would be wasted on board or card games.” The boys stare at me with open mouths.

  “You’ve never played video games?” Zeke questions.

  I shake my head no.

  “Like ever?” Max questions.


  “Well, that’s what will do first.”

  “Um, shouldn’t Luke get to pick? It is his birthday.” I say looking over at him.

  “I’m fine playing video games.”

  “If you’re sure, but you have to pick which one we play. I don’t know anything about it. Speaking of your birthday,” I say and hop up off the couch and go to my bookbag.

  I pull a card I bought at the store this week. Since my father never goes shopping for food, I didn’t even have to hide it. I walk over to Lucian and hand him the card.

  “Happy birthday,” I say and give him a quick peck on the cheek. When I pull back, I know we’re both blushing.

  “Thank you.”

  “Open it.”

  He does and bust out laughing after he reads it. Totally worth it. His laugh is amazing. He has one of those laughs that when you hear it, you look to see who it belongs too.

  “Oh, it’s perfect.” He pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “Now, I want to know what it says,” Max whines. I look to Zeke and Graydon and they are both nodding their heads.

  The front of the card has a guy dressed like a sparkly unicorn. The inside says: Happy Birthday! Act like the ginger unicorn you are! The card gets passed around and we’re laughing by the end. It was perfect. Just like the whole day was.

  Chapter 10

  The Boys- Lucian

  The weekend flew by. Callyn spending my birthday with us, was more than I could ask for. Her card is standing up on my desk in my bedroom. I smile thinking about it. Teaching her how to play video games was entertaining. Let’s just say, not her forte. She rage quit so many times. My Grammy doted on her the whole time. Callyn met my grandfather. He seemed to like her, but she was a little standoffish. I can understand. She doesn’t know him, or know who she can trust. She must be scared. She met one of the Elders, her fate rest in his hands…their hands. The sad thing is, she doesn’t even know it. It’s hurting all of us, not telling her. It’s a secret that I hope she can forgive us for keeping.

  Everyone has been on edge since the Elder Council visit. If Elder Greaves has his way, he will keep us from claiming our mate. In the current state of the shifter world, I can’t believe he would deny any shifter their right to be with their destined mate. Regardless of what the Elder Council rules, I won’t be giving up my mate. I’m more than positive the others feel the same way.

  Speaking of the guys, we are currently walking to Callyns
locker. Rounding the corner, we stop short. Callyn is her bobbing her head. I look closer and see that she has in one of her headphones. I instantly want to know what kind of music she likes. We walk over and Max leans against the locker next to hers.

  “What are you listening to?” he asks, beating me to it. She jumps.

  “Jesus Max. Really? A little warning next time. But, to answer your question it’s “Devil’s Backbone” by The Civil Wars. Though I generally listen to everything. The next song on this playlist is “Diamonds” by Slim Thug.” She shrugs her shoulders, like it’s no big deal.

  “Can I see,” I ask as I hold out my hand.

  “Sure.” She tugs on her headphone, then hands me the phone.

  I start scrolling through her playlist. “This is pretty eclectic.” Rob Zombie, P!nk, Rag’n’Bone Man, Colt Ford, Temptations. There is artist from every genre and era.

  “I like what I like.”

  “Do you mind if I make you a playlist of my favorite songs?”

  “Go ahead. I like finding new artist and music. It helps keep me sane.”

  I create a new playlist and label it Lucian. I start adding songs as she finishes up with her locker. The bell rings. We start walking to our classes. Max and Graydon go their separate ways, as Callyn, Zeke, and me walk to chemistry. I pay attention enough to make sure I don’t run into anything. When get there I take my seat, at the end. We switched Callyn to the middle seat after the first day. I’m engrossed in making the playlist, I don’t realize that they were including me into their conversation.

  “Earth to Lucian,” Callyn says with a giggle.

  “Sorry, what did I miss.”

  “I asked Callyn to come to my game on Friday night. She was asking you if she walked to your house if she could get a ride with you guys,” Zeke states.

  “Of course. I could just pick you up at your house, so you don’t have to walk at all.”

  “How about, I’ll let you know. It depends on the mood my father is in that day. Plus, you agreed to wait to see how this worked out for a week.”

  “No problem, just throwing it out there.”

  I finish up the playlist as the teacher is walking in. I hand Callyn back her phone and she quickly shoves it in her back pocket. I can’t help but look. She has a nice butt. But that’s not what catches my attention. It’s the partial bruise I see on her lower back, when her shirt raises up from her movements. I frown, looking back to Callyn’s face. She turns and the smile that’s on her face quickly disappears. I glance back down to her back. It takes a second, but she quickly figures it out, because she tugs the back of her shirt down.

  “What happened,” I whisper.

  “Nothing, I just backed up into the table at home,” she whispers back.

  It’s a lie. She couldn’t even look at me as she said it. Zeke looks over like he senses something is wrong. I mouth later over Callyn’s head. He gives only the slightest of nods. I let it drop, for now. We both tried to pretend nothing happened the rest of chemistry. But it was awkward. The second I was out of Callyn’s sight, I pull up a group message with the guys.

  Me: I saw a pretty nasty bruise on Callyn’s lower back.

  Zeke: Is that what was going on in chemistry? You guys were acting weird.

  Max: Are you serious?

  Graydon: Did you ask how she got it?

  Me: Yeah Zeke. And of course, I did Graydon.

  Me: She said it was from hitting her back on a table.

  Max: Maybe she did.

  Me: No, you didn’t see her reaction to when she figured out what I saw. If it was from a table, why try to hide it? She couldn’t even look me in the face when she told me.

  Zeke: Could you be overacting?

  I shake my head, even though they can’t see me.

  Me: No, her eyes got real big and she yanked her shirt down so fast and hard.

  Graydon: You know she isn’t going to say shit. Even if she didn’t get the bruise the way she said, do you really think she’ll admit to anything?

  Max: No.

  Zeke: So, what do we do? Nothing? The Council already has us doing that.

  Graydon: Any word yet from the Council? It’s been a week.

  Me: I don’t like it, but probably. We can’t help until she tells us. And no word from the Council. I have a feeling Elder Greaves will stall for as long as possible.

  Max: I got to go she keeps giving me weird looks.

  I put my phone in my pocket. Callyn is so infuriating. I know she was lying. I know it.


  Callyn has been giving me the side eye since I sat down. I can’t tell her that me and the guys are talking about her. After a few moments I can’t take anymore, so I end the conversation. It’s not like we were getting anywhere. We’re on a standstill from both Callyn and the Council. I make light of everything, but even this is getting to me.

  “So, can I make you a playlist too?” I practically beg. Hoping to divert her attention.

  I was waiting for her to question me about who I was talking to, but it never comes. Instead, she rolls her eyes at me and hands me her phone. I hide it under the desk. Well, it’s easy to spot Lucians playlist, it’s just his name. Oh, yeah. I’m going to name my playlist Maximus the Great. I snicker to myself. As our English teacher drones on about some type of poem, I create my playlist. I finish and decide to look at her other playlists. Lucian is right. There are songs from a multitude of music genres.

  I sneak her phone back to her when the teacher goes to write on the board. She quickly grabs it and shoves it in her bookbag. I pull out my phone and pull up my music app. I tap her elbow. Make me one, I mouth and add in a pout for good measure. Callyn gives me this look. Then mouths, really. Now. I nod enthusiastically. She rolls her eyes again, but quickly grabs my phone and just drops it on her lap right as the teacher turns back around.

  A few minutes later I see her fiddling with my phone. She continues until the end of class. We’re out in the hallway when she hands me back my phone. I want to see the name of the playlist she created. Slytherin In. I laugh.

  “Harry Potter, huh.”

  “It’s my favorite. I read all the books. I borrow from the school’s library all the time. I haven’t been able to see the some of the movies.”

  “I have them. You’ll just have to come over and watch them with me.”

  “I would like that,” she says with a smile. It doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “You okay?” I ask as we start to walk toward her next class.

  “I will be.”

  Callyn gives me a small smile before walking into her class. I think about the shadows, that haunt her pretty eyes, as I walk to my own class.


  Callyn was little reserved during math. She’s normally reserved, but more so today than usual. I ask if she’s okay, and she says she’s fine. I call bullshit. I was hoping that maybe we can all make her feel better at lunch. I was wrong. She’s just playing with her food. I glance at each of the guys. They don’t like this either. Max is the first to break the silence.

  “So, I had Callyn make me a playlist, after I made her one. Guess, what she named it?

  “What?” I ask.

  “Slytherin In,” he says and promptly bust out laughing.

  My eyes roam over to Callyn and I can see the smirk on her face and the slight shake of her head.

  “Is that your Hogwarts house?” questions Lucian.

  “Yeah. I went on their official page and took the sorting quiz. Quite frankly, it surprised me. I thought I would have gotten Ravenclaw.”

  “Wait, a second. Are we just going to ignore that both Max and Lucian made her a playlist? I want to make you one too. Graydon you should make her one also. Callyn, will you make a playlist for me on my phone?”

  “Sure.” They swap phones. “Does anyone else know there Hogwarts houses?”

  “I do.” Max states. “I’m a Hufflepuff.” He says proudly.

  “You know Slytherin and Huff
lepuff are supposed to make good friends.”

  He nods. “We should make the rest take the quiz, so they can find out.”

  “I know mine.” This time its Lucian. “I’m a Ravenclaw.”

  Callyn looks up, hands Zeke his phone back. I pass mine to her and Zeke passes me her phone.

  “Makes sense. If I had to guess, Zeke I would say is a Gryffindor. Graydon would probably be a fellow Slytherin, though underneath might be the heart of a Gryffindor.”

  “I’ll take the quiz, when we have time,” I say.

  “Me too,” claims Zeke.

  “There’s always study hall. You can pull the website up on your phone,” states Lucian.

  “See, that’s the Ravenclaw in you,” giggles Callyn.

  By the end of lunch, we each made a playlist on her phone and she made one on ours. The shadows left her eyes. She seems more like herself.


  I can hear Graydon grumbling under his breath about taking the quiz. I’ll take whatever quiz Callyn wants, just so I don’t have to see her the way she was earlier. She reverted to the way she was when we first became her friends. I don’t like that. I like the Callyn we get see, now. The one that’s happy, smiling, and laughing. I love the sound of her laugh. Her whole face lights up and she looks so beautiful.

  Focus Zeke. I finish and sure enough I’m a Gryffindor. I turn my phone Callyn.

  “How did you know?”

  “You just show the traits. Brave, daring, courageous.”

  “What are the traits of your house?”

  “Cunning, ambitious, determined.”

  “Is that why you think Graydon will be in Slytherin?”

  “Yeah, the stubborn fool.”

  We look to Graydon and he has a scowl on his face.

  “Why the face Graydon?” I ask.

  “Because I got Slytherin. That’s the house were everyone is bad or evil.”

  Callyn scoffs. “Not all Slytherins are bad. Just look at me.”


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