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Page 7

by S. Dalambakis

  He cocks his head to the side. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Plus, we’re in the same house.” She moves her fist out for him to bump it. He does and smirks at her.

  Callyn breaks through his gruff exterior. He’s softer around her. Well, is getting softer around her. He still likes to push her buttons, but she gives it right back. I think he gets off on it. This girl is Slytherin in alright. Right into our hearts. Well, mine for sure. But if the look on the guy’s faces say anything, she’s slithering her way in theirs too.

  Chapter 11


  At least the rest of the week at school was mostly uneventful. I had a couple of girls be jerks, which I have come to realize is because the guys are my friends. I have not seen any of them talk to other girls, or mention going on any dates. And if you believe the rumors now being spreading about me be, I’m screwing all of them. For the most part, I ignore them, but it’s progressively getting worse. I want to tell the guys, but I don’t. Besides, this is a cake walk compared to what happens at home.

  A couple of weekends ago, my father punched me in my arm, because I was trying to help him after he came home drunk as a skunk. I was shoved to the floor and kicked in ribs, after one of the times I tried to wake him up, after I realized he would be late for work. There is a particularly nasty bruise on my back, from when he pushed me into the door handle because I didn’t get out of the bathroom fast enough.

  I’ve been lucky though. I haven’t had him hit me with the belt for a while. Lucian saw a bruise on my back earlier in week. I lied about what happened and I was afraid he would say something to others. As far as I know he hasn’t. It wasn’t mentioned. For that I am grateful. I know I will have to tell the guys what is going on eventually, but I don’t want to right now. I don’t want the pity they would give me. Knowing them, they would try to help me, but there is nothing they can do. I don’t have anywhere else to go. My mom has a sister, but I haven’t seen or heard from her since my mom passed. That’s probably my father’s doing because they never got along.

  I didn’t have a phone then, and we have moved a couple of times since then as well. Enough of that. It’s just depresses me more than my already sad life does. Also, I’m slightly freaking out because I gave the guys my address. Lucian, Max, and Graydon are going to be on their way over to pick me up, so we can go to Zeke’s football game. I am excited to go and cheer on Zeke. It will be my first football game and the boys couldn’t be more excited to take me. Lucian messages me that they are on their way. I agreed to let them pick me up, despite my better judgement. So, I grab a hoodie, because it’s starting to get chilly at night, and wait for the boys outside. One, I can’t let them in the house. Two, it will be faster to get away from the house, if I’m ready and waiting. Three, I have no clue when my father might come home. I’m hoping that he’s still gone when I get back. If not, I’ll have to sneak in, and I’m nervous about that.

  In all actuality, I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t seem to help myself. I find comfort in being with them. Safe. Almost like I know they would do anything to protect me. Insane, I know. But, I have felt like we are connected deeper than we know. I don’t know. I could just be thinking all of this because I have friends for what seems like the first time in my life. In what seems like no time at all, Lucian pulls up to the front of the house. I hop down the stairs and rush to the car. Graydon gets out of the passenger side and gestures for me to get in.

  “I can sit in the back, I don’t mind.”

  “Yeah, I don’t mind either,” Max says as he pokes his head up to the front.

  “No, Callyn gets front seat.”

  I slide into the front seat not wanting to argue. The longer we stay out here, the faster we could be discovered. Graydon shuts my door and then gets in the back. Once everyone is buckled, Lucian starts to head to the school.

  “I figured I should warn you, I have no clue about anything related to football. Be prepared for lots of questions.”

  The guys chuckle. “We pretty much were expecting that,” Lucian says.

  “It’s not too hard to follow. If you come to more games, the faster you will pick it up,” states Graydon.

  “If you say so.”


  I was not expecting this. There are so many people. There are adults and kids with face paint. There’s a whole themed cheer section, which Max tells me is the student spirit section. All the seniors have a banner hanging up. I tug on Graydons sleeve.

  “I want to find Zeke’s,” I say as I motion to the banners. “I don’t want to lose you guys. Will you go with me?

  “Sure.” He grabs my hand and threads our fingers together.

  It’s an intimate gesture. I’m surprised that not only did he do that, but also because I don’t want to let him go.

  “Hey, guys Callie bear wants to find Zeke’s banner.”

  The boys nod. Lucian starts to cut through the crowd. Graydon and me follow. While Max brings up the rear. We’re about half way down the stadium when we spot Zeke’s banner. It’s a giant photo of him in his football jersey, senior written across the top, and his last name across the bottom. With my free hand, I take my phone out of the front pocket of my hoodie.

  “I want to take a picture of it.”

  Graydon lets my hand go and I’m oddly sad about it. I quickly take the picture, hoping that maybe he will grab my hand again. Well, if I’m being honest, I kind of want to hold all of theirs hands. Ugh. I just don’t want to leave anyone out. I’m about to put my phone away when Max grabs it.

  “Go stand in front the banner.” I do. “Smile.” Max takes the picture.

  I’m about to go back over to them, but Max stops me.

  “Wait, I want to do a funny one and then one with all of us together. Look up at his picture Callie and fan yourself like your hot.”

  I do as he asks, and he takes the picture. He starts to chuckle, then faces my phone to Lucian and Graydon. They start to laugh. Now, I want to see. I go over and wedge myself between Lucian and Graydon. I look at the picture and start to laugh. Its comical and looks so outrageous. Max stops a nearby student and ask if he wouldn’t mind taking our picture. We go back in front of Zekes banner. Lucian on my right, Max on my left, both with an arm around my waist. Graydon is standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. In this moment, I have never felt so safe and cared for. I know I have the stupidest grin on my face, but I couldn’t help it. I never want this moment or feeling to end.

  Chapter 12

  The Boys- Maximus

  I saw Graydon holding Callie’s hand. At first, I thought it just because he didn’t want to lose her in the crowd. When we first walked in, there was a cluster of people. When the crowd thinned out, he didn’t let go of her hand. If I’m being honest with myself I was jealous. Then I remembered that she’s not only mine but ours and I have no reason to be jealous.

  I take a couple of pictures of Callie, then ask someone to take our picture together. As everyone is getting into their spot, I notice the dude who is going to be taking the picture is checking Callie out. I frown. I don’t like that, not on bit. So, after he takes the picture, I grab Callyn’s hand and walk over to him. He sees and looks between the two of us. I smile at him, like yeah, she’s mine. He hands me the phone and I hand it back to Callie. I look at her and she doesn’t seem to mind me holding her hand. She shoves her phone back into her hoodie pocket, before looking behind us to the guys.

  “Can we get popcorn? Please,” she practically begs.

  “Yeah, Callie bear.”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  We all chuckle. “Come on, let’s go get your popcorn, then find some seats,” I say.

  After paying for a couple of slices of pizza, some pop, and some popcorn, we go and try to find some seats.

  “Were do you want to sit Callie,” Lucian ask.

  “Somewhere in the middle, so I can see everything.”

  We make our way through the rows and si
t near the top of the of the stadium, at the fifty-yard line. Graydon sits in front Callie, while me and Lucian sit next to her. We pass out the food. A few minutes later the game starts. We’re nearing the end of the first quarter, when Callyn starts taking some pictures of Zeke on the field.

  “I didn’t know he was this good,” she exclaims.

  “Yeah, he’s been playing since he was little. Football is in his blood. There is a good chance he could go pro, but I don’t know if he wants too.”

  As the game continues, each of us have been taking turns answering whatever questions Callyn has. Zeke takes a particularly hard hit. Callyn sucks in her breath, reaches out and grabs mine and Lucian hands. She starts to squeeze.

  “Is he going to be okay? Why isn’t he getting up?”

  “He’ll be okay. He probably just got the wind knocked out of him.”

  A couple of moments pass, and Zeke gets up and walks over to the sideline.

  “See, told you he would be okay.”

  She lets out a breath. “I won’t be satisfied until I can see and ask him myself. Can we stay afterward so I can check on him?”

  “Anything you want, baby,” says Lucian.


  I smile to myself. This girl is amazing, and she doesn’t even know it.


  We won the game, and now we are waiting outside the locker room waiting for Zeke. Callie is bouncing around and continuously looking at the door. After what seems like forever, Zeke emerges. Callie runs over and practically jumps on him to give him a hug. He puts his bag down and lifts her. She wraps her legs around his waist and is basically strangling him with her hug.

  “Come on, let’s go save him.”

  “I don’t think he wants to be saved,” chuckles Max.

  I take a moment and really look at Zeke. He looks like he’s in heaven, with the smile that is on his face. He has one arm around her waist and the other gripping the back of her head. Lucky, bastard.

  As we get closer we hear Zeke say, “I’m fine sweetheart. I promise. I just got the wind knocked out of me.”

  “I was so scared when you didn’t get up right away.”

  “I can tell, but honest to god, I’m okay.”

  She nods her head, which is in the crook of his neck. Slowly she untangles her legs, and Zeke gently places her back on her feet. Not letting go until he knows she is stable. Once he steps back, Callyn finally registers what she did and turns a shade of red I’ve never seen.

  “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe I just did that. I’m so sorry Zeke. I didn’t realize. I was so worried, that I didn’t think about what I was doing. I just reacted.”

  “Don’t sweat it sweetheart. You can hug me like that anytime you want,” and he gives her this wink. She turns even redder. I didn’t think that was possible. He grabs her hand. “Come on, let’s get out of here. I want some food and to sleep.”

  Zeke holds her hand until we get to my car. He opens the passenger door, she slides in, and Zeke leans down giving her a quick peck on the cheek. He closes the door for her. He gives her wave and then heads to his car. The ride back to Callyn’s was quiet. Callyn gets tenser the closer to her house we get.

  “You okay Callie?”

  “Hm. Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure? If you’re worried about what happened with Zeke, don’t be.”

  “Oh. Um. No, that’s not it. Well, not entirely. I’m just not ready to go home. I had such a wonderful time with you guys. You know minus seeing Zeke get hurt. I just don’t want this night to end.” She looks out of her window.

  I look up and catch Max’s eyes in my rearview mirror. I don’t have to look at Graydon to know. We are all probably thinking it. She doesn’t want to face whatever is at home. I wish I didn’t have to take her back.


  Lucian pulls up in front of Callyn’s and I visibly see her shoulders drop. There is a car in the driveway that wasn’t there when we came to get her.

  “Who’s car?”

  “My fathers.”

  She just stares at it for a moment longer, before looking over at us.

  “Thank you for taking me with you tonight. I had a blast.”

  She opens the car door and slides out. After closing the door, she takes a deep breath. Almost like she is preparing for whatever is waiting for her on the other side. We watch her walk up to the front door. Slowly she opens the door and peeks around. A few seconds later she enters the house. We sit there a couple of more minutes before Lucian leaves. We are all quiet until he pulls into his drive way.

  “Did you see that? The way she geared herself up just to walk into her house.” I groan. I’m frustrated with her. She doesn’t seem to realize that occasionally, she will let something slip.

  “Not to mention she peeked inside before she completely entered. Who does that?” Lucian questioned.

  “Someone who is clearly not safe. I think we should subtlety start asking her questions. Throw them out there when her guard is down. She has done that a few times,” suggested Max.

  “It could work. We should get Zeke’s input as well,” states Lucian.

  “I’ll message Zeke and see if he’s still awake,” I say.

  Me: Hey man you up?

  Zeke: Yeah what’s up?

  Me: Can you meet us out side? It’s about Callie.

  Zeke: On my way out.

  “Let’s go down to his house. He said he’ll be outside.” Zeke was already waiting by the time we walked the few feet to his house.

  “What’s wrong with Callie? Did something happen?”

  We all shake our heads no. Then we explain what happened and the plan we started to discuss about getting her to open up and finally tell us was is going now.

  “I don’t know guys. It might work, but if it doesn’t and we push her too far...” he shakes his head. “Will you all be okay if she leaves? If she stops being our friend? I know I wouldn’t be okay. She is slowly opening up to us. She’s just now starting to trust us. Are you willing to throw the little progressive we have made away?” He has a good point. “She’s my mate. I can’t watch her walk away from me. Whatever this is, it’s bigger than us. This is about her, not us. This is not what we want, but what she wants and needs. We need be the constant good and support in her life, because she clearly doesn’t get that home.”

  I hate when Zeke right.

  “So, we wait. I’m with Zeke. I can’t lose her,” I exclaim.

  Lucian and Max nod their heads in agreement.

  I’m not good with waiting, but for my Callie bear, I will try.


  Shit. I can’t believe I just said that. I’m not wrong. Tension is running high, because it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that something is going on with her. Add in the fact that the Council still hasn’t said anything, we’re all going crazy. We’re not the sit around and wait type, but that is exactly what we are doing. The only reason why I suggest continuing that is because of Callyn.

  When she ran into my arms and wrapped her legs around me, I almost dropped to my knees. Nothing felt so good and so right. She hugged me so tight, like she was afraid I would disappear. It hit me like a ton of bricks. My feelings for her are not just because of the mate bond I feel. It’s because of who she is as a person.

  The only thing I could do was reassure her that I was fine. Callie was so worried. I hated that she felt that way, but I can’t promise that I won’t get hurt again. But she was waiting around, and I realized she cares. I don’t think anyone has ever cared when I got hurt. But this girl, who I know is going through some type of hell at home, has such a big heart.

  If I’m not mistaken, Graydon is feeling the same way as me. Lucian and Max didn’t say much, just that they agree to wait. I want to ask the others if they feel the way they do just because of the mate bond, or if it’s because of Callyn. The mate bond is strong. The animal half of us uses that bond. But we are still human, and our human selves have separate feelings from our a
nimals. Tonight, is not the night to divulge our feelings.

  I sigh. “Guys, I’m beat. Let’s give it a couple more weeks, and if no more progress has been made, then we will come up with a plan. I’m tired.”

  They all grumble, but soon head to their own houses. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was tired. Chances are soon as I hit my bed, I’m going down for the count. Before I go to bed, I just want to text Callyn. I text her almost every night. It’s a need in me. I have too. And now I sound like a crazy stalker. I groan. I go to my room and grab my phone that I tossed down when Graydon texted me. I sit on my bed and push myself back until my back is resting against the headboard. My feet stretched out in front of me. I go to my messages and click on Callyn’s name.

  Me: Just checking to see if you are okay?

  Callyn: How did you know I was just thinking about you?

  Thank god, she can’t see the stupid smile on my face.

  Callyn: Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?

  Me: Ha-ha, I promise sweetheart I’m fine. I know you’re not used to seeing me get hurt.

  Callyn: Ugh. I would like to not see that happen again, but I understand that it’s not possible.

  Me: You still coming over tomorrow?

  Callyn: Yup.

  Me: :) other than that, did you have fun tonight?

  Callyn: I had so much fun. I didn’t think I would like football, but I do. I enjoyed watching you play. You’re good.

  Hell yea. I love that she liked watching me. I’ll play even better, just for her.

  Callyn: I took pictures. Want to see?

  Me: Of course, sweetheart.

  A few minutes later I had at least ten pictures. Most were of me on field. My cheeks are starting to hurt from the constant smiling. I come across the pictures they took in front of my banner. I’m looking at the group one and my eyes immediately going to Callyn. I’ve never seen her look so beautiful. Face flushed from the cold, bright sparkling eyes, and that smile. That smile I would do anything for.

  The next picture is just her smiling, standing in front of the banner. She looks just as good. I swipe to the last and it’s her pretending to swoon from my banner. I bust out laughing. Once, I get myself under control, I save all the picture to my phone. Then I go under my photos and click on the Callyn’s picture of her by herself and set it as my wallpaper. I text her back.


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