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Royals Page 9

by S. Dalambakis

  “I’ll carry it. Come on, I’ll walk you to your next class. I didn’t think about it earlier.”

  “You don’t have too. I’m used to it,” she shrugs her shoulders, then makes a face. That move probably just hurt.

  I sigh, “That may be but, you have us now and we’re going to help you anyway we can. If that means carrying around your books to give your back a break, then that’s what we’ll do.” We reach her class. Callie looks at me. I can see the tears welling in her eyes. I put her bookbag down. “Please don’t cry, baby. I can’t take anymore tears. It guts me.”

  I cup her face and wipe a few of the tears that roll down her cheeks. She sighs and rubs her face on my palm, closing her eyes for a moment as she does.

  “Go on. I’ll see you at lunch.” I bend down and place a quick kiss to her cheek.

  There is no way I was going to make it through the day without doing that. I start to walk away but before I turn the corner I glance back, and Callie is just standing there with a shocked expression on her face. Good. Maybe that will take her mind off recent events. She has had too much bad in her life. I want to be the good.


  Oh, yeah. I saw that kiss. Yeah, it wasn’t her lips, but still. That makes three of us, who’s feelings now lie beyond that of the mate bond. The animal side of us has separate feelings from our human side. Both of my sides are on the same page. We want Callyn. I would bet any money the rest of the guys feel the same. Zeke was smitten after his game, that night. I saw it on his face. I just saw that same look on Lucians. I’m also pissed because I didn’t think to carry her bag for her. What kind of ass makes her put that weight on back, literally right after she told us her father hit her with a belt across it. Me. That’s what kind of ass.

  Callyn is staring off in space in the hallway. I get up and walk over to her. I bend down and pick up her bookbag. “Come on, Callie bear.”

  Her cheeks turn rosy. She must have liked it or is that from embarrassment? How would she feel if she knew I wanted to do the same, but on her lips instead? I frown as I put her bag on floor and take my seat. What if she only likes one of us? How she is going to feel when we finally do tell her that she is the mate to all four of us? Hell, the others are better suited for her. She hates my rude and pushy behavior, but that’s just who I am. Will she give all of us a chance, or will she run screaming?

  “Hey, you okay?” she asks breaking through my self-loathing.

  “Yeah, why?” I lie. No, I’m not okay. There is a possibility I have no chance in hell with the one girl I want more than my next breath.

  “You’re quieter than normal. Well, normal for you anyway,” she smirks.

  Half of my mouth lifts into a smile. “Yeah, Callie bear, I’m okay. How are you doing? Does your back hurt? Do need to take anything for pain. Shit. I’ve been a horrible mate,” I whisper, so no one can hear.


  Shit, I said mate. Fuck play this off Graydon. “Yeah, mate, you know it’s just another name for a friend.”

  “Okay, mate.” She giggles. “And no, you haven’t been. Like I told Lucian earlier, I’m used to it. It only hurts when I make sudden movements.”

  I barely keep a growl from escaping between my lips, when she calls me mate. Hell yeah, I am. I’m just going to have to work hard on making sure I’m deserving of that title. “Do you know how angry it makes me that you’re so use it, that you don’t need medicine to help you.”

  “There’s no sense in getting mad about it. It’s not like you could have stopped it from happening.”

  I groan. “I still don’t have to like it.”

  “Oh, my grumpy bear. I know. But this is going to get worse before it gets better. I haven’t even told you guys the half of it. You’re really going to blow a gasket later.”

  Well, shit. I’m not ready for this. Earlier almost broke me. When she huddled into herself in my car, because she thought I was going to hurt her, I almost threw up. The thought of ever laying a hand on her like that makes me sick to my stomach. I wanted to march right in her house and beat her father. The sick bastard.

  I’ll admit, I love when she calls me her grumpy bear. It does something to my heart every time. It’s also kind of funny since I’m a bear shifter. I’ll be damned if I admit that out loud to anyone, but her. I have to try to be better. For her.

  For her, I would do anything.

  Chapter 15


  To say I feel horrible, is an understatement. No, I don’t mean my back. I wasn’t lying when I said I was used to it. Before the guys, I would have to walk to and from school with the weight of my bookbag on my back. You get use to the pain quickly, otherwise it will break you. I couldn’t let it do that. I will escape one day, and I won’t look back. I don’t care what happens to him after I leave. That might sound harsh, but he doesn’t give a crap about me. He hasn’t since my mother died. Max and I are walking to lunch. Another thing I’m not ready for.

  To make telling this easier, I’m going to have to start from the beginning. The others are already waiting when we walk in. I take my usual seat, between Max and Lucian.

  “Before, I continue, let’s eat. If I don’t, I know I won’t be able to when I start.” None of them look happy, but they agree.

  I eat as slow as I can, trying to prolong the inevitable. The boys though, they wolfed down their food. I give them credit for waiting. I sigh, push away my food. I can’t eat anymore.

  “Okay, I told you this morning what happened last night. That is one of many. I’m going to start from the beginning. Whatever I don’t finish now, I’ll pick up later in study hall. Okay. So, my father didn’t use to be like this. He was never overly affectionate towards me, but he was definitely not like this. That changed the day mother passed seven years ago. The day she died, he basically died with her. When we buried her, I felt like we were burying him right along with her. He couldn’t cope with her death. So, he started to drink.

  I think to try to forget her. It started off on the weekends. When that didn’t work, it turned into every day. I told you earlier about his job. The first time he hit me, was on the one-year anniversary of her passing. He got so plastered that day. From that day forward the beatings got progressively worse. When I was thirteen…” I shake my head. “I’m a girl, and you know things happened.” I looked around to see if they understood where I was going with this. They nod.

  “So, I had to tell him. He grabbed my arms and shoved me. He yelled at me, that my mother should have been here to deal with my problems. When I started to cry, he punched my stomach and told me to suck it up and deal with it. For a while it was like everything set him off. I started to learn when to try to avoid him. I’ve been hit for taking too long in the bathroom, for not having dinner done. As I got older sometimes it would be because I looked too much like her.

  The only time he ever hit my face was because I decided to wear makeup. That’s where the strict rules came in to play. Especially after everyone saw the marks on my face. I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup, talk to boys, date, no phones, no friends. No one was supposed to know anything about me. After that, he’d leave bruises in places where people can’t see or is easily covered.”

  I push the sleeve of my shirt up to my elbow. So, they could see the bruises there. I quickly pull my sleeve down.

  “I’ve lost count over the years how many times he has hit me, and how many times we’ve moved because of it. Once someone starts to get suspicious and starts asking questions, we would pack up and move. I’ve just been trying to make it until I turn eighteen and I graduate. I’m leaving there and not going back. He can’t come after me. I’ll be an adult.”

  The bell rings. Thank god. I don’t know how much longer I could have talked without crying. The boys are quite the whole time. I don’t know what to make of that. I go to pick up my bookbag but Graydon grabs it and my hand. We start to walk to class. As we walk, neither Zeke nor Graydon has said anything. I can’t take it.
r />   “Say something, anything,” I beg.

  Graydon comes close. “I’m going to try and hug you without hurting you.” He ever so gently wraps his arms around me. “Callie bear, we’re just trying to digest what you just told us. We have questions, but those can wait until later. I know me and probably the others are trying to get their anger under control before we do something stupid. Like hunt your father down and beat the shit out of him.”

  “He deserves it.”

  “I can’t argue with you there. But you need us more than we need to go and find him.”

  He lets go and I’m instantly bereft. We sit down, and Zeke reaches over and grabs my hand and gives it gently squeeze.

  “We’ll always be here for you Callie. If you question anything, never question that,” Zeke says softly. He quickly kisses my hand before letting go.

  First Lucian, now Zeke. I have no idea what to make of them kissing me. I like it. Boy do I. I suck in a breath. Oh, man, I think I’m falling for them. All of them. What the hell am I going to do? You done messed up Callie. You weren’t supposed to fall for them. Let alone all of them. Graydon’s gruffness, Max’s playfulness, Lucian’s nerdiness, and Zeke’s calmness. Each so different, yet mine. Oh, man I’m in deep.

  Chapter 16

  The Boys-Zeke

  We’re sitting in study hall, waiting for Callyn. She has gym the period before, and now I’m wondering how the hell she has managed to participate. To say that we are all angry, is understatement. The rage burning in me right now, I shake my head. I’ve been angry, but nothing like this. It’s usually Graydon who is angry. But I think all of us are feeling the effects. This girl has come in and turned this group of friend’s upside down. I’m wound up so tight. I feel the tension leave me as soon as I see her walk through the classroom doors. How are we going to help her? She can’t keep living this way. This has been going on for years.

  It takes a strong person not to cave. To get up every day and continue living. How many times has she thought about giving up? How did this beautiful girl, survive with no one to talk too? No one to support her?

  No one has said anything since she walked in and sat down. Hell, no one has said anything since we came in and sat down. I don’t think any of us know what to do. Suck it up and Zeke and start. It looks like no one else wants too.

  I clear my throat. “Sweetheart, is there anything else you need to tell us? Did he do anything else?” The guys shift uncomfortably around me. I hate that I even have to ask, but you never know. If he did, I swear on all things holy, I’ll kill that motherfucker. Great, now I am sounding like Graydon.

  “No. He has never touched. Well, not that way.”

  I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. The guys semi relax.

  “Is there any other family you could call? Why haven’t you called the police?”

  “I have an aunt, but I lost all contact with her after my mother died. I think my father did that on purpose. I don’t remember a time when they got along. I believe he is punishing her, by not letting her see me. I’m an only child thankfully, but my aunt is my mom’s only sibling. I think about calling the police every day, but I’m terrified about what would happen when he finds out. I don’t know where I would go. I’m so close to getting out, that I thought what’s a couple more months, when I’ve been dealing with this for years.”

  Jesus, that’s messed up to think. Does she hear herself?

  “Baby, you know you don’t deserve to be treated this way, don’t you?” questions Lucian.

  “I know. Before, I was trying to make it through the day. I was learning how to navigate what my new life was. A life where I no longer had my mother and basically no father. That first year, it was almost like he forgot me. A part of me wishes he did. I would often dream about what my life would be like if my mother was still here. But now…Now, I have another reason. You guys, all of you have been rays of sunshine, in my dark existence. You guys are giving me a reason to keep fighting. I don’t…I can’t lose you.” The last part is barely a whisper.

  Max is up and out of his seat before she even finishes. She shifts in her seat toward him, turning her whole body. Max kneels in front of her, and places his hands on her knees. She won’t meet his eyes. With slow deliberate movements, Max brings his hands up and cups her face.

  “Oh angel, don’t you know, I’m not… no we’re not going anywhere. You’re stuck with us.”

  Callyn launches herself at Max. Her arms going around his neck, burying her face in the crook of his neck and shoulder. She lets out a whimper, the move probably pulling on the sore muscle of her back. His arms come around her, holding her close. He looks up and I met his eyes. He was hurting. I could see the misery in his eyes, before he closes them and places his face in the crook of her neck.

  I jump at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Our study hall teacher is standing a desk away staring at Max and Callyn hugging. Ms. Neal is around her mid to late forties. Her brown hair is graying in the front and is pulled back into a tight bun. Her brown eyes are narrowed, burning holes at Max and Callyn. She has on a shapeless, mid-calf, tan skirt and a blue button-up cardigan sweater. To top off her matronly look, she has on a pair of black, flat shoes. Not the ballet slipper shoes girls wear, but the kind that my grandmother would.

  “Care to explain what is going here?” she says sternly.

  Slowly Callyn moves away from Max and sits back in her seat.

  “Sorry, Ms. Neal. Callyn got some upsetting news and I was just trying to comfort her. You know make her feel better,” Max says nonchalantly.

  “Is that true, Callyn?”

  Meeting the teachers eyes she says, “Yes.”

  Ms. Neal must have saw something on Callyns face, because her eyes soften. “I’ll let it go this time, but try to keep your hands to yourselves.” She turns brusquely away and goes and sits behind her desk.

  The rest of class we were all model students. The bell finally rings, and I hurry so I can grab Callyn’s bag. We make our way out to the hall and I clasp my hand around Callie’s. After we stop at everyone’s lockers, we make our way out to Graydons SUV. I couldn’t go with them because I have practice, but I didn’t want to let go of her hand. I was about to help her get in, when it hit me. They were about to take her home.

  They were throwing her back to the wolf. My entire being went icy.


  Zeke abruptly stops. Callyn looking at him with a frown.

  “You okay?” she asks.

  “No. They have to take you home. You have to go back there. Back to him. I don’t like it. I don’t want you to have to go back,” he states.

  “I’ll be fine. Honestly, it would be worse if I don’t get home.”

  Well, damn. I didn’t even think about the fact that we would have to drive her home and watch her walk into a place filled with horrible memories. To watch her walk up those steps and enter that house. A house where a monster lives. I feel my wolf pacing in the back of my mind. He doesn’t like the idea of putting our mate back in danger. On this we agree.

  “Let’s not forget she currently has no cell phone either,” Graydon reminds us.

  We all growl. This just keeps getting worse. “There has to be something we can do,” I say.

  “Guys, the only thing you can do now, is take me home. Okay? I need to get home in case my father comes home on time. We said I would have to check and see if I have a warranty on my phone, but I can’t do that until the weekend. If you want me to do that, I need to go home.”

  All of us groan. “She has a point,” Lucian says.

  “Fine,” Zeke says sternly. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you in the car.” He helps Callie in the SUV and closes her door. He looks at us. “Make sure she is okay before you leave,” he states and stalks off.

  Like he should expect anything different. The thought of her being in that house, now that I know for sure what she’s going through, has my stomach in knots. Let alone we can’t get a
hold of her. Graydon has shared her house number with us, but he said we under no circumstances are to call that number. Now it makes since why. She has to sneak to use the house phone. I don’t want to know what would happen if her father caught her.

  I sigh. We get in the SUV and buckle up. The closer we get to Callyn’s house, the more I don’t want to let her go. Before I know it, we are parking out in front of her house. There is no car in the drive. He must not be home yet. At least we got her here on time. She unbuckles herself. When she goes to open the door, I reach over the seat and place my hand on her shoulder.

  “I don’t know if I can watch you walk into that house. How can we just let you go?” I say.

  “Because you have too.” With that Callyn gets out.

  As I watch her walk away, I watch a little piece of my heart walk with her.


  “It looks like we are going to pay a visit to the Elder Council today, without Zeke. We can fill him in on anything we learn. Once we tell the Council what’s going here, they have to let us do something. They can’t just let our mate suffer like this. They can’t ask us to sit back and not do anything,” I exclaim.

  “We need answers. Now,” states Graydon. “Since, we’re in the car, let’s go straight there.”

  It only takes Graydon fifteen minutes before he is pulling up in front of the office building that is a front to where the Elder Council conducts their business. No one waste any time before getting out of the SUV and making their way inside. I make my way through the waiting room and straight into the room we were in the last time. Elder Harris and Greaves are sitting in their chairs, when we enter the room.

  “Lucian, what is the meaning of this?” Elder Harris asks.

  “We came to talk to you. We have come into some information we need to share, and we would like to see if the Council has found anything about our mate? It’s been weeks and we have heard nothing.”


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