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Royals Page 11

by S. Dalambakis

  Callyn looks adorable in her hoodie and jeans, her bookbag slung over one shoulder. It’s approaching the middle of October and it’s starting to cool off. Graydon steps back so Callyn can come in. She sees all of us standing in the hallway.

  “You pulled out the welcome wagon this morning I see,” she says with a chuckle.

  Graydon takes her bookbag and starts to walk toward the living room. He places it by the couch.

  “I just have to grab my keys and we can head out,” Graydon states.

  A few minutes later we are piled into Graydon SUV.

  “Did you happen to bring your old phone? There is chance they might be able to fix it.” I ask.

  “I have it in my pocket, but trust me, there’s no fixing this,” she replies.

  “Can I see?”

  She sighs. “I will on one condition.”

  “Which is…” Graydon trails off.

  “That no one is to get mad. What’s done is done. There is nothing any of us can do about this now.”

  “It’s that bad?” Max questions.

  Callyn pulls a small Ziploc bag from the front pocket of her hoodie, and hands the bag back to me. I was expecting the screen to be cracked, or something that would make the phone useless. But this…this is something else. I carefully open the bag and pull the phone out. When I do the phone falls apart. It’s even worse than how mangled it looked in the bag.

  “What the hell is that?” Max voices.

  “Jesus,” Zeke exclaims.

  “How bad is it?” ask Graydon. I hold the phone up, so he can look in the rearview mirror. “Fuck, that’s not even a phone anymore.”

  “How did he do that much damage again, Callyn?” This coming from Zeke.

  Callyn takes a deep breath. “When he caught me dancing, he grabbed the phone and threw it against the wall. After he berated me, he went over to the phone and kept stomping on it. He said we has going to make sure I wouldn’t be able to use it. That’s when he took his belt to my back.”

  “Well, he sure as hell did that,” growled Graydon.

  I put the phone back in the bag, just staring at it. I’m glad he took out some of his anger on this phone, otherwise Callyn could have been in worse shape. I glance at Callyn. She has her face turned toward the window. I take a deep breath. I want to pull her onto my lap and never let go. Never let another thing harm her. I will figure it out somehow. I will correct everything with the Council as well.


  That phone, if you could call it that, was almost unrecognizable. The screen beyond repair, the back was barely hanging on by the wires. The circuit board was broken in half, hanging on by threads. She’s going to get a waterproof phone, and we’re getting her one of those life proof cases too. If he did that much damage to the phone, what the hell does her back look like? I don’t know if I could see, and not kill the son of a bitch. My hands tighten on the wheel. Between this mess and the bullshit that Elder Greaves is pulling, I don’t know how much longer I have, hell all of us have, before we snap. The rest of the ride to the cell phone store is silent.

  I pull into the parking lot. Zeke gets out and opens Callyn’s door, holding out his hand to help her out of the car. Over the week, she said her back started to hurt less, but we made it a point to help her, so she didn’t jar the injury and make it worse. The rest of us get out. Lucian kept ahold of the phone. Well, there’s no fixing that.

  “Come on, Callie bear. Let’s go get you a phone.”

  An hour later, we walk out of the store. Callie with a new phone and we only paid for a couple of good cases. Lucky for us she had insurance and they replaced it. They were able recover her contact list, but her pictures were lost. It’s a good thing she sent those to Zeke and he can message them back. It’s not like we wouldn’t have taken more pictures with her. I’m proud of her because when they asked what happened to the current phone, she said her father got angry and smashed it. They gave her a look and she just shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to elaborate. While they worked, we made plans to go to the mall afterward.

  “I missed having a phone more than I thought I would. I missed texting you guys every day. I felt like I did before you guys barreled into my life.”

  “You don’t regret it, do you? Becoming friends with us?” Lucian inquires.

  “Absolutely not. Before you, I wasn’t really living. I existed. I was merely surviving. You all gave me something I didn’t know I even needed. I thought I was okay on my own. I mean I have been for years. But having you guys in my life has been the best thing to happen to me in a while. You are breathing new life into me. You are giving me hope. You make facing each day easier.”

  Well, damn. What do you say to that? I couldn’t form any words. Instead I reach over the console and hold her hand. Callyn is amazing and she doesn’t even know it. She has helped and changed us, just as much as she says we do her. The rest of the ride to the mall was quiet. I reluctantly let go of her hand, before I do she gives my hand a light squeeze. I look at her face and she gives me this small smile. I understood. It was comfort.

  This time is Max who opens Callie’s door and helps her out of the SUV. As we walk through the front door, I realize Max doesn’t let go of her hand. My gaze flicks back and forth between the two. Callyn doesn’t seem to mind. Callie looks around. We are walking through the food court. Nothing exciting. I look back to Callyn and I see her yank on Max’s arm because something catches her attention. I chuckle. At this point she’s basically dragging Max behind her.

  “Slow down, Callie. We don’t have to rush,” I hear him say.

  “Sorry, I got excited. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been to the mall? Since before my mom passed. I usually go to thrift store to get clothes.”

  “Well, then lead on. You don’t mention your mom much. And what did you see that captivated your attention?”

  “Actually, it was something I thought Lucian would like. Sometimes talking about my mom is hard. I miss her like crazy.” She holds out her other hand palm up toward Lucian.

  He grabs it and laces their fingers together. Max makes a motion to let go of her other hand, but Callyn doesn’t want to let go. She starts to head to the store, pulling both behind her. I look over at Zeke, who is standing next to me, and raise my eyebrow at him. He smiles. I thought maybe we would have a hard time when it came to telling her she is mated to all of us. But now, seeing how conformable she is with holding two different guys hands, it may be easier than we thought.

  Zeke and I follow behind. When we catch up, I can’t take my eyes off the wide smile she’s giving Lucian. Her eyes are sparkling. I don’t think I’ve seen her look so happy. I want to see that kind of smile every day.


  Her eyes grow wide when we walked into the mall. She glanced around the food court, but kept walking. Then out of nowhere, she was pulling me towards a novelty store. After telling her to slow down, she explained why she was so excited. I couldn’t fault her.

  Every time Callyn mentions something else she hasn’t been able to do, or her father wouldn’t let her do, my heart breaks more. I couldn’t imagine having to live basically on lock down. She’s missing out on everything a teenager should be doing. Well, I’ll… we’ll make sure she gets to experience as much as she can.

  I was surprised when she said the thing that caught her attention reminded her of Lucian. Not because I was jealous, but because her first thought was for one of us and not herself. Then, she extended her hand out to Lucian. When he excepted, I went to let her go, but she squeezed my hand and refused to let go. Another surprise. So, now we are walking over to the store window, both of us holding her hand. We stop outside of the store. She points the best she can with my hand in hers to the mannequin.

  She looks over to Lucian and he smiles and shakes his head, but it was Callyn that caught my attention. I’ve never seen a smile that big from her. Her eyes alight with amusement.

  “What did she see?” Zeke ask from behind
us. Callie turns enough to meet Zeke’s eyes.

  “The shirt on the mannequin. It says I’m thinking with a buffer signal. You know because he always seems lost in thought.”

  “I like it,” Lucian says. “Do you want to go inside and look around?”

  “Maybe in a little bit. I just want to walk and around and see what else is here.”

  “That we can do.”

  Over the next couple of hours, we walk the whole mall twice. Once just so Callie could see what stores where here. The next time was her going into almost every store. Normally, I would get bored and irritated having to go inside every store. But Callyn, made it fun. Not once did she point out something she wanted. She found a lot of stuff that she thought we would like and made it a point to show and tell us. Her favorite store ended up being the novelty store. She loved to shirts with the funny saying on them. Half way through our trip, Callyn went and held Zeke and Graydons hands and continued walking through the mall. Not a care in the world.

  Which I’ve never been more thankful for. She seems oblivious to the looks and the whispers she was getting. Some from older people. Some from younger people. Did it look weird that she was holding hands with two guys? Yea. Did she care? No. Do we care? No. It feels natural. As it should be. We are all mated to her. Once the shifter community knows the truth about us being destined mates, they will understand. The human community on the other hand, they will always give us dirty looks. They don’t like what they don’t understand. None of that will matter, if Callyn and the rest of us are happy.

  Callyn was practically bouncing all over the place all day. It was wonderful to see her so carefree. No way was I going to ruin this day, by saying anything to her. She deserves a day to relax, and not worry about what is going around her. I just hope we made this day special. As we walked the mall, we asked her questions about her mother. We figured out that her mother’s maiden last name is Cambridge. Hopefully, this bit of information can help us find out more about her past.

  Chapter 19


  This weekend was more than I could have hoped for. I got a new phone, went to the mall, watched some movies, and got to spend some time with my guys. I have never been happier. I love getting my goodnight text from the guys at night. I missed those. I hate when I have to leave them. I hate having to come home. All my joy gets sucked out when I enter this house. It’s like the house is Azkaban and my father is a dementor. Since, that night a week ago, I have effectively been avoiding my father. It’s not like he ever apologizes for what he’s done. Not like that would excuse it either.

  I know the longer I go without having to see him the better off I am. My back has been healing. I try not to let the guys see how it still bothers me sometimes though. The first couple of days after, every time I made a face or a noise, they got the look of murder in their eyes. They have been helping me get through the toughest days. It’s honestly such a relief that they know. Once I told them a weight lifted off my shoulders. I don’t have to hide it from them anymore, but they would go postal if I told them every time something happens.

  They were ready to hunt my father down after what recently happened. Could you imagine what would have happened if they saw the bruises on my back? The few that they have seen, were already healing and they didn’t look to bad. They have been trying to keep my mind off things at home. For the most part, it works. That is until reality sets in. Lord knows what would happen if I get caught.

  And it seems like my luck has run out on avoiding my father. I am grabbing my hoodie and bookbag getting ready to go outside to wait for the guys to pick me up for school, when my father strolls in the kitchen.

  “Why the hell are you still here?”

  I quickly snatch my hoodie off the back of the kitchen table chair. I am getting ready to pick up my bookbag, when I get shoved.

  “Hurry the hell up and get the fuck out of the way.”

  I straighten, and my father hip checks me on his way past. Pain radiates up my hip where the corner of the kitchen table catches me. I frantically grab my stuff and head outside. Luckily the guys aren’t here yet. I quickly send a group message.

  Me: My father is still home. He saw me in the kitchen. I’ll meet you a street over from mine. I don’t know if he’ll look outside. I don’t want to get caught.

  Lucian: Hurry, we’ll be there waiting.

  I quickly put my phone away and book over. Lucian and the boys were waiting in his car when I get there. They had to be on their way over when I texted. I’m glad I caught them. Graydon jumps from the front and I hop in. He hops in the backseat behind me.

  “What happened? Did he say anything?” Graydon questions.

  I should just tell them I’ll have another bruise, but it’s something minor. I opt to leave that part out.

  “He asked why I was still there and told me to get out of way. He didn’t say it politely. I grabbed my stuff and immediately left. I texted you guys as I walked away from the house. I was being cautious, because I never know with him.”

  “I would rather you be safe than sorry. We don’t want a repeat of what happened. Hell, I wish you didn’t have to go back there,” states Zeke.

  “You and me both.”

  Lucian reaches over and clasp my hand.

  “Are you really okay?” he asks.

  “Yea, just slightly shaken. I wasn’t expecting him to be there. I thought he had left for work.”

  “That amazes me. The fact he still has a job,” grumbles Graydon.

  “He doesn’t have an option. If he wants to keep drinking, then he must have money. No money, no beer. I don’t know how many times I’ve said that to him over the years. Alcohol is his only motivation.”

  I hear a few grunts. I didn’t have time to question anything because we just pulled into the school parking lot. Lucian hops out the second he puts the car in park. I’ve learned to just wait for one of them. They got offended the one and only time I opened my own car door. Instead of keeping hold of my hand, he lets it go. I frown.

  I understand why he did it, I just don’t have to like it. It would just fuel the rumors more. The guys don’t care what other people say about them. They are worried about how I would take it. It doesn’t bother me. I know people wouldn’t say anything, if it was just one of the guys. But nope, I hold all their hands. I kiss all their cheeks. I realized that slowly over the weeks, the closer I get to the guys, the more I like them. I’m crushing on all of them. Yup, that’s right all of them and I don’t have the faintest idea what to do.

  It’s not like I have any girlfriends that I could talk to and get advice from. At any rate, they probably wouldn’t understand that I feel like I have a connection to all of them. A deep-seeded connection, that even I can’t explain. The urge to be always be around them. To touch, protect, and make them happy, is always present in my mind with them around.

  I’m just going to keep on doing what I’m doing until one of the boys tells me different. Though I kind of get the feeling they all like me. If that’s the case, I wouldn’t do anything. No way am I getting in between their friendship. I won’t be the reason their friendship breaks apart, I won’t be that girl.

  Chapter 20

  The Boys- Lucian

  Something is off when Callyn walks into study hall. She was fine all day. You can tell just by the way she is carrying herself. Her eyebrows are bunched into a severe frown, her shoulder are hunched, and she hasn’t even made eye contact with us. Usually, she’ll scan the room for us the second she walks in, but she seems distracted. On what looks like autopilot, she makes her way over to her seat. I pounce, the second she sits down.

  “Callyn, what’s wrong?”

  She jumps. “Sorry?” she says sheepishly. “I was lost in my own thoughts.”

  “Anything I can help you with?”

  She sighs. “I don’t think there is anything you can do. Kelsey, is in my gym class. You know that I have that class before this one.” She had four sets of eyes on her, s
he has everyone’s attention. “Apparently, she was at the mall and saw us. Let’s just say her comments weren’t exactly nice. She said somethings that kind of hit me hard, and I know I shouldn’t believe her, but self-doubt is still there.”

  “What exactly did she say?” Graydon growls.

  “It started off as the usual. I’m whore, a slut. I need to stop hogging you. I need to pick one. When I was ignoring her, she upped it, saying I was screwing all of you. How much I liked being passed around. How much did I charge? Again, it wasn’t bothering me because I know the truth. I know showing any sign that what she was saying was getting to me would only make matters worse. So, I continued to ignore her.”

  “Okay, so what did she say that bothered you?” I question.

  “She kept at it the whole period. Throwing jabs here and there. Her friends got in on it and she made sure she said some provocative things in front of the guys. Which results in lude and suggestive comments from them. Again, I was trying to not let it get to me, but it was getting harder as class wore on. But after class, when we were in the locker room changing, she started to mention you guys. How you pity the friendless loser, because that’s how I would be if you weren’t friends with me. The only reason you hang out with me is because I’m easy and I’ll let anything between my legs.

  That soon you’ll get tired of me and send me into an outcast status where I belong. That you guys don’t really care about me and that you’re just playing games with me. You’re just stringing me along. And I know that it’s not true, that you wouldn’t do that. But it made me question this and myself. What do you guys really get out of this friendship? I feel like I don’t bring anything to the table. Why do you guys stick around, knowing what my home life is like? Why are you trying help?”

  “There’s no easy answer to those questions, Callyn. We have done nothing to make you think we’re are doing anything but trying to be your friends. Kelsey, is a bitch. She’s trying to hurt you and get under your skin. She wants what you have.”


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