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Tricks Page 20

by Ellen Hopkins

  finished with his camera, he lays

  me back on a thick blanket.

  You are exceptionally lovely,

  he says, brushing sand from

  my hair. He settles beside me,

  props himself on one elbow.

  Bryn’s free hand begins a slow

  exploration of my body, over

  the sheer fabric, tracing each

  curve. You don’t mind, do you?

  Eyes closed to the lowering

  sun, brain suspended on a Valium

  cloud, I sigh, lift my head. “Kiss

  me.” He does, and then he lowers

  his mouth to other, much more

  intimate places. So this is making

  love! Well, not quite. I want to know

  the rest. “Make love to me.”

  You’re sure? he asks, but there

  can be no doubt I’m very, very

  sure. Bryn guides me to a place

  Lucas has no idea exists.

  Okay, It’s Kind of Disturbing

  That, immediately after learning

  the meaning of “orgasm,” I think

  of Lucas. Maybe it’s because

  I need to know, “Was that okay?”

  Oh, darling. Bryn kisses across

  my face. That was more than

  okay. That was extraordinary.

  With just a little practice,

  you will become perfection.

  And I so want to be …

  want to be your coach. But …

  He rolls away from me—déjà

  vu of the most terrible kind.

  I jerk upright, reach out for him.

  “What? What did I do?” Oh my God,

  he’s not going to dump me too?

  Nothing, baby. He accepts my hand

  against his cheek. It’s just that

  I got a call this morning, from

  an agency in Vegas. They want me

  to shoot a beauty pageant, plus

  some pre-event studio work. I’ll be

  gone for several weeks. Oh, sunshine,

  I am sure going to miss you!

  My Summer

  Just grew a whole lot darker.

  “Oh.” It is barely audible, but

  even if I could make words come

  out, I wouldn’t know what to say.

  He takes my hand, kisses

  my fingertips. I probably

  shouldn’t have … you know.

  But I couldn’t help myself.

  You looked like an angel.

  And now I want you more

  than ever. If only you could …

  He shakes his head. Never mind.

  “What?” What he suggests

  thrills me. Scares me. Tempts

  me. And, finally, “I’m not sure

  how I could pull it off.”

  I know. I didn’t really think

  you could. But it would be

  like a dream to spend every day

  with you. He pulls me to my feet,

  and we wander up the beach

  toward the car, his invitation

  echoing inside my head: Come

  with me…. Come with me.

  Mom’s Home

  When Bryn drops me off. She takes

  one look at me—how I’m dressed,

  the state of my hair and makeup—

  goes off on a rant. Where in the hell

  have you been? And with whom?

  I never gave you permission to go

  anywhere. She catches her breath.

  You do remember “permission”?

  Suddenly she cares? “You do

  remember that you actually have

  to hang around the house long

  enough to give permission?”

  Rant becomes rave. You shut

  the hell up. And you’d better

  understand that you may not

  leave this house for any reason.

  I want to scream. But silence

  is the better course of action.

  “Whatever.” I go to my room,

  flop down on my bed. Where—

  and why—did she find this sudden

  case of maternal instinct? I consider

  my next move carefully. Call Bryn.

  “Okay. I’ll go. Pick me up at ten.”

  A Poem by Ginger Cordell

  Move Carefully

  Who knows what lurks

  beneath that beautiful

  rock you want to turn


  I once thought

  I wanted to live

  on a mountain. But

  how high

  before the altitude

  would take its toll?

  Now I want to dive


  deep water. But can

  I hold my breath,

  stand the pressure?

  How low

  can I go, and will

  Fate keep the sharks

  far away, or

  will Destiny

  in fact send some

  hideous sea creature

  to catch me in its jaws,

  drag me down?


  They Call Vegas

  Sin City, like calling it what it is

  somehow legitimizes the name.

  Las Vegas is Sin City. Whole lot

  of sinning going on, from fancy

  high-rise casino rooms to sleazy

  well-off-the-strip motel dives.

  People come here specifically

  to sin. But I wonder whether

  it’s really true that “what happens

  in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

  People stain themselves here.

  I bet, no matter how hard they

  scrub themselves after sinning,

  when they go home, a certain

  amount of stain remains visible.

  Then, I guess, it’s up to the spouse

  or significant other to recognize

  the meaning of that dark splotch

  ghosting beneath the bleach.

  Most of ’em probably don’t want

  to look. Don’t want to know.

  The Reason

  I know so damn much about

  the sinning is I have pretty well

  been pushed into causing some

  of it. As sin goes, at least so

  far, my own participation

  has remained fairly mild.

  See, when Alex and I first hit

  town, like a few weeks ago,

  Lydia seemed okay with giving

  us a place to crash. Alex called

  her from the bus station. Hey,

  girl. You said to look you up if

  I ever made it to Vegas. Well,

  me and a friend just got here.

  Could you come pick us up?

  It was early morning, and

  Lydia was not real happy

  about having to pull herself

  out of bed. We waited a couple

  of hours, sipping coffee, until

  she finally showed, took us back

  to her small tract house south

  of the city in a burb called

  Henderson. She keeps her place

  neat, with pretty flowers in trim

  beds, giving the impression

  she wants to give—legitimate.

  See, for a while Lydia worked

  as a stripper in a fairly nice

  club near the Stratosphere.

  I made pretty good money.

  Most of it went to the house,

  which took a big cut for keeping

  the girls safe. I did all the work,

  they reaped sixty percent of

  the bennies. Hard to swallow.

  So Lydia got smart, started her

  own business—Have Ur Cake

  Escorts. Now she takes a cut from

  the girls (and guys) whose “dates”

she sets up. I still strip for fun

  once in a while. All on my own terms.

  Her Neighbors

  Are completely clueless

  about her means of support.

  They think she’s a showgirl.

  The ultimate Vegas dream.

  Anyway, she let Alex and me

  move into her spare bedroom.

  But not for free. You can stay

  for a week gratis. After that,

  I’d appreciate a little rent.

  She never asked why we were

  there, although she did mention

  Alex’s dad. How’s he doing?

  Alex shrugged. Same ol’,

  you know? But if he happens

  to call, I don’t want to talk to him.

  Far as I know, he never did,

  and Lydia let the subject

  drop. Alex and I looked for

  under-the-table jobs, but they’re

  hard to find, unless you’re good

  with pulling weeds for five

  bucks an hour. A week came.

  A week went by. Two. Plus

  a couple of days. Finally Lydia

  said something. Okay, here’s

  the deal. Both of you are pretty

  girls. Great bods, with that fresh

  look guys (especially old ones)

  appreciate. You could make

  boatloads taking off your clothes.

  The clubs are careful about

  underage girls, but work for

  me, no one will check your IDs.

  My first reaction was no way

  would I ever let evil old pervs

  see me naked. That’s when Lydia

  mentioned how much money

  we could make. Easily five

  hundred a night. And that’s no

  touching allowed. Bachelor

  parties alone could make

  the two of you very comfortable.

  What She Forgot

  To mention was that her cut

  for setting us up in the exotic

  dancing business was one-third

  the hourly rate. Tips are ours

  to earn and keep. And hey,

  considering Lydia handles all

  Have Ur Cake calls, screenings,

  and advertisement, she’s

  worth every penny. As per her

  well-advised counsel, Alex and I

  work exclusively as a team.

  Sooner or later, Lydia said,

  you’ll have to deal with a jerk

  who won’t want to hear “no

  touching allowed,” if you decide

  to stick to that. With two of you,

  you’ve got a fighting chance,

  or at the very least, a witness.

  So far, though we’ve had many

  requests for more, and a few

  grumbles when we say no way,

  the men have all honored

  the “look but don’t touch”

  rule. Our two-for-one fee

  is three hundred an hour

  (a bargain!) plus tips for

  straight dancing. Private

  lap dances are twenty dollars

  per song. Girl-on-girl action

  adds another hundred to the tab.

  Besides Lydia, we give a cut

  to our regular taxi drivers,

  who keep us off their meters.

  They’re cool and weren’t hard

  to hook up with. Pretty much

  everyone in Vegas is a scammer.

  As for the actual stripping,

  Lydia gave us some pointers.

  Turns out I’m a better dancer

  than Alex. Her boobs are bigger,

  though, and really beautiful.

  I swear I never knew I leaned

  toward girls until I met Alex.

  Guess I never let myself lean any

  way at all. Didn’t dare get close

  to anyone, male or female.

  But Alex and I are tight. I love

  her heart. Her brains. Her body.

  The men we perform for like

  when we dance with each other,

  breast-to-breast or belly-to-ass,

  tan skin against pale, ebony hair

  on blue-streaked blond, fingers

  touching hidden places we won’t

  let “clients” touch. Powerful!

  That’s how I feel, seeing how

  helpless we make them. I so enjoy

  reducing them to masturbation.

  It’s like they are masturbating

  for me, and I can control when

  they come by how I move

  my body, what I let them see.

  It’s a game I win every time.

  Another Few Weeks

  We’ll have saved enough

  to get our own place. Maybe

  a nice little townhouse closer

  to downtown, where most

  of the action is. Tonight

  we’ve got a bachelor party.

  Great gigs. Tips are good.

  And when there’s a crowd

  in the room, the dicks mostly

  stay hidden. I’m standing

  by the window, keeping

  watch for the cab, when Alex

  comes into the room, wearing

  a yummy short leather skirt.

  Just got a ten o’clock. We should

  be finished with the boys before

  nine. Younger guys tend to get

  started early. The best man booked

  us for seven, and they should all

  be well on their way to passing

  out before we even get there.

  Which is why we collect our

  basic fee up front. Don’t want

  to get caught with our fingers

  in some drunk guy’s wallet.

  Of course, we do hope they

  stay awake long enough to

  reward our girl-girl routine.

  We knock on the condo door

  at seven on the dot. The guy

  who answers is pretty cute.

  Hello, girls. Come right in.

  Can I get you ladies something

  to drink? We decline and he

  escorts us inside, where a half

  dozen guys are ogling cable porn.

  While I ask Best Man for cash

  up front—six hundred, split

  seven ways—Alex flirts. Okay,

  boys, where’s the groom? We

  want to treat him right! Where did

  she learn that shtick? Stripping

  for Dummies? Hah. Anyway,

  once the cash is safely tucked

  away, Alex outlines the rules:

  Absolutely no touching, or we

  leave immediately. One lap dance

  is included, for the groom only.

  If any of the rest of you are into

  that, it will cost extra. Tips are

  encouraged! Any questions?

  One rat-looking dude pulls

  his eyes from the TV screen

  action. How much for head?

  A couple other guys laugh

  nervously, but Alex has

  it covered. You’ll have to ask

  your buddies. We don’t do head,

  except on each other, and that

  will cost an extra hundred.

  No surprise that Ratman

  reaches into his pocket

  for a Benjamin Franklin.

  Seven Fifty, Minus Commission

  Toward a place of our own,

  Alex and I bid adieu to groom,

  Best Man, et al. Poor bride.

  We’re giggling as we get into

  Leonard’s cab. What’s so

  funny, girls? Care to share?

  Alex hands over a fifty. No

  offense, Len my dear, but

  men are just so disgusting.

  I mean, really. Would you dare

beat off in front of your best

  friends? We crack up again.

  Lenny looks into his rear-

  view mirror, grins. Only if

  you two were dancing for us.

  It’s a short drive to our next

  appointment, in a not very nice

  part of town. Lenny promises

  to stay available, Just in case

  you need a quick ride out

  of here. Be careful, okay?

  Hey, says Alex, no worries.

  But if we don’t call you in an

  hour, it’s okay to come looking.

  She gives him a twenty for

  caring and off we go. Unlike

  Best Man, this guy is a pug,

  short, wrinkled, and bug-eyed.

  He doesn’t talk as we handle

  the business stuff, but he does

  pay extra up front for a three-song

  lap dance. I glance at

  Alex, who nods, meaning

  she’ll do it for him. She knows

  I never could. After a little

  girl-on-girl rubbing, she goes

  to take care of it. He sits

  very still in his chair, staring

  as she strips free of her bra.

  Suddenly his hands are all

  over her. “Hey. Cut it out.

  Absolutely no touching allowed.”

  No good. Alex’s eyes go just

  a little wild. Okay, man, we’re

  out of here. She tries, but

  the creep snakes his arms

  around her waist, squeezes

  like a hungry boa constrictor.

  All I want is a hand job. Give

  it to me, I’ll let you go. You,

  over there, play with yourself.

  So much for control. Good

  thing it doesn’t take long. He

  finishes with a loud, Aaaagh!

  He does let go of Alex, who

  wipes her hand on his shirt.

  We grab our clothes, throw

  ourselves out the door, mostly

  naked. Yank on what we can

  at a dead run. Suddenly Alex

  starts to laugh. She holds up

  a wad of bills. Stupid shit

  just gave us a really big tip.

  Later, After Several Shots

  Of whiskey (Lydia buys

  it for us, as long as we

  drink it post-business only),

  Alex and I go to bed.

  Fresh from the shower,

  her skin is warm and apple-

  scented. I reach for her,

  but she turns over, away

  from me. Not now. I’m tired.


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