Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1)

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Viktor (Bratva Enforcers-Nomads, #1) Page 1

by KJ Dahlen


  Copyright © 2019

  Editor: Leanore Elliott

  Book Design & Cover: Wicked Muse

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR | Now that K.J Dahlen is out on her own, she will be releasing new books at her WEBSITE | Books for 2019/2020

  To get KJ’s unique Book Bling & all her latest books visit>>> | KJDAHLENBOOKS.COM | Get her Newsletter>>> | Daily Suspense In MC & Mafia Romance

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sign up for Kj Dahlen's Mailing List

  Further Reading: Kosta

  Also By Kj Dahlen


  Now that K.J Dahlen is out on her own, she will be releasing new books at her WEBSITE

  Books for 2019/2020

  Bratva Enforcers- The Nomands

  Book One Viktor3/18

  Book Two Ivan 5/22/19

  Book Three Adrik 7/27

  Book Four Andrey

  Book Five- Grisha

  Book Six- Matvey

  To get KJ’s unique Book Bling & all her latest books visit>>>


  Get her Newsletter>>>

  Daily Suspense In MC & Mafia Romance


  This book was written 2 chapters a week as my readers read along with it at my Website. They took the journey of spinning a Story and it was the experience of a lifetime for all of us.

  Viktor-Enforcers-Nomads is a spinoff from The Brtava Brothers Series that already has 10 books and counting and all those brothers do and will appear here and there in this Nomad Series.

  I hope you enjoy the book as a novel as much as the readers and I enjoyed creating it.

  K.J. Dahlen

  Chapter One

  Vatali Anishin couldn’t sleep. The rage he felt against the injustices his daughter Galina had suffered, partly at his own hands and partly at the hands of this man Tegan still haunted him. He had taken care of his former friend Oleg, years ago but even then, he had to let the matter go, as he couldn’t find the real bastard in the situation.

  Now with his granddaughter, Sahara’s help, he had a place to start. All the notes Galina took twenty six years ago might be old but maybe they could find a place to start looking for this bastard, Tegan Averin.

  Vatali got up and walked out to the living room area of the suite they’d been given. He didn’t want to disturb Angelica’s sleep. He then placed a phone call that would get the ball rolling. He called his good friend on the Bratva High Council. Aleksandr Adaksin listened then agreed to his request.

  Vatali ended the call and took a deep breath. He had to pause for a moment before he placed his next call. He knew from experience that once he placed this call, these men wouldn’t stop until they received their objective. They were like a brick wall with equal force and they never stopped until the deed was done. They would lay waste to this man Tegan’s entire world then take him out after they’d stripped him of his entire empire. He frowned the price for their service was high as well, higher than hiring a hit squad. He smiled. They were that of sorts, but they did lots more damage before the end.

  Well, their price was one he would willingly pay to receive justice for his Galena and his own soul. One he would pay to keep Sahara safe.

  He shook his head. He hadn’t liked the fact that she went mostly by the nickname of Salt now, as he much preferred the name Sahara. Angelica begged him earlier to please just leave it alone, she was safe now but Vatali couldn’t do that. He made a mistake a very long time ago and it cost him more than he would ever know, but by doing this, he had to ask himself would calling in the Enforcers ensure his granddaughter would be happy and safe? This was something he could do to make up for the years Galina and her had suffered. If that could be done at all.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Sergi’s men and these Brothers but he didn’t know them. He did know this group of Enforcer men though. He knew what they were capable of and they wouldn’t stop until this man Tegan was found and brought before the High Council for justice.

  He dialed the number in and waited for someone to pick up the call. When Viktor Andronikov answered the phone, Vatali told him as much as he knew. Their conversation was short but in the end, it didn’t need to be any longer. Viktor accepted his terms and said they would join them in New Orleans within twenty-four hours. But he did need to know he had High Council approval before they left.

  Vatali said to check with Aleksandr Adaksin and that he would meet them at the airport. When his call was finished, Vatali went back to bed.

  As he pulled the covers up Angelica asked, “You did it, didn’t you?”

  “Da, woman I did,” Vatali admitted. “I failed our own child but I will not fail her daughter.”

  “Then you’d better let the others know what you set in motion tonight, husband.”

  “Da, I know and I have no doubt they will not be pleased with this decision but it is too late to worry about that now.” Vatali shook his head.

  “Oh, husband... what have you done? These men are ruthless.” Her soft whisper seemed to echo in the bedroom.

  Vatali didn’t say a word he just lay there staring at the ceiling.

  A few hours later, he was still awake when the sun came up. He felt more than heard when his wife wake up. It had been a restless night for her as well. When she sat up so did he. “I did what I had to do, my love. You know that, right? I did what I should have done years ago. If I had done this before, we might not have lost Galina.”

  After a few minutes of silence she finally replied, “I know, Vatali. But you have to remember, we are strangers to our granddaughter. She is married now and her husband may not appreciate drawing attention to where she is. These men will hunt this man Tegan down like the dog he is and it isn’t going to be pretty. Perhaps you should have spoken to Sergi and the others before you placed that call?”

  “Perhaps, I should have but I just couldn’t sit here and do nothing.” Vatali shrugged. “Not again, not this time. We lost our daughter because I believed the lies of another. I wasn’t going to lose Sahara too.”

  “You have to tell them what you did,” Angelica stated.

  “Da, I know.” Vatali sighed hard. “I do not think they will be pleased either but I have to protect her, any way I can.”

  “Perhaps you should have trusted that these men will protect her,” she suggested tiredly. “Her husband will protect her with his very life I think.”

  “Perhaps but it is too late to worry about that now. I mean no disrespect to him as I could see plainly that he loves her. But I am her grandfather and I needed to step up. It is done now and cannot be undone.”

  “Then I pray Sergi will forgive you,” Angelica whispered as she got up for the day and began to get dressed.


  An hour later, Vatali and Angelica joined the others in Yuri’s penthouse apartment.

  Sergi and the others were there, including Salt and Kosta.

  Kosta had brought her here straight from of the hospital after she’d been shot a day and a half ago.

  She looked like she was still hurting and everyone could see how slowly she moved with Kosta helping to cross the room.

  When Sergi saw Vatali, he went over to wh
ere he was standing. He glared at him for a moment then asked, “What the hell did you do, you old fool?”

  Vatali turned to look at him and the others gathering behind him. “I did what I should have done twenty-six years ago,” he stated quietly. “I allowed this man to steal my daughter away from me and sell her to men for money. He turned my daughter into a whore and for that, I will hunt him down and kill him.”

  Salt pushed her way through the crowd of men and walked up to Vatali. She reached out and slapped him.

  Vatali placed his hand to his cheek and stared at his granddaughter.

  Angelica gasped and looked back and forth between the two.

  Salt glared at him. “If you’d read her diaries you would know that my mother was never a whore. Tegan never sold her into the trade. He wanted her to come crawling to him and that was when he would break her. She managed to get away from him before that happened. She escaped before she had to give up her body for money. My father dropped her off here and took off but that was at her insistence, not because he was a bastard. So don’t you ever say she was a whore! Because she wasn’t.”

  Kosta wrapped his arms around her. “What did you do?” he demanded as he stared at Vatali.

  “I called in the Nomads,” Vatali informed them all with his head held high.

  Kosta turned worried eyes to Yuri and the others. He knew of the Nomads, everyone in the Bratva did, though it was something no one admitted to knowing. They were the ones whispered about in secret. He just hadn’t been aware that they were real until now. While he grew up, he’d heard the stories but never realized this group was real. He turned back to Vatali. “Why would you do that? We can and will protect Sahara. Even against you, if we need to.”

  Vatali took a deep breath, as he wanted to shout at these men for attempting to take his family’s justice away from him but when Angelica touched his arm, he calmed inside.

  She turned to Sergi and the others. “I know what my husband did was reckless and unnecessary but please understand his reasons for doing what he did. Our daughter was taken from us a very long time ago. We never knew until now knew what had happened to her. We had our own thoughts to deal with, our own demons to conquer if you will. When Oleg was caught six years after our Galena went missing, we had to deal with all the lies and deception he’d handed us twenty years earlier. We tried to find this Tegan person, we scoured two continents for him, but we could never find him. Now we have the chance to trace the bastard that took our daughter away from her home and her family. Vatali did it this way because he didn’t want to bring Tegan’s attention to where Sahara was or who she was with.”

  “That doesn’t explain why he didn’t go through protocol,” Sergi interjected.

  Vatali shook his head. “I went to the High Council. I just didn’t go through you first and that was my mistake. I couldn’t protect Galena, but I will protect my Granddaughter.”

  The tension lasted a few minutes before Salt spoke up, “Please Sergi, forgive him? If my mother could forgive him for not believing in her then I hope you can as well.” She looked saddened and troubled by this whole thing.

  Sergi turned his head and stared at the girl. He saw tears running down her face and he saw heartbreak there as well. “Is this what you want? Truly, what you want? The Nomads will not stop until this man has nothing left, then they will end his life. You must understand this at least.”

  “Then yes, that is what I want.” Salt sighed. “No woman or child should live the life of a slave, Sold for the pleasures of men, over and over again. Whatever Tegan had in mind for my mother, he must pay for that now. I hope they hunt this bastard down and destroy him and everyone he does business with. They all deserve nothing less.” She paused as a thought came to her. “I think he might have come here once. Maybe about six years ago? I can’t remember when exactly but my mother became very afraid and she wouldn’t even go outside or allow me to go outside for a very long time. It was as if she were hiding from something or someone. She would never tell me what frightened her so much, but I did hear her crying at night around that time. She must have seen Alexi with Tegan. She would avoid Tegan any time she saw him but she always knew what he was doing or who he was with. When he brought McKenna Knight and Demi to town, we avoided going anywhere and just stayed away.”

  Sergi shook his head at her, disgust at what Vitali had started showed in his expression.

  Salt reached out and touched Sergi’s hand. “But know one thing, I never doubted my Kosta would protect me. With his life if need be. I hope it doesn’t come down to that, because I want a life with him. A very long life, I might add but I never doubted that he would protect me.”

  Kosta’s arms held her close and he leaned down to kiss the top of her head. Salt wrapped her arms around his and held on tight. She loved this man with her whole heart.

  Sergi nodded, then turned back to Vatali and Angelica. “By the grace of the love your Galina had for you, if she could forgive you then so can I.” Sergi leaned forward to meet Vatali’s gaze one on one. “But know this, whatever those men do is on you now. You and you alone will answer for them.” He stepped back and turned to Salt. “We have yet to do anything about Alexi but have no doubt that we will deal with him as well.”

  Salt nodded then shivered in Kosta’s arms. “You should probably know then that he was working with McKenna Knight and Demi was there as well. He knew they were doing business together. I think he helped her get into the courthouse the other day.”

  Sergi didn’t seem surprised by this as he met Yuri’s gaze and nodded. They had this man in custody already and were trying to get him to talk.

  “We will deal with him. Do not worry,” Misha assured her.

  Yuri looked over at Vatali and asked, “When did you call them in?”

  Vatali raised his head. “It was about three this morning.”

  Yuri glanced over at the clock then at Sergi. “That means they’re already on their way to America. They should be here later today. I will have everything copied for Viktor to go over when he arrives. Along with our own research. Tegan Averin is indeed a careful man. He tried very hard to hide what he’s been doing from the Bratva. We were able to find more than one of the places Galina mentioned and yes, he is still very much in business. Although he seems to have gone underground for the moment.”

  Vatali snorted. “Have no doubt at all that the Nomads will flush him out and make him sorry he was ever born.”

  “Then let’s hope they can work quickly and quietly,” Sergi stated still looking uneasy about the Nomads being here in Bratva territory. “I want this man to stand before the tribunal. He has questions to answer and charges to answer for.” Then he gave the group a wicked smile as his lips curled up his eyes looking cold and harsh. “I am sure the Nomads will get whatever secrets he still holds. They have their ways of doing that quite efficiently.”


  Viktor sat back in his chair and closed his eyes a bit. He’d gotten the call at midnight, his time in Moscow. When he got approval for what Vatali Anishin had asked of their team, he called the others in and two hours later, their team was on their way to America. Half a world away.

  When the plane landed in New York at eleven a.m. this morning, none of the eight men on board bothered to get up, they still had another leg of their journey yet to go. Once they gassed up the jet again, they were in the air headed for New Orleans.

  All Vatali had given him was a name but by now his man, Matvey had already started his search. Tegan Averin or Tolva Valentin as they knew him was the worst of the worst as far as Viktor was concerned. He stole women off the streets and turned them into unwilling sex slaves. He’d heard of his group and had been gathering information on it for years now.

  He had a good idea of where to begin his search but Vatali said they had more information waiting for them when they arrived. One of his women had escaped her captor and had left a written account of what she had witnessed.

  It was hot and hum
id when the eight men finally stepped off the plane in New Orleans. The weather was not like Moscow. The sky was far different and there was the tang of salt in the air.

  They had a small group of very large men waiting for them.

  Viktor paused then raised an eyebrow at the men waiting for him on the tarmac. He turned to stare at the man behind him, Adrik.

  Adrik seemed to recognize the look on his face and nodded.

  Viktor was surprised at this welcoming committee though he said nothing and showed no emotion at all. He and his men all held their weapons close to their vests so to speak. The group waiting there didn’t stop them from continuing their journey down the steps. When all eight men were down on flat ground again, they walked over to the men waiting. Viktor knew Sergi and Misha, but not the other men.

  Sergi smiled and held out his hand to Viktor. “It is good to see you again, my long lost friend.”

  Viktor grinned. “And you.” He looked around at the other men standing there with Sergi. “Who are your friends?’

  Sergi gave him a nod and turned to the others with him. “This is my New York representative Nikoli Silvanic, and these other men are his crew here in New Orleans, Yuri Anatoly, Mikial Bannonkov and Kosta Grigori. This man...” He motioned toward Vatali. “ Vatali Anishin. He’s the one who summoned your team.”

  Viktor turned to Vatali and held out his hand.

  Vatali reached out and took his hand. “I have been told I called you in too early but I do not think that is true. I lost my daughter twenty six years ago to this man and I arrived too late to save her but I will save my granddaughter from this same threat.”

  Viktor held up his hand to stop Vatali. “Please let’s take our discussion somewhere a little more private.” He coldly gazed around at the tarmac. “I do not discuss business in public in Russian or English.”

  “Da, lets go back to Yuri’s hotel. The research is there anyway.” Sergi nodded.

  By this time, their luggage had been unloaded and was on a cart waiting for them.


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