A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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A Club Esoteria Wedding [Club Esoteria 11] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Cooper McKenzie

  “Can’t take what?”

  Knowing they could not continue this discussion without her breaking down and either crying or screaming in anger, she took a deep breath to clear her head. “Not here,” she whispered hoarsely, blinking several times to clear the tears from her vision.

  “Then where? When?”

  “Later, in my room,” she said, knowing him well enough to know that he would not be letting her leave his side without answers to his questions. “Right now I’m going to drink some wine, eat something bad for me, and enjoy the music.”

  “Sounds like a nice way to spend the evening. May I join you? Or would you like me to go away and leave you alone?”

  “If you can keep from shifting into overprotective Master-T mode, then you can stay. Otherwise you might want to leave and I’ll call you later,” Whitney said, wondering how long he was going to allow her to set the course of the evening.

  Usually by now, he would have taken over making the plans and setting the agenda.

  “I will do my best,” Taurus said into her ear before licking his way down her neck from her ear to where it flared out into her shoulder.

  She nodded and spun her chair. “Then bring your beer and follow me.”

  * * * *

  Taurus nursed a single beer for the next two hours and watched Whitney as she imbibed freely of the Riesling wine she preferred. Though they were in a crowd of Saturday night singles on the prowl, she never flirted with anyone else. That gave him hope that things between them were salvageable.

  They shared an order of shrimp tacos and another of seafood nachos and enjoyed the live band until the sun set and it got chilly. Whenever the band played slow songs, Taurus asked her to dance and smiled when she agreed easily. Holding her close, he had to keep reminding himself they were not in the club and he could not slide his hands under the back of her skirt to play with her ass cheeks.

  When the band took a break, he noticed she was shivering. “Where’s your room?” he asked.

  She looked around then pointed up at the end of the building. “Up there.”

  “How about we go up there and get more comfortable? You’re freezing.”

  Whitney shrugged then grinned and nodded. “Okay.”

  He stood then helped Whitney up. She was drunker than he had ever seen her, overbalancing as she stood and leaned heavily against him. “Oops, sorry,” she said with a giggle.

  He said nothing as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. “Lean on me, sweet mouse. I’ll take care of you.”

  He felt Whitney take a deep breath and nod. On a deep sigh, she admitted, “Okay. I like it when you take care of me.”

  “I do, too,” he said as he guided her toward the doors that led to the lobby and the elevators.

  He sucked a breath when the arm she had wrapped around his waist slid down over his jeans, and she patted his ass.

  “You have the sexiest ass,” she said, her voice unusually loud. Her statement drew shocked gasps from an elderly couple nearby. Whitney heard and frowned at them. “Excuse me, but he does. And it’s all mine, so keep your paws off.”

  Taurus could not help but chuckle at his little mouse’s uninhibited behavior. After apologizing to the couple, he guided her away and toward the elevators before she could cause any more of a scene. Thankfully, the elevator doors opened as soon as he pressed the call button.

  Once inside with the doors closed, he asked, “What floor, sweetheart?”

  “Fifth floor. High up so tonight I can feel like a princess looking out over her kingdom,” she said then began to giggle.

  Taurus pushed the correct button then pulled Whitney around so they were chest-to-breast and belly-to-erection. When she rested her forehead in the center of his chest, he used two fingers to lift her chin until he could see her pale-purple eyes. As he stared down at her, her giggles died away, and she returned his gaze with one filled with sadness.

  “Do you want to be a princess?” he asked only half in jest.

  He watched her eyes fill with tears. Then she dropped her chin and pressed her face into his chest. She murmured something, but he could not make out her words.

  “Mouse, look at me and answer my question,” he ordered as gently as he could.

  It took several long seconds before her head lifted then dropped back on her neck, and she frowned up at him. “You weren’t going to turn Master tonight,” she said with a pout.

  Taurus fought his laughter. Four glasses of wine in a two-hour period and his little mouse was looped. Being drunk had her acting more belligerent than he had ever seen her before. Not even during their first meeting when he had caught her after she had snuck into the club had she been this ornery.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t understand your answer. Do you want to be a princess, my love?”

  Whitney blinked, and her expression turned to one of heartbreaking sorrow. In the next second, she pushed against his chest until he was forced to release her. She backed up until she hit the far wall of the small elevator.

  “Don’t call me that. I know the truth. You don’t really love me. I’m just the woman you’re fucking until you meet someone else, or decide you don’t want me around anymore. Then you’ll kick me to the curb, and there I’ll be, all alone and spoiled for any other man, like last week’s garbage.”

  Her eyes went wide as a hand came up to cover her mouth when she realized what she had just said. Before Taurus could respond, the elevator stopped with a ding of the bell. The doors slid open, and she bolted away.

  He took off after her, wondering where she thought she was going, as there was only one hallway in the hotel and her room was at the end. Refusing to run after her, he took fast, long strides as he followed.

  He reached her as she was trying to open the door, but the lock refused to open for her. Plucking the card from her fingers with one hand, he wrapped the other around her middle, holding her tight to his side while he slid the keycard into place. The lock clicked open on the first try.

  She struggled for release, but he held her until they were inside her suite and the door securely closed. Only then did he release her. He flipped the interior deadbolt as well as the lock in the knob, assuring she would not be escaping. Taking several deep breaths, he turned to face his woman. He froze when he saw her.

  Apparently her mood had shifted again, this time from sorrow to anger. She stood across the room, her feet planted wide, hands on hips, and fire in her eyes. What shocked and aroused him was that in the few seconds he had dealt with the locks, she had stripped down to the lacy little teddy he had given her that morning to wear at the convention.

  His cock surged to painful attention, causing him to suck a breath. He put his hands behind his back, hoping to assume a nonthreatening stance. His gaze dropped down her body before returning to hers.

  As he stood silently watching, her anger melted away again. Confused sorrow now filled her expression. Her shoulders dropped, and she lifted her arms to wrap them around her middle. Then she turned away, showing him her delectable back and buttocks.

  “Why?” she asked just loud enough for him to hear.

  “Why what, sweetheart?” Taurus crossed the room with long strides, stopping with just inches separating them.

  “Why can’t you love me?”

  * * * *

  Whitney was not sure if it was the wine or her current state of unhappiness that had her asking the question uppermost on her mind. Whatever it was, she was going to go with it. Here and now was as good a time as any for the showdown she had been itching to have for weeks. With the wine giving her a sense of courage, and in a place without loving memories attached to it, maybe she could ask her questions, make her demands, and get the answers she needed.

  Yes, an anonymous hotel room was the perfect place for what would undoubtedly be an emotionally devastating scene. The fact that she was drunk gave her the courage and needed backbone to face Taurus as a woman, and not the mouse he had nicknamed he
r on their first meeting.

  When Taurus had released her and turned away, she moved without thinking and stripped off her T-shirt, skirt, and shoes. She might as well bare her body as well as her soul to the man she loved. Hopefully her near nudity would keep him off-kilter enough to gain her the advantage.

  If she had to, she would walk away in the morning. After all, the right man could not come into her life if she remained focused on the wrong one. But her heart told her once again that Taurus was the right man even if he refused to acknowledge it.

  After asking her question, she immediately wished she could call the words back and forget the whole afternoon and evening had ever happened. Turning her back to Taurus, she wrapped her arms around her middle, hoping to hold herself together emotionally, though she knew it would be an impossible task. As her tears overflowed, she listened for the snick of the door closing as Taurus, her Master and one true love, walked out on her.

  It never came.

  She did not realize he had moved until his arms came around her and pulled her back to rest against his big, warm, clothed body. “What makes you think I don’t love you?” he asked in voice soft and low.

  Chapter 5

  Whitney froze at his question. How could she answer that? All at once, her wine-bolstered courage drained away. How could she voice the thoughts she had been brooding over for weeks?

  Taking a deep breath, she shook her head. Sniffing back tears of heartbreak that were pressing for release, she said hoarsely, “It’s not important.”

  She squeaked when Taurus spun her around and planted his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them tight when she tried to pull away. He then bent down until they were nose to nose.

  “It damn well is important. You walked away without a word, without talking to me, without telling me what went wrong? Should I go away and leave you alone? Is it over between us?”

  Whitney stared into the depths of his emerald-green eyes, seeing love and hurt glowing there. “I’m sorry. It’s just…we’ve been together for two years now and…and…” her voice trailed off as the misery she had felt earlier that day swamped her once more.

  “And what, sweetheart?” he encouraged gently.

  “And I feel like you’ve grown tired of me. You never scene in the club with me anymore, but you’re quick to volunteer when some other Dom needs a hand. We’ve been together two years. In all that time you’ve never given me a collar or a ring or anything else to tell the world I mean anything to you. And then last month you introduced me to that man as your ‘good friend.’” When she felt his fingers go slack on her shoulders, she jerked from his grasp and backed away. “I can’t remember the last time you spanked me.”

  “Then it’s way past time,” he said with a growl as he crossed to her and grabbed her shoulder. He twirled her around to face him then bent and lifted her up onto his left shoulder.

  “What the hell?” she squealed in protest.

  A hard swat in the center of her ass shocked the fight out of her and caused her cunt to cream. A moment later, he set her down, but before she could step away, he grabbed her wrists. Pulling out the straight-back chair at the desk, he sat down before jerking her over his lap. She landed across his lap with an audible oomph as her breath left her in a rush.

  His fingers slid between her thighs, and he jerked open the crotch of her teddy. After pushing the material up her back and out of his way, he held her braced steady in his lap with one arm across her back. With his free hand, he stroked the skin from her waist to halfway down her thighs.

  She took deep breaths, trying not to tense up as she waited for the spanking she knew she deserved. Instead, Taurus just continued stroking her skin, eventually tracing the line between the globes of her ass, over her puckered star to her wide-open dripping cunt.

  “Little mouse, I love you so much I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I’ve held back because I wasn’t sure how you felt about things. Remember I told you that in a Master/slave relationship the slave has more power than they may realize?”

  “Mmmm,” Whitney moaned as two fingers stroked across her entrance.

  They moved back and forth, never going deeper than a few millimeters, which caused the muscles of her lower body to clench with need. Her body was shorting out her thinking at least until the fingers left her and a hard swat landed in the center of her left ass cheek. She jerked on his body but bit her lip to keep from the squeal of pain from erupting. She had learned long ago that when receiving punishment, Taurus preferred her to be silent.

  “Pay attention, little one,” he said, his hand massaging the abused ass cheek, sending the heat of pain through her lower body to tighten her clit.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, blinking against the tears that were filling her eyes once again.

  “Now, as I was saying, as my slave, you hold the power. You should have come to me and talked to me, told me you were unhappy with our arrangement.”

  “I didn’t know how,” Whitney admitted, her voice choked with tears she was holding in.

  “I understand, sweet mouse. You are the least demanding woman I have ever come across. But in this you are going to have to be the one to make the demands. If it had been up to me, I would have locked my collar around your neck after our first month together. You had so much to learn back then, so I held off. I was waiting for you to ask, to demand a commitment, but you never did.”

  “Please, Master, please punish your slave for being stupid.” Whitney surprised herself by begging for something she usually tried to avoid.

  Taking a deep breath, she released it slowly as she relaxed her body in preparation for what was to come. Closing her eyes, she waited.

  The long, pain-filled spanking she deserved never came. Instead, she received two more hard swats, one in the center of her right ass cheek and one between the first two. In the next seconds, Taurus lifted her and rearranged her so she was sitting across his lap, her head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped securely around her.

  “Now, my little love, I have a secret to share. The reason we don’t scene in the club anymore is because I have a hard time not killing everyone who sees you in that glorious aroused state you get when we play. I don’t want to share you, and nowadays I don’t want anyone to see these beautiful girls.” One hand cupped and then squeezed each breast.

  “Or this.” His hand slid down her belly and covered her mound, his fingertips sliding between her legs and into her cunt.

  “Oh,” Whitney breathed as her body shut down coherent thought and responded to the touches by instinct alone.

  She needed her Master. Needed him naked and pressed against her body, inside her pussy, and wrapped around her.

  “Please, Master. Please fuck me. Fuck your slave.”

  Lifting her face to his, she kissed her way across his cheek until her lips mated with his. The kiss was long, deep, and an exact duplication of what she needed most as his tongue plunged into her mouth and thoroughly explored her. As she followed suit, she pressed closer to his body, needing more, needing all of him.

  She whined a protest when he pulled his lips from hers and stood, forcing her from his lap. Looking into his eyes, she sucked in a breath of excitement. The fire she saw in those green orbs proved he was not as indifferent to her as she had mistakenly thought.

  Further proof came when he ripped her teddy down the front and peeled it from her body. She stood frozen. Never before had she seen him like this.

  She liked it.

  “Undress your Master, mouse,” he ordered, his voice low and carrying the thread of steel that sent a quiver of need from her heart straight to her clit.

  “Yes, Master,” Whitney murmured as she moved into action.

  In less than a minute, he was as naked as she was. He stopped her when she would have climbed up his body and impaled herself on the impressive erection that jutted from the apex of his thighs.

  He pointed to the clothes she had tossed on the desk. “Fold them.”
/>   She wanted to protest but knew that neatness counted with Taurus as much as swift response to orders. She fumbled as she dealt with his clothes, having to refold his shirt three times before it was as Master wished it to be. His hands stroking her back, sides, and ass did not help her focus any.

  Once she finished with his clothes, he took her hand in his and laced their fingers together. Then he led the way to wall of windows that looked out across the Trent River. He pushed the sliding door open and stepped out onto the balcony.

  Whitney stopped in the doorway and tried to pull him back inside with her. “Master, what are you doing?” she whispered.

  He turned and looked at her. “We’re going to push my limits a bit, little mouse. This is the first step in sharing you with others in the club. Now come out here.”

  “But someone might…”

  “See us? Yes, I expect some might, but I doubt anyone will care,” he said as he pulled her fully out onto the narrow balcony with its chest-high railings then halfway across the balcony. “We’re far enough up that anyone who actually looks up here won’t see that much. Now, little mouse, show your Master how much you love his cock.”

  Unable to do anything else, Whitney knelt on the concrete floor before the man she loved more than life itself and smiled at his cock. It was beautiful. Long, thick, and hard with ropy veins along the surface. The bulbous head was smooth, and even in this dim light the head was so filled with blood it was more purple than red.

  Leaning forward, Whitney parted her lips and took just the head into her mouth. She moaned as the exotic, sharp, and spicy taste of pre-cum crossed her tongue. She swirled her tongue around the head then took more and more of his length in, sucking and licking as she went. She knew what he liked and now more than ever wanted to give it to him.

  “Mouse,” he groaned, his voice dropping an octave.

  From his tone she could tell he was so worked up it would not take much to set him off. And setting him off was just what she wanted to do. Fighting his hold, she moved forward until she had taken every inch of him in. Swallowing on his length, she felt his fingers press tighter into her shoulders. She held him there as long as she could before easing back enough to breathe. Looking up into his face, she saw his eyes were half-closed as they always were when he was in this state.


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