What Happens in Vegas

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What Happens in Vegas Page 5

by Jess Alynn

  Shell began fucking him in earnest, slamming into him and landing a smack on his welted arse every few strokes. Eve felt like she was on fire, tingles of heat sizzling through her and ending in her soaked pussy. She leant to the side and saw his cock bouncing with every thrust, dripping with pre-come. Part of her wanted to jerk him off while he was being fucked, and another part wanted to feel him fucking her instead.

  Eve backed away and took stock of the situation, and she heard the muted buzzing that indicated Shell had turned on the vibrator that pressed against her clit at the base of the dildo. Ah, so she’ll get hers, and he’ll get his at some point. I could tell him to eat me like before, but I really want to feel that cock. Fuck it; I want to come on him!

  She scrambled to her feet and lurched to the side table to grab another condom. On her way back, she paused beside Shell, admiring the deep pink of his hole stretched around Shell’s cock. “I want his cock. Let him get off this bench and onto the floor so he can fuck me while you pound him.”

  Shell blinked at her in surprise but nodded and gripped his cheeks as she slid out all the way. He wailed at the pain of her grasp and at being left empty, and his hips rocked backward in a clear plea for more.

  Eve hurried back in front of him and said, “Get on your knees on the floor. Oh, don’t worry Billy-boy, we’re not done with you yet.”

  His limbs trembled as he staggered off the bench and dropped to the floor nearby. Eve sank down before him and lay back, hiking up her skirt to show that she had no knickers and her pussy was glistening with her juices. Billy growled with lust and licked his lips. Shell spanked one cheek, making him yelp, and said, “Crawl closer. She wants your cock.”

  He froze for a beat, expression stunned as he met Eve’s gaze. When she nodded and gestured for him to hurry up, he shuddered and closed his eyes in amazement. Then, he snapped to and lunged forward, naked adoration on his face as Eve rolled the condom onto his erection.

  Eve lay back again and wrapped her legs around his waist, guiding him to sink into her, and he hissed in effort to not get overwhelmed with the blissful sensations. When he was balls-deep, she stopped him and beckoned for Shell to move in. Then, Eve grabbed his arsecheeks, eliciting a choked cry, and spread him for Shell to plunge in again.

  At the combination of fucking and being fucked, Billy shouted, “Fuck! Yes, Mistress, god yes, fuck, please, yes!”

  Eve moaned and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at her. “You can come, but only after both of your Mistresses have come first. Understand?”

  He swallowed hard, grimacing, then panted, “Yes, Mistress. I understand.”

  “Good.” She peered past his shoulder and met Shell’s heavy-lidded eyes. “Now, fuck him, Shell. Pound him good.”

  Shell moaned and started grinding into him, clearly moving in ways that used the vibrator to get herself off. However, it also served to rock the dildo onto Billy’s prostate, and every time it did, he thrust that much harder into Eve, keening the whole time.

  It was like being caught up in a hurricane, and Eve was consumed by the movement and the rush of sound as her blood pounded in her ears. As much as she enjoyed the feel of his swollen, striped arse under her fingertips, she couldn’t wait any longer, and she released one cheek in favour of sliding her hand between herself and Billy, stroking her clit while he filled her.

  The rhythm started to falter, and she looked up to see Shell curling forward in her climax, fingers digging into Billy’s abused flesh as she stuttered and jerked, burying the dildo in his arse. She glanced back to see Billy’s face contorted in a rictus of divine agony, focusing so hard on not coming. The surge of power that gave her sent her over the edge, and she shattered, convulsing around his cock where he kept grinding into her.

  When her vision and hearing cleared from the white rush of static, she saw Shell draped over Billy’s back, her cock still lodged firmly inside him, and Billy hovering over her, every muscle tensed and trembling as he rocked his hips, barely moving his cock in her cunt and squirming on the dildo. Eve cleared her throat and rasped, “Shell, fuck him some more. He needs to come, and I want to feel it.”

  Shell sucked in a deep breath and gathered her strength. She turned off the vibrator and slid out halfway, drawing a ragged moan from Billy. His eyes were closed in concentration, and Eve let him thrust back and forth a few times, into her and onto Shell’s cock, clearly regaining his momentum, before getting Shell’s attention and gesturing for her to join Eve in acting on the count of three again.

  Thus it was that on Eve’s silent “three,” Shell dragged her nails down Billy’s back and onto his arse, scratching over the angry red lines, at the same time Eve released the nipple clamps with a slight tweak, making Billy’s eyes fly open to stare blankly as his mouth gaped in a bellow of pain and pleasure while his hips stuttered and his cock pulsed inside Eve, his orgasm ripping through him like lightning. His shudders continued for several long seconds before he sucked in a shrieking breath and every muscle went weak, leaving him to collapse onto Eve, falling forward and pulling off the dildo.

  Eve unwound her legs from his waist and gently manoeuvred him to one side, Shell assisting in moving his legs, and his spent cock slipped out of her. He was barely conscious, his limbs heavy and clumsy, and his scowl of pain at rolling onto his tender arse was fleeting. Eve lay there, panting for a moment, noting that Shell, too, had sprawled onto the floor, the dildo an obscene monument to their debauchery, pointing toward the ceiling.

  After a few beats, she heard noise around her and peered up to see some of the other club patrons moving closer, faces alight with appreciation. Their soft statements of praise and congratulations made her smile and nod, and soon they were left alone again to recover from their exertions.

  Shell got up first, shimmying out of the harness and cleaning up, and Eve followed suit, discarding the condom still clinging to Billy’s now soft cock. He barely stirred at her touch, but when she murmured in his ear, “Billy-boy, time to wake up. Roll over,” he jerked awake with a gasp, obeying her before he was fully aware of it.

  Eve gave his welts a close inspection, making sure there was no broken skin, and he sighed at the feel of her breath over his burning stripes. She looked around again, wanting to curl around him in an abrupt protective surge, and ghosted a hand up and down his body, enjoying the varying amounts of heat pouring off his swollen flesh.

  Shell cast a glance at the pair and sighed, shaking her head in envy at Eve’s possessive posture. Her friend had managed to give her one of her deepest fantasies, but it was over now. Stretching and yawning, she gathered her gear and packed it up. Then, in a gesture of gratitude, she packed up their gear as well, as it was obvious that Billy was all played out for the night.

  Eve blinked to attention from her contented lull, caressing Billy, at Shell’s low, “Hey.” Brows rising in query, Eve nodded, and Shell continued, “Your stuff’s all packed. His, too. I’m gonna just get a taxi home. I figure you’ll probably want to take him home, and it might be a while ‘til you’re ready.”

  Eve stared at her in surprise. “Oh! You didn’t have to do that. But thank you.”

  Shell shrugged and quirked a lopsided grin. “Yeah, well, thank you for setting all this up and letting me come along. It was... amazing. Seriously, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever done.”

  Eve chuckled at Shell’s frank admission. “You’re welcome. I daresay Billy enjoyed himself.” They paused to smile fondly at his unconscious form. “It wouldn’t have been possible without you, so thanks for taking part.”

  Shell beamed at her and gave an exaggerated bow. “See you at home!”

  “Night!” She nodded as Shell retreated, then sank down to lie beside Billy, watching his relaxed expression where his face was pillowed on his arms. She was torn between leaving him there to go get a cold damp cloth to soothe him and waking him to tell him that’s what she was about to do, since she was afraid he might wake while she was gone and feel abandoned. I’ll
just wait a little bit more.

  Several minutes later, Billy snuffled, shifting in his sleep. His brow furrowed at the pains all over his body and he woke up, mumbling and blinking in disorientation. His confused expression cleared when he focused in on Eve beaming at him, and he smiled back.

  She held up a warning hand and said, “Don’t move too much just yet. I’ll go get something to help you cool off. Be right back!”

  Billy did as he was bid and lay there, mentally cataloguing all the lingering aches and feeling a warm sort of peace spreading through him. He heard Eve kneeling beside him and hummed in contentment as she wiped him down with a chilly damp flannel, sometimes hissing or gasping at the twinges of bright pain bursting up from beneath the dull, throbbing ache that suffused his whole being.

  Once she was done with his back, she gently rolled him over, smiling at his blissful expression even as his brows twitched in response to his abused back and arse pressing onto the floor. She slowly sponged his front, seeing that his nipples were still dark red and puffy from the torture, and cleaned the dried remains of their come from his cock and balls. He hummed a low contented sound at her tender caress of his genitals, his bollocks shifting in her hand.

  Eve propped herself up on one elbow beside him and discarded the soiled flannel. Resting her free hand on his ribs, she murmured, “Shell’s already cleaned up and gone home. Whenever you’re up to it, I’ll take you back to the hotel. You were marvellous tonight, Billy-boy. You not only pleased me, you pleased Shell, which pleases me even more. Well done.”

  Billy covered her hand with his and managed somehow to look both humble and smug at the same time - a feat about which Eve was duly impressed. He rolled his head to face her, and his expression became wistful. “I don’t want to go home tomorrow night, Mistress. How can I go back to that after all this?”

  Eve sighed. “Billy, surely you realise that this is not one’s whole life. Until you came along, I rarely got to play like this. I’m a regular person, just like you, just like everybody - I just have this very specific interest. Now that you know better what you want, you’ll be able to seek it out more effectively at home, too.”

  He laced his fingers with hers, lifted her hand to his lips, and pressed a devoted kiss to her knuckles. “Thank you, Mistress, for enlightening me to so much. I will never forget what you’ve taught me.”

  She offered him a gentle smile and shifted to sit up. “This floor is not particularly comfortable. Bring the bags and follow me.”

  He shoved to his feet, hissing and gasping at the starburst of pain it brought, and staggered to the side where Shell had left the bags. Eve rose and led the way to a different room, where she sank onto the bed with a sigh of relief. Billy deposited their things at the foot of the bed and dropped to his knees, assuming his deferent position.

  Eve tilted his face up with a single finger under his chin and said, “Come lie beside me and rest for a bit.”

  He immediately obeyed and curled up beside her, his head pillowed on her belly, allowing her to trail her fingertips over his smooth head in lazy patterns, occasionally dragging down his neck to trace the scarlet lines criss-crossing his back. Billy hummed in contentment.

  After a long while, Eve felt refreshed and prodded Billy to join her on another tour of the club. Any time they paused to watch other patrons playing, he instantly sank to his knees and crowded against her hip, nuzzling his face on her as she petted his head. They worked their way back to the entrance, and Eve gestured for him to dress so they could leave. Billy’s hisses and choked off groans made her smile, and he flashed her a conspiratorial grin as he gingerly slid into his clothes, grimacing at the lingering aches and burns.

  The drive to his hotel was quiet, but Eve could feel Billy growing more sombre, confirmed by his reflection in the side window when she sneaked a glance. Hoping to lighten his morose mood, she said, “Any time you come back to Vegas, you’re welcome to hit me up. You’ve got my number. If circumstances allow, we could scene again.”

  Billy’s head whipped around and he stared at her, owl-eyed. “Really?”

  She shrugged. “Sure. Why not? I mean, if either of us happens to be in a monogamous relationship that doesn’t allow outside play, then those are the rules. But we’re grown people who get to make our own decisions and have our freedom, so again, I say, why not?”

  A dawn of pleasure broke over Billy’s face, and Eve felt a curl of satisfaction in her gut. “I would like that very much, Mistress.”

  At that, she smirked and drawled, “Oh, I know you would,” before cutting him a knowing glance. He laughed, and she chuckled along with him.

  They pulled up to the drop-off lane at his hotel, and she faced him. Schooling her expression into one of firm coolness, she said, “I’m not coming up. You’ve had enough for one night. So, go on up and get some sleep. That’s an order.”

  Billy grabbed her hand and pressed a fervent kiss to her knuckles, then held it against his face as he closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh. Settling his shoulders, he opened his eyes and met her gaze, his expression full of gratitude and reverence. With a little nod, he released her hand and hefted his bag, then murmured, “Yes, Mistress. Thank you.”

  Eve jerked a faint nod in return and he got out of the car, moving with care and fighting to keep from grimacing in pain. His stride was measured as he entered the lobby, and he didn’t look back, focusing on following Eve’s last command. When he was out of sight, Eve sighed and drove home, torn between satisfaction and melancholy at the success of her liaisons with such a deliciously responsive sub.


  The next afternoon, Eve frowned in confusion at a text that had just come in on her phone: Mistress, please do me the honour of meeting me at the address below. I have something important to share with you. The address that followed was downtown. She hadn’t planned on seeing Billy again before his flight that evening, since she didn’t have to work that night either, but her curiosity was piqued. Thus it was that she headed out to find Billy not long after his text.

  She blinked in surprise when she found the location; it was a tattoo shop. A fleeting weariness for the cliché that one should get a tattoo while in Vegas washed over her, but she suppressed it in favour of getting an explanation from Billy.

  When she walked in - unannounced, as she hadn’t replied to the text - the door chimed and Billy snapped his head up to see her. Her gut fluttered again at the transparent joy on his face as he rushed to meet her, but she shook her head in mute warning when he looked about to drop to his knees.

  His flustered expression was endearing as he said, “Oh, I’m so glad you came. I didn’t know whether you would or not.” Eve tilted her head at some plastic chairs set to one side, and they sat facing each other. He continued, “Thank you so much, Mi-Eve.” She nodded faintly again, flicking a furtive glance around the shop to see who may have noticed his near-slip. “I was hoping you would be willing to stay with me while I’m here.”

  Finally, Eve spoke, brow furrowed and eyes widening in alarm. “What?”

  Billy took a deep breath and shifted his posture as much as he could without kneeling or crossing his wrists behind his back. “I’ve already talked with the artist, and he’s got it all drawn up and ready. Would you stay with me while I get a tattoo?”

  A flare of irritation welled up and she said, “Really? Could you be any more of a cliché?”

  He lifted panicked eyes to hers and breathed, “Mistress, no, you don’t understand. Please, let me show you.”

  His whole body trembled with tension, and she relented with a huff. “Show me.”

  He shot to his feet and gestured for her to move to the front counter, where the artist leant against the glass, contemplating a drawing before him. Billy jerked his chin at it and said, “The impact you’ve made on me is indelible, so I want to make sure I give it the proper acknowledgment.”

  Eve’s brows rose and she sucked in a breath in shock. The tattoo drawing was a larger versio
n of Billy’s ring that had caught her attention in the first place. Clearly, he was moved even more deeply than she had realized, and a cascade of heat and chills swallowed her from head to toe, followed by the sudden urge to - yes - watch him be permanently marked because of her.

  She licked her lips and said, “When can you do it?”

  “Right now. He’s ready. Right, Buster?” Billy turned to the artist, and the other man nodded.

  “Good. Do it now.” Eve’s gut lurched at the blinding smile Billy gave her, and they followed the artist behind a partition, Eve perching on a stool to one side of the padded table that Billy stood near.

  Buster organised his supplies and cleaned the station again before pointing at the table and saying, “Hop on up. Show me where you want it.”

  Billy nodded and opened his jeans, then lay face down on the table, shoving his shirt up and his jeans and pants down, revealing the discoloured stripes covering his arse. Eve froze, but Buster didn’t react other than to frown and say, “You sure you want me to ink on top of you like this? Sure you don’t want to let things ease up a bit first? I mean, this is gonna sting too.”

  Billy turned his head to meet Eve’s startled gaze, his expression intense and determined. “I can’t wait. I leave tonight. And I don’t mind the pain. Really.”

  Eve relaxed slowly, sucking in a steadying breath at Buster’s wry glance and snort before he said, “I believe you.” Then, Buster readied the transfer and said, “Where do you want it, exactly?”

  Billy reached back and drew a vague circle on the meat of his left arsecheek, and Buster pressed the transfer onto the abused flesh. Billy tensed, but otherwise stayed silent, his jaw throbbing as he clenched his teeth. Buster rolled up closer on his stool and braced himself against the table and Billy’s legs, then began the outline of the symbol.


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