Touched by Time

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Touched by Time Page 13

by Zoe Matthews

  After she walked around the entire house, she sat down on the porch swing. It had been almost two weeks since Kimberly left and Nicky hadn’t heard anything from her friend. It was almost as if she had dropped off the face of the earth. She was very worried about Kimberly and also a little angry. Didn't Kimberly realize how difficult this would be for her? How could she not at least call to let her know she was ok? She was glad that school had ended and she had all summer to find her friend.

  Suddenly, she saw movement in the corner of her eye. She turned and saw Mrs. Hilton’s butler coming around the corner of the house. Where had he come from? She had searched the entire property as thoroughly as she could and hadn’t seen signs of anyone.

  “May I help you?” The butler asked. Nicky noticed that he didn’t look surprised to see her.

  “Yes, I would like to speak with Mrs. Hilton,” Nicky requested, trying not to sound angry or frustrated. She was upset at Mrs. Hilton, not her butler.

  “She isn’t available at the moment. May I help you?” he asked again.

  “What was your name?” Nicky asked. She couldn’t remember his name, although she did remember that he acted very formal, like the old-fashioned English butlers used to act.

  “I am Collins, miss..?” He ended his words on a question, as if asking for her name.

  “I am Nicky, Kimberly’s friend. I am looking for her. Do you know how I can get a hold of her? Is there any way I can talk to Mrs. Hilton?” She wanted to demand that he take her to Mrs. Hilton immediately, but knew if she did her best to be polite, he might be more willing to do what she asked.

  “Mrs. Hilton does know where Kimberly is. It isn’t possible to talk to her at this time, but I can promise that…”

  “What do you mean, I can’t talk to her?” Nicky interrupted him, forgetting her decision to be polite. “She has been gone for two weeks! I didn’t even know she was leaving. She just left a letter. She didn’t take any of her belongings with her. The Kimberly I know would have never done that on her own.” She was so angry and scared for her friend, she suddenly found herself holding back tears, which made her more frustrated.

  “If you will calm down and allow me to explain...” Collins requested, his voice staying calm and formal.

  Nicky bit her tongue to keep herself from saying anything else and nodded her head. If Collins really knew how Kimberly was doing, it would be best if she didn’t antagonize him. She nodded her head at Collins, letting him know she would listen and he could continue.

  “Your friend agreed to meet with the man she had been writing and stay where he lives for 30 days.”

  “I didn’t even know she was writing anyone,” Nicky muttered under her breath. "How do you know this man doesn't have plans to hurt her?"

  “I promise you that she is well and happy,” Collins continued.

  “So you have seen her?” Nicky asked eagerly. “Just give me this man’s phone number and I will call her.”

  Collins hesitated. “I’m afraid that isn’t possible.”

  “Why?” Nicky was suspicious. “I just want to make sure she is okay.” She knew if she could just talk to Kimberly, she would be able to tell if her friend really was hurt or not. “I promise I won’t try to talk her into coming home.”

  “You need to trust my words. Kimberly is fine.”

  Nicky sighed in frustration. It seemed like there had been roadblocks every step of the way in finding Kimberly. The police hadn’t been any help. She had been calling almost daily and she knew they were getting very tired of hearing from her. They still insisted if she left a note, there was no crime involved.

  Justin was concerned, but Nicky knew he still blamed her for some of this. Nicky knew she sometimes came across as bossy and overbearing, but it usually was because she cared so much.

  And now she was here, looking for Mrs. Hilton, and her butler was keeping her from Kimberly.

  “When can I talk with her?” Nicky finally asked.

  Collins hesitated again. “If you would like to write her a letter, I can get it to her,” he finally said, but Nicky could tell he was reluctant to promise even that much.

  Nicky sighed again. Then she remembered what started this entire mess. Kimberly had filled out an application to be a mail-order bride. What if she did the same? She really wouldn’t become one, of course. She would just pretend that she was interested so she could find Kimberly. The last thing she wanted to do was marry someone she hadn’t even met.

  “I would like to fill out an application to become a mail-order bride, just like Kimberly,” she announced, trying to sound convincing that she really meant it.

  “That will not be possible at this time.” Mr. Collins didn't seem to buy it.

  “Why not?” she asked with exacerbation in her voice. “Isn’t that what Kimberly did? Isn’t she a mail-order bride to this Patrick guy?”

  “Yes, she is,” Collins confirmed. “But Mrs. Hilton has made the decision to not accept any more applications at this time, for your time. She is putting this part of her business on hold for the moment.”

  Nicky was flabbergasted. Another road block. “Until when?” she finally asked.

  “Ms. Hilton hasn’t made that decision yet.”

  Nicky sat down on the porch swing and did her best to not break down in tears. Should she continue with her plans to stay here on the porch until she actually talked to Mrs. Hilton? Maybe if she talked to her, woman to woman, she would be able to convince her and allow her to talk to Kimberly.

  Collins seemed to read her mind. “Kimberly is safe and happy. Please believe me. You don’t need to worry about her.”

  “I think I will take you up on your offer to give her a letter from me,” Nicky finally told him. She waited to see if Collins would say anything else, but he just nodded in his formal way.

  Nicky opened her pack and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. As she started to write, Collins said, “I have something I need to do. I will return when you have finished your letter.”

  Nicky just nodded, being careful to not say what she really wanted to say. It looked like she really didn’t have any choice. Kimberly was an adult and she had made her own decision to meet Patrick. It looked like Nicky was going to have to accept that, for now. She watched as Collins disappeared around the corner of the house. She started to write.

  Dear Kimberly,

  I was very surprised to find your letter. I really hope you did leave because you wanted to and not because someone forced you to. I am very concerned because it was been two weeks since you have left and I haven’t heard from you. I noticed that you didn’t take any of your clothing or your cell phone. I have just talked to Collins and he assures me you are happy and safe. I hope he is telling me the truth.

  I am asking you to please contact me as soon as you can. I just want to know that you are okay.



  P.S. You have gotten a few phone calls from some hospitals for the jobs you applied for. I am sure if you come home, you will be able to find another job.

  Nicky didn’t know what else to say. As she wrote the letter, she realized she was a little bit hurt. If Kimberly really was safe and happy, that meant that she was falling for this Patrick guy. Why didn't Kimberly want to talk to her about the man she loved? They were like sisters, they always shared everything. Kimberly should be sharing this part of her life, too.

  As she put the letter into an envelope, Collins came around the corner of the house. It was like he knew she had finished and he had just been waiting for her.

  “I guess I have to trust you and that this letter will really get to Kimberly,” Nicky told him as she handed him the letter.

  “I promise that it will get to her in a timely manner,” Collins vowed. He looked at Nicky directly in her eyes and something inside her knew she could trust him, even if she didn't want to. .

  She quickly gathered her things and told Collins goodbye. She hurried to her car. As she pulled out away from the
house, she looked in her rearview mirror and noticed Collins was still standing where she had left him, watching her. It was if he wanted to make sure she was really going to leave.

  As she drove away, she started to think over the conversation she just had with Collins. She remembered some of his words. What did he mean, that Mrs. Hilton was putting her mail-order bride business on hold “for her time?”

  Chapter 17

  Victoria sat in a nook off the kitchen enjoying some pastries with her morning coffee. She had a book at her side that she was trying to read, but she couldn’t concentrate on the story. She was really waiting for Collins return from the future.

  For the last few days, she had known that Kimberly’s friend, Nicky, had been showing great concern for the whereabouts of her friend. Kimberly had been the first woman who had shown any interest in the mail-order bride ad she had placed in the paper. Victoria had felt good about the idea of sending Kimberly back in time to Patrick, but she was starting to realize that she needed to figure out a better way to send people from the future to her time without worrying their relatives and friends needlessly.

  She hadn’t realized how connected the people who lived in the future were to each other. In her time, when someone left their home, the only way to contact each other was through letters, and it would be days or weeks before each letter was received. She had planned on Kimberly writing her friends a letter if she made the decision to stay in Patrick’s time. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have mattered because Kimberly would have just returned to her time.

  When she realized that Nicky was planning on camping out on her porch until she talked to someone, Victoria had asked Collins to use the key, go forward in time, and reassure the girl. Victoria was reluctant to go herself because she wanted to cut back her time travel trips. They were starting to exhaust her. Sometimes she would come home sick and it would take her days to recover. She could tell that time travel was starting to be demanding on her body. Besides, she really didn’t like traveling to the future. It was very fast paced. The people who lived in the future seemed to be always in a hurry and very busy. She didn’t like their main mode of travel, the automobiles and planes, even though they also fascinated her; how fast they went, and how quickly people were able to get from one place to another. It seemed almost like magic to her. She had almost gotten hit by one of their automobiles, so she was very fearful of them.

  Luckily, Collins agreed to travel to talk to Nicky, even though he avoided using the key unless he absolutely had to. Victoria took another sip of her now lukewarm coffee. She heard some footsteps and looked up to see Collins coming into the kitchen. She smiled at him in welcome. He came to her side and stood at attention like usual. She wished he would relax around her. After all, they lived in America now, and had for many years, and in the west besides. There was no reason for him to be so formal all the time.

  When she looked at him, she saw something in his eyes that she had never noticed before. He looked down at her kindly and not in his usual formal way. It was if he was trying to tell her something that she didn’t understand.

  “I am glad you returned safely. Were you able to talk with Kimberly’s friend?” she asked him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered the affirmative.

  “Would you please sit down?” she requested as she gestured towards a chair near her own. “It makes my neck ache to look up at you all the time. You do know you don’t need to be so formal, especially when there is no one else around.”

  Collins hesitated, then sat down rigidly across from her. She noticed that he was still looking at her with that strange look in his eyes, even if he hadn't relaxed as she had asked.

  “Well, what happened? Were you able to reassure Nicky?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I explained that Kimberly is safe and happy and she did not need to worry about her. I did feel I should allow her to write a letter to Kimberly. Maybe if she can at least communicate with her friend in letters, she will be satisfied.”

  Victoria smiled at Collins. “That is a great idea. Did she accept your suggestion?”

  Collins seemed relieved, as if he wasn't sure she would approve of his choice to let the two communicate. He pulled a letter out of his coat pocket and handed it to her. “She did, eventually.”

  Victoria held the letter in her hands. “I am not sure when we will see Kimberly again. Patrick came a week ago, but I am not sure when he is planning on visiting again, or if he will before they both are ready to marry.” In her mind, Kimberly was going to make the decision to stay in the 1890s. When Patrick visited her, she could tell that he already cared for Kimberly and there was a good chance he was starting to feel love towards her. She knew they would be perfect for each other, even though Kimberly was from the future. It was just a matter of time.

  “I will deliver it to her,” Collins offered. Victoria knew that he would use the key to take the letter to Kimberly, and she was grateful, knowing he didn't enjoy traveling with the key.

  “Just make sure that only Kimberly sees you,” Victoria nodded her agreement.

  “I will, ma’am.”

  Victoria sighed, but smiled at Collins. She had known him for so many years. He had followed Charles and herself when they left their homeland of England to America. He had been a great help and support to Charles as he started his new business in Boston. Collins had become a dear friend to her, especially in the years since Charles had died.

  “I wish you wouldn’t feel you need to be so formal with me,” she told Collins. “You don’t need to call me ma’am all the time. It makes me feel old.” She smiled at him to soften her words. She wondered what his reaction would be to what she had just said. She had never expressed her feelings about his formality before.

  Collins looked at her in surprise. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but then closed it again.

  “What were you going to say?” she asked him when he stayed silent.

  “I am in your employ.”

  “Yes, you have been a wonderful butler, and also a great friend to Charles, and now to me.”

  “When shall I take this letter to Kimberly?” he asked her, deliberately changing the subject.

  Victoria sighed to herself. She knew he wasn’t going to ever relax around her. “I think it can wait until tomorrow or the next day. Time travel can be tiring. Go ahead and rest if you need to.”

  Collins nodded in his stiff way and stood up from his chair. “Will that be all, ma’am?”

  “Yes, Collins.” She smiled at him to let him know there were no hard feelings. If a man didn’t want to change, there was nothing a woman could do. She watched as he started to walk away, but paused at the doorway to the kitchen. He turned and looked at her. Again, she saw the strange look in his eyes. She had the distinct impression that he was trying to tell her something, but what was it?

  Chapter 18

  Kimberly just finished her breakfast, noticing again that she was the last one at the table. She had always been a slow eater, but she was realizing that meals didn’t last very long around the ranch. The men ate as quickly as they could so they could get back to work. There was always something that needed to be done. Bridget would eat a few bites while she made sure everyone else had the food they wanted, jumping up and down from her chair frequently. At first, Kimberly had tried to help Bridget, but she soon learned it was best to just stay out of Bridget’s way. Even Colleen finished eating before Kimberly did.

  She gave her empty plate to Colleen because it was her turn to wash the dishes that morning. She then headed outside. Kimberly had started a new habit where she would walk around the ranch for about 30 minutes every morning after breakfast. She enjoyed the time to herself and loved how the ranch calmed her. She recognized that she had never felt this calm in her own time. Everyone was so busy and it seemed hardly anyone slowed down and enjoyed life. Patrick and his siblings were always busy on the ranch, but she never felt they were rushing to get things done. They always enjoyed their
work and joked quite a bit with each other throughout the day.

  She had been on the ranch for three weeks now, and she was starting to make a pros and cons list in her head about whether she wanted to stay in Patrick’s time or go home to her own. The list for staying was growing longer every day. She loved the ranch and enjoyed getting to know Bridget, Colleen and Keegan. She hadn’t been able to really talk to Shaun very much, but she could tell he was a good father to Colleen, and he was very patient with his horses.

  She thought of a few days ago when Colleen celebrated her ninth birthday. Shaun had formally presented her the horse he had promised her and Kimberly watched how patient he was with Colleen as he helped her with her horse. Colleen was thrilled that she was old enough to own her own horse. The horse she was given was a beautiful dark brown in color. It was smaller than the horse Kimberly had ridden from Denver to the ranch.


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