Reunion Romance

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Reunion Romance Page 12

by J. L. Ryan

  As his tongue was seeking out each crevice that she could provide, she felt her body begin to shake with desire. “Oh God!” she cried, as her juices flowed out of her and into the mouth of Jeffrey. He licked her pussy with satisfaction and not leaving anything behind.

  As his tongue slowly weaved its way out of her, she dropped her hands from his head. She closed her eyes and took in deep and slow breaths. She felt him easing his way back up her. Her eyes opened and she stared at him. She only saw desire and nothing else. He wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her into a breathless kiss.

  His tongue circling around hers, as she tasted her cum on his lips. He pulled from the kiss, bringing his mouth down to her flesh of her neck. She could barely keep up, as she was fighting exhaustion. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on his intimate paths around her skin. Between kisses, she heard his words. “God, you’re sexy!” She could relish in that forever. When she felt him retracting, she heaved a sigh. He fell off of her and she could hear the restlessness that he felt. “Wow…” he mumbled, as they both just laid there and tried to catch their breath. She closed her eyes and knew that this was going to complicate everything, but it was exactly what she needed to take her mind of everything that was going on.


  Monday morning, Jeffrey walked into the office and as he passed Marisa’s office, he couldn’t even look up. When he had time to think, he realized that it wasn’t right. He took advantage of the situation and pushed it off to her. He sat down at his desk, looking around the office. There were no signs of sex, but he held onto the visual memories and he couldn’t get rid of them.

  He looked down at his desk, where the picture that started everything was still lying in a heap of papers. He smelled her sweet perfume and instinctively kissed her, but it should have stopped at that.

  He picked up the picture, clearly seeing Troy Houser as he watched his wife dance with the other man. There was a glare in his eyes and it wasn’t able to be refuted. He had the strange feeling he did, similar to the one that he felt when Troy left their meeting.

  As he was looking at the picture, he heard a knock on his door. He glanced up to see Marisa in his doorway. “I’m sorry to bother you, but can we talk?” She didn’t give him a chance to answer her, as she entered his office and closed his door behind her. When she turned around, he tried to read her mind, yet he saw that it wouldn’t be an easy task.

  “ What’s on your mind?” He asked, putting the picture down and looking back up at her.

  She was hesitant, glancing around his office and he wondered if she saw the visuals, too. “I want to talk about Saturday,” she walked over and sat down in his chair.

  He wanted to avoid it at all costs, but he could see that she was not having that in mind. “Okay.”

  “ It wasn’t planned…” she began.

  “ No…it wasn’t,” he concurred.

  “ I guess that I was wondering how you felt about it?”

  He thought about that.

  He would be lying if he said that it wasn’t what occupied every moment of his mind. He would be denying everything if he said that he didn’t want to rip her clothes off and enjoy another day of sex with her. He bit back the thought and just looked at her. “You are a very passionate woman, Jamison.” He groaned, knowing what words he would speak next. “I’m not looking for a relationship.”

  “ I’m not neither,” she whispered.

  “ What we did on the floor of this office, needs to stay between us.” She nodded, proving that she was aware of that. His eyes wandered to her lips, the same lips that he could have remained kissing all night, but he looked away. “We let impulses take over and I’m too much of a stickler to make sure that never happens again.”

  Her face fell and she looked down at his desk. He knew that he saw hurt in her eyes, but she stood up and nodded. “I am glad that we’re on the same page. It was something that we both needed in the moment, we claimed it, seized it, and that was it. Thank you for your time.” She turned from him and left his office. He hadn’t expected her to be so casual about it, but he supposed he should have been glad. Instead, he was trying to figure out how he could forget it.


  Marisa sank down in her chair, after leaving his office. She didn’t know what she had expected him to say, but she didn’t think he would resort to his abrupt attitude. As she was contemplating how to forget about him, her phone rang. She picked it up, “Hello?”

  “ Hey honey, I was just seeing how things were going?”

  She groaned, hearing her mom’s voice. She had given the phone number, because she didn’t have her cell anymore. Now she regretted it. “Things are going great. I absolutely love my job.” She wanted to be as enthusiastic as she possibly could. She hadn’t told her about the apartment, because she knew she would worry and that wasn’t good for anyone involved.

  “ Good…good…” her mother was saying. “I was wondering if you had time to think about this weekend.”

  “ I don’t know mom. He has me working weekends and I might not be able to get away.” She looked up and saw that he was entering her office, “I have to go. I’ll try,” she quickly hung up the phone and stood up. “I’m sorry, I…”

  “ Please, you don’t have to apologize. Everything alright?” He asked, a look of concern etched on his face.

  She smiled so show that everything was fine. “Yes, it’s fine, but I did want to ask you something.”

  “ Sure,” he replied, taking a seat.

  “ Well, every Fourth of July my family has a big barbeque. The whole town comes and it’s something pretty cool, but I haven’t been back for it since I left home. I was wondering if maybe you didn’t need me this weekend and I could go back to Pennsylvania.”

  “ Well…” he replied slowly, “you’ll be in Ohio this weekend, for business.”

  Her eyes got big, “What?”

  He pushed the folder toward her. “I forgot to mention that every year there’s a two day lawyer’s conference in Columbus Ohio. Your ticket and itinerary is inside.”

  She nodded, knowing that she couldn’t change that. “Okay.”

  “ I am sorry, Marisa,” he spoke as he stood up. She saw that he appeared to be genuine.

  “ I understand,” she replied, looking through the paperwork. She didn’t see him as he left her office, but she pushed the folder away. She picked up the phone and called her mom back to give her the news. It couldn’t be helped and she would just make her see that.


  Jeffrey sat in another boring meeting. He didn’t like coming to this conference, but it was necessary to keep face. As he was drowning out the topic at hand, about the quality of lawyer care, he glanced to Marisa, who was sitting next to him. He wished things could have been different, but there was no way to go back. Every minute he spent with her, he grew more enamored with her beauty.

  Yet, it wasn’t enough to make him throw out all worries and just let what happened…happen. He shifted in his seat, to the growing erection in his pants. His leg slid along hers and she shot a look in his direction. “Sorry!” he whispered, turning his attention back to the speaker.

  The speech lasted for another thirty minutes and when it was done and they were walking out of the room, he turned to her. “That…was interesting,” she replied.

  He laughed, “Well, you really don’t have to lie.”

  She looked at him and they laughed together. She looked away and shrugged, “Yeah, it was pretty boring.”

  They headed out of the building and the warm air blew past him. “At least it was the last meeting for the day.” He glanced at his watch and saw that it was five o’clock. “Want to grab a bite to eat before going back to the hotel?”

  She paused. He saw her bite her lower lip. It was a trait he found endearing. “I don’t know.”

  “ Please, at least let me do that. It’s the least I could do from dragging you to these boring meetings.”

  She slowly nodde
d, “Okay.” She followed him to his car and he opened the door for her. She looked up at him and cocked her head. She shook her head and snickered, then got into the car.

  He came around, but before starting the car he gave her an inquisitive look. “What’s so funny?”

  “ I suppose that I am just thinking back to the first few days of working with you. You were anything but gentlemanly.”

  He nodded, thinking back to all the arrogance he portrayed. “I suppose I have changed…a little.” He also knew that a big part of that was due to her.

  “ You have changed, but more than a little.” She spoke, sitting back in her seat.

  He started the rental and pulled from the parking lot. He saw her staring out the window, as if she was thinking. “Any preference of where to go?” He asked, breaking into the silence.

  She shook her head, “Whatever!”

  He continued to drive, until he was pulling into a Pizzeria. She opened the door, not giving him a chance to. He held back while she walked ahead of him. His eyes sauntered down her frame and then he cursed himself. This wasn’t helping the fact that he didn’t want to mix business with pleasure. As he rushed to the door to open it up for her, their eyes met. Her smile was pure and sweet. She entered the restaurant and he knew that what he was doing to get her out of his mind wasn’t working and it would require an adjustment…a big one.


  Marisa tossed and turned in the bed. She didn’t know what her problem was. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to sleeping on a hard bed. She sat up in her bed and turned on the television. She flipped through the channels and landed on an old movie. As she watched she began to imagine herself and Jeffrey portraying the characters. She groaned, when the leading male and leading female began kissing.

  It was like Jeffrey’s hands were all over her body and his tongue was dipping into her mouth. She quickly changed the channel. She didn’t have time to have thoughts like that running through her mind.

  She started watching a classic sitcom episode of I Love Lucy. She was laughing along with the television audience, when she heard the phone in her room ringing. She glanced at the clock to read eleven o’clock. She reached across the bed and answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “ Hello, Marisa…I’m sorry to call so late.” There was a hesitation on his end. “Is that the television I hear?”

  “ Yeah, I couldn’t sleep.”

  “ Me neither,” he admitted to her. “A lot on my mind.”

  “ Right. There’s been a lot of information thrown at you…I mean us, today. So, it makes sense that our minds are reeling.”

  There was a brief pause, before she heard him chuckling. “Yeah, that isn’t exactly why I can’t sleep.” For a moment she wondered if it was because of her, but she didn’t want to think foolish thoughts. “I actually am calling to tell you that the meetings for tomorrow have been cancelled. I just received an email, something about a water main break at the building they were using.”

  “ Oh…that’s too bad,” she spoke, but she was really thrilled to know that they didn’t have to sit through another boring meeting.

  “ Yeah, that’s what I thought, too.” He laughed, clearly seeing her sarcasm. “So, I was wondering…if you would want, that is…would you like to go visit your family tomorrow?”

  Her jaw dropped. She processed his words, but wasn’t sure if he truly meant them. “That’s a three hour trip.”

  “ I realize that. I actually know the Pittsburgh area well. Our plane doesn’t leave until eight o’clock. We could get up early, you could visit them, and still be back in plenty of time to catch the plane to New York.”

  “ You’re going, too?” She asked, trying to catch her thoughts.

  His light breathing was echoing through the phone. “I suppose that I could stay here and you could take the rental. I guess that I never really thought about that.” She heard disappointment on his end. “Is that what you want?”

  She shook her head, despite the fact that he couldn’t see her. She knew that she wanted him to go, but she just was surprised to learn that he hand that in his mind. “You are more than welcome to meet me family.”

  “ Well then…it’s settled. Tomorrow we can get up at seven o’clock, get dressed, and head out. I’m sorry that you missed the barbeque.”

  “ That’s fine,” she quickly spoke. She was still going to see her loved ones. “Thank you, Jeffrey.”

  “ You are welcome.” They disconnected the call and she hung up the phone. She began to reach for the phone again, but decided to leave it as a surprise and she knew that they would definitely be surprised.


  They were about fifteen minutes from her house and Jeffrey began to question her about her family. He figured that he should have some idea of where she came from. “So, give me the lowdown about your family. How you grew up and what kind of upbringing did you have?”

  She seemed to think about it and he noticed a slight hesitation before she replied. “Well, my mom used to be a nurse. Then she had me and decided that she needed to take some time off to raise me. She was going to go back when I was starting Kindergarten. However, she had my sister before getting that chance. She never went back.” She looked out the window and he saw a smile on her lips. “She is a great Mom and I have truly been blessed.”

  “ So, your sister…were you close?” He asked, generally interested. She nodded, “She is my best friend.” She then turned back to him and spoke, “How about you? Do you have any siblings?”

  He shook his head; he wanted to have someone to grow up, with but he wasn’t blessed like that. “Nope, only child.”

  She scrunched her nose, “You must have been spoiled.” He laughed, “You would be absolutely…wrong. I was given money when I needed it, but there was a lot I was lacking.”

  She showed signs of concern and empathy. “I know exactly what you mean.” He could see that she meant that and it felt good to find someone he could talk to. “Well, I know about your mom and your sister…tell me about your dad.”

  Her face turned grim and she faced the window. “We don’t really talk about him.” He could see that he struck an emotional chord. Yet, even though he saw pain in her eyes, she looked back at him and shrugged, “I suppose you might as well know. My dad is at the state prison. He was a drunk most of my life and would take it out on all of us. He left bruises on my sister and me for a good portion of our childhood.”

  He couldn’t believe the truth that was coming out. He reached across the car and grabbed her hand. Their eyes met and he shook his head, “I am so sorry, Marisa. Any guy that does that to his kids and wife, deserves to be locked up.”

  He saw tears in her eyes as she nodded, “That’s why I left right after graduation. I couldn’t stand being in the same town with all the bad memories.” He squeezed her hand and her eyes wandered down to the hold. They remained holding hands while going the rest of the way. She pointed to several different streets to turn down, before they made their way to a cul-de-sac. She pointed to a white house on the end and he pulled in front of the house. He reluctantly pulled his hand away as they got out of the car.

  “ Thank you!” she said, before they headed up the driveway. “This is exactly what I needed.”

  “ It’s my pleasure,” he smiled, trying to ignore the fact that he would have given her the moon.

  They headed up the steps and she knocked on the door. After a couple of minutes, an older woman opened the door. Her eyes got big and she covered her mouth. “Marisa?”

  “ Mom…” Marisa spoke. Her voice was shaky. Her mom opened the screen door and threw her arms around her.

  They held each other in an emotional embrace, while he stayed back. When they pulled away, she turned to Jeffrey. “Mom, this is Jeffrey Bradley…my boss.”

  Her mother turned to him, “Hello, sir.”

  “ Please, call me Jeffrey.” He replied, shaking her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  She smiled
, then turned back to her daughter. “I don’t understand. I thought you said that you couldn’t come this weekend.” She held the door open, as they entered.

  “ I couldn’t, but we had our meetings yesterday and they were cancelled for today. So, Jeffrey said that we could come here today.” She was beaming and he was thankful that he had made the suggestion.

  “ Jeffrey, thank you so much.”

  He shrugged, “I am glad that I could make it work.”

  “ Hillary is going to be so excited to see you.” Her mother was saying. “Hillary…come down here.”

  “ What is…” a voice from upstairs yelled. He looked up to see that Hillary was standing at the top of the stairs. “Marisa?”


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